konghannie · 1 month
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konghannie · 5 months
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Saw this on Pinterest and wanted to share it here bcos it’s amazing. Perhaps I will cry today.
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konghannie · 5 months
you died and i desperately need to tell you how it feels. i need you to hold me upright while i show you this hole that exists now in my heart and the emptiness that swallows my soul. i need you to hold me while i cry out for you, and scream at god and ask him why. you died and you are the only one who can get me through this.
-Mae S. // letter to everyone i've ever lost.
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konghannie · 5 months
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unknown // instagram, geloy concepcion // unknown // in the event this doesn't fall apart, shannon lee barry // oh earth we're briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong // instagram, geloy concepcion // riko (aribachi) // a grief observed, c.s.lewis // jamie anderson // @sarakleign // macbeth, william shakespeare // unknown // bright dead things, ada limòn // would've could've should've, taylor swift // dark paradise, lana del rey // haunted, dean gioia // fourth of july, sufjan stevens // perfumebathing // unknown // growing around grief, lois tonkin
𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒, 𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒷𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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konghannie · 5 months
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konghannie · 5 months
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Is there another life? Shall I awake and find all this a dream? There must be, we cannot be created for this sort of suffering.
- John Keats
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konghannie · 5 months
“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
― Jamie Anderson
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konghannie · 5 months
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konghannie · 5 months
So we all like the “if you die then I’ll burn down the world” trope but there’s something so powerful and beautiful about living on with their memory instead. It’s not “because you’re dead the world has nothing worth saving in it” but “everyday something in this world reminds me of you and I’m glad for it even if it hurts”.
It’s “I’ll bring your kindness with me wherever I go and someone will remember it even if they’ll never know I borrowed it from you.”
It’s “This is what you would do.”
It’s “I’ll remember you for you and not for what the people hail you as.”
And it’s so painfully beautiful.
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konghannie · 5 months
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Iva Luliashi, It's invisible and you can't smell it, 2016, oil on canvas
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konghannie · 5 months
What will we do when "I am Jean Moreau. I belong to the Moriyamas. I will endure." becomes "I am Jean Moreau. I am a Trojan. I will conquer."
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konghannie · 5 months
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the art / the artist
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konghannie · 6 months
The fact that both Jeremy and jean find each other "easy on the eyes" is killing me-
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konghannie · 6 months
"if i was orpheus i would simply not turn around" yes you would. if you were orpheus and you loved eurydice, you would. to love someone is to turn around. to love someone is to look at them. whichever version of the myth — he hears her stumble, he can't hear her at all, he thinks he's been tricked — he turns around because he loves her. that's why it's a tragedy. because he loves her enough to save her. because he loves her so much he can't save her. because he will always, always turn around. "if i was orpheus i would simply —" you wouldn't be orpheus. you wouldn't be brave enough to walk into the underworld and save the person you love. be serious
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konghannie · 6 months
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I'VE read the big three.... i've read the big three...
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konghannie · 6 months
Yall need to stop saying aftg is poorly written because I can only hope that one day I can write something as beautiful and impactful on people as all for the game
Nora did amazingly on these books and if y’all don’t think so you need to put me on whatever poetic classic crap you’re reading
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konghannie · 6 months
ok listen
i don't about you, but Nora herself is actually such an interesting human being to me.
aside from her literally creating aftg universe ( i mean, someone having this ideas, making this characters, back stories, everything, someone putting pieces of their soul into some ink made to a character, is like another whole subject to be talked about and cherished) but her in person, how hard she's trying to keep the story real, to keep it hers, to connect with her character and bring that real connection and feeling into the book, feelings and actions and decisions and stuff that actually means something to her and her alone who gave life to these characters and carries them with her like we all do but like, in much more intensity and reality.
barely gets influenced by things fans are trying to force to her to put in the book,
is actually under hella pressure but still doesn't back off cause it's her journey and she wants to keep it going. i mean, i barely think there's a 4th book because us fans wanted it??? i may be wrong but i kinda know it's because she wanted it to be a 4th book. because she actually cares about jean. because he's hers.
I've read like, billions of aftg fanfics, and at the end, the actual version always has it better, so yeah bye.
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