Giving in for my brainworms
368 posts
26 | she/her Art, crafts and fangirling is my holy trinity. main blog: @aesthetic-kryptid-kat header by @florisnemis
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kryptid-kat · 2 days ago
Realizing that an old game that already had some insane things going on machine learning vise also almost had LORE just mind bogling
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kryptid-kat · 5 days ago
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Museum Visit
(2024 ArtFight Mass furby attack | 60 furby total)
This took me a whol two weeks to make, but honestly it is the highlight of y summer to draw so many amazing characters qwq
Owners of the characters (that are on tumbl):
@cricketinthemud @multipurpose-aprons @itsapricots @smol-boi-kevin @chiabats @critter-core @cry-bird @toastedgutz @edbydawn @fwubbie @summermon @dero-gatory @coffeetalkee @pumpkins-studio @momoshino @naeella @kovuu02 @thatfuzzymonster @anactualpotatopie @r0tteny0te @owl-paints-art @8bit-sadman @mimic-house
Now I pray to tumblr that it doesn't take me out for tagging so many people :'3
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kryptid-kat · 5 days ago
When you find a song and it is just PERFECT for that one ship
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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Steb x OC
Chapter I.
Selectively mute Steb. Fem OC. Mostly fluff and a little bit of angst.
This story may contain spoilers from both Arcane season 2 and DnD 5e Watredeep Dragon Heist. So read it with that in mind!
This is a multi fandom fanfic as Cascade is from DnD, but I try to make the setting as neutral from Runeterra and The Sword coast as much as I can.
The morning felt cold and harsh, the pale shimmer of the sunlight was barely strong enough to pierce through the window yet. But it was a relief that the dawn was finally breaking. Steb’s sleepless eyes felt heavy and his mind was still buzzing with the fragments of his nightmare. At least now he shouldn’t have to fear going back to sleep. For a while he laid on his bed, observing the imperfections in the ceiling, the grooves and cracks the plaster couldn’t hide. 
At last the sun truly peaked its head through the window and warm light started to fill the room, ray by ray. Steb took this as a sign to finally leave his bed. 
He set up, with a tired groan. Trying to rub away the lack of sleep from under his eyes with both hands. 
Now with his feet firmly planted on the floor, still sitting at the edge of the bed, his thoughts trailed off. Should he really stay for so long and so far away from home? What if his help is needed? What if he could do more there? But it was Caitlyn’s order to take an extended break after all that happened. She said that he helped way more people than any medic in the aftermath, but he didn’t feel like it was enough. He wants to do more, way more. 
But Catlyn was right, by the end he was pulling 24 hour shifts, he buried himself into work, just to ease his guilty conscience. 
He shouldn’t go on like this. He couldn’t go on like this.
With a final deep sigh he pushed himself away from his bed, starting the now seemingly painful task of getting ready for the day. 
By now the sun was relentless and hot, it’s light searing every inch of the port city.
Steb followed the shade of the buildings, hoping to bear the weather a little better. Maybe it was chance or maybe it was just his feet dragging him across the city in an almost familiar path, one that led him to a place he had just been to a mare day before.
He couldn’t help but wonder if the cheery girl he met would be there or if she is running her own errands at this time of the day. He couldn’t help, but his lips curled up into the faintest smile as he thought of the day before. 
He hesitated for a moment, with one hand on the handle of the door and the other clenched into a fist. He took a deep breath and entered. 
The warm light and lively atmosphere almost smacked him in the face. He took a hesitant look around, looking for that familiar face. 
A little disappointed, he decided to take a seat at an empty table. Fortunately he found just the right spot to see everything that goes on in the tavern. 
As he flipped through the menu one particular item caught his eyes. It was among the drinks, named “fish out of the water”. He rolled his eyes and let out a silent chuckle. 
He waved down a waitress and pointed out all the items he wanted to order. 
He was about to admit defeat and accept the fact that he may have missed his chance for the day. He tried to wave down a waitress to pay for his meal.
As he waited he felt a pit growing in his stomach.
‘It must be the hunger getting to me, It’s almost lunch time and i haven’t eaten anything’. He thought to himself. Yet even after his food arrived and he started eating, the feeling hasn't changed at all. 
He wasn’t even really looking around at that point.
“So how was your meal today?” A familiar voice unexpectedly hit him. The fins on his face twitched and his ears perked up. His eyes met with the golden yellow one’s of Cascade. Her gaza was curious and her smile cheerful, waiting for a reply.  
‘It was really good!’ he signed in reply. He hesitated for a moment and tried to not come off as too eager. 
‘It’s.. good to see you again’
“It’s really good to see you as well!” she exclaimed happily in return “but…I’m sorry i only got here by the time you are about to leave” her voice turned almost sad for a second. 
‘I could stay for a drink..if you are tending the bar as yesterday’ Steb signed and smiled sheepishly.
Cascade’s eyes lit up “Well then, what can I get for you?”
Steb playfully raised an eyebrow and signed ‘Well, there’s this new drink I don’t think I saw on the menu yesterday…it has quite a unique name’
Cascade chuckled “If you know any better name you are more then welcome to share” she motioned for him to follow her to the bar.
Steb sat at the bar as cascade prepared his drink. 
“I…I wanted to say that I’m glad you returned.” Cascade felt a little embarrassed as she paused “I feared I came off a little strong yesterday.” 
Steb shook his head then signed ‘Not at all’
She pretended to sweep sweat off her forehead. “Phew, that is a relief” she chuckled
Steb faintly smiled. Even if the girl in front of him was way more lively then most of the people he knew it still felt like a breath of fresh air to be around someone that was so cheerful.
As Cascade pushed the prepared drink forward her hand lingerd just for a second long enough that Steb’s fingers brushed against hers. Even though it was intentional on Cascade’s side she still felt a blush run across her face. She quickly turns to “put away” the liquors she used for making the drink and to hide her face.
Once she put everything she turned around. Sheepishly searching if she can see any remanence of Steb’s reaction, but he seemed to be composed as always. 
‘Maybe he didn’t think anything of it’ Cascade thought.
But under his calm and collected demeanor Steb’s thoughts raced and his heart jumped as he felt the warmth of Cascade’s hand against his skin.  He wished it could have lasted just a second longer. 
“So how’s the city been treating you so far?” She chimed up again in her cheerful manner.
‘It’s been quite nice. The locals were rather nice so far..especially one in particular and i also found a really great place’ Steb signed and he glanced at Cascade. He could see her eyebrows raise and her eyes slightly widen hearing it, then a smile creeped onto her face.
“I hope they will keep treating you well” she leaned forward a little. 
“If I can be honest with you, I've been seeing a handsome new face around too” she winked. 
The fins on Steb’s cheeks fluttered for a brief moment and he raised an eyebrow curiously. 
“Although… I’m not sure how much of a dancer he is, but it would be great to see him in a week's time for sure” Cascade said while looking at a poster hanging on the wall nearby, then she looked right back at Steb, waiting for a reply.
"That's a promise, then!" sad Cascade cheerfully and smiled
This time Steb’s ears perked up, but it was almost unnoticeable as both of them still looked at the flier, advertising a dance night at the Sleepy Lily
‘I’m sure he would be happy to join in.’ He signed. 
‘It’s a promise’ He smiled gently. 
They chatted for a little while longer and by the end of the conversation Steb almost got used to the butterflies in his stomach.
Once he paid his tab and he bid goodby he took a few steps backwards, a little longingly watching as Cascade returned to serving other customers.
As seconds passed he took a deep breath and opened the door. The warm summer afternoon embraced him as he stepped out, the humid air was briefly broken by gusts of breeze. 
He barely took a few steps when he could feel something, or more like someone hit his leg. As he looked down it was a girl, no older than 11. 
The girl, seemingly scared, started waving her hands around in patterns.
A tiefling boy rushed next to her and said "Sorry mister, it was an accident"
‘It’s alright, you didn’t hurt yourself?’ steb signed to the girl as he crouched down to be at eye level with her.
‘I’m okay, sorry for bumping into you’ The girl signed and meekly stepped next to the boy. 
‘It’s all right, take care now’ Steb signed then stood back up.
The kids nodded and rushed away. 
The door of the tavern slammed behind the kids as they rushed in. 
“Hey! Careful now!” The harsh tone of Cascade could be heard as she stood before the kids and signed. 
“sorry mom…” the words and signs came sheepishly before the kids scurried up the stairs to their room. 
“We got the right guy? The one who mom talked to all afternoon yesterday” the tiefling boy signed to the girl
The girl nodded in return.
“How was he?” A smaller boy asked,  who was already in the room.
‘He seemed to be fine, but I say we should find out more! ’ the girl signed and exchanged mischievous looks with her brothers. 
“You mean a spy mission, Nat?” Squiddly, the tiefling boy asked.
Nat nodded and signed ’Tomorrow, if he comes back we should follow him around just for a little bit, what you say Jenks’
“Ahh, I don’t know, what if he notices us?” Jenks asked.
“Bah, no way he would see us,” Squddly replied.
The three of them started to devise the plan for the spy mission.
Meanwhile back on the ground floor of the tavern, Cascade was still in the midst of serving some customers when she heard a voice that made her jump a little. 
“I see the lover boy was back again”
“GODS, Jinora you scared the life out of me!” Cascade huffed and tossed a cleaning rag at her.
“Instead of snooping after me you could help and clean a few tables ”
Jinora pinched the cloth between two fingers and dropped it back on the empty table with a scrunched up nose.
“Naaah, this is much more fun”
Cascade sighed “I guess…” 
Jinora stepped closer with a glint in her eyes, like a wild cat that just locked on her prey. She was ready to hear every juicy detail that could be heard.
“I’m certain of it” She said with a smug smile on her face.
“Sooooooo?” Cascade looked at her questioningly 
“What is the state of affairs?”
Cascade looked to the side "Well, I invited him over for the dance night, maybe we will know more after"
" are boring, this way it's going to take ages" Jinora huffed.
"Let me take things at my own pace, besides he's only been here two times."
Cascade looked towards the staircase, almost anticipating that her kids would be rushing down the stairs any moment.
She sighed and frustratedly threw the rag on the table.
"I don't even know if he would be okay with kids...especially 3 of them! I wouldn’t want him to feel like I’m putting a burden on him"
She felt defeated, eyes pinned on the table. Would he really be okay with the kids? Or he just hasn't had the time to really express how his stance is on kids at all. 
It happened before, when things seemed to go well, there was an excuse by the end of it. 
Jinora rolled her eyes so much that it may as well be audible from the furthest corner of the city.
"Oh come on, don't bury the horse before it dies...I mean you kinda brought the kids on yourself..BUT that shouldn't mean he don't like kids"
Cascade bitter expression indicated to Jinora that Cascade was growing more and more worried about things by the minute. 
“Okay, I will make you a deal…”
Cascade looked at her with a defeated eyebrow raise. What could she bargain for that could make the situation any better?
”Ervin can take the kids and do something while the dance is ongoing...maybe even the whole night if you know what I mean" Jinora winked.
“As we are anything more than acquaintances at this point”
“Oh right…the handsome acquaintance, huh?”
“Oh shush… I’m trying my best” Cascade buried her red face in her hands
"I mean...Erwin could take them camping a dance party going late into the night wouldn't be good for them anyways" 
“Well…unless they outwit  him and come home sooner” Cascade chuckled.
Jinora also chuckled over the idea.
"They are good kids, I'm sure they will be fine..and will absolutely outwit him"
Steb was walking down the street thinking to himself.
‘What do people even wear to a tavern dance at these parts? ? Not like i been to many more than as a guard… Or even just casual dances ’ as he was making his way down the street he stopped by a few shop windows, looking at whatever clothes they have.
‘I probably should just keep things simple’ He thought to himself as he turned away from the display of the store. 
‘Things are already complicated as they are with me…’ He ruffled through his hair with one hand and sighed.
His gloomy eyes were fixed on the cobbled stone of the street that was painted an orange hue from the setting sun. 
‘I suppose taking the leave from the enforces was the right choice…I hope it was the right choice’
He finally arrived back at his abode. The door sadly creaked open, then closed behind him. 
He leaned against the door as his thoughts swirled and almost swallowed him. 
‘But how could I tell her any of this? I can't just put all that shit on her to understand ’ He felt his breathing get shallow and tears crept into his eyes. 
There was no chance to hold things back now, he slid down to the ground sobbing.
‘How could I let someone trust me if I couldn’t even keep the people I meant to protect safe?’
He silently sobbed as the night took over and laid its dark blanket over the room and him.
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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Steb x OC
Selectively mute Steb. Fem OC. Mostly fluff and a little bit of angst.
This is a multi fandom fanfic as Cascade is from DnD, but I try to make the setting as neutral from Runeterra and The Sword coast as much as I can.
This story may contain spoilers from both Arcane season 2 and DnD 5e Watredeep Dragon Heist. So read it with that in mind!
Steb finds himself a surpising situation on his "holiday" in another city and meets a sweet bartender who might be more then meets the eye.
It was a warm summer's day and Steb was taking in the scenery of the new city he found himself in. The waterside town was pleasant and calm. Probably what he needed the most right now after all the troubles in the industrial city he came from.
He decided to take a short break in the shade from the hot rays of the sun and observe a river that was flowing by the city.
‘I could imagine living here’ he thought to himself as he was observing the water flowing ever so peacefully. ‘But I will eventually need to get back to Piltower’. He hung his head low for a moment as his thoughts trailed back to everything that happened. 
But he was quickly snapped back to reality as he heard a small yelp and the sound of things hitting the pavement.
He turned around and saw a woman putting down bags to go and collect back together a shopping bag worth of items that fell from her grasp.
He jogged over without thinking much and kneeled down to help pick things up.
Cascade was surprised to see a pair of hands appear in her line of sight and she looked up to see who the pair of helping hands belonged to. It was a man with sharp features, strikingly blue eyes and fish like features.
People like him weren't an unusal sight to her, after all she bared similar features with teal skin, fin like ears and dark blue hair.
“Thank you so much for the help!” She said with a soft smile to the strange new person.
The man just nodded and kept on stacking items back into the bag.
He was oddly quiet, but there was something in him that intrigued Cascade more than she wanted to admit.
The two of them swiftly collected all the items and before Cascade could do much she saw the stranger with two of the bags right by his feet and motion with his hands.
‘I will help carry them’ he signed. Altho he wasn’t sure why. Most people here didn’t really know sign language at all and he had to resort to miming and writing on loose pieces of paper.
But this time his gut seemed to be right as Cascade recognised his signing. She also seemed to recognise a small nervousness in his movements, despite his calm and collected appearance.
“Thank you so much! It will be a bit of a walk, hope that’s okay.” She said with a nervous smile.
The stranger’s expression turned from neutral to a wide eyed surprise.
He nodded and returned the smile ‘I don’t have much else to do anyways.’ He signed and picked up the bags, placing them on his shoulder so his hands would stay free.
As they walked on the cobbled path the girl turned around and said. "I don't think I saw you around here. How long have you been in the city?" Intently waiting for a reply, almost walking backwards to be able to properly see Steb’s signs. 
His face is still a little puzzled, he signed wearily. ‘Just for a couple of days, actually.’
“Then you still have a lot to see!” The girl clapped her hands together and exclaimed cheerfully.
“If you need any recommendations of places to see or have food at I will be your gal for sure!”
Her happy energy was truly infectious and Steb couldn’t help but smile and nod.
‘I will keep that in mind’, he signed.
They walked in silence for a little while when a sudden realization overcame Cascade she chimed up again.
“Oh, but where are my manners, my name is Cascade” 
‘It’s nice to meet you, Cascade.’ He signed and paused for a moment.
But Cascade couldn’t just wait till he made up his mind
“And who might the hero of the day be?”
‘I’m..Steb’ he signed sheepishly as the sudden new title catched him off guard and if one would have looked closely enough they would even notice a tinge of blush on his cheeks.
As they walked a three story building slowly creeped into view. A big sign above the door stated “Sleepy Lily Manor”
As they got closer the disbelief in Steb got stronger ‘This can’t be it, right?’ He thought to himself, almost stopping in his tracks. 
“Neat place, huh? How about you have a drink on me for all your help.” she said and stepped forward to open the door to the establishment.
Steb blinked, still in disbelief of where he ended up
‘I’m… honestly just happy to help’ He signed with a small pause, not sure of what he should sign.
He followed Cascade inside and the atmosphere was just as lively as the girl he just helped out.
The place was packed with patrons and most if not all greeted the familiar face of Cascade warmly. Some even raised their cups as she walked by. 
She swiftly placed her bags behind the bar counter and took the ones from Steb, who was truly amazed at the cozy and friendly atmosphere. 
She hopped behind the counter and gestured to her new customer to sit in front of her. 
After one more glance around the place Steb took the seat, shifting around for a moment and composing himself.
Cascade cheekily leaned forward and asked “So what can I get you?”
‘I’m…’ he paused ‘Actually, not sure’ he quickly scanned the hand written menu filled with drinks of the most whimsical names and a few staples you could probably find anywhere you go.
‘What would you recommend?’ he finally signed with uncertainty.
A sly grin grew across Cascade’s face as if she was waiting for this question all along. She quickly measured up the newcomer with her eyes and said.
"I think I know what you will like."
She turned around swiftly and got to work. picking up bottle after bottle, some were filled with opaque liquids while others were translucent and colorful.
He didn’t have to wait long before a multi-colored drink of blue and teal hues and a thin line of yellow was presented to him. 
The little fins on his face flicked as he looked at the drink with amazement. Then the realization hit him that it meant to look like him and pointed at himself in disbelief.
Cascade shrug with a smug smile  "I suppose my muse was a nice one this time~" 
Steb could feel a slight blush creep up on his face, he cleared his throat to try and hide it in some manner.
‘So you work as a bartender here?’ He signed.
“Actually, I co-own the place with two good friends of mine. But it’s kind of a long story” 
Steb really felt like a fish out of water. He thought he would just be helping some regular person out and this girl turns out to be more than what he could ever anticipate.
But the disbelief slowly turned to intrigue, what else could be there? Surely this isn’t all, how does someone acquire a place like this?
Cascade glanced at the still untouched drink.
“ can go ahead and give it a try, it's not too strong, don't worry.”
“Besides...I want to know your opinion of it!”
Steb picked up the glass and took a sip. It was rather refreshing with a minty and citrusy taste and just a tinge of alcohol. A perfect drink for a summer afternoon like this one.
‘This is amazing’ He signed with a smile on his face.
"Thank you, the hero of the day deserves the best drink!" 
The fins on his face flick and his ears perked up a little as the sudden compliment took him by surprise. 
He decided to quickly try to stir the conversation into a different direction.
‘Tell me, how do you know sign language so well?’
“I have a friend who can’t speak at all and I wanted to make him feel understood and less lonely.” She said with a tinge of nostalgia in her voice. 
“Then, I kept using it because my daughter” 
‘That’s sweet of you to do for a friend and for family as well.’
Steb glanced around the tavern before looking back at the pretty “bartender”.
‘Dos your husband work here as well?’
Now it was Cascade’s turn to be surprised, she never thought someone would ask her this question. 
“Oh, I have none…” she pauses for a second and sighs nervously. ”My kid..s are adopted. Poor things were living on the street snagging things from people” she glances away with a tinge of shame in her eyes, as if she was fearing that it would be something unorthodox to do as a single woman or that it would scare him away.
Steb looks her in the eyes with a faint but reassuring smile. 
‘Sounds like quite the undertaking then, but I think you did the right thing with giving them a home’
Still unsure, she gives him a half smile for the reply. But her eyes soon light up again with enthusiasm 
“But enough of me, what brings you to the city anyways?”
Steb paused for a second and thought to himself.
‘Mostly for rest and I suppose to get away from some things for a while’ he signed and then looked down at his drink, tracing his finger across the water droplets beading on the side of the glass. There was some deep and unexplainable sadness sitting in his eyes now. 
"If you don't feel like sharing it, I can understand." 
Cascade tried to meet his gaze and hoped to lighten the mood. Once Steb looked up he locked eyes with her.
"I know it's not much I can offer, but the Manor's doors will always be open to you, alright?"
Steb nods and motions ‘thank you’ with his hands.
"How long do you plan on staying in Waterdeep?" Cascade asked with a half assed attempt to move to another topic.
‘Possibly a month or so, it’s still a little up in the air.’ 
“Well then, you will have plenty of time to try my drinks" she winked.
‘Yes, that’s for sure!’ He smiled before he finished his drink.
‘Thank you again for the drink, I wouldn't want to keep you up from your work..’
"No, thank you for being my savior today! And besides please stay as long as you like you aren't keeping me away from anything"
Cascade winked at him "and honestly both a muse and a savior can deserve another drink on me, don't you think?"
No matter how hard Steb tried to keep his composure and not show his flusteredness, it was increasingly getting harder to do so. Trying to keep his confidence, he shrugged and signed.
‘If you insist, Who am I to say no?’ 
The afternoon quickly went by the two of them chatting about all sorts of things, but mostly Cascade giving recommendations to places to see and foods to try. And of course basically recommending every dish and drink her tavern could provide.
The sun barely started to set when three lively and young voices rumbled across the place. Three kids rushing through the door, each one of them with books in their hands.
“Moooooom! Look at the books we got from Mr.Batrin”
Cascade turned to the kids with a big smile immediately and crouched down to them. 
"Oh my gosh, these are amazing! You guys picked really well!" She said and signed once she skimmed through the books.
“Now, go to the kitchen and ask the cooks for dinner, alright?”
The kids nodded and rushed to the kitchen without saying anything else. They worked up an appetite and it was stronger than their enthusiasm for books.
Steb watched this scene go down and he smiled to himself.
‘They seem precious’ he signs to Cascade.
"Oh they sure are, altho they can still be a handful sometime"
Steb silently chuckles ‘I bet’ 
‘My siblings used to be a lot at this age too’
"Then you know how it is." Cascade chuckles.
The sun finally gave in to the relentless push of the moon and dipped under the horizon. 
‘I better get going now.’ Steb signed as he looked out a window to the street that was now cloaked in darkness. ‘Thank you for the drinks and the talk. It was really nice.’
"Don't mention it" Cascade paused. "And Steb, just know that if you need a friend you can find me here." 
‘Thank you’ he smiled and nodded  before he got up to leave.
That night as Steb was soaking in his bathtub, his mind kept wandering back to this strange and peculiar afternoon and the similarly strange and peculiar girl he met. Was it the drinks or was he catching feelings so soon? 
He tried to brush away his thoughts but they stuck around like mosquitos in a swamp.
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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It's Weeeeeen
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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✨Behold✨ the one and only, writer, PNGtuber and succubus herself, @lilithsaga!
This model has been created as a gift for the truly amazing Lilith. I wanted to keep as much of the charm of her original model as possible while putting my own twist on it.
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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Okay..but what if beach day
Including Cascade's lil adopted family (I guess we could say she adopted Steb as well lol)
I just had this scene in my head and it felt too cute to not draw ;v;
Also I gave up on the idea of coloring this
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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Drawing the girlies reunite 🥺💕
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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It was a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, a perfect time to get lost in a book..and eacother's company.
I'm crying sobbing throwing up from how much i love these two fish just being cute and happy
Ref under the cut:
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kryptid-kat · 6 days ago
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If I'm not a sucker for slow dance scenes then idk what.
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kryptid-kat · 9 days ago
i would kill to own one of those bootleg ussr vinyl printed on x-rays
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kryptid-kat · 10 days ago
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Just a lil gal on her lil birthday.
Go and have a lil treat in my name, you deserve it!
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kryptid-kat · 10 days ago
I'm not even done with Kirin's bg3 playthrought...but I honestly want to redo it TvT" at the start I was way too neutral on all the characters and I basically locked myself out of romancing any of them
Altho...I still have Halsin as an option but mmm..idk >_>
He is not exactly the vibe I would imagine for my girl...
I wish I didn't screw up Wyll's romance...cause I looked it up and he is like the
And yeah I also have my mean boy playthrought for Astarion cause he just barely tolerates Kirin lol.
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kryptid-kat · 12 days ago
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Sometimes...we just need the extra care🪛 🦞🔨
Also would like to introduce my muse to this piece, Lobotomy The Lobster. My 1€ find at an austrian flea market 💕
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kryptid-kat · 17 days ago
I’ve yet to see St. Valentine’s skull on tumblr this year so here you go:
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happy optional memorial of saint valentine, bishop and martyr
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kryptid-kat · 18 days ago
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It was a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, a perfect time to get lost in a book..and eacother's company.
I'm crying sobbing throwing up from how much i love these two fish just being cute and happy
Ref under the cut:
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