koenichblabbers · 7 days
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koenichblabbers · 1 month
That explains so much about the original Star Wars I liked and what modern Star Wars lacks. I'd really like to see prequels featuring the kid becoming this guy. Not some Marvel super villain. Just some really angry Space Rasputin constantly at the verge of getting violent.
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koenichblabbers · 2 months
It is actually less obnoxious but also more dangerous. He does not simply sue the advertisers but a their common organization (Global Alliance for Responsible Media), which (allegedly) "orchestrated" that all advertisers drop out at the same time.
This is where this gets complicated. It is not allowed for a collection of companies to organize to harm competition. For good reasons. The complaint itself is not unreasonable. This kind of boycott could potentially violate antitrust law. So if the companies refused to advertise in order to lower the prices, this would be absolutely illegal.
It is however perfectly fine when all players analyze the situation (like their advertisements appearing next to hate speech) and each decide on their own to spend their bucks somewhere else. The GARM making a recommendation is not unusual either - it is not an agreement. The advertisers not biting after the prices are lowered further contradicts that this would have been their goal. The case is weak.
But likely this is not about winning anyway. Attacking Nike, Unilever, Mars, or Adidas that way directly would be a long shot. Those companies own lawyers who have nothing to do except filing busy work back to the lawyers who caused it and Musk telling them to "go f***" themselves certainly would not make his case stronger.
But in the whole chain of events, GARM is the weakest link. The fascist could try to create an expensive stalemate, with some judges in their pockets, who refuse to throw out the case right from the beginning. The purpose would simply be to make similar means of communication not worth it. After all companies are not in the game to save the world.
This assumption is also supported by the context: it is just one of a series of lawsuits against organizations which discuss ethic behavior in social media.
And of course it does not hurt the strongman-appeal of Musk, which at this point has become the main attraction of Ex-Twitter. He fights all those corporation single-handedly. Because the billionaire is the champion of the people. And with X nosediving towards a quarter of its former value, people is what he needs.
Advertisers to Apartheid Nepo Baby: Your brand is too toxic for us and our customers, so we’re leaving if you don’t address that.
Apartheid Nepo Baby to Advertisers: Go. Fuck. Yourself!
Advertisers to Apartheid Nepo Baby: Okay. Bye.
Also Apartheid Nepo Baby to Advertisers: WHAT? You can’t just – DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? WHAAAA if you don’t advertise on my white supremacist website, I’m going to sue you!
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koenichblabbers · 2 months
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"Hey Skinny! Yer Ribs are Showing!" 1952 Charles Atlas ad
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koenichblabbers · 2 months
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Seems to be Gartenstraße (the Ackerstraße runs into it from the right closer to the bridge).
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Gustav Wunderwald (German, 1882-1945) - Brücke über die Ackerstraße (Bridge over the Ackerstreet) (1927)
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koenichblabbers · 3 months
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Random Simone Giertz appreciation GIF.
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koenichblabbers · 3 months
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The crows in the back yard of my house I spent hours watching, just for the fun of it. I was wondering, whether it was silly wasting so much time on this rather than getting on with my projects. In hindsight, this was a perfect decision. I watched them through a window of the stairway and other residents saw me on the stairs, aware of the nest, but feeling too busy to watch them even just for a moment, until having a chat with me gave them an excuse.
Not to sound like a fuckin hippie but please for the love of god start noticing and appreciating the natural world around you. You don’t have to go hike the entire Appalachian trail or anything and I get that not everyone has access to the outdoors for various reasons, but just fucking … look around you when you’re outside. Notice the sky and the sun and the birds and creatures. Start caring about them. I’m begging you.
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koenichblabbers · 3 months
Pointing out the bad guys is one thing - but we really have to spend more attention to the people making the right decisions to get out of the cynical loop of "everybody just being bad anyway". And I don't mean squeaky clean human being without a flaw - I mean some John Adams, who might have done something else wrong, being so committed to an idea that he would act different than all the other people around him and therefore showing that it was possible in the first place to get to that conclusion. This is something I admire about Edmund Hillary. He could easily have declared himself the first man on Mt. Everest. But he never revealed whether it was him or Tenzing Norgay, who set foot there first. He photographed Norgay on the peak, but refused to get his own picture taken, possibly well aware that it would eclipse the fame of his companion.
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“This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us that all men are created equal. To my mind, that is what’s known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit.” - George Carlin
…PolitiFact going through history to fact check this guy was like that time CNN went through history to dig up dirt on Bernie, and all they found were videos of him planting trees, and telling kids that racism is bad.
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koenichblabbers · 3 months
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koenichblabbers · 4 months
At this point it reminds me of the WWW. It was advertised to do all kinds of amazing things. Which then it didn't do. It did a lot of different things though. And in combination with the smartphone (another invention considered a short lived fad) it changed everything.
So, yes, AI most likely will not do what they want it to do. But it will do all other kinds of things and it will fuck us up.
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koenichblabbers · 4 months
Sascha Lobo had quite a kinky phase back then.
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The Road Warrior (1981)
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koenichblabbers · 4 months
Using your signal means that you know where you want to go. It is not just some impulse - it is a plan. It is not a mere movement - it is part of a choreography. It is not a habit - it is ethics in action.
I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.
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koenichblabbers · 5 months
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koenichblabbers · 5 months
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koenichblabbers · 5 months
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East Berlin Kronenstrasse at the junction with Friedrichstrasse in 1979
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koenichblabbers · 5 months
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Violet Beauregarde adjusted well to the blueberry life
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koenichblabbers · 5 months
It is impossible for me not to hear that line like Greg Davies talking in Chris Eubank's voice...
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