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Shhh, I don’t want anymore scars, I’ve got too many already.
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It is you who will bleed.
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I can sew it back on.
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I’d ask for you to tell me what you’re wanting to do, but I also don’t want to chop one of my fingers off.
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I'll try not to burn them but I'll get distracted by the things I want to do to do.
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Alright, are you going to help me then? I do veggies you do meat?
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Likewise, Voldy.
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Only yours.
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Food first, then I can show you how much I love you in the ways I'm good at.
Yes you are.
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You are, but you’re better with other things too.
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I'm your old man so shush.
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I'm not good with words okay?
Tacos are amazing things.
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So are love letters from old guys.
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You're smiling. I love it.
Mm, you’re driving me nuts here.
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And this one?
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These faces?
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I’m going to kiss you if you keep making those faces.
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Are you going to tease my declarations of love and my old man feelings?
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You know what would be really mean? Making all these tacos and not sharing. Come on, just stir the beef.
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You are being mean, mister.
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What did I doooo? You’re the one calling me names.
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Yeah, I'm not helping you now with the tacos. I'm just going to hide under the covers with Zel.
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Whatever happened to you “finding an angel” in me, Kurt?
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Little shit.
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Harsh. Harsh. My heart is wounded.
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Fuck you.
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You feel fit to face me now? I don’t want you tearing up over stirring the beef.
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Can I help?
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Tacos. I should make tacos.
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Writing Task #1- Thank you letter.
To Lord Voldemort,
This passed year I’ve grown up. I’ve grown up and you’ve been with me every step of the way. More than always I didn’t deserve to have you there, but Goddess, you made me understand, you taught me how to love unconditionally, and to believe that my path was the right choice. When the world was too busy saying I was wrong, too young, too weak, you were telling me the opposite. There were times when they won you over, when the lies convinced me of the worse, but only you could let me see the truth again.
This, along with so many reasons, is why I desperately need to call you my husband. The world was dark before you, and it hasn’t changed one bit, but you’re my fortress and the one who keeps me seeing beyond the now. You give me hope when I’ve given it all away. I am young, and I haven’t seen many places, or many people, but there’s nowhere for me other than beside you. I could never love someone so desperately as I love you, and I’m thanking you for allowing me to, for allowing me to learn and grow. For calling me yours in turn.
In darkness and in light.
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Writing task #2 || Apology letter
Do you remember the first time we kissed? I knew there and then that I wanted to be with you forever. I wanted to be by your side no matter what, but we were kids and things changed, didn’t they? I never told you this, but even to this day I often wonder if we would be happy if I had just stayed. Some days, I wish I had. 
I know I’ve been the main source of your pain for many, many years and you didn’t do a single thing to deserve it. I know I made you think you were a bad person, but you’re the furthest thing from it. You’re a very special person and you need to be told that every day. I’m sorry I couldn’t be that person to tell you that. 
Taking your son away was the second biggest mistake I’ve made. No one walking this earth could father him better than you could. 
Don’t let the past get in the way of what you and Elias have. He loves you like you should be loved. I’m glad you found love again, you deserve it. 
This was short and sweet, but you know I’m not one for apologies. 
I’m sorry, Kurtis. For everything. 
I’ll always love you. 
- Krys. 
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