kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
Rey: phone screen is almost always cracked but she fixes phones for xtra money so she can fix it
Finn: screen protector + huge ass water proof case, took it off once to clean his screen and he dropped his phone and cracked his screen
Poe: no case or screen protector, always carelessly carries his phone around and drops it all the time but it never breaks or scratches
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
I knew he didn’t love me, but I adored him anyway.
Patti Smith; Just Kids (via sunsetquotes)
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
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Becoming Jane (2007)
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
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Feel free to check out my Insta to see what I’m up to regularly 👌🏼
Also I know it’s sets to private and request to follow but that’s cause I don’t want my mother or her minions able to see my shit. I accept pretty much all requests 👌🏼😂
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
don’t give up on something that feels right, because it probably is. keep trying.
— alhwrites
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
Simple edible detergent pods recipe
I made a more advanced recipe here for all y’all that want something that looks more like a tide pod here, but that recipe is… intricate. So for all y’all who want just a simple detergent pod like these juicy looking packets, I’m here for you! 
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Two components: edible plastic and juicy inside
First, the Plastic:
2 packets (14g) Knox unflavored gelatin
6 tbsp water
Parchment paper
rectangular brownie pan
optional: ½ tbsp 7up or sprite
Boil the water, add gelatin mix (optional: add soda for flavor). Stir in until mix is completely melted. Let cool slightly. Cover brownie pan with parchment paper, and pour a very thin layer of gelatin mixture onto parchment. Place brownie pan into fridge and let sit overnight until hardened.
The next day, the juicy inside:
Obtain your favorite flavor of jello. Follow the instructions on the jello mix to make the jello, but don’t put it in the fridge. Let cool until room temperature.
Put it Together:
Remove edible plastic from the fridge and gently remove plastic from parchment. Cut into 5x2″ rectangles. Fold rectangle in half to create 2x2.5″ rectangles. Seal together long ends and use indirect heat to melt sides together. Leave the short end open. Pour room temperature jello into pouch and seal final end with indirect heat. Let cool in fridge a few hours, and then enjoy.
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kriddlebabe-blog · 6 years
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I’ve changed a lot over the years, and I’m proud of that. 2000. 2014. 2017. ❤️ the year I was four (just before my head got shaved cause I was a little shit who wouldn’t stop cutting her hair), the year I turned 18 and graduated high school and the year I started to understand I needed to do things my way to be happy, and last year. A year that had its ups and down but thank god for once it was more ups and downs. I was reminded that I have family that cares and loves me, I got a job that I love in the last place I would have thought and I met @aimeekathleenxx who has had an incredible impact on my life, my health, and my happiness. Thank you to everyone who’s been there through the years and helped me grow. I wouldn’t be here without you all ❤️ @williamtitze @jaygeebrox @mickjohno01
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
I may hate cleaning but I love a freshly made bed ❤️❤️❤️ my bed and I have a special relationship ❤️😂👌🏼 #PublicHoliday #NewYearNewSheets #NewYear#SameMe#LetsBeHonest
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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What a night. From the work party to home, only to find out I won another goddamn bar tab. So out we went, saw some mates, got kicked out (I was one of the most sober people in the bloody joint 😭), went and hung out with my favourite couple who helped chill me out and then ended the night with maccas and mates. I’ve had worse nights out, let’s be honest. #fridays #weekend #friends
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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🎧Oh Mrs. Potato Head tell me Is it true that pain is beauty? Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better? 🎧 #melaniemartinez #mrspotatohead #freshhair #blonde #purpleovertone
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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Shameless Instagram drop ❤️
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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i thought you guys would find this thread i wrote interesting
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
reblog so your followers won’t forget to drink water
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kriddlebabe-blog · 7 years
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Okay so I really love my hair ❤️ an amazing early Christmas present from my amazing baby, thank you so much @jaygeebrox for an amazing present and making me feel like a princess ❤️😍
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