kostasdeimos · 4 years
@spree: Story of my life. ;P FIRST! A Haunted Dance theme would be fan-fucking-tastic and you can't tell me otherwise. SECOND! Do we tho?! Are there any left??? Is it Disco??? Did the old people already do Disco? Please say it's Disco!
@kostas: umm are you forgetting our Freshman morp? That was horror themed! We can't be double dipping twice in less than five years, how lame.
@kostas: well damn, where do you sit at lunch?
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
@spree: What if I correctly guess what it's /not/? What do I get then? How many guesses until I can get a hint? I know you wouldn't do something dumb, so that narrows it down... Is it Once Upon A Midnight Dreary?! PLEASE!
@kostas: hmmm you get (drumroll) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Love that for you. Look, I love Edgar Allan Poe as much as the next bitch, but even I know that'd be a lame theme for a dance. Try again. Hint: we love a decade dance.
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
@kostas: Alright, bitches, it's WHS's Dance Committee prez here and I'm going to do the WAP dance in the middle of the cafeteria for the first person who can correctly guess what the homecoming theme is gonna be this year
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
what's your most demonic quality??
I pour my milk before the cereal. Fear me. 
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
Sara: I don't know if it's the poorly coping with my mother's death thing or my upstairs neighbors apparently throwing a 24 hour RAVE but I'm like 3 seconds from going apeshit and attempting to set my dorm on fire with me in it. heeeelp
Kostas: kill them. Just kidding, don't do that. But if you need me to hop on over to the WU dorms and kick some ass on your behalf, I'll do it. You and Shray shouldn't have to deal with any annoying neighbors right now and I've been looking for an excuse to slap someone absolutely silly.
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
Is a white tiger supposed to be sexy? Because I’m picturing a Tony the Tiger fursuit thing and that’s like… way scary. Or something like the cats in cats and I’m not even sure if that’s worse or not.
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I mean, it definitely can be! I’m thinking something a little less fursona and more fashion -- like a slinky tiger print slip dress with some boots. And maybe -- maaaaaaybe a collar to give the “inhumane treatment of animals” vibe that I’m going for, but I don’t want to accidentally earn some kind of reputation. I try not to kinkshame the furries but with so many people out here whose parents actually talked to animals, it’s a little hard.
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
It’s really unfortunate that ‘Vegas showgirl’ isn’t something I’m interested in pulling off. Not to say that I’ll be showing up to prom in a tux or anything, but it most likely will not be fishnets and a feather boa and I think that’s very unsexy of me. Maybe I’ll throw it back to #SiegfriedAndRoy and go as a white tiger. 
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
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kostasdeimos · 4 years
i love loose puffy shirts w tight pants. fuck you if you want to know what my chest is like but LOOK at my ass
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