Haruka Komiyama
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Tumblr dedicated to Haruka Komiyama. Member of AKB48. Her nickname is Komiharu.
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
Please support Komiharu!!
It would be her first magazine cover alone... ♥
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka [Google+] 2015.10.25 23:42 There were big announcements at the sign event today! The first one was the senbatsu for the 42nd single ✨ It’s the last single for Takamina-san. As expected, [it being] “the last” for my beloved Takamina-san makes me feel lonely but I’m looking forward to Takamina-san’s center a lot ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ And, the announcement of a new unit! And somehow, I’ve been selected as a member for the new unit “Mushi Kago”, too (><)✨ I’m really, truly happy (;ω;)♡ The time I was watching the announcement on screen I had never thought I myself would be chosen, so my tears from joy and surprise didn’t stop (T^T) The moment of my name being announced has been replaying in my head all the time since then Immediately coming rushing over to my lane and congratulating me, Mion and Nana. Coming to my place and giving me a hug telling me “Congratulations” while shedding tears, Takamina-san. And, being very pleased, all my fans.
Lots of my fans were also crying when they came to congratulate me… To have that many people crying because of me filled my chest (;_;)♡ To cry “tears of joy” with everyone at last All my fans told me “Finally, Komi-chan’s “giving her best” came true!”, but that I was able to give my best all this time is thanks to my fans who are always supporting me Because of my fans I can give my best! Really, thank you always I want to advance even further together with you all and want to bring you a lot more joy! Please continue aiming for and proceeding towards the top together with me from now on (ㅅ^-^)♡ I’m the oldest in ❮Mushi Kago❯, my 2nd debut, as an older sister. To become an older sister, I’m surprised myself:‼(•'д'• ۶)۶ There are also a lot of members I haven’t spoken to before who I’m hoping to meet and become friends with soon (o^^o) I’ll work hard to make it a wonderful unit together with everyone ( •̀_•́)ง♡ Please give us your support (pq・v・)+° ♥KOMI♥
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
Hello! Can you translate the new Komiharu's entry? She talked about her birthday!!
Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy lately, but better late then never, right?Here you go!I’m glad that she’s sounding so much more positive again! I hope it’ll become a great year for her!
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
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i went a bit ambitious with the resize on this one :D my current wallpaper :3
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
Apparently, Komi sent the following via mobame today … [source]
– Komiyama Haruka [Mobame] 2015.06.08 Today was the Swimsuit Surprise photoshoot for the members who ranked in the general election, wasn’t it Komi had the day off today My feelings have calmed down again, so I could finally...
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka [Google+] 2015.06.06 23:11   こみに投票してくれたみなさん、そして応援してくれたみなさん本当にありがとうございました! Everyone who voted for, and everyone who supported Komi, truly, thank you very much! こみは名前を呼んでもらうことは出来ませんでした。 Komi’s name didn’t get called. ランクイン出来なくていっぱい泣いたけど、この泣いた分こみは“本気でAKBを頑張れていたんだな”と思って嬉しいです Komi cried a lot because she wasn’t able to rank in, but Komi was happy thinking “I’ve seriously been giving my best for AKB” the moment she was crying そして、こみの名前が呼ばれずにショックを受けたファンの方を想像すると本当に申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです And imagining the shock for the fans about my name not being called really made me feel so sorry でも、ショックが大きい分こみを応援してくれていると考えるとやっぱり嬉しいです But, the moment the shock was biggest, I was still happy considering that you were willing to support Komi 速報で37位にさせてもらえて、1日でこみに6607票も投票してくれて Granting Komi rank 37 in the preliminary results, voting 6607 times for Komi in 1 day それから2週間きっとたくさん増えていますよね It surely must’ve increased a lot after that during those 2 weeks 何票かはわからないんですけど、みなさんからのたくさんの愛をちゃんと後日聞いてきたいと思います I don’t know how many votes I got, though, but I’d like to properly hear about the big amount of love you gave me later ショック過ぎてずっと泣いてしまったこみを さきさんや北原さんがずっと慰めてくれて Saki-san and Kitahara-san continuously comforted Komi  who ended up crying from being too shocked the whole time 衣装さんやマネージャーさんが駆け寄ってくれて The costume-san and the manager-san came rushing over ママと電話したらママも泣いてて When I talked to my mama on the phone she was crying, too でもみんな「こみはるがすごく頑張ってるのは知ってるよ」って言って悔しがってれました Hearing “I know Komiharu is trying her very best!” from you all I felt frustrated “頑張りを見ててくれる人は見てくれてる” この言葉を信じてこれからも頑張っていきたいです ”Those willing to look will see that you’re giving your best” I believe in that saying, so I’d like to continue trying my best in the future, too 来年はちゃんとみなさんと一緒に頑張ってきたことを結果として出せるようにもっともっと頑張りたいです! I want to give my best even more in order to properly make the result of us working hard together visible next year! ランクイン出来なくてみなさんに壇上で感謝の気持ちを言えなかったんですけど、やっぱりこみの口からみなさんに感謝がしたいと思って動画で言いました Since I wasn’t able to rank in I couldn’t tell you all my feelings of gratitude on stage, but of course I wanna let you hear about my gratitude directly from Komi’s mouth, so I said it in a video みなさん本当にありがとう Really, thank you, everyone Comments: Komiharu: I strongly felt how important each and every vote is Komiharu: I’m glad I was able to properly congratulate Mion and Nana in a mail
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komiharu48 · 9 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka [Google+] 2015.06.05 22:51 こんばんはるか(ㅅ•᎑•)♡*.+゜ G’eveni-haruka (ㅅ•᎑•)♡*.+゜ こみはること込山榛香ですヾ(´︶`♡)ノ Called Komiharu, it’s Komiyama Haruka ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ 今日は1日ヤフオクドームでリハーサルをしました(◦'︶'◦)♬ I’ve been rehearsing at YafuOku Dome the whole day today (◦'︶'◦)♬ やっぱりヤフオクドームに立つとまだリハーサルだけどドキドキがすごくなります✧*ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧* As expected, just standing on YafuOku Dome’s stage already made my heart beat fast ✧*ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧* とうとう明日が選抜総選挙。 Senbatsu Sousenkyo [General Election] tomorrow at last. こみに投票してくれたみなさん、 応援してくれたみなさん本当にありがとうございます✧*。 Truly, thank you very much, everyone who voted for and supported Komi ✧*。 こみもmobile枠4票や、CDからの投票、出来ることは全部しました! Komi also did everything she could by using the 4 votes from the mobile and the ticket from the CD! 1票1票“未来”を想像しながら投票したのですごくドキドキワクワクしました(ლ˘╰╯˘).。.:*♡ Since I’ve been imagining the “future” while entering the tickets one after another my heart was pounding and I got really excited (ლ˘╰╯˘).。.:*♡ こみが想像した未来では、選抜総選挙で名前を呼ばれてみんなで“こみはるSmile”をしてるんです♡ In the future Komi had been imagining, her name got called in the senbatsu sousenkyo and she was doing “Komiharu Smile” together with everyone ♡ 今こみは明るい未来しか想像��きなくて、本当に応援してくれているみなさんのおかげだなって思います✧*。 That Komi can only imagine a bright future right now is really just thanks to everyone who has been supporting her ✧*。 総選挙で応援してくれてるたくさんの方が「ファンを信じて!」って言ってくれました( ´∩ ∩。` )♡ Many people who are giving their spuport to me for the general election told me to believe in the fans ( ´∩ ∩。` )♡ こみは心からみなさんを信じることが出来ています! Komi is sincerely believing in everyone! こみはみんなを信じてて、みんなはこみを信じてくれて Komi is believing in everyone and everyone is believing in Komi みなさんとのこの絆がすごくこみにとって大切で支えになってます∩(*´`∩)♡ This bond with you all has become a very important support for Komi ∩(*´`∩)♡ 総選挙の結果は、こみの1年間の結果。 The result in the election is the result of Komi’s year. そして票数はみなさんからの愛です。 And the number of votes is the love from you all. この投票期間にもすごくすごくみなさんからの愛を感じました(><)♡ I have also felt the love from you all really strongly during this voting period (><)♡ そんなみなさんに感謝の気持ちが言えるように、みんなでこみはるSmileが出来るように… Wishing I’ll get to tell you all my feelings of gratitude and wishing I’ll be able to do Komiharu Smile with everyone… ♥KOMI♥
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka [Google+] 2015.05.20 23:57   速報発表 37位 6609票!!! I ranked 37th with 6609 votes in the preliminary results!!! みなさん本当にありがとうございます✧*ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧* Truly, thank you very much, everyone ✧*ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧* 37位という素敵な順位をいただけてすごくビックリして、 投票開始からまだ1日しか立っていないのに6609票もこみに投票して下さって本当に嬉しいです✧*。 I was really surprised about receiving such a wonderful rank, rank 37, I’m really happy that 6609 votes have already been entered for Komi after only 1 day ✧*。 去年の総選挙ではファンの方からの「今年は無理だよね」って最初から諦められてしまう声も多くて、、、 For last year’s general election, I’ve been told “It’s impossible this year, isn’t it” by the fans and many had given up from the beginning already,,, 速報発表も選抜総選挙もランクインすることは出来ませんでした(・ω・`) The general election, the preliminary results, I wasn’t able to rank in either back then (・ω・`) でも今年はこみを応援してくれている方みんなが「一緒に総選挙頑張ろう!」ってこみと一緒に頑張ってくれていて本当に嬉しいです(´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥`)♡ But I’ve been told “Let’s give our best for the general election!” by everyone supporting me this year and I’m really happy we’re giving our best together (´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥`)♡ 写メ会で6部制になってみなさんとたくさんお話出来るようになったり、 I was able to talk lots with everyone during the 6th block of the photo event and 755企画で最後まで諦めずにこみと一緒に戦ってくれたり、 we fought together in the 755 competition without giving up until the very end, この1年でこみと応援してくれているみなさんとの【絆】と【団結力】がすごく強くなったなと感じます:*:・o( ´ω` )o・:*: I’m feeling how much stronger the “bonds” and “unified force” between everyone supporting me and Komi became this year :*:・o( ´ω` )o・:*: 本当にみんな大好き♡♡♡ I really love you all ♡♡♡ 6月6日の選抜総選挙まであと17日間ー。 17 more days until the general election on June, 6th. まだまだ始まったばかり It has only just begun こみの目標は33位のネクストガールズセンターです!!! Komi’s goal is rank 33, the center of Next Girls!!! みんなと上を目指して✧*。 Aiming for the top with you all ✧*。 この選抜総選挙という1番のチャンスを、 応援してくれていてるファンのみなさんと力を合わせて頑張りたいです(○p>ω<)尸 For this general election, this no. 1 chance, I want to join forces with all my fans who are supporting me and give my best (○p>ω<)尸 よろしくお願いします((o(´>ω<`)o))♡ Please support me ((o(´>ω<`)o))♡ 6月6日にみんなと最高のこみはるSmileが出来るように!!!!! So that, with you all, I can show you the best Komiharu Smile on June, 6th!!!!! ♥KOMI♥
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka [Google+] 2015.03.30 23:16 みなさん! Everyone! 昨日「41thシングル選抜総選挙」に立候補しました(๑•ω•́ฅ✧ I announced my candidacy for the 41st Single General Election yesterday (๑•ω•́ฅ✧ なので、今日のこみ+は総選挙のことを書きます(。uωu)♡ Therefore, I’m gonna write about the General Election on Komi+ today (。uωu)♡ AKB48に入る前の1ファンだったこみにとっても総選挙は大きくて、大好きだった大島優子さんにずっと投票してました(◦’︶’◦) Before joining AKB48, when Komi was just a fan, the General Election was a very big thing for me and I have always been voting for Oshima Yuko-san who I loved very much (◦’︶’◦) いつも全力でキラキラしてる大島さんからこみは元気を貰ってたから、“こみも大島さんのために力にたりたい!”って思ってたんです(*´╰╯`๓)♬ * Because Komi received energy from the sparkling Oshima-san who was always going with full power, I was thinking “Komi also wants to lend Oshima-san her power!” (*´╰╯`๓)♬ * その時こみはまだ中学生だったから、 お菓子やその時欲しかった物を我慢してお小遣いを貯めてもCDは高くて、少ししか買えなかったけど… Back then, Komi was still a junior high school student, so I endured wanting to buy candy or things I desired during that time and used my saved pocket money to buy CDs, even though I could only buy a few because they were expensive… 2位の発表で呼ばれた時はいっぱい泣いて、 1位の発表で呼ばれた時はめちゃくちゃ喜びました✧*ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧ I cried a lot when she [Oshima Yuko] was called for rank 2 and I was insanely delighted when she was called for rank 1 ✧*ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧ 大島さんが泣いてるのを見てこみも涙が止まらなかったし、喜んでる所を見て自分のことのようにすっごく楽しかったです(o(´>ω<`)o)♡ When seeing Oshima-san crying Komi also wasn’t able to stop her tears and when seeing her being glad I felt the same great happiness as if it were myself standing there (o(´>ω<`)o)♡ 総選挙はメンバーとファンのみんなが1つになって頑張れるすごく大きなチャンスだと思います! For the General Election, the members and fans become one trying their best together and I feel that it’s a very big chance! さいたまスーパーアリーナでの3日間の個別握手会では総選挙の話しが多くて、たくさんの方が「一緒に総選挙頑張ろう!」と言って下さいました(๑´ω`ノノ゙✧ I often talked about the General Election during the 3 days of individual handshake events at Saitama Super Arena and lots of people told me they wanted to give their best for the General Election together with me! (๑´ω`ノノ゙✧ 本当にすごくすごく嬉しいです(๑>؂<๑)۶♡ I’m really, truly immensely happy about this (๑>؂<๑)۶♡ こみの今年の総選挙の目標順位は…33位です!! The rank Komi is aiming for this year… is rank 33!! ネクストガールズのセンター。 The Next Girls’ center. 最近、同期や後輩が期待されてどんどん前に行ってしまうのを見てるだけしか出来ない自分がすごく悔しいです Recently, just watching how more and more of the same gen members and juniors are expectedly getting ahead of me while I’m unable to do it myself made me feel very frustrated with myself だからこの総選挙は[今のこみにとって1番のチャンス]だなって思います! Therefore, I feel that this General Election is the no. 1 chance for the current Komi! 33位は今のこみにとってすごく高い目標です。 Rank 33 is an extremely high aim for the current Komi. でもネクストガールズのセンターに立ってたくさんの方に知ってもらい、たくさんの方に認めてもらいたいです✧*。 But I could make myself known to lots of people by standing in as Next Girls’ center and I want lots of people to recognize me ✧*。 投票してくれるということはみなさんの負担にもなってしまうと思うのですごく心苦しい所もあるんですけど… However, I realize that I’m also putting a burden on everyone by asking people to vote for me which I’m very sorry for, but… 6月6日に「込山榛香」と名前が呼ばれてみなさんと一緒に喜びたいです。゚(●’ω’o)゚。 I wanna share my happiness with everyone when the name “Komiyama Haruka” gets called on June, 6th 。゚(●’ω’o)゚。 いつも応援してくれるファンのみなさんにもっともっと喜んでもらえるように頑張ります! I’ll work hard so that I can bring all the fans who are always supporting me more and more happiness! ♥KOMI♥
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
Hello (: One question! Can you translate the Komiharu's entry she put today on her Google+? I think she is very sad and I would like (if you want) that you transate it... Please ^_^ Thanks :)
Thanks for the request! ^_^ You can find the post here.Seems like she really had a hard time yesterday… It always makes me sad when I see/hear that girls get left out and the fans aren’t even decent enough to at least shake their hands for a second even if the girl isn’t their favourite. ._.
I’m glad to see that Komi seems to have cheered up a little by today and that Mion and the manager took care of her when they found out about it.Let’s hope her next handshake events will go better again! She doesn’t deserve to be treated in such a way.
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka [Google+] 2015.02.16 23:45 こんばんはるか ♡(❊´︶`❊)。۞·: G’evenin-haruka ♡(❊´︶`❊)。۞·: こみはること込山榛香です (ु๑•ω•๑)ु♡ Called Komiharu, it’s Komiyama Haruka (ु๑•ω•๑)ु♡ 昨日は気がついたら寝ちゃっていてこみ+の投稿が出来ませんでした 。゚(´つω・`。)゚。 When I noticed it I had already fallen asleep yesterday and wasn’t able to post on Komi+ 。゚(´つω・`。)゚。 みなさんに言いたいこといっぱいあったのに (๑>؂<๑)۶ Even though I had a lot I wanted to tell you all (๑>؂<๑)۶ なので、今日のこみ+は昨日のお話をしますね (*´╰╯`๓)♬ So, I’ll just talk about those things on Komi+ today (*´╰╯`๓)♬ 昨日は幕張メッセでの「希望的リフレイン」の全国握手会に参加させていただきました :. ♡(°´˘`°)/ ♡ .:* I got to participate in the “Kibouteki Refrain” national handshake event at Makuhari Messe yesterday :. ♡(°´˘`°)/ ♡ .:* たくさんの方が会場に来てくれてすっごく嬉しかったです ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。 I was extremely happy about so many people coming to the hall ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。 握手前にライブをやったんですけど、すっごくすっごく盛り上がって楽しかったです ٩(๑>∀<๑)۶ We did a live before the handshake and I got immensely hyped up, it was fun ٩(๑>∀<๑)۶ こみはヤング選抜として、 ♪「前しか向かねぇ」 ♪「君のことが好きだから」 ♪「ポニーテールとシュシュ」 ♪「AKBフェスティバル」 を歌わせていただきました (◦’︶’◦)♬ Komi got to sing ♪ Mae shika mukanee ♪ Kimi no koto ga suki dakara ♪ Ponytail to shushu ♪ AKB Festival with the Young Senbatsu (◦’︶’◦)♬ そしてユニットでなな・美音・こみの3人で♪「キャンディ」を歌いました (ღ•᎑•)♡ (ღ•᎑•)♡(•᎑•ღ) And for the unit, Nana, Mion and Komi, the 3 of us sang “Candy” (ღ•᎑•)♡ (ღ•᎑•)♡(•᎑•ღ) リクエストアワー2014年でも3人で歌わせていただいたので、1年ぶりのなな・美音・こみの「キャンディ」なんです ( ♡ω♡ )/ It was the first “Candy” with Nana, Mion and Komi after a year after we 3 had gotten to sing it in the Request Hour 2014 ( ♡ω♡ )/ 2日間なな&美音がこみのお泊まりにお家に来ていたので、夜遅くまで3人でいっぱいライブの練習頑張りました (๑´ω`ノノ゙✧ Nana&Mion came to stay over at Komi’s home for 2 days and us 3 worked very hard practicing for the live (๑´ω`ノノ゙✧ 握手会では奈々さん・こみ・未姫さんの8番レーンでした (๑•ω•๑)/”♡ For the handshake event, it was a Nana-san・Komi・Miki-san lane (๑•ω•๑)/”♡ 未姫さんと奈々さん推しの方がこみと握手してくれなかったり、時間がなくてこみは最後のだったので握手や会話が出来なかったりもたくさんして… The people supporting Miki-san and Nana-san didn’t come [with the intention] to shake Komi’s hands and since Komi was the last in line, there often was no time left for them to shake hands or talk [with Komi] anymore… 悲しくてトイレで隠れて泣いてたけど、涙が我慢出来ずにいっぱい泣いちゃったりもしました (・ω・`) I was so sad I hid myself away in the toilet and cried, without being able to control my tears I ended up crying a lot (・ω・`) そんなこみに気が付いてマネージャーさんや美音がいっぱい励ましてくれたんです (´ฅ•ω•ฅ`) When the manager-san and Mion noticed that Komi was in such a state, they cheered me up a lot (´ฅ•ω•ฅ`) 【こみちゃん 今日はお疲れ様でした! 今日だけじゃなく、これからも悲しいこと、辛いこと、苦しいことたくさんあると思います。 こみちゃんのことを好きな人ばかりではないかもしれません。 でも、こみちゃんの笑顔に元気をもらっている人もたくさんいます。 私もその1人です。 だから、こみちゃんももっと強くなって、もっとみんなを笑顔にしてください(о´∀`о) あなたの頑張り、見ている人はみています。】 とマネージャーさんがメールをくれました I got a mail from manger-san saying "Komi-chan Thanks for your good work today! It’s not just today, you’ll probably encounter lots of sad things, hard things and painful things in the future, too. There might also be people who don’t like Komi-chan. But, there’ll also be many people who get cheered up by Komi-chan’s smile. I’m such a person, too. So I want Komi-chan to please become even stronger and show her smile to everyone even more (о´∀`о) Your hard work, it will be seen by the people who are watching you.” こみが昨日泣いてしまった理由は 握手が出来なかったり、 握手中奈々さんや未姫さんとの会話に入れなかったり、 握手が出来なかったりっていっぱいあるんですけど… The reasons why Komi was crying yesterday were being unable to shake hands and not getting let in to the conversation with Nana-san and Miki-san during the handshake, there were just so many I wasn’t able to shake hands with… 1番の理由は“こみに会いにきてくれたみなさんが今日のこみで喜んでくれてるのかな?”ってずっと思ってたんです (。´・_・`)。oO The number 1 reason was me wondering if there wasn’t anyone coming who’d be happy about seeing Komi the whole time (。´・_・`)。oO 昨日、こみのことを好きでいてくれているみなさんからの応援の言葉を言って貰える度に嬉しくて涙が出ちゃいました Yesterday, every time the people who came because they like Komi told me encouraging words I was so happy my tears started to flow そんなみなさんをこれからも笑顔に出来るように、こみはもっと強くなって頑張ります! Komi will give her best to become even stronger, so she’ll be able to show you guys her smiling face in the future, too! 昨日の全国握手会は自分の力不足やいろいろ気が付くことも出来たので、参加する事が出来てすごく良かったなって思います (((o(´>ω<`)o))) Because of my own strength being insufficient for yesterday’s national handshake event I was able to realize various things, so now I think that it was really good that I was able to participate in it (((o(´>ω<`)o))) こみと握手してくれたみなさんありがとうございました ฅ(●´ω`●)ฅ♡ Thank you very much, everyone who came to shake hands with Komi ฅ(●´ω`●)ฅ♡ ♥KOMI♥
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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Komiharu's mobame. 2015/02/07.
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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Komiharu's mobame. 2015/02/06
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komiharu48 · 10 years ago
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Komiyama Haruka Google+
2015.01.11. 22:49
こんばんはるか ♡(❊´︶`❊)。۞·:
Konbanharuka ♡(❊´︶`❊)。۞·:
こみだよ (๐•ω•๐)♡
It's Komi(๐•ω•๐)♡
今日はおばあちゃんのお家で鉄板焼きパーティーをしました ✩.*♪(o´∇ `o)♪.✩
Today there was a party of teppanyaki at Grandma's house ✩.*♪(o´∇ `o)♪.✩
こみ・ママ・おばあちゃん・おじいちゃん・お姉ちゃん・叔母さん・叔母さんの旦那さん・叔父さんのみんなで食べたんです (((o(♡´▽`♡)o)))
Komi, Mama, Grandmother, Grandfather, sister, aunt, husband of aunt, uncle, everyone went to eat.  (((o(♡´▽`♡)o)))
Toka meat, Toka vegetables, a lot of Toka seafood ☆
こみはお肉とウィンナーと牡蠣が美味しかったです ( ๑ơ ڡơ๑)ﻌﻌﻌ❤
Komi really liked tail meat and sausage ( ๑ơ ڡơ๑)ﻌﻌﻌ❤
今日はいっぱいお家で練習できました (﹡ˆ︶ˆ﹡)♬
Today I practiced a lot at home  (﹡ˆ︶ˆ﹡)♬
明日は劇場公演だ ٩(๑′∀ ‵๑)۶•*¨*•.¸¸♪
Tomorrow is theater perfomance ٩(๑′∀ ‵๑)۶•*¨*•.¸¸♪
2回公演頑張ります (●´∀`●)尸
I'll do my best in the two perfomances (●´∀`●)尸
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