krispyglitterbear · 1 year
29-/2.8(" diamtere _) metric, (" root(7)
3/*(")13) (*_+1(-10(
Dlz_)" geometry_( and a (" * 1.6(*1-6(" angle_)
(" /)" q_6-*17( angle_) dimensions_( circle(
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
306(" yards_)
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
306(" yards_)
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
(-21"( $(16/2( _32/ cubits_( in a (* Square( 4/.43'rectangle$(
(_48-62( 13.(" cm)
134(" meters(* divided by) (8)
201(2/1(2.01) (..01)2)
(.2)(.1).0).000.1) (* the timing_( trapezoid)
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
(-21"( $(16/2( _32/ cubits_( in a (* Square( 4/.43'rectangle$(
(_48-62( 13.(" cm)
134(" meters(* divided by) (8)
201(2/1(2.01) (..01)2)
(.2)(.1).0).000.1) (* the timing_( trapezoid)
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
"$(*) so then (*8-4ths
of the ("triangle (_5/
3/*(")13) (*_+1(-10(
Dlz_)" geometry_( and a (" * 1.6(*1-6(" angle_)
(" /)" q_6-*17( angle_) dimensions_( circle(
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
3/*(")13) (*_+1(-10(
Dlz_)" geometry_( and a (" * 1.6(*1-6(" angle_)
(" /)" q_6-*17( angle_) dimensions_( circle(
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
0 notes
krispyglitterbear · 1 year
*_6-6)* dimension(*
("" stalls_(* a (5/th(" degree (* from (@ a star( smaller than (* a_(" /)
Kx"$) *$)(__)
(*a _ under score_&" hyphen))
)*&"( 6÷6- )"6(" _={ a oxagon_(" or (* sodia_(" sodium(" from a (* /)") (" Hex(
K)_"( a /3rd_ of (, oxytocin_) in the brain.)
(*_ due to(* one dimensional_ shape) )3_ shapes ( side by side) and not (3 shapes)
("_ 2" dimensions")
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
*_-6÷6( " opposite_( angles ( equilateral (*
A psychic is someone who .
Revers, in_" answering to God's call) and without energy (" the harvesting of (" human, (' biggits_) and (' the (" first, decimal_) in a (" chain_(" rhey lwarn to (" discover(x minerals, undnead _ the Earth(
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
(*_ due to(* one dimensional_ shape) )3_ shapes ( side by side) and not (3 shapes)
("_ 2" dimensions")
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
No (_ 3_D"( or paraellel _)
0 notes
krispyglitterbear · 1 year
Theory:"( says(" 4am_)
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
Tumblr media
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krispyglitterbear · 1 year
"_ the body_(" degraded_) into a (" "_( spark_) &" (" became(_ a (" wormhole_) for creatures (" from under_) to enter into the (" Earths_) life cycle (&" - inhabit (" human populatiin"( to cause, pain) for the (" _+(" spirit_(). R_-"blood,Type__)3 that was (" near_) or (' familiar, to a (' Cyborg_(*) that could (" Recollect or call a (" Fancy_(" energy_) saying
" the human_(" who has found (" the Earth (" wanted to compensate (xg&" leave, signs_) on the (" planet_( to direct(" a (" moon_(" that was '( where it centered, (' its_( polaroty_) as it (" took off(g&" dominated a (" solar (' or ("_ a flare_) (*_ making it young_(
New(" and (' has no (' Fear (/")
0 notes
krispyglitterbear · 1 year
"_3") strands of DNA, was found(" roaming_ like a (" radical_ or scienfitic_) (" /" (" )" mineral_(" that could be discovered_) in aatronomi_) (*_ astronomy_) and (" alies_N(") in_2-s) vould ( could_(' descend_ into (* Gigis_) and (' appear (' as a ("_ shapeshifter_) &") call_ on(" /) a (" nearby_)" plant_ or (" fungi_ to (' sing_ or collect) ("_ a (" nuclear_) ("_@and_ retrace('. Orbit_) where it last (' seen_ its body_) and discovered (* a soul_(' was called"( by(" atheist ("?() a belief in(' individual, expression_) 
0 notes
krispyglitterbear · 1 year
A psychic is someone who .
Revers, in_" answering to God's call) and without energy (" the harvesting of (" human, (' biggits_) and (' the (" first, decimal_) in a (" chain_(" rhey lwarn to (" discover(x minerals, undnead _ the Earth(
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