kthasnow · 3 days
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listening to my man's shouting is so cute 🙈 (i need to sob in his arms as he cry on my shoulder, feeling his tears on my skin, leaving a wet circle on my shirt, then we'll cry and cry together) (i just crave anything intimate, blending your soul together and giving each other pieces of your body) (i feel like iida and me would bond sm if im in mha, i literally gets him (plus he's my type irl jshwhshs))
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kthasnow · 4 days
The Golden Pearl Necklace.
president!snow | arranged marriage.
warning: probably not proof read, english is not my first language, this is one of my first writing in tumblr.
summary: your husband is throwing a big party for the big politicians and celebrities to attend. your husband had left earlier so you stood alone and ate the desserts that are available. until a tall - handsome, polite gentleman approached you and gave you a necklace.
2.1K words
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﹏ゞ ˖ ࣪⊹
It's a wonderful evening in the capitol, the night was decorated with fireworks, laughter can be heard from inside of the president mansion's ground. A party was ongoing - Coriolanus decided to throw a party to celebrate the results of the gold mining project that's been going on for 6 months that exceeded his expectations. It's also for him to connect with the politicians in the capitol. He's a new president after all.
The theme for tonight is; ‘golden bling’, so you decided to wear your silky white dress with a drape on the front of your chest - that has a bit of a wet touch to it. Then you added a golden corset; with a carved sun symbol in the middle of it and beads of tiny pearls and diamonds that surround the sun itself.
You liked this dress, very much so. For you have looked at yourself countless times in the mirror; admiring the way the corset hugs your waist. You can't blame yourself; this is your first time trying ‘capitol people's clothing'. The dress gives you a touch of magnetic aura.
It's the first ever party that Coriolanus has thrown since he was president and it was your first ever capitol party.
Wearing your custom shoes that are made especially from you - louboutin inspired with tiger skin on it, you walked down the steps from the president's mansion to the main area of the party. Clutching your golden purse that's been glimmering since the moment you step into the party. All eyes were on you. You wondered where Coriolanus was - not wanting to deal with all of these politicians by yourself, but Coriolanus had entered the party earlier than you.
You had no choice but to wander around the party - avoiding any eye contact and conversation as you can. These people aren't worth your time, you thought. To avoid looking like a lost cat, you walked to one of the tables with foods on display. Grabbing one or three cupcakes slowly from time to time.
But still you were - attracting attention from everyone there. You're the first lady of Panem after all. Though - nobody dared to approach you, not when you've been using your sharp glances and with no Coriolanus besides you. That's what you thought. Not until a voice made you flinch; a tad bit.
“Good evening,” You turn around and you see a tall gentleman - his deep brown skin looks glazed under the golden warm lightning of the party, wearing a white suit with a golden tie that strangely matches your white dress and golden corset. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion - ‘Am I supposed to know him?’ ‘Does he know me?’ ‘Should I talk to him?’ That was all the thoughts that came into your head.
Looking at your almost stiff and confused facial expressions. The gentleman laughed and took a tiny step back to give you some space. “Forgive me, am I making you uncomfortable?” He’d asked politely with his voice - soft after he saw you loosened up. You - still feeling the awkwardness that surrounds you both, chuckled to break your own tension. “No,” You shake your head while smiling. You didn’t know what to do. You’re new to all of these - ‘making connections’ things.
But having watched how Coriolanus would greet and socialize, you smiled and said; “Not at all, no” He smiled hearing that. “Ah yes, I haven’t even introduced myself – uhm, forgive me.” He said before wiping both of his hands on his suit - seemingly wiping his sweat. “You're more beautiful than what I've seen - that's why i'm a bit nervous,” He whispered underneath his breath - and you cocked one of your eyebrows, smiling faintly, seeing you smile - he smiled sweetly in return.
“I am Adamu, Pierre Adamu.” He said while extending his hand to shake yours. You raised your eyebrows and put down your half eaten blueberry scone on your tiny plate that's placed on the dessert table.
You nodded down. “Oh yeah,” when he saw that you didn't shake his hand, he pulled his hand back into his pocket. “What is?...” You trailed off while looking at him with your raised eyebrows. “Ah yes,” He said before clearing his throat. “Before this, I'm gonna’ say that I've been… interested in you for a while,” your eyebrows furrowed and you tilted your head - waiting for him to continue.
“I meant your outfits! You're a trend-setter, Mrs. Snow. I've seen you countless times in the papers, magazines…” Pierre's eyes met yours again, then he bit down on his lower lip. “You see, Mrs. Snow, I've seen your outfits - it's not a secret that almost every one of your outfits are custom made for you,”
“I've seen the custom outfits you'd request, the patterns, the fabric, even the design - the drawings on it. It's very… authentic, unique, original. You seem to like cultural clothing that's simple, elegant with a traditional touch,” He spoke all of that while gradually closing the distance between the both of you - slowly.
“I'm launching a clothing and accessory brand, it's very - how can I say it; high end. And don't you worry, when it launches… It will be one of the greatest brands in fashion history,” You kept on listening with your ears wide open. Leaning in a bit.
“Because…” He paused, looking at you with his eyes half lidded - gaze going up and down your body, from head to toe. Then back again at your eyes. “Because you'll be the face of my brand.” He suddenly announced and your eyes widened hearing that.
You let out a choked laugh before you managed to say; “Me? As the face of your brand?,” He nodded, licking the corner of his lips - blinking once or twice.
“Yes, the deal will be adjusted to your liking. And believe me, Mrs. Snow, we are willing to do anything, for you to agree,” Then it dawns upon you, ah this is real. “Well I have to talk with Mr. President” You said slowly and he gave you an understanding look.
“Whatever it is that you want…” He trailed off lowly. Something behind the tone of his voice is wanting something more. In a sudden - his right hand stretched out and tucked a strand of your hair behind your left ear. His eyes met yours, locking the contact.
You both stood there in silence, his fingers still grazing the back of your ear. “Golden Spanish inspired earrings with… rubies?” He asked, breaking the awkwardness, you processed what he had just said and finally laughed. “Everything's correct, except it's not rubies…” You leaned in to whisper in his ear “It's red diamonds.” Pierre then smiled and shook his head slightly. “Ah! Forgive me, it seems like my eyes aren't working properly tonight!”
We both chuckled until it came to an end. When the awkward silence started to kick in again, he cleared his throat. “Well, Mrs. Snow, I'll be waiting for your answer. But please understand that you're the face that the brand needs, you stand out, beautiful, exotic, matter of fact you're nothing like I've ever seen before —” “Alright alright.” You stopped him with your hand on his chest. But you didn't notice that until he looked down on your hand.
“Oh, forgive me,” You exclaimed, but before you could pull back your hand, he wrapped his own hand around your wrist - gently.
“No need... Mrs. Snow,” He took a deep breath and he didn't let go of my wrist just yet. “Listen eh? I have something for you,” Pierre whispered breathily as his other hand took out a card from his pocket and placed it on your hand that he's holding, after that, he let go.
“Contact me,” You nodded politely. “And, this” He cooed as he took another thing out of his pocket, it's a box. He opened it slowly, it's a necklace, a golden pearl necklace. “A thank you gift, for…” He cleared his throat “Well actually, I just wanted to give you something,”
I raised my eyebrows - “Turn around for me, will you? I'll put it on for you,” You froze, you thought this gesture was sweet. Maybe, a bit maybe, you can loosened up in this party. It's a party after all, right?
But you guessed you took too long to reply because you saw Pierre swallowing thickly and looking down towards the ground. “Sorry, I crossed a line didn't I? –” You quickly shake your head and willingly turn around. Moving your hair so it exposes your nape.
You can hear him chuckling - then you feel his whisper brushing against your ear. “Excuse me.” He proceeded to gently and slowly put on the pearl necklace making you smile even if it's faint.
Then he guides you and turns you around, he looks at you - the necklace - then back at you again. “It suits you, just like what I imagined.” He gives your shoulders a squeeze – then —
“You’re good at imagining, I see. I'm sure she's prettier than what you've imagined?,” You heard the familiar voice coming from your right and a cold hand wrapping itself around your waist. It's your husband - Coriolanus.
“Ah, yes, she is.” you see Pierre nod down and smile while taking a step back. “I've taken good care of her for her to look this good, is that right my love?,”
'My love?’ hearing that, you gritted your teeth. You didn't want to reply, not really. You didn't know what to say in social events like this - Coriolanus didn't coach you before this, so you didn't know how to act around him, how to talk, what to say – but the way he gazes at you is like he's telling you to go along with what he says.
“Hm?” Coriolanus would lean in to you, urging you to answer as his finger draws circles on the side of your waist. “Mhm” you replied - nodding while taking a sharp inhale.
“Hm,” Coriolanus hums and smiles, flashing me his teeth before he looks back towards Pierre. “Mr. Adamu, I can't help but listen to the conversation that my wife had with you,” And Pierre raises his eyebrows while blinking once or twice - tensing up and then nodding.
“I'm afraid I have to decline your offer, as her husband, is that alright with you Mr. Adamu?,” Coriolanus would smile with his eyes while saying so, his hand still lingering on your waist. Even with your corset - you can feel his touch burning through your skin.
“It… it would be a shame, but, I understand, thank you, for your time.” Pierre said casually, smiling, bowing down then walking away - his eyes met yours once more before he completely blended into the crowd.
“What was that?” You quickly asked while you threw your sharp glance at Coriolanus - your tone is not exactly gentle. “What was what?” Coriolanus lets go of your waist. “Since when did you start listening?” But Coriolanus didn't reply, so you stayed silent.
He walked towards the dessert display table, grabbing your half bite blueberry scone, leaning back on the table. He examined the scone as you changed the topic; “I think it would be lovely for me to be the face of his brand.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Really?.” He looks at you - giving you a curious look; because you both know that that isn't the reason why you're a bit pissed off now.
You sighed - “You dismissed him without asking my opinion, you can't do that –” “But I can.” You paused from his sudden intrusion - one of your eyes twitching. “I do not allow you.” You glare at him. “Well I do not allow you to not allow me, is that clear?,” this time you didn't reply - because he took a bite of the scone while closing the distance between the both of you. Towering over you, his jaw clenching.
You did not cower from his gaze, your eyebrows almost knitting together, gritting your teeth - he took another bite of the blueberry scone and as he chewed, he leaned in and whispered. “Behave,” one of his hands slithered up from your chest to your exposed collarbone. “Be the first lady that you are.”
Then he leaned back, giving you a smile before he brought the rest of the scone to your lips. “Open for me my love,” you were - overwrought. But you can feel everyone's gazes practically burning on you. And so you smiled back and let him hand feed the scone to you. “Thank you.” You'd say bitterly - hiding it with a smile.
“Even if you asked me to split the moon into two, I'll do it for you.” He spoke while stroking your collarbone. You nearly scoffed at his charade.
Oh, what a great cunning snake of a man your husband is.
﹏ゞ ˖ ࣪⊹
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kthasnow · 5 days
The pantry.
president!snow | arranged marriage.
warning: not proof read. my 'debut' writing in tumblr. english is not my first language.
summary: it's very late, 3 a.m to be exact and you're starving, you're not supposed to be up this late, but who cares? - your husband isn't back in the president's mansion. yet.
1.1K words
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﹏ゞ ˖ ࣪⊹
It's late at night in the capitol, the clock strikes at three a.m exactly and you couldn't sleep. The atmosphere is different from back home, the air is colder and the wind seems to speak a different language than the wind that you're used to. After a while, you couldn't stand the silence - alone in your bedroom that doesn't feel like your bedroom, on a king sized bed that seems strangely empty with only you on it. So you sat up straight, the blanket falling down from your chest to your hips.
You sighed, feeling the cold breeze hitting your skin - you were wearing a thin white sleeveless nightgown, like those girls in the victorian books, so you expected the extra coldness for tonight. A cold night, quiet and nothing to do… Then an idea entered your head. A nice and salty snack would be splendid to consume. Especially at night, alone, you could get whatever it is that you want in the pantry without your husband's being alert.
He's outside for work - presidents have many works to do and businesses to run. Often, Coriolanus came back in the morning. Or not often, you guess. You never know at what time he actually comes home since you both have separate rooms.
Nevermind that, the idea of eating a bag of your homemade chips that you made yesterday lingers in your mind. The spices you used to bring flavors on it reminds you of home. So you tiptoed your way to the pantry - your private pantry, or well… yours and Coriolanus's private pantry. No one was allowed to enter the pantry except you and Coriolanus.
The private pantry was for you when you don't feel like eating the chef's food and instead - wanting to cook your food for yourself. When you entered the pantry, it was dark. The only thing you can see is the view outside of the tall window at the end of the pantry. It's raining.
Quietly, you clapped your hands and the automatic lights turned on. You looked around, searching for the chips you had sealed in a ziplock. And your eyes landed on it - it was on the top hallway shelf. You grumbled - regretting the decision that you made yesterday when you placed it there.
Now you have to climb up the oak wood sliding stairs. You were tired; yes. Very, to be frank, but your stomach is also begging at the mere thought of your homemade chips. What makes it special is that it was your mother's recipe. And you missed her, dearly.
So you moved the stairs a bit to the right, climbing up the stairs, eagerly - because you are an impatient woman and you want nothing other than getting this over with.
As soon as you had your hand on the ziplock bag that's filled with chips - a lightning struck and you squeaked. You almost fell backwards, but thanks to your fast reflexes and the almighty, you managed to held on the stairs. You almost cursed the lightning for startling you - too bad you can't punish or do a public execution on lightning.
“I told you to never use the stairs without me,” A voice spoke from your left, and your ears perked up. You turned your head and met Coriolanus's gaze. “I can't have the first lady of panem bruised because she fell.” He added, his tone wasn't a concern tone, it's more of a - ‘if you're bruised because you fell down clumsily what would the people think.’
“Well you're not supposed to surprise me like that too.” I replied before the grip on the stairs loosened. He didn't reply, he only gave you a look before clenching his jaw.
Coriolanus walked towards you, bringing an arm to wrap around your waist and then pulled you towards his body - and proceeded to carry you over his shoulder. You weren't quick to process it because your mind was focused solemnly on having the ziplock bag with you. But when you did - you didn't protest.
It was no use to protest anymore, your past protests never worked and you grew to learn to go along with Coriolanus's way since the past few months. Even if that hurts your ego. Coriolanus started to exit the pantry and managed to clap twice using his right hand and outer thigh to turn off the lights in the pantry.
“Go sleep, tomorrow you have a meeting to attend with me,” He casually said in the middle of the long walk to my room. “I can't have you all tired, maintain a good image.” Your eyebrows furrowed. “But there's no meeting to attend with you tomorrow in my schedule” You spoke - a bit louder than you intended.
He didn't reply, he only clicked his tongue once and let out a hum. After a moment, he finally replied. “Well, now you do.” You guessed that those words were your cue to keep your lips sealed, you didn't want to argue - atleast not tonight, you were too tired too.
After a while, you noticed that he took the opposite turn from your room - and turned to the hallway that leads to his instead. “My room is there.” You spoke - pointing towards the left hallway, as if you're reminding him, but of course he knew. He didn't reply.
After a few seconds, we arrived in front of his bedroom door then he turned the knob. The familiar smell of his cologne that filled his room entered your lungs - a rusty wood smell that's burning. You closed your eyes involuntarily, but still clutching on the ziplock bag.
You opened your eyes when he placed you on his bed; his big and wide bed, bigger than yours in comparison. Confusion started to flood your mind. But he spoke before you could ask. “Sleep in my room tonight,” Strangely, his words sounded like a demand.
Before you could ask, he spoke again. “Tomorrow's very important, I need you to get a nice sleep, my bed is better.” He said while taking off his jacket. The way he spoke it - it sounded like he wanted you to behave and looked like your best version tomorrow. “Besides,” He said, folding then hanging his jacket on his left arm. “My room's empty tonight.”
“You're going again now?” You asked. Somehow to your ears - your words sounded pathetic, it sounded like you care. You were just curious on what work he will be doing next, so you can also be ‘concerned’ or should you say gain knowledge about the future of Panem.
Coriolanus stopped and cock one of his eyebrows. “Yes,” he'd reply underneath his breath. Opening the jacket that he had folded and then swiftly putting it on your lap - covering your lap as if his jacket is a blanket. A nice twenty thousand dollar blanket.
“Now sleep, don't make me repeat it.” That was the last thing that Coriolanus said to you - before he changed himself into a new pair of suits and then left. Leaving you happy in his spacious, luxurious bedroom - especially with your chips.
﹏ゞ ˖ ࣪⊹
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kthasnow · 6 days
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about me.
call me kha . she/her . entp-t 8w7 . #firstladyofpanem .
born in fagra, a neighboring country of panem. my father arranged my marriage to a new and young president who leads panem for a stronger political diplomatic relationship - beneficial for both countries. my husband spends his time taking care of the matters in panem, while i write.
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kthasnow · 8 months
a need.
i am so in need for this man, no human or any creature can understand the level of depth i would go for this man. i better have a fanfic or edits of karl weissman at this point. I can't handle this anymore - sobbing tears.
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