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Ranking top 10 game soundtracks of all time...
Ranking top 10 game soundtracks of all time…
I like games. I like music.
Guess what??
I like game music.
Game scores have been a huge sub-genre featuring some of the best pieces of music till date. Game music has a unique aura surrounding it that not only composes a crucial aspect of the video game experience but also offer a heavenly pleasure to listen to independently.
In this post I will be listing the top ten game…
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Which was the first game that made you intensely addicted to it and why?
Which was the first game that made you intensely addicted to it and why?
For those who’ve been into video games for a long time, finding something that hooks you on all-night and day is not an unusual phenomenon. What game did you feel the strongest addiction to, and what was it about the game created this attachment??
My own experience started with Roller Coaster Tycoon. I was introduced to this game at a rather young age, and it totally engrossed me. I spent…
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Why did Prince Of Persia series die?
Why did Prince Of Persia series die?
The Prince Of Persia series was first created in 1989. After the first trilogy, the franchise was handed over to Ubisoft. Ubisoft then released the Sands Of Time series, which was, frankly, quite successful. It met with a lot of acclaim and was commercially successful.
So why did it die?
To understand what killed the Prince of Persia series, we must have a look at another series, The Assassin’s…
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Digital vs. Acoustic Pianos:A Quick Guide...
Digital vs. Acoustic Pianos:A Quick Guide…
In the 21st century, digital pianos have become increasingly popular for their affordability as well as functional versatility. Yet we don’t see the decline of conventional acoustic pianos, and with good reason. As a pianist, this is a matter I have given great thought to. Here’s my opinion on the two types of pianos.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
Just a head’s up: I will not be…
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A Dilemma in The Gaming Industry...
A Dilemma in The Gaming Industry…
The gaming industry has been growing like a flame on steroids, and as it does so, it is constantly evolving. Gaming companies are spending money in the 6-digit-category, and some of them are minting an equally substantial crock of gold.
As gaming becomes bigger than ever, the game devs might be facing a major dilemma. Before we get to the…
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7 reasons AI won't wipe out humanity...
7 reasons AI won't wipe out humanity…
We’ve all watched Hollywood movies in which AI take control of themselves and wipe out the entire human race, and we’ve all worried about it since then. And these movies certainly do an excellent job in painting absurd and unrealistic. After all, it’s fiction.
Some, like Elon Musk, have spent billions to prevent AI growth. But are they really a threat to humanity? Will they rise and revolt as…
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A few thoughts on Spellbreak Battle Royale...
A few thoughts on Spellbreak Battle Royale…
Recently I posted about my first impressions of Spellbreak, a brand-new Battle Royale with epic magic combat. If you’ve read my thoughts on Battle Royale, then you probably know that I’m not a big fan of the genre.
Even though this fresh new look at the genre is still in its closed-alpha, I’ve pretty much ditched AAA Black Ops 4 Multiplayer to grind the RPG BR, which is a lot to say about a…
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Who's your 3 favorite musicians of all time?
Who’s your 3 favorite musicians of all time?
All of us develop a taste for a certain genre, and often we incline towards a certain artist. We all have a list of musician’s that we absolutely love: who’s sounds reaches us the most.
Kuna’s top 3 musicians: Freddie Mercury
With his stunning vocals and grossly underrated piano skills, Freddie Mercury was truly a legend. We see his true versatility in the range of genres that Queen has…
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Spellbreak Battle Royale: First Impressions||All you need to know...
Spellbreak Battle Royale: First Impressions||All you need to know…
Spellbreak Battle Royale isn’t just another loot-and-shoot game. Rather, it is a fast paced magic-based game with RPG elements and tons of other gameplay elements to consider. The game has a unique combat mechanism that features gauntlets and runes. While other developers are working hard to claim their share of the…
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Ranking the 10 best Queen songs...
Ranking the 10 best Queen songs…
To say that Queen was a defining force in rock music would be a gross understatement. Queen’s music had a symbolic aura that have tons of nostalgia attached to them.
Though it is not untrue to say that almost all songs by the British band would qualify as above excellent, we can always pick a handful of masterpieces.
Here’s Kuna’s list of the 10 best Queen Songs, ranked from good to best.
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Kuna's List Of Rock Albums To Listen To Before You Die...
Kuna’s List Of Rock Albums To Listen To Before You Die…
The rock genre is inundated with excellent songs to listen to, but there are a few that simply steal the show. These are albums that have been revered for generations and will be revered for generations to come. Here’s a list of Kuna’s selection of the top rock albums to listen to before you die. I have ensured that the list is brief and concise, so it only features the best of the best.
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Top 5 cinematic trailers of all time
Top 5 cinematic trailers of all time
Cinematic trailers are what spikes initial interest in a game. So, a good cinematic trailer is important for any video game. Here’s a list of my 5 favorite cinematic trailers.
5. Arkham Origins:
Arkham Origins’ trailer emphasizes upon the stealth and powerful combat in the game. While the game isn’t as good, it certainly has a great trailer.
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Bungie and Activision split- My Opinions...
Bungie and Activision split- My Opinions…
The internet is inundated with gaming news from all around the world but seldom does such earth-shattering news air.
Bungie and Activision SPLIT, and Bungie keeps DESTINY.
This is the end of an 8-year long profitable but scrutinized relationship. Activision wished to create Destiny solely for casual gamers, while Bungie wanted the series to attract only hobbyists/hardcore gamers.
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