Traced from the school of business and accountancy department, a group of aspiring accountants wishes to share their knowledge aligned with the art that lies within the concept of community. Awakened by the objectives of the NSTP course, shall we explore these findings together?
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Formed in the year 2020
Address located on A-112
Consists of Maricar, Retcel, Ian, Lorica, Jasmine, Crislyn, Karylle, Jillian, Kirsten & Jahnareen
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The word "community" is derived from the old French communité which is derived from the Latin communitas (cum: "with/together"; munus:"gift"), a broad term for fellowship or organized society.
In dictionaries such as Cambridge and Merriam-Webster, it is defined as “a group of individuals that have something in common”.
“Community is a group of people that care about each other and feel they belong together”
— Fabian Pfortmüller, co-founder of “Together Institute”
Shared Identity
He argued that the definition of “community” in dictionaries is quite vague. In his article entitled “What does ‘community’ even mean? A definition attempt & conversation starter,” community is defined as individuals grouped based on their similarities that provides each other a deep understanding and relation with one another, as well as a sense of security and identity in a vast environment. It presents a connection to Maslow’s proposed Hierarchy of Needs wherein this efinition can be interconnected to the “Safety” and “Love and Belongingness”. Imparts “Safety” such as their acceptance in the society and “Love and Belongingness” via communication with numerous individuals that have something in common. Whereas the dictionary description only fits within the “Safety”
A community is formed by a group of individuals who supports, interacts, shares common experiences and struggles. It can be seen through common neighborhood, friends, families and more. Being involved in a community helps fills not just the social aspect of life but also the personal involvement imparted to other people. Without a community we would live in isolation and loneliness.
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Types of Communities
1. Place
Also known as geographical community. This is a type of community wherein people are brought together by territories and physical boundaries like rivers, or streets that make it distinct or separate from other physical spaces. The neighborhoods usually have diverse population with special attributes such as caste, religion, rich and poor present in the area.
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2. Practice
This is a community of people in the same profession or undertake the same activities. It can also be an organization that is local community-owned, or not-for profit groups run by local communities of place, interest and identity. Sectoral communities can also be described as local community sectors with interrelated activities and developments which can be linked and spread to neighboring communities, thus, forming a wider sector.
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3. Interest
Sometimes called as functional community. This is a group of people who share the same interests, purpose or task. They are a group that interacts with one another to reach a common goal.
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4. Tribal or Indigenous Community
This type of community usually lives within geographically distinct ancestral territories, which identify themselves as being part of a distinct cultural group and commonly practice unique traditions. They retain social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from the modern societies.
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5. Special Types of Communities based on Circumstance
There are different types of special communities seen in today’s society and here are some:
| Disabled Community
This group of people, sometimes called “people with disabilities” refers to a single population. May have a physical or mental disability or impairment and some may be hidden or not easy to see that restricts their actions towards doing daily activities.
| Parish or Church Community
A group of people or organization which has the role of representing the views of the community within the Parish. They listen and understand the views and needs of different groups in the community (such as young and older people).
| Families
One of the basic economic and social units in the society. The primary source of socialization and considered to be the most important. A family may consist three or more generations of immediate relatives.
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6. Action
A group of people who may also be an organization that engages as well as empowers social change or action towards the community or society.
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According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies (2019), community development is a process wherein agencies support the community members for them to take into consideration the issues which are relevant and may cause an effect on the community. It also empowers its community members for them to have values and wisdom, which will help them to become experts in making certain decisions in their lives. Furthermore, community development is used whenever there is a need to make a certain change in the community, such as the improvement of the members and the community itself.
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Community Development Work and Community-based Work
1. Community Based Work
Agencies will define the problem and then develop strategies to address the problem. Afterwards, they will include the community members in solving the problem using the approach they implemented.
Also, agencies may turn over the responsibilities on programs to its community members and groups.
2. Community Development Work
The power between agencies and communities is negotiable.
Community groups define the problems and then develop and implement approaches which are within the shared interests of the members and the agencies that will help them address these concerns and issues.
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Benefits of Community Development
Enhances the knowledge, skills, and productiveness of the members who took part in the community development.
Through community development, long-term outcomes are possible such as the improvement of the community and its members.
This development may lead to the success of the community, specifically, in the business field, and may increase job opportunities for its members.
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According to Ross Gittell (2013), Community organizing involves addressing specific problems and issues in the community. Also, it aims to influence the leaders or decision makers by bringing the members of the community together and share their insights regarding a certain issue and fight together for the community’s interest.
Community organizing is different from activism in a way that activism involves protest without coherent strategy for social changes and building a power in the community. On the other hand, Community organizing seeks for social reform and voice outs some ways and strategies which are beneficial for their interest and locality. Moreover, they are aiming for change that enhances the community’s situation. In other words, they are more specific and goal-oriented in their campaigns.
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The ideal goal of community organizing centers the concept of a community thriving for prosperity and growth to redesign the thinking of narrow and closed-minded satisfaction. Goals provide direction and reason for members to collaborate together in the quest for social change to transpire.
Community Organizing envisions the people to be enlightened with issues that concern the involvement of their welfare. This summoning allows the people to refine their potential and preparedness to take part in voicing out the urgent matters. Fueled with appropriate creativity, flexibility, and effective leadership skills, it engages and empowers the individuals for social transformation to enhance the quality of living and prevent the incidence of long-term problems to arise.
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In order to organize a community, we need a community organizer.
It is a must to gain interests in community empowerment and program development.
He or she focuses on bringing community citizens together to work towards achieving a common desire that will improve the well-being of the society.
A community organizer is responsible for uniting people in working hand in hand to solve social and economic problems and make the world a better place.
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A Facilitator facilitates the community process through listening and questioning and by giving continuous encouragement and support to the local strivings.
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