kshitijshukla · 2 years
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Do you know Swami Vivekananda was the member of FREEMASONS in India.. & not only a member he was a 2nd degree master also. I was stunned to see his name on the list ( the list goes on & on from jamshedaji tata to Motilal Nehru etc etc) but seeing a spiritual leader like Swami Vivekananda in this MASONIC LODGE gives me chills, that why? He needed to do that ... Why?
And you know we praise him for his speech in CHICAGO in which he started from sisters and brothers of America... But little do you know that the function was organised by Freemasons & they see themselves as a brotherhood culture ( which is strictly for male) ( but their spouses were allowed in parties) and call themselves as brothers..... That's why he calls brothers & sisters of America.
But but but...
When I read about Swami Vivekananda & dig deeper in Freemasonry then I realised that why did our forefathers or Vivekananda had done that i.e. to promote our culture, to speak the language of Britishers and to have them see that we are also capable of doing things they are doing....
You know their is an ideology i.e. ORIENTALISM i.e RULE INDIA THE INDIAN WAY. In which Britishers acknowledge that Indians were great civilization and prosperous at a time And it was us i.e. ARYANS ( refference to FAKE ARYAN INVASION THEORY which we can talk later) that made them ( Indians ) that great ......but now Indians are mixed up and they can't survive without us and are incapable to rule themselves . So following their typical WHITE MANS BURDEN : it is their ( Britishers ) responsibility to rule India.
And they challenged Indians that you are not capable enough to do things on your own, like the challenge to make a draft of constitution or the one to unite etc etc.....
So to have them ( Britishers) see us that we can also stand where you stand and can do things that you do, even more efficiently. Many leaders & great personalities joined these groups.
Anyway Swami Vivekananda ji is a whole diety which you can study all your life. Also if you read : An Autobiography of a Yogi .. you will come to know him much better + his guru...🙏 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who attained the great level of consciousness, who himself feed MAA TARA.. their is an ocean to read about them.
& about Freemasons we will see something in another post. Maybe.
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kshitijshukla · 2 years
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Death is very SACRED. Death gives us freedom from all our attachments, from all the people, from all the materialistic things WE own to satisfy our SENSES.
Death is not an END, it is the beginning of a new journey. A journey which will lead you into CELESTIAL WORLD ( if you have paid off your runanubandhans ) ( it's quite complex) in which you will only have 4 elements in you & you had abandoned the 5th one in the journey, i.e, Earth = your BODY. Death which is pleasent & calm is the best thing that can happen to a MAN.
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kshitijshukla · 2 years
Emotions. (Energy in motion) the higher you vibrate the closer to Source you are ("Heaven") and the easier it is to manifest. The lower you vibrate, the more you are in a place of suffering ("Hell"). The Universe is within.
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kshitijshukla · 2 years
Often related to illuminati or Freemasons etc etc.... or conspiracy theories but the image represents that a supreme power is above us who is watching all our deeds. ( But it's also very very new term in history & originates in Christianity in around 1500s). Christianity consider devil as bad or Lucifer as bad ( both are different) and also connect them with this All Seeing Eye....but that's just an institutional thought, u know anything that is can't controlled by CHURCH at that time was considered devilish..even u can't break there laws. Which was made by them only for their gain and anything beyond their understanding was given the status of devil or Satan worship.
A thing or ritual or expression can be considered bad from one's perspective but it is good for another being or institution,
Imagine if they have seen GODDESS KALI at that time they would have termed us as SATANIC people.
Anyway I just slipped from the main point.
Their is always a supreme power above us , in HINDUISM also many consider their god to be supreme ... Some says Krishna is supreme, some says Shiva is supreme & some says Shakti.
BUT they all are EQUAL you can't measure anyone from anything .. they can never DIE because they were never born & that's why THEY ARE ETERNAL ......they all are one supreme power .
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