kpophappiness · 6 years
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this is the best news i’ve heard in ages
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kpophappiness · 6 years
me: *shows my friend a picture of a possum in a hat, expecting delight*
my friend: ew!
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191K notes · View notes
kpophappiness · 6 years
Not In This House: They Weren’t Feeling This Sweet Potato Pie Recipe Whatsoever
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kpophappiness · 6 years
I’m back !
I am back from my haitus and I will try to write as much and finish the series . Thanks for being patient! 💜 - admin dee
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kpophappiness · 6 years
When you tell your girl to bring a sweater and she doesn’t and now she’s cold
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kpophappiness · 6 years
guess who’s back 👀 - admin dee
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kpophappiness · 6 years
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I’m -
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kpophappiness · 6 years
ello everyone :3
I will be going on a haitus for a while because I try to find the time to write for you guys buy i end up forgetting because of school and other stuff
stay cewl and ily guys💕💕💕💕
- admin dee
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kpophappiness · 6 years
emotions poll
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kpophappiness · 6 years
Emotions (part 4)
Emotions (Part 4)
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You woke up and found Taehyung smiling.”Good morning sleepyhead!” Taehyung said in a gentle, yet upbeat voice. “Good morning tae.” You said as you smiled gently and kissed him on the lips. “Let’s go make breakfast!” Taehyung screamed as he picked you up and carried you to the kitchen.You laughed so hard. Time passed by and eventually you weren’t even hungry. You get your phone and face-time Jayla and tell her that you and Taehyung are very grateful for her works of putting you two together. Later, something ruined your morning.
“I can’t stand Tina! I just want to give her a piece of my mind!” you said getting angry. “Hey, calm down baby! It’s going to be okay and after all we’re together!” Taehyung said calming you down. “Jayla, i’ll call you back.” you hanged up and went to work. Work was tiring, but luckily you pulled through today. Tae left a message.
“Shit, i’m going to be scared!” you sighed, getting into the car. As soon as you entered the house, you felt safe. Taehyung wants me to stay here until you feel safe enough to go home and you don’t feel safe. What if Jimin and Tina try to do something to you? Anything can happen over there, but you feel safe with tae. He gives me this feeling that no man has ever given to me. You really do like him. You call Jayla and tell her what happened. “GIRL, no she didn’t!” Jayla screamed into the phone. “Oh yes she did! and if she ever tries it again i’ll leak that she got a std from her ex-boyfriend. I hope he hasn’t had sex with her. LOL!” you said.You hung up after talking to her for 3 hours. As soon as you hung up, you heard a knock at the door. “Open this damn door or i’ll kill you!” someone shouted. You slipped and hurt your ankle, until...
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kpophappiness · 6 years
the cutest boi to exist❤️
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kpophappiness · 6 years
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imagine thinking this man isn’t FINE AF, can’t relate!
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kpophappiness · 6 years
Rules of this blog!
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Hello! Welcome to our multi-fandom writing blog! Anyone can be whoever they want and whatever they want, but there will be rules!
1. If we feel uncomfortable doing a reaction, scenario, etc. we will address it to you privately or not respond to the reaction at all!
2. If anyone argues or makes any admin feel uncomfortable they will be automatically reported or block!  
3. As admin of the blog, any admin that is mean to anyone will be talked to!
4. Have fun and enjoy!
5. Treat people the way you want to be treated!
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kpophappiness · 6 years
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bold - triggering content
♡ - fluff
👏 - angst
👅 - smut
✨ - Admin dee, 💤 - Admin J, 🍬 - Admin fleur
rules are posted here!
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Nothing Yet!
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Nothing Yet!
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Nothing Yet!
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Nothing Yet!
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Emotions (1) -  👏,  ♡,  ✨
Emotions (2) -  👏,  ♡,  ✨
Emotions (3) - 👏,  ♡,  ✨
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Emotions (1) -  👏,  ♡,  ✨
Emotions (2) -  👏,  ♡,  ✨
Emotions (3) - 👏,  ♡,  ✨
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Nothing Yet!
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kpophappiness · 6 years
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so extra
9K notes · View notes
kpophappiness · 6 years
65K notes · View notes
kpophappiness · 6 years
Emotions poll
As another chapter awaits, you feedback still matters! Make the chapter go how you want it to go! By clicking this link you will be able to change how the story goes! ----> change how you want it to go right here
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