korach · 2 years
anyway just a reminder for the myth lovers out there
king arthur was welsh. merlin was welsh. camelot was in wales. the lady and the lake she pops out of; welsh. excalibur; magic inanimate welsh object. etc.
on the way to see family, i drive past a lake that in which is welsh legend, is the last resting place of excalibur.
i’m just saying in my experience a lot of these legends had been so anglo-fied in the past and it’s like, all this cool shit is celtic welsh legend.
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korach · 3 years
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Horned Piper
Pan, O great god Pan, to thee
Thus do we sing!
Thou who keep'st us chaste and free
As the young spring.
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korach · 3 years
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korach · 3 years
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I think most non-Jews don't know/understand American synagogues are under siege, having to pay huge amounts for security, both to have armed guards, but also installing bulletproof windows and doors and putting up anti-ramming barriers. It's getting really bad out there and I never see anyone who isn't Jewish talking about it.
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korach · 3 years
This is not news, but it is an important read, especially for people who were previously unaware of the trend of neo-Nazis stealing pagan symbols for their own.
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist pagan, keep doing what you are doing, you are keeping the fight alive
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist person who is not a pagan, help us spread the word of this, stand in solidarity with us as we kick the fascists out of our communities
If you are a fascist pagan, fuck off, this faith is a peaceful one
No platforms for fascists.
~ Max
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korach · 3 years
Fun fact: Falling Fruit has a worldwide map where you can look to see if anyone has noted any fruit trees you can harvest near your location for free 🍎
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korach · 3 years
Cool Tip
If you are like me and always need to be working on something to keep your anxiety under control, during this quarentine why not helping scientists by looking at pictures of some neat penguins? or even galaxies?  There’s this site call Zooniverse, where you can help on scientific projects by analyzing pictures and data!  Right now my favorite project has returned, called Penguin Watch (where yeah, you get to watch penguins, it’s amazing)
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you basically have to analyse photos looking for penguins, their chicks, eggs or even predators and human interaction But there are lots of interesting projects you can help in areas such as biology, physics, history or even art: 
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Oh and the best part, some institutions even accept it as volunteering/service hour requirements for graduation and scholarships!! It’s helping me a lot during this time, so I thought it was worth sharing 
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korach · 3 years
Look at what I saw on Twitter!!!
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korach · 3 years
gentiles have no idea which Jewish holidays are particularly significant relative to other Jewish holidays 
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korach · 3 years
Woke up yesterday realizing Dionysus has been going "pspspspspsps" at me for years, had an atheists(?????) crisis, and got halfway through making a playlist as a way to process how I might vibe with him before realizing that's basically a Dionysian Devotional and accepted my fate.
Anyway here it is
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korach · 3 years
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korach · 3 years
Here's a collection of hundreds of books about magic and witchcraft.
With beginner friendly guides, constant updates with new resources, and a welcoming community — this server is open to all, even if you're just looking to satisfy your curiosity.
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korach · 3 years
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korach · 3 years
So gods have sacred numbers right? And those numbers are often associated with their birthdays. Like Hermes's birthday being the 4th day of the 4th month, 4 being his sacred number.
With that in mind, Dionysus's sacred number (or at least, the most common one associated with him) is 5. (or 3, but 5 feels right somehow)
That being said. I also feel like he'd be born during Spring. Again, just a feeling, a hunch.
That aaaall being said: His's birthday would be the 5th day of the 5th month.
That would mean: HIS BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!!😲
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korach · 3 years
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this tumblr post has me in a vice grip
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korach · 3 years
Things I’ve Learned About: AZAZEL
Hello guys, I’m back with another post regarding my personal workings/experience/worship of AZAZEL The Fallen Goat Angel. This is all my information from working with him within a month - which I am highly impressed by the results since I’m still so new yet so much has come to blossom from it! I’ve also done some extensive research to get a better grasp of all sides of him.
Azazel is considered a WATCHER/GATE-KEEPER. He is an extremely powerful being who holds rank equivalent to the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer, Himself. Azazel owns his own sphere within the reverse Tree of Life called Thaumiel where he has his own legion under his beck and order*.
Azazel holds domain over Satyrs which he uses to do his business as stated above*.
He is kind of a Jack-Of-All-Trades: Lust/Sex, reuniting love/friendship, healing/repairing friendships or bonds. philosophy, removal of pains through love, increasing popularity and he can also heal repressed trauma.
Azazel is willing to talk and hold communications with you, he is very friendly, not frightful at all.
Though be warned when he is called upon you will experience incredibly deep sexual feelings and lust, self-control is needed as well as being able to withstand such pressure. He’s a big force.
Listens to the things that you want even when you think he doesn’t.
Experiences love the same as humans do - he just knows how to express it in more mature manner and understanding.
He does have a temper when he gets upset but it doesn’t mean he will lash out.
Appeared to me first as a black goat, as I interacted with him more, his appearance changed from a goat, to a humanoid goat (like a full on goat but standing up haha), to a satyr.
In his Satyr form he came to me with blonde messy hair, wearing a green helm made of some type of thing I’ve never seen before and his entire body confirmed in dark colored fur.
Azazel, being apart of the Draconic Court (i.e. Lucifer, Belial, Ba’al, those are all the ones I can list off the top of my head), has a dragon form as well.
Can appear as a serpent with a pointed snout and colored an iridescent, shimmering, vibrant green. This can relate to his embodiment of lust.
I have not experienced any of the negative aspects of which Azazel is able to fulfill, I honestly don’t believe he has any, he is only worrisome if you can’t withstand his power. 
As a satyr he also enjoys partaking in festivities and music, perhaps the offering of lute playing and dance will make a great offering to him.
Unlike Belial you can evoke Azazel, just be ready for his overwhelming presence and urges he will give you.
My personal Gnosis is that Azazel may have some Greek ties due to his Satyr form!
A wonderful teacher who brings big, big change into your life very quickly Azazel is a being you work with for a lifetime and he appreciates lifelong partnerships.
Azazel is a profound healer and an excellent being to work with if you struggle with painful energy/thoughts/memories.
His smile is equivalent to the sun shining on its brightest day.
*From my research he’s associated with satyrs a lot, I have not seen his army or any of his workers that are but from witnessing his form as one I believe he very may well own an entire army of them.
I do entice you all to go out and experience him on your own, but only if you’re ready to deal with some real healing. He will bring out the hurt, but its only so he could treat the pain. 10/10 demon to work with - I can’t even consider him a demon, Azazel is in his own field of species and it’s the sweetest one that can be. Thank you for reading, I look forward to updating this in the future!
**Edit: corrected, removed typos and repeated words.
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korach · 3 years
The shelter where I volunteer got some new hissy babies and we were making progress with socialization yesterday.
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