kth10-blog · 11 years
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Okay guys please please PLEASE spread this, this is not one of the generic facebook hacks leading to a  youtube video or screamer, I saw this on my Facebook feed, shared by my friend who I KNOW WOULD NOT post this kind of bullshit, but I recognized it right away because I’ve had the misfortune of crossing it before, this is a legitimate video of an kidnapped woman being decapitated. Somebody has created a hack to send around the video of an abducted person being brutally murdered for fun. PLEASE SPREAD THIS SO THAT PEOPLE DO NOT WATCH IT/ UNINTENTIONALLY CARRY ON THE HACK.
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kth10-blog · 11 years
Worst feelings in the world
Failing a test you studied really hard for
Getting replaced in a friendship
Getting ignored 
Having something that you’re looking forward to, get cancelled
Having to fight back tears in front of people
Finding out that the person you like, likes someone else
Showing your parents something you’re proud of only to get a disinterested reply
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kth10-blog · 11 years
I sometimes REALLY FUCKING HATE my stepdad sometimes. Here's why.
I was sitting at the computer and I told him that I had done something the other night. He asked "Why?" and I said "Because I've seen other people do it before." He then proceeded to say "Oh, so if you saw someone jump off of a bridge-" and then I screamed at him.
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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Two Homestucks visited Matsuricon table! Thanks Muelin and Kurloz! Reblog this photo for them to win free badges to Matsuri2014!
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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While it may be easier to believe sensationalized, false “facts” about bully breeds that they attack unprovoked, most dogs do not. Dogs give very clear indications of their moods  when they are encountering strangers or new situations. LEARN THE BODY LANGUAGE.
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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Baby dummy
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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This is my nephew. Just in case it escaped your attention, he is dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Yesterday I was out for lunch with some of my family, including my nephew who I hadn’t seen for a few months. He was very excited to see me and I was him. As soon as we sat in the restaurant, he started pulling out some princess figurines (which he had amusingly named Rihanna and Gaga), and he was explaining to me how beautiful they were. He told me he wished he could be as beautiful as them even though he was a boy. This kind of comment was nothing new for him. After we all started eating, I noticed he was facing away from us. He turned around with a tear rolling down his cheek and refused to say what was wrong. This was very out of character for him. He was usually so attention seeking and theatrical, and incredibly intelligent for his age. After a while he put his head into his arms on the table and started crying a lot more. I leaned into him and asked what was wrong again. He whispered really quietly to me “I don’t want to be weird.” I responded to him saying “Weird? I’m weird. Weird is good, weird is different!” "But I don’t want to be different, it’s wrong," he replied through tear-stained fingers. Angry, I started “Let me tell you what’s wrong. You are five years old and people are already telling you what you should and shouldn’t say. Or what you should and shouldn’t wear. You’re crying because somebody decided what boys are supposed to do and what girls are supposed to do, and nobody should differ from that. Well, let me tell you a little something about normal… It used to be normal to laugh at people because they had different coloured skin. It used to be normal to bully somebody if they were a boy and they loved another boy, or a girl who loved another girl. It used to be normal to pick on someone for being too fat or too skinny. It used to be normal to pick on different, and the worst part is that a lot of that stuff is still going on. Why would you want to be normal, you’re extraordinary! If anybody tells you that you can’t be a beautiful princess, you put on that fucking dress because you are beautiful and you are a little weird, but nobody normal ever made a fucking bit of difference in the world. You wear whatever the hell you want, and like whatever the hell you like, because it’s people like you that are going to make a real, lasting change.
The world needs a lot more weird and a lot less normal.” And he understood exactly what I meant. He lunged in for a hug and kissed me on the cheek before uttering under his breath “What does ‘fucking’ mean?” I love that kid more than I’ve ever loved anything. Don’t make his generation fight our battles. Shaming of every variety needs to end now, we should be celebrating different, not condemning it. Not just for society as it is now, but for society as it will be. How many more tears do we need our children to cry?
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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Post to your Facebook & Twitter: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/2594-july-4th-protest-nsa-spying
Protest on July 4th: http://www.RestoreTheFourth.net
Find out about other actions: http://CallForFreedom.org
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kth10-blog · 11 years
Without being at extreme risk. I just came across a horrid picture of a severed REAL cat head, legs, and tail, organized around a poptart like nyan cat. This is disgusting, and horrid. Tumblr user theinternethatescats (DO NOT CLICK UNLESS YOU WISH TO VIEW MUTILATED CATS) is a horrible person, covering their blog in sick pictures of dead, mutilated, and more than often killed by humans in a cruel and disgusting way. Fucking hell.
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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I felt like drawing a Karkat frustrated with his height.
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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This is what I think about at 3 in the morning…
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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shiny pokemon giveaway!
i have a lot of shiny pokemon and i don’t know what to do with them so i’m gonna give them away yeehaw 
there will be 4 winners and each will get to choose a shiny!
like/reblog as much as you want but don’t spam your followers (◡‿◡✿)
you don’t have to be following me but if you are you can pick 2 shiny pokemon for being awesome (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
no giveaway blogs please! ヘ(。□°)ヘ
the giveaway will end on November 9th!
you’ll have 24 hours to respond if you win or i’ll choose someone else     (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
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that is all! good luck friends! 
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kth10-blog · 11 years
Please don’t get tired of me.
It happens every time. People lose interest in me. They get tired of me. Suddenly, they don’t bother hitting me up anymore. The conversations become shorter. They forget about me and I just become a distant memory. I wonder if it’s my fault sometimes. But then I realize that people never stay in my life. And there’s nothing I can do about it.
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kth10-blog · 11 years
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here we go again
1 Reblog and 1 Like
Ends Satuday (November 2nd) at 11pm (PST)
plz respond by the following saturday
if your askbox or fanmail isn’t open you’re shit out of luck (unless you talk to me about other means of contact)
31 IVs in HP/Atk
I’ll nickname it whatever
stick around for a Shiny Qwilfish/whatever else i might find (presently hatching eevees) give away
feel free to message me about anything else regarding pxy
this one is longer so i can try to find other shinies ok
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kth10-blog · 11 years
Okay yes you got me.
I did indeed start identifying as asexual because I’m on Tumblr.
And you know what.
If I wasn’t on Tumblr, if this website hadn’t taught me that wonderful little word, I would still be identifying as what I did before Tumblr.
Would you like me to tell you what that word was?
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