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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"You say that like you have any other options. HA! You're hilarious." The stranger grinned too wide. It made Pico feel nauseous the way BF's smile was stretched in a way that looked like it would be painful.
"When I said I doubted you could find anyone, it's because I can't possess any old body. They need to be made for being controlled in the first place."
[[ PREVIOUS, @getblammed ]]
"Well...I already have what I want." The stranger grinned. "This body, though he's fighting back still, is easy to control. Fits like a glove. Like it was mine to begin with."
The stranger stood.
"I like you, Pico. I don't want to scare you. Nor do I want to hurt anyone. I just want a happy life here. Like anyone else."
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"Hm...well, I'd need a compatible vessel...if you can get me that, then maybe I'll let him go." The stranger laughed, approaching Pico.
"But I doubt you'd be able to find someone. Unless you're willing to offer up your own body to act as my puppet." He pointed, putting his finger to Pico's chest. "Might be fun to be equipped with a weapon!"
[[ PREVIOUS, @getblammed ]]
"Well...I already have what I want." The stranger grinned. "This body, though he's fighting back still, is easy to control. Fits like a glove. Like it was mine to begin with."
The stranger stood.
"I like you, Pico. I don't want to scare you. Nor do I want to hurt anyone. I just want a happy life here. Like anyone else."
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
[[ PREVIOUS, @getblammed ]]
"Well...I already have what I want." The stranger grinned. "This body, though he's fighting back still, is easy to control. Fits like a glove. Like it was mine to begin with."
The stranger stood.
"I like you, Pico. I don't want to scare you. Nor do I want to hurt anyone. I just want a happy life here. Like anyone else."
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"Oh, you don't want to do that...he's still alive. Though bullets will get rid of me, I'll still be alive and you'll simply lose him."
The stranger chuckled.
"I'd forget about the gun. Unless you want to add your beloved Boyfriend to your kill count, Pico."
[[ PREVIOUS , @getblammed ]
It was then Pico realized the humming had stopped. He couldn't even hear BF's usual footsteps shuffling around.
It was unsettlingly quiet. He knew BF was here somewhere, but he couldn't figure out which room he was in.
Pico felt a hand touch his shoulder, sending a jolt of surprise through him.
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
Boyfriend's grin widened. "Do you wanna keep guessing? Or maybe you're better off not knowing at all. I could spill it...but you might not like what my answer is, Peeks." Though Pico was terrified, the other remained amused. It was still a game to him, even when Pico caught on.
[[ PREVIOUS , @getblammed ]
It was then Pico realized the humming had stopped. He couldn't even hear BF's usual footsteps shuffling around.
It was unsettlingly quiet. He knew BF was here somewhere, but he couldn't figure out which room he was in.
Pico felt a hand touch his shoulder, sending a jolt of surprise through him.
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"Oh. Did I startle you? Sorry." He grinned, a hint of mischief in his tone and expression. "I just couldn't help but notice how...tense you've been since this morning. Do you want to talk about it?"
Boyfriend rested his elbow on the backrest of the sofa, hand on his cheek as he gazed at Pico, smiling fondly yet...knowingly.
[[ PREVIOUS , @getblammed ]
It was then Pico realized the humming had stopped. He couldn't even hear BF's usual footsteps shuffling around.
It was unsettlingly quiet. He knew BF was here somewhere, but he couldn't figure out which room he was in.
Pico felt a hand touch his shoulder, sending a jolt of surprise through him.
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
[[ PREVIOUS , @getblammed ]
It was then Pico realized the humming had stopped. He couldn't even hear BF's usual footsteps shuffling around.
It was unsettlingly quiet. He knew BF was here somewhere, but he couldn't figure out which room he was in.
Pico felt a hand touch his shoulder, sending a jolt of surprise through him.
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
Nene was the first to respond.
no? why is he missing or smth?
BF hummed as he continued cleaning the kitchen, wiping down the countertops and wiping away any oil splatters on the stove.
Darnell quickly responded after Nene's message.
willing to bet he's high af rn and wandered off somewhere 💀
[[ Prompt: Demands, Character: Fitz @kryptyk-dreams ]]
Something about Boyfriend. Pico wasn't stupid. His movements were stiff yet...his demeanor was calm. His eyes felt like they held some sort of knowledge he wasn't sharing. His lax style of talking, now gone and replaced by the vocabulary and tone of a smartass.
"Eat. You haven't had anything all day."
There was a plate of fried pork cutlets and a small salad on the side before him. Oddly well made despite BF usually burning his food. It looked and smelled delicious, but...there was no way BF could fry anything without setting the kitchen on fire.
Did Pico miss something? He could swear BF was acting as usual last night. What changed?
The more time Pico spent observing his boyfriend, the more confused, and cautious, the redhead became. He wasn’t oblivious or stupid, no matter what others might say. The bluenette certainly wasn’t acting like himself. Not in tone, not in personality, not even in body language. It was uncanny, as if somebody else’s soul had been thrown into his body, and they’d adjusted without missing a beat. Did something happen, was his partner messed with in some way?
Drawn from his zoning-out by the setting of a plate piled with delicious food before him, Pico leant back slightly in surprise, before he briefly looked between the plate and his partner. ( Or, whoever this was. ) As cautious as ever, he gradually began to eat, though he felt himself expecting some kind of tampering in the food with every bite. After a few forkfuls, he cast a look the other’s way, all of that suspicion clear to read in his gaze. Maybe he was being paranoid, but all of this felt off.
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“ …You feelin’ alright, B? Actin’ off, did somethin’ happen? ”
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"'re so sweet." Boyfriend followed Pico into the kitchen. "Here. I'll help clear the drying rack."
At least Pico didn't have to see BF's gaze, eyes fixated on the dishes he washed.
With a dish towel in hand, Boyfriend began to dry off the dishes and put them away. Something he, again, wouldn't usually do.
He was usually quite lazy about chores. Piles of dirty laundry, stacks of cups and plates in the sink, and trash piled up in the bin were typical for him. Yet here he was. Helping out.
"I'm glad you enjoyed my cooking."
For a moment, Boyfriend showed a glimpse of what felt like genuine emotion. A smile with blush on his cheeks. Shy. Quiet.
Another thing that didn't sit right with Pico.
BF had an ego. Whoever, whatever this was, it wasn't the Boyfriend Pico knew.
[[ Prompt: Demands, Character: Fitz @kryptyk-dreams ]]
Something about Boyfriend. Pico wasn't stupid. His movements were stiff yet...his demeanor was calm. His eyes felt like they held some sort of knowledge he wasn't sharing. His lax style of talking, now gone and replaced by the vocabulary and tone of a smartass.
"Eat. You haven't had anything all day."
There was a plate of fried pork cutlets and a small salad on the side before him. Oddly well made despite BF usually burning his food. It looked and smelled delicious, but...there was no way BF could fry anything without setting the kitchen on fire.
Did Pico miss something? He could swear BF was acting as usual last night. What changed?
The more time Pico spent observing his boyfriend, the more confused, and cautious, the redhead became. He wasn’t oblivious or stupid, no matter what others might say. The bluenette certainly wasn’t acting like himself. Not in tone, not in personality, not even in body language. It was uncanny, as if somebody else’s soul had been thrown into his body, and they’d adjusted without missing a beat. Did something happen, was his partner messed with in some way?
Drawn from his zoning-out by the setting of a plate piled with delicious food before him, Pico leant back slightly in surprise, before he briefly looked between the plate and his partner. ( Or, whoever this was. ) As cautious as ever, he gradually began to eat, though he felt himself expecting some kind of tampering in the food with every bite. After a few forkfuls, he cast a look the other’s way, all of that suspicion clear to read in his gaze. Maybe he was being paranoid, but all of this felt off.
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“ …You feelin’ alright, B? Actin’ off, did somethin’ happen? ”
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
BF smiled a little too widely, as if he enjoyed the worry expressed by his boyfriend.
"I'm feeling great."
A short. Plain answer.
Maybe it would be fine if it weren't for all the chills Pico was feeling.
BF sat so still, just staring at him from across the table. He just sat and smiled, fingers laced together as his hands rested in front of him.
[[ Prompt: Demands, Character: Fitz @kryptyk-dreams ]]
Something about Boyfriend. Pico wasn't stupid. His movements were stiff yet...his demeanor was calm. His eyes felt like they held some sort of knowledge he wasn't sharing. His lax style of talking, now gone and replaced by the vocabulary and tone of a smartass.
"Eat. You haven't had anything all day."
There was a plate of fried pork cutlets and a small salad on the side before him. Oddly well made despite BF usually burning his food. It looked and smelled delicious, but...there was no way BF could fry anything without setting the kitchen on fire.
Did Pico miss something? He could swear BF was acting as usual last night. What changed?
The more time Pico spent observing his boyfriend, the more confused, and cautious, the redhead became. He wasn’t oblivious or stupid, no matter what others might say. The bluenette certainly wasn’t acting like himself. Not in tone, not in personality, not even in body language. It was uncanny, as if somebody else’s soul had been thrown into his body, and they’d adjusted without missing a beat. Did something happen, was his partner messed with in some way?
Drawn from his zoning-out by the setting of a plate piled with delicious food before him, Pico leant back slightly in surprise, before he briefly looked between the plate and his partner. ( Or, whoever this was. ) As cautious as ever, he gradually began to eat, though he felt himself expecting some kind of tampering in the food with every bite. After a few forkfuls, he cast a look the other’s way, all of that suspicion clear to read in his gaze. Maybe he was being paranoid, but all of this felt off.
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“ …You feelin’ alright, B? Actin’ off, did somethin’ happen? ”
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"I know you're a singer." He shrugged, sitting across from Ben in the alleyway. Setting his guitar bag down and leaning his back against the wall, he sighed and allowed himself to relax.
"Besides, the music industry is ruthless. Gotta look out for each other, so...what's got you down?"
Exhausted eyes stared blankly at the graffiti-covered wall before them, the artist’s thoughts far from the present moment. The feeling had been nagging at him all day, he’d waved it off as much as he could, but there wasn’t any more he could do. No distractions to seek out, no conversations to busy his mind. Only his thoughts, only their words. Poisonous.
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“ … ”
The thoughts grew louder. This had all been a mistake. He was only delaying the inevitable, and once they finally found him and dragged him back home, all of that building anger would be unleashed onto him. He was only making it worse. He never should have left. He could have stayed, kept them happy, kept Grace happy, kept himself from harm. But no, here he was, chasing a dream that hurt everybody around him. He was an idiot to even try.
Ben curled in on himself, hiding away. Stinging tears were blinked back, not given the right to fall. He couldn’t be so pathetic.
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kryptyk-dreams · 4 months ago
"Hey, you good?"
A young man around Ben's age approached him. He had long dark brown hair and wore a black band shirt a size or two too big along with baggy ripped jeans with several embroidered patches sewn on and black sneakers. With a guitar bag slung over his shoulder, Ben could guess that he was part of a band of his own.
His brow was furrowed in concern, but his tired eyes and voice made him look and sound indifferent and maybe even annoyed.
Exhausted eyes stared blankly at the graffiti-covered wall before them, the artist’s thoughts far from the present moment. The feeling had been nagging at him all day, he’d waved it off as much as he could, but there wasn’t any more he could do. No distractions to seek out, no conversations to busy his mind. Only his thoughts, only their words. Poisonous.
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“ … ”
The thoughts grew louder. This had all been a mistake. He was only delaying the inevitable, and once they finally found him and dragged him back home, all of that building anger would be unleashed onto him. He was only making it worse. He never should have left. He could have stayed, kept them happy, kept Grace happy, kept himself from harm. But no, here he was, chasing a dream that hurt everybody around him. He was an idiot to even try.
Ben curled in on himself, hiding away. Stinging tears were blinked back, not given the right to fall. He couldn’t be so pathetic.
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kryptyk-dreams · 5 months ago
Pico smiled and entered the room, noticing the musty air.
"Got really in the zone, huh?" He said, setting down the plate and cup of water down at an uncluttered part of Ben's desk, not too far from his easel and canvas.
"I'm surprised you don't get lightheaded while working or anything."
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Brows were raised in a content, almost peaceful sort of expression as brush made thoughtful strokes along paper, the focused eyes of the artist not leaving the work-in-progress for even a moment as he concentrated on every last addition to the piece. Had he blinked even once in the past few minutes? Probably not, and he certainly hadn’t stopped to drink or eat for a while, either.
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kryptyk-dreams · 5 months ago
Ben's room was silent. It's been a while since they finally moved into an apartment.
Small little plants decorated the window sill, there because Pico had always worried about how stuffy the room got when Ben worked for hours without stopping.
The smell of paint was thick. It probably would've been a good idea to open the window, but Ben was too focused to realize.
At least, not until he heard a knock at his door.
"Hey babe. I made you somethin' and got you a glass of water. Mind if I come in?"
Pico had been making it a habit to bring Ben food and water periodically. A way to make sure he was eating and getting hydrated. He even learned how to cook since they had a stove now, and he wanted to make Ben food that he'd enjoy.
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Brows were raised in a content, almost peaceful sort of expression as brush made thoughtful strokes along paper, the focused eyes of the artist not leaving the work-in-progress for even a moment as he concentrated on every last addition to the piece. Had he blinked even once in the past few minutes? Probably not, and he certainly hadn’t stopped to drink or eat for a while, either.
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kryptyk-dreams · 5 months ago
His voice was slowly getting...clearer.
Pico gently squeezed Ben a little tighter, his arms regaining their strength despite the decayed form he appeared to have.
Ben could see something latched onto the back of Pico's neck. It looked like...a crab? Or maybe it was a bug. It was hard to tell. It didn't look frightening, but it seemed to be hurting him.
[ @soulchannels Prompt: Nightmare, Character: Pico ]
Something... wasn't right.
Pico felt cold. He was twitching. Shaking. Turned away from Ben as if to hide something.
“ …Pico-? ”
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Ben’s voice seemed to echo all around him, as did the artist’s footsteps as he stepped closer to his turned-away beloved. The surroundings were strange, familiar, and yet vague enough to not be placed. Dreamlike. Not that he’d have noticed, worried eyes didn’t leave Pico’s twitching form for even a moment.
“ …You’re shaking, what’s wrong-? You can tell me… ”
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kryptyk-dreams · 5 months ago
Pico opened his eyes. He was a light sleeper, so if anything was wrong he'd be the first to know. Seeing Ben's distressed expression, he could tell he was having a nightmare.
"Ben." He spoke softly, rubbing his back as he hugged him. "It's ok. I'm here." --- Pico groaned softly, leaning into Ben as his arms loosely wrapped around him. The buzzing oddly seemed to ease a little, and though he was supposed to feel cold, it got...warmer.
The mutterings from him were barely words at all, but Ben could tell that they were trying to comfort him.
It felt...oddly bittersweet, the buzzing slowly muffled out as they held each other. The stench faded for something more stale, like a room sealed away after years of unuse.
[ @soulchannels Prompt: Nightmare, Character: Pico ]
Something... wasn't right.
Pico felt cold. He was twitching. Shaking. Turned away from Ben as if to hide something.
“ …Pico-? ”
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Ben’s voice seemed to echo all around him, as did the artist’s footsteps as he stepped closer to his turned-away beloved. The surroundings were strange, familiar, and yet vague enough to not be placed. Dreamlike. Not that he’d have noticed, worried eyes didn’t leave Pico’s twitching form for even a moment.
“ …You’re shaking, what’s wrong-? You can tell me… ”
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kryptyk-dreams · 5 months ago
There was a slight gurgling sound coming from his trembling boyfriend as the man before him slowly turned to face Ben. An involuntary chill ran through his body, and in that moment he wished he could look away. Emptied out eye sockets stared back at him, thick and congealed blood oozing down Pico's freckled cheeks as he shakily breathed. His skin was inhumanly pale, soft and past the stage of rigor mortis.
The sound of flies buzzed loudly in Ben's ears.
[ @soulchannels Prompt: Nightmare, Character: Pico ]
Something... wasn't right.
Pico felt cold. He was twitching. Shaking. Turned away from Ben as if to hide something.
“ …Pico-? ”
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Ben’s voice seemed to echo all around him, as did the artist’s footsteps as he stepped closer to his turned-away beloved. The surroundings were strange, familiar, and yet vague enough to not be placed. Dreamlike. Not that he’d have noticed, worried eyes didn’t leave Pico’s twitching form for even a moment.
“ …You’re shaking, what’s wrong-? You can tell me… ”
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