konoi-and-noir · 2 months
☀️ What I'd give for just a few more days with you… 💀
The Kickstarter for the new A Date with Death DLC is live NOW!
Help us fund five extra days, new art, new endings, and more… and pick up some cool rewards along the way!
Support us here:
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konoi-and-noir · 2 months
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A Date with Death: Beyond the Bet will include some optional spicy scenes if the Kickstarter is funded…
Time to take off those gloves, Grimmy boy 🥰
Follow the Kickstarter and help us make the new DLC ⤵️
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konoi-and-noir · 3 months
1000 wishlists
Wow I saw a huge influx of likes and reblogs for the master post yesterday! Thanks guys, every little bit helps. On that note, we are so close to 1000 wishlists on Steam! We are just over the 880 mark. Once we hit 1,000 we'll meet one of our community goals and I will add another CG to the game! Help us get there, wishlist the game if you haven't already! Even if you plan on downloading it from itch.io, it really helps visibility 🙏🏾
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konoi-and-noir · 9 months
Kickstarter Successful!
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That's a wrap folks 🥹
Words cannot express how truly grateful and excited I am by how the campaign went. You guys made this happen. You showed up and made a solo dev's dreams come true 🤧
And now, I'm gonna get to work 🫡
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konoi-and-noir · 9 months
Long Gone Days is out NOW!
Buy the game on your platform of choice today: Game Website: https://serenityforge.com/games/long-gone-days
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/510540/Long_Gone_Days/
Nintendo Switch: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/long-gone-days-switch/
PlayStation: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10008650
Xbox: https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/long-gone-days/9p6p8860tjnl
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konoi-and-noir · 9 months
Celestial Crowns Kickstarter - 3 days left!
The Celestial Crowns Kickstarter is live! 
Take the throne and save your kingdom with ancient magic in this amare visual novel! 
👑Customizable MC (body type / pronoun)
💍3 love interests with branching routes
✅ 9 personality traits
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konoi-and-noir · 9 months
6 days left!
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We are on the final stretch! Help us reach some stretch goals! ...Is that why they call them stretch goals?
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konoi-and-noir · 9 months
Help us reach our stretch goals!
We're still so close to 11,000, I know we can do it!
We're more than halfway through the Celestial Crowns Kickstarter! Help us meet our stretch goals:
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konoi-and-noir · 10 months
Kickstarter - 1st Stretch Goal
We're heading toward our stretch goals! The first one is more customization for the MC. We'll add two extra skin tones!
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konoi-and-noir · 10 months
Sahi's Flower | We're Live on Kickstarter!
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Sahi's flower is the blanket flower. They thrive in difficult environments and are a symbol of strength and courage.
Will he have the courage to tell you how he feels?
(Art by Kylee)
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konoi-and-noir · 10 months
Kickstarter 1 week celebration giveaway!
We're doing a giveaway to celebrate the launch of our Kickstarter! Let's bring this game to life!
Follow us, like, and reblog this to enter by 10/12. 1 person will win a free set of keychains OR access to our locked discord channel with CG and writing WIPs!
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konoi-and-noir · 10 months
Celestial Crowns Kickstarter - Funded in 1 week
I type this with tears in my eyes...Celestial Crowns is fully funded on Kickstarter! Thank you to everyone who helped this happen 😭
Now let's smash some stretch goals!
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konoi-and-noir · 10 months
Did you know our Kickstarter is live?
The Celestial Crowns Kickstarter is live live live!
If you like:
✅Arranged marriage trope
✅ Fast burn 
✅ Magic, potions, and plots, oh my! 
Then Aalam's route is for you!
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konoi-and-noir · 10 months
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Turncoat Chronicle giveaway!
In honor of Turncoat Chronicle being officially out in the world for a month, I'm running a giveaway! That's right, I have two Steam keys that I'm going to give away to two lucky winners.
How to Enter
Follow @zincalloygames
Reblog this post with the tags #giveaway entry
Enable private messages
That's it!
The giveaway will be open on Tumblr for one week and end on Sunday, September 10th, 10:00 PM UTC. When the giveaway closes, I'll randomly select two winners. The winners will receive a private message with their Steam key.
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konoi-and-noir · 11 months
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It's here!!!! 🍒🍒
The demo has launched, and you can check it out at the link down below! For now, it is only the Prologue, but it has 15k words, almost all the ROs are introduced, and a pretty lengthy glossary, so make sure to check that out!
The Patreon is coming together, and it will be ready this week. It will have two extra stories and a lot of other cool things!! 😊😊
All in all, good reading!
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konoi-and-noir · 3 years
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In celebration of attaining another follower milestone, as well as the one-month anniversary of this blog, we'd like to host a giveaway for you! Thank you once again for all your support and everyone who interacts with our posts and has shown interest in this project. We notice and appreciate every one of you. ♡
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We will be giving away TWO prizes to TWO of our followers!
A 1000-word scene featuring YOUR MC and a Blue-Blooded RO of your choice! The scene can be anything you'd like, and we'll work together to make sure we understand your MC and portray them accurately!
A one-page letter addressed to YOUR MC from an RO of your choice.
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You must FOLLOW US (@blccded) and REBLOG THIS POST between now and October 21st, 11pm CET. A random number generator will be used to select the winners, so everyone has an equal chance.
Please make sure your direct messages are open so we can contact you.
The first winner receives the first pick. If you win and we do not receive a response from you within 24 hours, we will select a new winner. Winners will receive their prize within a week after the end date of this giveaway.
Last but not least, STAY HEALTHY and all our gratitude to you guys once more! Good luck, blue bloods!
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konoi-and-noir · 3 years
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✨500 follower giveaway & celebration!!!✨
I know, I know—it’s a little late now, we are around 550 instead—but OMG, you wonderful 500~550 people ❤️❤️❤️ It feels so strange…But in a good way—like, that’s more people than went to my school growing up?! 
And to celebrate, I will be doing a giveaway! 🥳
There are two prices to win. You enter by liking and/or reposting two different posts (depending on what price you want)—and you can enter both but only win one. If somehow, someone wins both, I will contact that winner to choose one of the prices, and give the other to someone else!
1. Character Painting
Get a character painting, by me :) You can choose a style and character* (it does not have to be related to this game or fandom)! 
Here are some examples! (Though scroll past the first post…)
All you have to do to enter is be a follower (new or old), and like or repost this post! (You can do both and would then double your chance to win this price!)
2. Design a game detail
Design a game detail** that will appear in the game!
Design an outfit (either an everyday outfit or a ball outfit)
Design an NPC character that appears somewhere in the game (will have a small role).
Give me a rough or detailed idea of what you want, and I will work with you to craft it :D
All you have to do to enter is be a follower (new or old), and like or repost the pinned game post! (You can do both and would then double your chance to win this price!)
*Fair warning, I am best with closeup and humanoids… Please no detailed hands… it’s so hard to get right :( And if it is a simple idea, I could perhaps do two characters… But, umm, nothing too NSFW. And it doesn’t have to be in a realistic style, send me a few references, and I will try and make it work :D
** If it is highly inappropriate, or very very era ill-suited, I might have to ask for a different idea. But I don’t expect that to happen :) It cant be copyright material (unless it is Sherlock related…)
✨✨✨Special community price! ✨✨✨
I will be accepting ideas/prompts for a combo (a quick drawing) ≈ 500-1000 word prompts that are of the same scenario. 
Write in the comments or send me an anonymous message of what you would want to see—Oh, and mention it is for the contest!
I might also add some of my own ideas—then I’ll make a poll of some that I like or think would be good, and you guys vote for your favourite! 
*I will end it in two weeks. Will randomise winners 1st of September!
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