kptsecret-a · 2 years
// ooc: please ignore all posts under this one, thank you!
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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“ i almost introduced myself as ‘ suzie ‘ to a stranger today who was holding a corgi.  then again, i feel like that would make it overall safer for me? so i don’t just tell everyone my real name and address. “    ---- ( @arrwette​  )
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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“ i’ve never thought of it this way until now but i should really start specifying what i mean when i ask people if they want to change the world. like, would they want to change it for the better or for worse? there’s a huge difference in between those two terms! “  --  (  @impulsiveflash​  )
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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“  jubilee, have you seen that musical that everyone is talking about? the one with the man with the shield. i’m wondering if it’s good. i do like musicals, so .. “   --  ( @jvbilations​  )
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
It was a bit thrilling to meet someone who was, as far as Tinya could see, ‘like them’. If not from Bgztl, Greta had the same abilities and seemed like a sweetheart. It made Tinya feel a little bad about yanking her around the building, but they were blessedly greeted by an outdoor breeze soon enough, “Yes, I think it’s rather fun being an ‘alien’. In my timeline, we sort of just consider everyone an alien because, well, you rarely ever stay on your home planet for long,” The brunette shrugged, “You are not from space though, I take it?”
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greta took in the breeze; grateful for the change of scenery from the humdrum, monotone vibes of the headquarters.  while surprising, the ghoul took it surprisingly well.  it had been a while since they’ve last done something so youthful.  at their question,  greta just shook their head.  “ nope! just earth. but i would love to go to space.  i bet it’s real nice out there. “
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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“i can relate to not having a home away from work,” kyle says, attempting a lighthearted tone, but sometimes it hits him how long it had been since he’d lived on earth full time. oa was alright, but it couldn’t compare to new york, or to los angeles. at least on earth he could catch a break every once in a while. he imagines the other had it worse off, though. “you bake? that’s pretty cool. i’m helpless in the kitchen. actually, i don’t have much time now to do anything but draw. it’s more like my job than a hobby.” he grins wryly, absently flipping through his sketchbook. he misses when drawing was fun, but approaching deadlines just made it stressful. maybe he should find a new hobby, something he doesn’t have to worry so much about. not like he had the time, though, between being an artist and a green lantern. changing the subject, he asks, “you said you’re on a team? who do you work with? anyone i’d know?”
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greta nods, appreciative that they had met someone else who might just get it. some may call it workaholism, but the ghoul just knew that there was just no line between their personal life and work. the venn diagram was one, lone circle. the ghoul listens on as he flips through his sketchbook, momentarily thinking that they could possibly take that on as a hobby alongside the baking. though they barely remember drawing anything beyond the occasional sceneries they’ve made in class as a child. at the other’s question, greta grins.  “ young justice! well, we’re just us. um .. we have quite a few members. a long way from humble beginnings. “  there was a tinge of pride in their voice; the team was definitely something greta would take with them forever.
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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(  location:  s.w.o.r.d. hq kitchen  )    this would be their fourth try at it; a vegan cookie recipe that they’d stumbled upon and was just enamored with for some reason.  the ghoul laid the still - hot pan in front of the other and lightly fanned at it with a nearby brochure.   “ well , at least it’s not burned this time?  “  -- (  @grccnbb​  )
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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" hm? “  greta looked around upon hearing a voice.  though they didn’t see anyone else but the other as they walked around the park and it didn’t look like they would be the one to call out to the ghoul.  “ did you .. hear that? i could swore i heard someone call out to me ... “  -- ( @asgardwar​  )
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
“ that sounds awful! did the portal burn off your clothes or something? “  the ghoul asked, hoping their tone gave off sincerity.
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“Looking to intern for some of the most prolific inventors and scientists in this city is so hard when you don’t even have your credentials thanks to falling into another world all together butt naked,” @reshieldedstart​
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
“ i don’t want a kiss but i do think you’re wrong. aren’t power rangers a little .. underpowered compared to the heroes that s.h.i.e.l.d. already knows about? “  and they’d be bragging, but greta absolutely meant them from s.w.o.r.d. , which they’ve always seen as the organizations’ sister group. 
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“Kiss me if I’m wrong but, do you think it’s just a matter of time before shield tries to create the power rangers or not?” @reshieldedstart​
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
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·.·★  𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬  𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧  𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫  𝐡𝐞𝐫  𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫  at  every  turn ,    not  that  for  a  second  cassie  doubted  greta’s  ability  to  keep  up  ,  but  there  was  a  looming  concern  the  hero  just  couldn’t  shake /  that  if  she  looked  away  the  mist  that  made  up  her  friend  would  dissipate.   cassie  was  smart  ,   but  she  wasn’t  too  conceited  to  admit  when  they  were  out  of  their  depth  –  unfortunately  ,     they  were  just  image  -  focused  enough  to  be  unable  to  state  that  fact  aloud.   moments  before  pausing  in  front  of  an  open  window  ,   cassie  offered  a  response  to  the  question  –  glad  it  was  one  that  she  could  answer.   “  no   ,  i’m  currently  living  with  cissie,   “   statement  alone  brought  a  smile  to  the  warriors  face  ,  “   i  doubt  she’ll  be  home  right  now  ,   it’s  not  as  if  she’d  mind  –  “     knowing  her  girlfriend  ,  it’s  more  likely  that  cissie’ll be  mad  she  a)  used  the  window  and  not  the  front  door,  and  b)  didn’t  give  her  the  heads  up  the  girl  squad  was  almost  fully  back  together.     “  we  –  uh  –  bumped  into  each  other  at  the  lunar  new  year  thing.  “ 
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the ghoul blinked , a tinge of hope swelling up in their hollow chest as cissie was mentioned . that cassie & cissie had seen each other .. lived with each other . it was forming a picture that greta felt very , very warm about . soon enough , they’d hope that kon was nearby . and with him , bart & tim . maybe even anita .. traya .. that the things they knew didn’t slip away as easily as it did when they went through the portal . that things were just like they were when greta last remembered them . a child - like hope that greta will defend to their end ... as if cassie didn’t just mention young justice breaking up .
“ that’s .. that’s nice . “  greta tried to remember the lunar new year & quickly realized just how fast time had passed since they’d passed through . choosing to side with s.w.o.r.d. - despite knowing nothing about them - and floating around a universe not quite their own . they shook it off & hummed . unsure of whether to bring up cassie’s statement or not . ultimately , they decided to latch onto other things .  “ maybe next time , i’ll see her . “
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
cissie shakes their head “ come on, greta, you are never frumpy. thank you ! ” she exclaims at the other takes a look into the mirror, a smile taking over her features “ see, beautiful, good. wait what you mean you felt it would turn out to be ? ”
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a warm smile appears upon the ghoul’s face , taking in the compliment . though a blink or two later and they had put up two hands in slight embarrassment .  “ i don’t know , just .. maybe it wouldn’t look on good on me at all ? like .. it’s so silly & forgettable . just me being insecure , really ! “  and what was new , honestly .  “ i should really ask you to help me prepare for dates and stuff . once i get one ! “ 
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kptsecret-a · 2 years
Being “from Earth” but not actualy this Earth was becoming more and more common these days, it sort of seemed like half the people Tinya met were some level of displaced from their worlds, “Oh, superhero backstories are never boring. I mean, we’re superheroes!” They shrugged, pulling Greta through the next few adjacent walls, “My planet exists on a different dimension than Earth, but occupies the same physical space, so it’s sort of the same, but not? And most of the time, humans didn’t think of us as anything differnt than ghosts until the 24th century!”
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greta smiled at tinya’s exclamation ; it touched upon greta’s long - held admiration for their own occupation . who didn’t want to be a superhero when they grew up ? sure , once they actually did young justice stuff , it wasn’t the easiest and sometimes made them wish of an even easier existence but greta still liked the work regardless .  “ well , that’s a doozy .  i think they’d rather just call us ghosts or aliens . they meaning the ones that we probably usually save . “ the ghoul noted . 
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kptsecret-a · 3 years
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·.·★  𝐀  𝐏𝐀𝐔��𝐄  𝐀𝐍𝐃  𝐀  𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑   in  her  confidence  ,   was  it  bad  that  she  still  so  easily  got  lost  in  this  city  –  ?    blue  eyes  dropped  to  her  phone  gripped  loosely  ,  swiping  over  to  the  map  application  just  to  double  check  what  she  thought  she  already  knew  /  as  if  the  world  might  once  again  change  completely  under  her  feet.   “  three  blocks  north,   two  streets  over  ?  “   she  replied  ,  a  hint  of  uncertainty  in  her  tone  – the  small  cracks  of  vulnerability  soon  hidden  with  false  bravado  as  the  demigod  hovered  slowly  upwards,   “    like  a   two  minute  flight  –  “  she  waited  for greta’s  confirmation  before  leading  the  way  through  the  tall  red  bricked  buildings  of  the  new  york  skyline. 
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wordlessly , greta nods & follows their teammate  (  former teammate ?  )  through the skies . while their long - flowing dress stayed the same , greta did finally let themselves go back to a semi - solid form . something inside them seemed to infer that they would need that energy for later ; for whatever would occur as greta tries to get answers . it was amusing , albeit darkly , as greta did have questions , yet new ones sprouted up just as soon as one of them was answered . they had found cassie , had found a dear old friend , but with them came something that was rather .. unexpected . maybe even unwelcome .
the city below them felt less real , somehow . greta thought they were adapting , getting comfortable . but this definitely threw a wrench into the well - oiled gears . the frown on their face unmistakable , greta spoke up . maybe to get their mind off of it ; some part of them were also curious .  “ do you .. do you live alone ? “ they’d called out to the other .
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kptsecret-a · 3 years
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oops. he’s doing a great job keeping his own identity a secret. his smile turns sheepish, unsure how to respond. is there any point in hiding it now? “yeah, i’ve got some experience in hiding secret identities, even if i’m doing a poor job of it right now,” he says with a slight laugh, deciding that admittance was harmless enough, changing the subject quickly. “so, if you don’t have a civilian identity, are you always in your hero identity? what do you do when there’s no bad guys to fight?”
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“ oh , that’s okay . i won’t tell . scout’s honor ! “ then they quickly add ,  “ i’m not a scout , but same difference . i don’t have a lot of people to blab to anyway . “  greta tilts their head , trying to figure out how to answer the question .  the ghoul brings up their own right hand , looks around to see if anyone is close enough to see what they were about to demonstrate , and then focuses enough to let their hand turn almost transparent - their actual , regular form - then let it dissipate into smoke before going back to how it was : a solid - ish form .  “ well , i have a real name . my friends - slash - teammates know it . we’re all friends ! and also , i don’t really have a home outside of our headquarters . “  one of the main reasons greta took up with s.w.o.r.d. right after arriving instead of floating around aimlessly . they were just used to that kind of structure ; can’t be blamed if that was one thing they took on after being displaced .  “ i bake sometimes . and a bunch of non - hero stuff that still requires my powers . what do you do ? besides drawing , that is ? “
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kptsecret-a · 3 years
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despite the ghoul’s many , many good traits : a hero , a warder ( with amazing abilities to boot ) , a friend to many , a talented baker .. it did leave greta wondering why the romantic side of their life wasn’t up to par . the small crush they had on tim didn’t really pan out to anything good , and online dating could really only go so far . part of them just figured they were more traditional than they thought . and so greta would conjure up fantasies ; daydreams of a romance that would sweep them off their feet . too good to be true , was one they’ve reminded themselves over & over because nothing that good will ever come their way without a catch . and then , valentine’s day happened . and with more than half of their hopes in a calculated match , greta found themselves inside one of those fantasies they’ve cultivated for so long . harry was handsome , who knew what to say and what to do and the night was magical . but then they got pulled away , and just like the gotham city matchup between them and spoiler , the memory of walking around the mixer alone would always be hastily pushed aside when it comes back . that then was the catch , and even the pitiful choice of staying optimistic through the days after wouldn’t change it . 
the trip to the coffee shop was merely window shopping ; greta can’t really consume anything on the menu . but they’d purchase the pastries anyway , share them with jubilee and garfield and whomever else on base would like some & maybe even get some more tips and ideas for their own baking adventures . the touch sends the ghoul into a slight surprise and they almost pull away before they saw that it was .. harry . “ hi . “ and yes , they’d answer his question but the ghoul blinks a few times and grins . " yes , i did . it was , um .. it was lovely ! “ and staring at his face could bring back butterflies , bring back hope  (  really , all it ever took was a look . some well - placed attention  ) but the thought of there being another catch this time brings the ghoul back down to earth - - metaphorically .  the grin shrinks to a calmer smile . “ the flowers were nice . “ they’d reassured him .  
𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:  a  coffee  shop  in  manhattan
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠:  @kptsecret​​
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the  thing  about  harry  osborn  is  .  .  .  he  doesn’t  know  how  to  fall  gracefully.  he  can  never  just  drag  himself  down  ;  he’s  always  got  to  plow  another  person  down  with  him.  the  young  osborn  rests  atop  a  pile  of  mistakes,  a  pile  of  casualties  who’d  haunt  him  if  he  wasn’t  so  good  at  drowning  them  out.  but  greta’s  one  of  those  ghosts  he  can’t  quite  make  disappear.  perhaps  it’s  because  he  was  so  plainly  aware  of  what  he  was  doing,  knowing  they  were  matched  with  him  in  search  of  true  love,  knowing  he  wanted  nothing  to  do  with  that,  but  dragging  them  to  the  mixer  anyway.  keeping  them  on  his  arm,  dancing  with  them,  kissing  them  .  .  .  he  wanted  mary  jane  to  be  jealous,  and  he  succeeded  !  he  got  what  he  wanted  that  night,  and  greta  was  the  compromise.  but  that  wasn’t  fair.  because  greta  was  kind  to  him,  and  they  were  good,  and  their  intentions  and  expectations  that  night  were  so  pure  —  and  harry  only  took  advantage  of  them.
so,  perhaps  it’s  a  mistake,  approaching  them  in  the  coffee  shop.  perhaps  he  deserves  to  keep  feeling  bad  about  it,  for  the  sake  of  allowing  them  to  stay  untangled.  greta’s  better  off  outside  the  vortex  ;  but  harry  rarely  thinks  about  consequences  —  at  least  not  until  he’s  already  made  the  mistake.  “  greta  ?  ”  he  starts,  the  careful  touch  of  his  hand  on  their  arm  as  he  seeks  their  attention.  “  greta  .  .  .  hey.  it’s  been  a  while.  did  you  .  .  .  get  the  flowers  i  sent  you  ?  ”  in  other  words  :  do  they  know  he  feels  like  an  ass  for  how  he  treated  them  ?  do  they  forgive  him  ?
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