kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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𓏵 Maladentity。 
A flag for those whose experience with maladaptive daydreaming has a heavy connection to their identity. This can mean that certain daydream scenarios influence it, or daydreaming in general impacts your identity greatly. Identity can include your personality, gender, orientation, or your existence as a whole. Exclusive to those with MaDD { Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder }.
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Requested By : Anon.
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
Xenosatanism Redefined
As most of you know based on my recent posts, I've started to look into xenosatanism, and I've grown fairly frustrated with the vague wording of the original coining adding to the misunderstanding of xenosatanism as an ideology. Because of this, I decided to make a new xenosatanism carrd, redefining and expanding on the goals and values of the original coining. Here is that carrd! It's very new, so feel free to contact me with corrections or updates you think might be necessary for the carrd :3
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
Absolutely Everything I Do To Shift Regularly
Since I’m going to permashift/respawn in a couple days. I wanted to put this out there.
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There is absolutely no separation between inhabiting your desired reality and experiencing your original reality. The only difference is what you perceive. That’s it. That’s really it. You don’t need a mediation, you don’t a method. All you have to do is be there. There is a difference between pretending to be in your desired reality, and actually being there. When we dream we don’t necessarily have the intention to remain in our dreams. That’s a contributing factor to why we don’t. And while we have intrusive thoughts deep down we know they won’t happen. And that’s also why you’re not shifting. Either your subconscious has failed so much you don’t think it will happen, or you’re scared to leave your familiar reality like I was. It is really one or the other. You aren’t stuck in this reality, and you aren’t stuck in that reality. Everything and everybody is literally just whatever you are comfortable experiencing at the moment. To get out of it, you have to change what your subconscious wants to believe. This is hard for some people who are naturally set in their ways. I’m not blessed or anything I was just fortunate enough to be a naturally open minded person. And I always believed that I’d experience more than this life. When I was kid I would sort of script new lives, families and experiences. And always believed that I would get to experience everything I wanted when it was my time. I literally took nothing is impossible and ran with it. But some people because of a mixture of cultivated youth and personality, are more skeptical than others and want to play it safe. Both is fine. But if you want to shift you have to abandon some of that. You have to literally mold your mind to first get used to the idea of physically being away from your original reality (that’s what trips most up), accept that the universe is full of infinite outcomes and infinite versions of you. The most important things about shifting is not to listen or shape your shifting journey around any particular things. And I mean that for me as well. What I have found to be true for shifting in my perception might not be true for you. I think this community has become too reliant on others when it comes to such a personal journey. We are all born with the power to shift. And I think we all do shift whether or not we aware of it. And we all have different paths to it. How you decide to do it is up to you. You all are over consuming too much. Instead of trying to make someone else reality and truth yours. Carve your own truth. If you decide that every time you see I don’t know a pigeon you shift. Okay that’s the truth now. Accept it and hammer it in your head. Don’t go against what you want by looking at this method or that method. Decide what will make you shift and that’s how you shift every time.
If you’re like me and likes to do long drawn out things for fun this is what helps me shift.
Meditation: I’m going to use the phrase impress it on your mind. I’m thinking of transfer paper like bit by bit feed it into your mind that you shift all the time and are wherever you want to be. Don’t try to shift to a bunch of places at once. Just pick one place and commit to being there for a few days. I’m going to use myself as an example. I like long drawn out things because I like to live an idea or aesthetic. I love to romanticize things so naturally I want to also do some idyllic method or whatever but you don’t have to do that. So once I decide where I want to wake up at. Then I put on an ambiance from YouTube of whatever the general place is like in my room. Or one of my favorite playlists. Now since I’m leaning more towards awake methods then I am asleep, I do this bit awake. But it can also be a precursor to the sleep paralysis method. I play it out loud so I don’t have to be tethered to one place. Then I go over in my head where I want to be in my head, what I am wearing and what I look like. Once I decide that I tap into that section of my consciousness and inhabit it. For this exercise, let’s say I’m shifting to Middle Ages dr. I last left off when we were traveling to the Altai Mountins. So I know we’ll be in the courtyard. What month is it? July. It’ll be humid with a breeze from the river. A river. Oh, the storks are probably there. Birds. I hear birds flying overhead and I can’t hear the servants moving everything into the carriage. Carriage. That one has a broken wheel. I should tell someone. I notice my shoes as I walk and feel the cobblestones. My dress is kind of heavy and it is harder to avoid slipping on than I thought. Wait, where I am even going? I see the a bunch of people messing with the carriages. Oh I almost ran into somebody because it’s so bright. Go on and on like that.
Once you start to feel like you are inhabiting that world and that experience. You should start to feel symptoms or not. I don’t feel them every time. Usually like I vibrate or I hear a noise or something. If you don’t just simulate in your mind the sounds you would hear if you were there. Who would be around, etc. If you want to say stuff in your head like how you can’t believe how well your handling shifting or wow I’ve been in this new reality for so many months. I can barely remember my original reality, I’ve always been here. The point I’m making is don’t say how talented you are or what you look like. Think of all the causes of it. It’s like a tree. The main idea you want to transfer into your perceiving consciousness is the tree itself. Each branch is a separate symptom of it and each leaf is a detail. So like this tree (shifting), branch (i shifted easily), leaf (i wake up here next to so and so again and again without fail). That is the goal of all methods. To transfer the part of your consciousness that you are perceiving right now to where you want to be. There is nothing else to it. Some people are more gullible and less illogical. I wouldn’t say I’m gullible but I don’t believe in skepticism where it really isn’t needed. There is no harm in trying shifting out. You can’t stuck, if something bad happens you can shift back instantly just be thinking about it. There is really very little harm in the practice.
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Why I favor sleep paralysis: Sleep paralysis is pretty easy to get and it puts me in a thoughtless state. Not unlike the void but I just never felt the want to really go to the void. With sleep paralysis it happens quite often without much thought. Nothing dangerous happens with sleep paralysis. You can’t stuck there and anything you see that is dangerous is a hallucination. Don’t pay attention to it, it can’t hurt you. And say fuck off. It’s similar to the void where you can’t see anything and can’t move. But I have heard outside noises in sleep paralysis and at least I have been able to force myself out of it if I wanted to. But I do the same thing as the ‘meditation’ essentially when I do that.
Other methods: I do other methods for fun and I like to keep the spark in shifting alive so I don’t get bored. But I would do other methods after you’ve at least had more success with shifting. Then you can just decided that everything makes you shift.
My controversial opinions when it comes to shifting: You all care way too much about this reality. This reality does not have as much importance in the grand scheme of our existence. It just doesn’t. But humans have a very hard time seeing outside of themselves. We can’t even imagine something we haven’t seen somewhere on earth before. I have never bought into it that this was all there ever was. I mean space is like endless. Who are we to think that we are the only people that have become sentient in the way we are. We can’t. I’m neutral to most things. I don’t care if your race change, age yourself down. Sure it’s weird. But we have to remember that people are going to do what they want to do. Don’t waste your energy on trying to twist someone’s arm to conform to you. For you that is immoral and not right. And I agree I wouldn’t do any of those things. But if it isn’t something you can actively control stop wasting your energy on it. Some of y’all could spend the time you waste arguing about this on shifting and actually do something worthwhile. However, I do get why people think that way. And anti shifters don’t give them any attention. Please for my sanity stop arguing with these little leeches. If they don’t approach you respectfully don’t interact or give it your time. I know some people are young and can’t just let stuff go. If someone doesn’t speak to you respectfully about your beliefs, don’t give them the time of day and protect your peace. If you know something will demotivate you. Then don’t consume that content or interact with them. And I mean that for myself. I am always open to have an open minded and respectful discussion with anyone. Shifting does start far fetched but I will not accept is people coming on here saying rude things like ‘your dreaming’ or insulting something I shared. You can ask things respectfully with the intention of wanting to understand someone’s point of view and stance. And if you unfortunately can’t regulate yourself to the point where you can do that. I do not have to waste my energy on that. I’m neutral to pretty much anything. I don’t care. I really don’t care what anyone does in their drs. Something’s that I hurt my heart, because some of you put yourselves or other people in traumatic situations. But nothing I say will change someone’s mind if they don’t already want to change. And I won’t waste my time on it. Permashifting is fine and respawn is fine. I would suggest that you don’t do either without at least shifting once to know if you like that reality. You wouldn’t move half way across the world without even a visit. So the same should apply. I believe people should do whatever they want. But it shouldn’t hurt other people to do it. That is the one thing I will never support. If what you want to experience involves violence, emotional abuse etc. against people, really consider that these are real people. Not a video game just remember that. Just because it is a different reality does not mean that their lives and way of interesting pain matters less than it does to anyone here or even you.
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That’s all I have to say for today. After this go shift or do whatever it is you want to go do. I promise it isn’t as hard as it seems.
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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💭 What is it?
This is a guide both for those in the Daydreaming Community, or want to learn more about it. It is meant to be an archive of all things relating to MaDD & ID, and is curated/run/owned by yours truly!
💭 Can I link this on my blog/post/etc?
Yes!! The whole reason this doc was made was so that it can be passed around as a general resource, so you are more than welcome to link it anywhere you want. The same goes for anything linked within the doc itself -- not that I own any of it anyway lol.
💭 Can we give suggestions?
Suggestions are highly encouraged & appreciated! I am only one person running this doc, after all, and will not be able to uncover/document everything without some help. You can send me stuff through DMs or my ask box.
💭 What happened to the original doc?
EDIT 3/27/24: the original document had gotten marked as spam by Google. This issue has now been resolved, and it's back up & running! The backup will remain, but not updated as often as the main doc will be. Sorry, I know it's a huge mess 😖 links have been updated to the main/original doc.
I wish I knew! It was brought to my attention that it had gotten flaged for review for...some reason. I've tried figuring out how to request a review for it, but it won't work. So I've resorted to just making a new doc. Sucks, but that's all I can do right now.
Because this is a whole new doc, I'm going to be tagging some people so the word gets spread a little bit. Sorry!
@blue-bubonic @writingmadd @thedaydreamdictionary @burningivy @chamomilemanor @dreaminpeaches @daydreaming-memories @scorpiolight-madd @whizzergoingmadd @fallingmaddlyinlove @blue-madd @skiaismadd @maddgicalgirl @heartofdaydreams
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130 notes · View notes
kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
Potato you're gonna give me all my desires in life right now
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
🌈 ☆ Realmism ☆🪐
Realmism is a radical ideology based in beliefs about the multiverse, multiple timelines and realities, other worlds, manifestation and shifting, and similar.
Core Beliefs of Realmism include:
The multiverse is constantly splitting off into new timelines and realities, of which we have the ability to influence and travel between.
Shifting to other realities happens naturally as new timelines break off, but shifting to intensely different or specific realities can also be done with intent.
Beliefs that rely on the idea of a singular timeline or fixed version of the self (one that cannot be changed through manifestation, or is limited to its current physically-observable characteristics) are invalid.
"What does Realmism support?"
Reality Shifting and Manifestation.
Magic, including "hexes" and "black magic."
Religious and Spiritual beliefs and practices, including the unreasonably shunned, invalidated, and that deemed "contradictory" or "problematic."
Fults and Neo/Xeno-Religions.
The right to outlandish, weird, and uncommon beliefs, with an emphasis on being Pro-Delusion.
TransIDs, with an emphasis on believing manifestation can be used successfully in transition.
Pro-Ship, Pro-Fic, Comship, Darkfic.
Underground or Nox Subliminals, Transharm or Transhate identities.
"What is Realmism against?"
Anti-Shifters, Anti-Shippers, Anti-TransID, Anti-Para, and Anti-RQ.
Invalidation of shifters, manifesters, and similar.
Anti-Delusion, or being in favor of forced/coerced recovery/therapy for those with delusions or similar symptoms.
Demands that shifting and manifestations be labeled unreality.
"Is Realmism neutral on anything?"
Contact Discourse, including debates about anti-abuse or pro-consent. [This is not because I, the coiner, have no personal stance. It isn't related or important to the core beliefs or general ideas of Realmism.]
Blankqueer, Blankpunk, or similar labels, with exception. [Realmism is against labels/ideologies that contradict/disagree with its core values, or whats listed under what we are against.]
Non-shifters and Non-believers, so long as they are not invalidating or engaging in harassment towards Realmists/The beliefs of Realmism.
Let's be clear. You cannot be a Realmist if:
You do not believe in the multiverse or existence of multiple realities.
You do not believe in manifestation and/or do not believe subliminals can work.
You believe in strict and fixed ideas of the mind and body. * Examples listed under cut.
You support forced or coerced recovery for those with delusions or similar symptoms.
You engage in or condone harassment/hate towards those with delusions or "odd" beliefs, or towards fultists, the neo/xeno-religious, etc.
You engage in or condone harassment over ships, fandoms, or similar.
* "Defining "Strict and Fixed ideas of the Mind and Body" *
These will be controversial. Consider that a warning, or just a suggestion to step away and read/do something enjoyable.
I, the coiner, believe transdisorder entities can develop the disorders they identify with, even those understood to be developed in childhood, and "not capable of being developed later on in life." I believe this for those who identify with different pasts, traumas, and more.
Those who don't believe such, or believe you are fixed to your previous life, mind, and body, are what I am referring to as believers in "Strict and Fixed ideas of the Mind and Body." If you hold these beliefs, you are not and cannot be a Realmist.
Exception cannot be made. This is an inherent belief of Realmism as a reflection of its Core Beliefs.
There is no such thing as Realmist who believes transdisorder, transtrauma, transpast, translife, transnationality, etc can only "replicate" or "will never truly be" their identities.
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
the traumatized child thing of getting really stressed whenever you have to ask for clarification on something bc you Know the yelling is coming
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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— friendid / friid [ friend-id / fri-id ]
an identity that you project onto your friends . you think them should be / that they are something . you see them as something ( even if them are not ) !
the same thing as darlid but with friends . just thought about it and decided to coin .
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
I thought your username said kurtsstinkyvagina :[
What. The. FUCK.
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
Someone's saying there's a practicing zoosadist on the mod team of your server + Vexilla supporter, Maverick they said their name was??
He's been kicked... Didn't know he was a praticing zoosadist apparently
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
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[image description: four pride flags. the first has 11 stripes. from top to bottom, the colors are: dark red, gold, red, light yellow, gold, light yellow, gold, red, gold, and dark red. the gold stripes are thinner than the other stripes. in the center of the flag is a symbol of a black arrow entering an orange portal and exiting a red portal. the second flag is very similar to the first; however, every instance of red is replaced by purple. the third and fourth flags are the same as the first two, but without the symbols.]
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Universe Hopper: A person with the ability to travel between worlds.
This term applies to those who identify with or as someone with the ability to travel between worlds, i.e. fictives, soulbonds, those who are fenikaen, constelic, otherkind/hearted, etc.
Alternate terms are dimensonal traveler, world hopper, etc.
System Traveler: A person with the ability to travel between systems.
Coined as an alternative to system hopper without the connotations of the former term.
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Do not discourse on this post. Those who do will be blocked. Discourse-related asks will be deleted.
Do not use my flags for anything relating to pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, and/or abuse.
Do not interact with my account if you are (an): exclus, biphobe, panphobe, antiqueer, terf, radfem, sysmed, antikin, proship, anti self-dx, cringe/flop acct.
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kurtsvaginaart · 2 months
I feel like a major fucking freak in a /neg way and I feel like everyone is judging me
Running here to vent but god I kind of hate the shit I've said in my server or to other poeple because I just yap and yap and yap and don't realize how embarassing certain shit is till I get made fun of for it I know theyre all just joking i think but errr idk maybe I'm overreacting
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