kominato-harucchi · 7 years
Does anyone still even expect this blog to update? Would anyone care if I remade this blog or deleted it? I literally haven’t posted anything in years, so...
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
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x / x.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Miyusawa # 18 (Kazuya has amnesia)
waking up with amnesia au
Eijun blamed himself for the accident. He didn’t care what anyone else said, if he hadn’t been so stupid, none of this would have happened. Grasping his boyfriend’s hand, he smiled slightly at the peaceful look on his face, tears stinging his eyes.
Swallowing, he said, “It’s been two weeks now you b-bastard. Wake up already.” Bringing the hand up to his forehead, he whispered, “I’m sorry Kazuya. I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean it. I love you. Please. Please wake up. I…I can’t do this without you.”
Laying his head down on the bed, Eijun intertwined his fingers with his boyfriend’s and closed his eyes. He hadn’t slept well for the past two weeks, and he was finally reaching his limit. His last thought before falling into a deep, dreamless sleep was, ‘Please wake up soon Kazuya.’
“…ey. Hey. Hey.” Eijun’s eyes flew open, his head turning towards the horse voice calling to him. His jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw his boyfriend’s eyes open for the first time in two weeks.
“Y…YOU’RE AWAKE!” Eijun didn’t care about proper behavior or anything as he jumped onto his boyfriend, squeezing him tightly. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he blubbered about how happy he was that the older male was finally awake.
Pulling back, he wiped his eyes and sniffed. “W-What’s wrong?” He asked, seeing the confused look on his boyfriend’s face. Staring at the face before him, he blinked. Something was missing. His eyes wandered to the side table, grinning when he spotted the glasses resting there.
Snatching them up, he gently set them on the hospitalized male’s face, laughing slightly because now everything was right again. Kazuya was awake. “Can I ask you a question,” Kazuya asked softly, his voice still rough.
Eijun nodded, sitting back on the chair he’d been in before. “Of course.”
“Do I…” Eijun leaned in closer to make sure he could hear what his boyfriend asked. “Do I…know you?”
Freezing and feeling his heart shatter, Eijun felt new tears welling up in his eyes. “W-What do you mean? O-Of course you know me. S-Stop joking Ka-Kazuya. It’s n-not funny.”
“Kazuya? Is that my name?”
Eijun swallowed thickly, seeing the true confusion in his boyfriend’s eyes. Standing so fast he tripped over the chair, Eijun scrambled for the door. “I-I’m so-sorry…doctor…go…need to…” Tripping over his sentences, the younger male darted from the room, his gaze blurry with tears as he ran out of the hospital, ignoring the shouts from behind him to not run.
He ran until he hit the secluded part of a nearby park he and Kazuya used to go to when they wanted to be alone together. Dropping to his knees, he pounded the dirt with his fists, biting his bottom lip in a failed attempt to keep his anguished cries silent.
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. How could Kazuya forget? How could he not remember all the time they’d spent together? Curling onto his side, he sobbed into his hands.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
35 kurasawa?
one of them trying to get the other one off of drugs au
Kuramochi frowned at the smell radiating from his boyfriend. “Eijun,” He said warning, “We talked about this.”
The younger male frowned towards the ground. “So?”
“So? SO?! They’re going to fucking kill you!” He grasped his boyfriend’s shoulders. “Look at me Eijun, I’ve been there. I know what you’re going through. I know how hard it is to stop, but if you don’t, believe me, you’re going to die.”
Eijun roughly pushed the older male away, a scowl on his face. “I know that! I’m not an idiot! I know how to take care of myself! Stop treating me like a fucking child! It’s my life and my body and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
“So you want to fucking die?! You want to throw your life away?!”
“I want you to stop bothering me! You’re my boyfriend, not my parent.”
“Yes, I’m your fucking boyfriend,” Kuramochi growled, “And that means I care about you and your health, even if you don’t.”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t! I can take care of myself! So either shut up and let it go or leave!”
Kuramochi’s lips thinned and the look on his face could have frozen hell. “Fine.” Eijun’s shoulders relaxed. “I’ll leave.” The younger male’s eyes widened, the hurt shining clear. “I love you Eijun, but I can’t be with someone who keeps pushing me away and willingly throws their life away. I thought we could make this work, but I can’t be the only one trying.” Turning, he started walking away. “Guess I was stupid to think you really cared about us.”
Eijun swallowed his reply, tears gathering in his eyes. He hadn’t meant it. He did care about his boyfriend, about them. Clenching his teeth to keep from saying anything, he watched his now former boyfriend’s back until it disappeared. 
“I”m sorry Youichi,” He whispered, arms wrapping around himself. “You’ll probably be happier without someone like me.”
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Tarly # 5 :]
one night stand and falling pregnant au
Carly grinned at the male admiring her from across the room, giggling slightly as his face turned red when he noticed her watching. Slipping around the dancers on the floor, she slid onto the open seat next to him. He was bigger than she’d thought, his bald head reflecting the dim lights.
“My name’s Carly,” She said, holding out her hand with a smile.
“It’s nice to meet you Tanba,” She greeted as he gently took her hand and kissed the back of it. Carly felt the heat rise in her cheeks. She’d never had anyone kiss the back of her hand before.
“W-What brings you here tonight?” She asked, attempting to regain her wandering thoughts.
Tanba scowled slightly. “My friends dragged me here and then left me.”
Nudging his shoulder slightly as she ordered a drink, she winked at him. “Surely it’s not all bad, right? Aren’t you having at least a little fun?”
She watched more color fill his cheeks, spreading to his neck and even up to his head. “Meeting you made it a little better.”
Carly’s heart sped up, heat blossoming in her cheeks. Quickly grabbing her drink, she gulped it down in hopes of blaming the color on the alcohol. This man beside her was good. He wasn’t the first to have grasped her attention, but he was one of the only ones so far who’d made her heart beat like crazy.
Smiling as she downed another glass, and wondering if she should slow down as she started feeling the affects of the alcohol take place, she Carly felt glad she’d let her friends talk her into coming with them to the party. It was turning out pretty good after all.
Heaving into the toilet for the third morning in a row, Carly wondered who she pissed off to deserve this. Wiping her mouth with some tissues as she flushed the contents, she staggered back into her bedroom.
She knew her friends were worried about her, but she kept telling them she was fine. It was probably just a bit of food poisoning. She knew she shouldn’t have tried that sketchy buffet downtown.
Laying down, she groaned loudly when someone knocked on the door, groaning even louder when she heard her friends calling her name. Before she could tell them to leave, the door to her bedroom opened and a small box was shoved into her face.
Taking the package and looking at what it was, she sat up and glared at her friends. “That’s not funny.”
“It’s not supposed to be,” One of them answered, jabbing her finger towards the bathroom she just left. “Now go.”
Grumbling about stupid friends who didn’t know what they were talking about, Carly stomped into the bathroom and started downing cup after cup of water from the sink. Opening the box, she lifted the lid of the toilet again.
Her face was ashen as she stepped out of the bathroom, a small stick in her hand. Tears were beginning to make their way down her face. Falling to her knees, she shook her head. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
-places a tennis ball next to you and watches- ovo
Haruichi glanced at the small yellow object that had been placed next to him. Picking it up, he turned towards the person who’d set it there. “Excuse me…did you drop this?”
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
"Sawamura did you steal the baby?" Honestly that was one of the best reactions I've read from your blog XD That was SO Miyuki and just imagining that play out made me laugh, thank you for making my day! Can you do seido trying to do their s/o's hair?
:DDD I’m glad I was able to make your day! 
I really wanted to make this funny BUT, there weren’t any gifs to satisfy my humor. So I went with what kind of style they would do instead. I hope that’s okay! >__
Tetsuya, Jun and Tanba would probably only know how to do a pony tail. It was the most simplest and easiest hair style they could do. Everything else just seemed too complex for them.
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Ryosuke would just give you those pretty loose curls. Although, I think he’d prefer you doing it without heat since he didn’t want you damaging your hair. So he’d rather just put those hair rollers in your hair the night before!
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Chris, probably being the gentleman he is. He’ll learn how to braid and he’ll perfect it quickly. Maybe he’ll had some flowers in the braid if you want? 
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Kuramochi would probably only know how to do a messy bun. He’d probably say something along the lines of, “It’s all too complicated! Your hair looks nice the way it is anyways!”
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Nori and Furuya would probably just straighten your hair. Nori would be to scared to do anything else because he didn’t want to damaged your hair too badly. Furuya just just didn’t really know what to do with hair. He’s really clueless, even if you teach him. 
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Haruichi would most likely go for those pigtails. It was cute and really girly so he would defiantly do that if you were willing to let him play with your hair.
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Miyuki and Sawamura— I’d rather not let these two mess with your hair. These guys would probably not know what they’re doing but will still try to do at least some type of style. After all the pain from the tugging and pulling…
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Yeah— just— don’t let them. 
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Send us a prompt and we’ll do our best to answer them ASAP but before you do here are few quick guidelines we have :]
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
9. Where do you get the inspiration for your muse? 10. If you could would you switch bodies with your muse? Please and thanks :D
I already answered these~
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
1. Why did you choose this muse to rp as? 9. Where do you get the inspiration for your muse? 10. If you could would you switch bodies with your muse?
9) Sometimes I feel like I am them, so it’s pretty easy for me to respond then. Otherwise, I just do my best to get inside their heads.
10) I don’t know. I like how I am now, but Haruichi is so adorable...I think if I could switch back then yes. I enjoy being tall, but I do wonder what it would be like to be short.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Munday asks!
1. Why did you choose this muse to rp as?
2. First muse you rp’d as?
3. Do you plot threads or just wing it?
4. A muse you want to rp as but haven’t?
5. A muse you wish you could pull off?
6. A similarity between mun and muse?
7. A difference between mun and muse?
8. A ship(s) you have for your muse?
9. Where do you get the inspiration for your muse?
10. If you could would you switch bodies with your muse?
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
maybe something where seido reaction to seeing that sawamura was the first one to have children, and the baby was gorgeous
Tetsuya: “Sawamura… make sure you take good care of the baby. Congratulations to you and the mother.”
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Ryosuke: “Let’s just hope it’s not as loud as you are, Sawamura. Congrats.”
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Tanba: “Hm? … Hah, congratulations Sawamura. Take good care of your family.”
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Chris: “Geez, to think Sawamura would have a child before me…”
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Kuramochi: “Stop joking! Ha?! W-What!? — W-Well obviously, the baby got the looks from the mother!!”
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Miyuki: “Eh? Sawamura? Did you steal this baby?”
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Nori: “Congratulations Sawamura!!”
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Furuya: //ignores// “FURUYA, DON’T IGNORE ME!”(Sawamura)
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Haruichi: “Congrats Sawamura! Can I hold it?”
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
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Many characters are still available to RP as. So join in the Daiya No Ace RP. We would love to have you on our team. Here ist he list of characters that are still available.
~~~~~Seidou High ~~~~~
Yuki Tetsuya 
Masuko Toru
Maezona Kenta
Shiraisu Kenjirou
Miyauchi Keisuke
Takashima Rei
Yoshikawa Haruno
Natsukawa Yui
Unemoto Sachiko
Takako Fujiwara
~~~~~Inchidaisan High~~~~~
Kaname Manaka 
~~~~~Inashiro Vocational~~~~~
Carlos Toshiki Kamiya 
Itsuki Tadano 
Masatoshi Harada 
Shirikawa Katsuyuki 
~~~~~Aikawa High~~~~~
Shun-chen Yang 
~~~~~Yakushi High~~~~~
Yūta Mishima  Raizō Todoroki 
~~~~~Sakurazawa High~~~~~
Yoshimi Hidokoro  Masaaki Inamoto 
~~~~~Sensen Academy~~~~~
Yōsuke Maki 
~~~~~Other Characters~~~~~
Wakana Aotsuki (若菜 Aotsuki Wakana)
*bold=canon characters we especially would love to join in the RP.
We’ll gladly take any of these characters and any other canon characters we might have not listed here. We want more canon characters preferably the ones in bold. If you have any interest at all send an ask here. We also are taking OCs so if you want to create a character to join in the RP here is the guidelines.  Also please keep your askbox open so we can contact you. Thanks!
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
12 - An otter
Nori didn’t want anything to do with the strange device he found laying on the ground, but he also didn’t want anyone else to trip and hurt themselves. Picking it up, he dropped it quickly when it made a strange zapping sound.
Turning to see if anyone else had been around, his eyes grew wide when he found a small pink otter floundering around nearby. It took a few moments to process what had just happened, but when he finally did, he scooped up both the device and the otter, running to his room.
He spent the rest of the day searching up both how to care for otters and information about a device that made small pink otters suddenly appear.
Haruichi watched his senpai from where he’d been placed on the floor and wondered if Satoru would believe that he missed their date that night because he’d been turned into an otter.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Number Generated: 1 - A dog
Haruichi was confused. One second Satoru was showing him something he’d found, and the next everything was so much bigger and in black and white. Blinking, he looked around in confusion.
Looking up at his boyfriend, he opened his mouth to ask what was going on and froze when a small bark emitted from his moth instead. Looking down at his hand, he found a furry paw instead.
Clumsily running out of the room to find a mirror, he skid into a wall. Before he could get up and continue on, he felt hands gently grasp him. He was near hyperventilating when the air rushed by and he saw the ground getting further and further away.
Craning his neck, he blinked up at Satoru, letting out a small whine. He didn’t know if the pitcher knew what he wanted or not, but it was a few moments later that he was held in front of the bathroom mirror.
He almost couldn’t believe his eyes. He was a dog. A tiny dog in comparison with his giant, still human, boyfriend. Slumping, he widened his eyes and turned to look at Satoru, whining again. He didn’t want to be a dog.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Your muse finds a remote control that can transform my muse into anything. Send in "ZAP" and I will use a generator of 1-20 to find out what your muse has turned mine into.
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kominato-harucchi · 9 years
Number Generated: 10
talking to them-self in the mirror
“You can do this. It’s just three words. It’s not that hard.” Pacing before the mirror in the bathroom, Haruichi took a deep breath and faced his reflection. “F-Furuya-kun. I-I...Um...I-I r-really l...um...” Squeezing his eyes shut and wondering why it was so hard saying it to his reflection, he took another deep breath.
Without opening his eyes, he said in a rush, “IreallylikeyouFuruya-kun,willyoupleasegooutwithme?” Standing there for a few moments, he slowly opened his eyes. They snapped open when he saw someone standing behind him in the mirror.
Whirling, his face flushed a deep red when he saw Nori standing there, seemingly unsure of himself. Neither said anything for a few moments until the second year rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously. “Uh...G-Good luck?”
The first year bolted, his cheeks flaming.
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