kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
Yo quiero... 
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
Hoy todo el cuarto huele intensamente a rosas. Igual que cuando tú y yo regresamos a casa, después de nacer juntos a la vida.
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
from the Talmud (via lazypacific)
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
Scorpions - “The best is yet to come”
And the best is yet to come I know, you know That we`ve only just began Through the highs and lows And how can I live without you You`re such a part of me And you`ve always been the one Keeping me forever young
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
Get lost, to find yourself 
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
My life changed that September
Richard is now 7 months old and growing and learning every day. Amazingly, he has the same features as in my dreams: white skin, light brown hair (straight, not semi-curly) and light brown shiny eyes. He is indeed really talkative and smiles a lot. Most of all, he has this nice, peaceful, yet playful, strong, happy energy that he shares with us but also with friends and strangers. People stop me on the street to comment on that, I get surprised they notice this and go beyond the usual comments regarding the cuteness of all babies. 
Richard has filled my life with so much light, clarity, love, and presence. I am happy to be able to share a part of his life with him and honored that he chose me for being his mom. I hope I can guide and accompany him in the way he needs so that he can touch the life of others in the same powerful way he has done with mine.
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
Lo único que queda es
…dejar atrás el apego, que no el amor. El amor, como la energía, no se crea ni se destruye, sólo se transforma (y nos transforma).
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
"...sharing his happy, beautiful energy..."
Since I was 15, I dreamt regularly of a little boy. I sometimes see him as a baby, other times as a child of 4, 6 and 9 years and once as a teenager of 14. He has always the same features, white skin, light brown semi-curly hair and light brown shiny eyes. He is really talkative and smiles a lot. He has this nice playful, happy energy.
In my first dream, I saw myself sitting on the street and crying a lot. Then I felt someone touched me on the shoulder. I saw this little boy for the first time, he smiled at me and hugged me. Then he said that everything was going to be all right and that I would be very happy. In that time, I was feeling very sad and lost, and after that dream I felt hope. I never forgot the dream either.
With the course of the years, I kept dreaming of him, and as I said, I kept seeing him in different ages but always happy and talking a lot. I do not always remember all what he tells me, but very specific situations or phrases I do. I have dreamt him in a church, after his first milk tooth fell, in the field, in the city… One year ago, he told me in a dream that his name is Richard.
I also have to add that my mom and my sister have also dreamt about him. I had never told them that I dreamt about him since I was a teenager. They both told me together about their experience because they dreamt about him on the same night. During that time, they were visiting me in the city were I was making my Master studies. They both dreamt the boy as a baby, with his light brown hair and shiny light brown eyes. They saw me and my boyfriend (we were freshly together at that time) pulling a baby stroller. My mom got a little alarmed by the dream because she thought I was pregnant, but I assured her that I was not. However, I was surprised that they also dreamt about Richard, and decided to share with them my previous dreams.
After two years I got married with my boyfriend and I also told him about these dreams. He found them cute, but was himself not convinced that they were more than dreams. But he told me that if we had a boy one day we could call him Richard, as he found it was a nice name.
My mom and sister kept dreaming once in a while with the baby. My mom dreamt him last time on October 2014. We were spending holidays together in a wellness place in Mexico. We were getting massages with hot stones and Reiki. The person who was giving me the massage asked me if I was pregnant. I told her that I was not, but she said she saw the spirit of a baby beside my left ear. I was surprised to hear this, as I did not tell anyone outside my family about having dreams with the baby.
On the last days of November, 2014, I dreamt about the boy again. He told me that he was going to come in December and that his dad was also going to dream about him. I was not sure what he meant with that. Later, on December 28th, I dreamt myself pregnant. As soon, as we came back from the Christmas holidays, I asked my husband to buy a pregnancy test. I made the test on January 6th, 2015 and it was positive. I am 5-6 weeks pregnant now and have my first appointment with the doctor next week. Yesterday, my husband dreamt of himself holding the baby and cutting his umbilical cord.
I do not know if my baby will really be a boy and if he will look like in my dreams. I will love him the same whatever gender and appearance he or she has, because I am sure he / she is this little spirit that has been communicating with me throughout the years and sharing his happy, beautiful energy with me.
Prebirth Communication & Pregnancy
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
Love who you love while you have them. That’s all you can do. Let them go when you must. If you know how to love, you’ll never run out.
Ann Brashares, My Name Is Memory (via purplebuddhaproject)
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kristalokajargentaj · 8 years
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Crystal & Silver Lotus
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kristalokajargentaj · 11 years
1. Be ok with what you ultimately can’t do, because there is so much you can do. With little adjustments, many things can be in the can do list.
2. Surround yourself with people you actually want to be with.
3. Keep on going, no matter what. Have always a new challenge.
4. Do not miss a party!
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kristalokajargentaj · 11 years
El eterno viajero
Me levanté del escritorio porque reapareció frente a tu ventana el colibrí que tanto te gustaba. Si él regresó, es imposible que no regreses tú.
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kristalokajargentaj · 11 years
Klein Erfolg!
Heute habe ich meine Führerschein-Theorieprüfung bestanden!
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kristalokajargentaj · 11 years
1. Belief that life is fair
2. Belief that playing it safe keeps you from getting hurt
3. Belief that you are in control of everything
4. Belief that the future is bleak
5. Belief that others are better off than you
6. Belief that people are obligated to love you a specific way
7. Belief that suffering is bad
8. Belief that others are the reason for your unhappiness
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kristalokajargentaj · 11 years
We are all one. Inner Universe.
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kristalokajargentaj · 11 years
Destiny keeps calling...even in the darkest and most confusing moment, like a faraway but clear voice that disipates all doubts in my heart and mind.
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