A Small Box Of Imagines
592 posts
• Lead Admin •Admin J // Joon ~ Aaliyah • Fellow admins •Admin Dimple ~ Suranne Admin Sushi ~ Maddie Admin Lunar ~ Emily• This Page is a safe zone, you are always welcome here •• Inbox - 5 •• reactions - open •• selca ships - closed •• written ships - open •
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Does the admins who left have other blogs?
Yes they do! I will get their blogs for you now if you would like me to. Admin J~
——— *Edit*———justanotherblackchick ~ Admin A’s personal blog
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Please help them.
To all the fandoms out there:
Help us save Astro. They are in the berge of disbanding after this comeback because their comapany, Fantiago, is going down.
Please please PLEASE help us save our 6 boys. They are talented, hard working and deserve better. Us Aroha, Astro fando, we’re trying the best we can but the video only has 1million views. Please help us.
I’m not only talking about Astro but as well other groups like: Hello Venus and Weki Meki.
Tumblr is powerful site, Ik you can help me, help Astro stream the video
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Hello there! I’m Suranne, or Admin Dimple, or Admin D. Heh.
I’m one of the new admins here, of course, and I recently sent in my practice at reactions.
I hope it was good and I hope it improves in the future!
In a kind of connection with this tumblr page, I’ll be making a new Instagram as of tomorrow - something I’ve been wanting to do for around about a month now and the fact I’m finally letting myself do it really makes me happy!
As soon as I make it, I’ll be sure to post about it. Or I may have to make Admin J remind me.
I’m not a very serious person at all. I hate taking myself too seriously and honestly, I laugh almost exactly like Jin.
Jin is actually my bias. Him and Namjoon. I act like a strange mixture of the two of them: I love Dad jokes, I love philosophy and analysing the world, and I love to care for people more than anything. I also draw, write and sing!
I’m coming off as overly enthusiastic and sickly so I can make a good first impression and I hope it’s working. But as long as people like my writing and stick around for it, I’m happy.
I hope things become 10x easier for Admin J because of having three more people to help out. It’ll be a lot better, hopefully.
Thanks you~
- Admin D (I’m very immature and laugh every time I type it) ♡
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
How would Bts react coming home and finding their partner singing whilst cooking?
( wasn’t a request, it’s just for practice )
Would smile to himself and stay quiet as he approached and gently put his arms around his s/o, joining in with their singing and watching them cook, even helping out as the song continued and later applauding them when the song finished.
Hesitant and quiet for a moment before suddenly bursting into song and dancing stupidly in the middle of the kitchen to make his s/o laugh. Then dryly reminding them that they have food to watch when he got bored of dancing and smiling to himself as he leaves the kitchen.
Stands and listens with a huge smile on his face, asks what she’s singing or joins in at the chorus dramatically and makes it look like he’s in a music video. Once the song finishes he claps and tells her how good she was, even if she’s tone deaf.
He’s a man of detail: he would listen for the entirety of the song rather than interrupting, faking in all the details and go and put his arms around his s/o After the end of the song, suddenly dropping on her that he could hear her from the next room. When she gets all embarrassed he laughs and tells her how good she was, regardless of if she was awful.
He would listen to her with a smile and take in every aspect of her voice, all of a sudden startling her by walking in to sing along and laughing at her reaction as he told her just how cute she was for being embarrassed.
Would walk into the room to ask which song she was singing, pretending to react badly as if her voice was bad in order to tease her- not outright telling her that she was bad, just facial expressions so he could see her reaction. He would laugh when she got annoyed and tell her he was joking, hugging her tightly and telling her just how good she was.
Would come in and smile, not saying anything but using the song as an excuse to jokingly show off his high notes and his voice overall. He would then treat his s/o as if he was about to tell her how good she was, and then say something along the lines of “I know, I was amazing”.
This was written by Suranne, better known as Admin Dimple on this page and I am happy to say I’m proud of her first piece of work :3
Also I won’t be putting gifs on the reactions for a while as I’m not good with the coding sorry
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Farewell to you,
As you’ve probably seen or noticed, Admin A is unfortunately leaving. It isn’t because she doesn’t want to do this anymore, her passion is now taking in a different direction, she wants to start writing longer stories.
I, admin J, am staying and am now the lead admin for the page. I’m sure you’ve gathered that I won’t be able to do all of this by myself, so I have spoke to three of my friends, Emily, Suranne and Maddie and they’ve agreed to become the new admins.
So for a few days there will not be as many posts as me and Kayla will be training and helping the new admins. Later on I’ll introduce the three of them properly but for now I’m going to wait.
We will still specialise in doing reactions for Bts as well as Got7, Big Bang and other groups. Now that there will be four of us we have agreed to open up to the idea of doing other groups. For the first few weeks they will only be Bts and Got7, but as time goes on and they become more familiar with other groups, new ones will be added. We have spoken about adding girl groups aswell and in time we will be adding Twice, BlackPink and Red Velvet, then in the future we may add other girl groups and maybe even solo artists.
I know many of you followed this page because of Admin K and Admin A, I admit I am sad and worried they have both left as now it means the responsibility falls to me. I promise to try my hardest, for the future of this page I am going to do my best, as will the others.
So please I am asking that you be respectful and kind towards the new admins when they begin as they are new to this and I want them to feel welcomed as they are my best friends.
For now, I will be posting when I can, so please don’t expect too much from me as I am still in school. Speaking of school, all of us live in England and we have different school schedules to what most of you will have. I’m asking that you be respectful and remember we do have our own lives too.
Thank you, Admin J. ���️
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
I'm Done, Peace out
After a lot of thought on this. My heart isn't here anymore and it feels like I'm trapped in a box. So I admin A will be leaving but admin J will be staying
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Goodbye Admin A ~ Kayla ❤
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Ok this is the new masterlist. If anything is not working or the link is incorrect feel free to say so
Masterlist (Updated 16/7/18)
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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To Be Clingy
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Some of the one who are missing -bts reaction parents not accepting foreigner -what kind of girl bts would like -bts reaction opening door with foot
I'm still redoing the masterlist. It's quite a lot so you guys are going to have to wait a bit🙃
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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You're Specal (Jinyoung)
Ain't No Other Man (Jackson)
Wish (Jinyoung)
Lost (Jackson)
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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Texting Suga his childhood photos .
Jungkook finds the nudz you’ve sent to your BF Namjoon {video} .
Wanna break up with Jimin because of his fans’ threatens {video} .
Bestfriend V entered your house when you were out .
Jin calming his angry GF down by surprising her with his visit over her place (long distance relationship) .
Suga calming his angry GF down by surprising her with his visit over her place (long distance relationship) .
Texting boyfriend J-hope because you feel insecure about the age difference between both of you .
Boyfriend J-hope waking you up on a lazy Sunday to do “important businessue” .
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
One-Shots + Scenarios
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Jaelousy (Taehyung) .
XO (J-Hope) .
The Girl I'll Never See Again (Suga) .
Kyllie's Birthday Special .
Fractured Arm (Jimin) .
Sad Melody (Jimin)
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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Teacher AU (Taehyung PT1) PT2
King AU (Namjoon PT) PT
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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Date A Musical Performer/Dancer
Date A Musical Theatre Actress
Date A Gamer
Date A Ballet Dancer
Date A 04 Liner
Date A Foreigner
Date A Bad Girl
Date A Tomboy
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
Masterlist (Updated 16/7/18)
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kpop-melody · 7 years ago
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One-Shots + Scenarios
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