without a voice
232 posts
Indie. Multimuse. Selective. Private. Written by HDH.
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
google how to have a picky teenager enjoy the finer joys of eating vegetables    
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“Season the ever loving shit out of it and deep fry it.”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
   koe-san… please    
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"Osaka-san what is even happening anymore.”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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Koe’s phone keeps buzzing. Why is he getting so many messages asking for help?
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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          “…suuure.” Well, there went simplicity out the window the moment the immense flower heads were brought out, with Yamato getting the feeling of the rainy season. A simple guy like the bespectacled man – Yamato, that is – would’ve left it at one, as long as it had that only meaning. These two were having a field days it seems and Yamato said as much, “Having fun choosing all those, huh?” 
          They were professionals however, as the Google reviews showed as far as Yamato could tell while he’d been making his choices, and he let them do as they pleased. Once it came time to give the address, Yamato gave a pause – he certainly never did give out his name, but when being part of a popular idol group like IDOLiSH7 and now known actor thanks to Mission, it wouldn’t be that difficult for people to know who he is at a glance. But that’s not the real issue here. “Oh? Like Nikaidou Yamato? Sorry but I’m just a bootleg – got the wrong glasses on.” Nailed it.
          In any case, there’s still jotting down an address. Naturally he couldn’t use the Nikaidou estate, as that’s a lifestyle no one else needs to know about, and his father’s own house is out of the question entirely. Thankfully, Yamato’s been made aware of some other places his father likes to hang out, his summer getaways and such, writing one of them down.
          “Thanks for the flowers, so how much would that be?” The standard of closing the sale. 
So this one’s going to be like Yaotome-kun too, huh. It’s not anyone’s business to pry. His brows sheepishly pull down at the corners as he gives an apologetic smile. “My mistake. We seem to be getting quite a few idols stopping by for flowers or just to hang out.”
Ryuunosuke’s been taking to coming in every so often during his free time. It helps that this place is a tiny family-owned business sequestered away like a hidden city gem: he can easily find safe haven here from the limelight of his career. The man seems to also have taken a liking to his younger brother despite his aloofness. Maybe it’s his nature as the eldest son—to see that a person like Koe is troubled in his own little world and to want to take care of them.
But anyway.
“But anyway,” Shunya echoes outloud, “we both figured that a little added depth of meaning couldn’t hurt. For all we know, they might not even care. Nonetheless, forgiveness is no easy thing so we might as well give it our best, even if we’re only two faces you’ll never see again." He looks back at Helen and gauges the price by sight alone. “As for your total, it’ll be 2500 yen. Sound good?”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
          Oh boy, they’re the type of people that can finish each other’s sentences. Yamato can feel the energy that’ll be sapped from this one.
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          How expected however, to live up to their store name. “I doubt it matters much,” Yamato responds, since he’d only been sent moth orchids even considering their meaning. But with himself– “Something that means ‘I forgive you,’” he answered, with a tinge of embarrassment. It’s been a long way to get here, but. After talking more, Yamato felt more freed than he had in a long time.
“I think I have just the thing,” Shunya says. He moves from behind the counter to one of the walls to pluck some blue hydrangeas before crossing the room again to get some daffodils. “Forgiveness and new beginnings... It’d be a nice core, I think.”
“Filbert might be good too, dear,” Helen says, walking over to some wicker baskets where the fillers would be. She picks up a few of the shorter spiraling branches. “Reconciliation. Not too girly, either. Oh, and some anemone—they’re over by your end. Just a few, so the white can balance these ones out.”
“Mmhm, got them.” Three of those should be good. The colors are pastel and, with the filbert branches being a muted dark brown, would pop out nicely. Shunya gives the blooms to his wife by the counter and she begins to trim and set things up in a simple vase. “Okay, Nikaido-kun. If you’d come around over by this end, I’ll need the address for the delivery.”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
          Yamato’s really not too good at this thing, and for a second he almost backed out and left the tiny establishment, but steeled himself to continue on with it. It had been his own idea after all.
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          “Thanks, but all I need is a flower bouquet. Nothing overly fancy,” Yamato responds, covering up his uncertainty with a practiced ease, though he wonders what the two were whispering about before. Hopefully they don’t ask why he needs one – but considering the day, it’s not too hard to guess. “Anonymously delivered too.” 
Glancing at each other would be too obvious, so their gazes were kept straight ahead with smiles still in place.
“What kind of bouquet were you thinking of?” Shunya asks. “Any preferences for color scheme or specific flowers or—?”
“—or hidden meanings?” Helen interrupts. She knows she’d sent plenty of bouquets back to her family with less than favorable ones, but it’s not like they cared enough about her interests or professions to even catch on. “Only if you want, I mean.”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
        Sougo nods earnestly to the following information that the elder man gives to him, intrigued by the wealth of knowledge the man possessed. Experience is what comes with age after all, and that’s why Sougo usually defers to those older than he. That tidbit is amazing, though, the idea that flowers represented a secret language– Nagi might love that. “Oh, that’s amazing. So it’s like a secret language for women back then. I wonder if there’s a novel about it, it would make for an interesting love story.” Not like Sougo read romance as his first choice, anyways (he’ll elect to ignore the stack of unbecoming fiction on his shelves)– well, it might not be very Riku-friendly if they decided to keep up their book exchange.
        He smiles, brightening up at the solution Shunya has offered to him. In addition to that, it seems like the flowers will suit the decor of his room perfectly. It comes as a relief to him since otherwise it might look too out of place. He follows Shunya around the shop, staying silent as he merely observes. He makes sure to nod and follow along to make sure he doesn’t seem like he’s not paying attention. That would be disrespectful. “Fitting? Well, I guess the colors do match with my image color.” Sougo laughs, eyes still widened as he continues to watch the man at work.
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          “Oh, so a wreath?” He has been planning to just keep it in his own room, but it might add a nice splash of color to the common room without being too noticeable. Plus, it might do well to lower the stress of all the members– well, the main concern is if it would agitate Riku’s illness. “Hm, but Riku-kun might not be able to handle flowers… these don’t have too much pollen, right?” Pollen is the main issue, if he recalls correctly– he’s not as well-informed as Iori in this situation, unfortunately. “It doesn’t matter though, I’ll just place it in my room.” It’s for his own benefit foremost, and it’ll reduce the chances of him snapping from pent-up stress. (Usually Tamaki or Yamato are on the receiving end of that, though…)
           He hopes that a wreath isn’t too bothersome to make, either way.
Shunya laughs softly at Sougo’s interest. The young man really does seem like the bookish type. “If you're interested, I can recommend you some titles—and if romance isn’t quite your style, there’s definitely some espionage stories my wife has read lately with a similar idea.”
"I’m not exactly certain what his sensitivity to those things are so maybe you should consult his doctor first after all,” Shunya answers as he begins weaving the flowers. It’s been a while since he was able to do something other than a standard arrangement! He makes the width a little thicker to ensure the flowers really hold themselves together: much like the strength and unity Sougo’s group has for one another. They’re a cute bunch, those seven—it’s no wonder why they took the world by storm once they really got going. “If you find that he has no severe reactions, it might not be too bad of an idea to have it around. Even if it’s just in the form of essential oils. It’s said to also help with airway inflammation for asthmatics.”
It’s then that he spots something near the counter that he reaches for: some short sprigs of leftover baby’s breath from a previous arrangement Koe made. I wonder if he’s okay, Shunya thinks. His brother is never really the type of leave behind a mess. He winds up weaving in the baby’s breath as well; hints of white among a sea of violet would be a nice combination.
“You can also dry the buds and put them in a pouch for your bedside or pillow. You can even put them bake them in something like a biscuit or cookies!”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“Oh, looks like another one came in!” Helen whispers quietly to her husband as their door opens. Shunya can’t help but smile and honestly wonder: what’s been up with all these idols dropping by the shop?
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“Welcome. How can we be of assistance?”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“I don’t, I’m perfectly fine on my own… Sure, I’ll pass along the info.” Not that he didn’t plan to tag along as well.
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“heyyy maybe you can get her some flowers too while you’re at it. i’m sure she’d like it if she got flowers from you. recognition for a job well done and working hard and all that”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“Is that so… I’m not exactly sure how to tell her she should come meet someone she doesn’t even know but I’ll let her know. I… I don’t need love advice!!!”
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“p sure you do but www you do you. but even if she just needs to take a break or clear her head if she happens to be in the area, tell her our place is always open. osaka-san comes by sometimes now to relax even for a little bit and just chat”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“It’s not my fault… thanks, I guess. What kind? Strong, dedicated, a hard worker, and incredibly cute.”
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“huhhhh...... she sounds like my sister-in-law. maybe they’d get along wwwww tell her to stop by the shop i’m sure the two of them would seriously hit it off (if you need love advice www go to my brother since he’s the married one)”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“Whatever you say… So what if it was? And it’s not like we’ve never gone places before… we just haven’t had a formal date… we’re both very busy. And what if she is? I personally think that makes her amazing.”
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“i see where the problem lies now....... rip someday you’ll get there i believe in you yaotome-san wwww what kind of lady is she”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
“What do you mean shoujo manga heroine!? I think you’re very confused.”
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“Shut up! Leave my message out of this, it wasn’t supposed to be serious anyway!”
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“that’s what it sounded like from all the information i’ve heard www. but if it wasn’t supposed to be serious, then was that your idea of an icebreaker???? just ask her out for dinner or smth. unless that already didn’t work in the past :v she sounds like a lady who’s married to her job (rip)”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“That so… Ryu has always been one to talk a lot as long as I’ve known him, by that I mean he tells just about anything he thinks of without thinking about what he’s saying. What on earth are you talking about? What does that have to do with gap moe?”
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“yeah i feel. but seriously?????? www the fact that you have such a ranking and yet you act like such a shoujo manga heroine with manager-chan is the v definition of gap. i mean... ‘what wuf you do if we acidebtal kiss uwu’ wwwwww”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“Is that so? Ryu does open up to people pretty well after a while so I’m not surprised, but to just talk about whatever he feels like… What do you mean gap moe? That has nothing to do with me.”
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���it tends to happen in the shop. guess it’s the homey atmosphere. that & my big bro’s the type you can really just tell anything to. but gap moe totally applies to you, mr number 1 desired embrace wwwww”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“I-I see… He does that? What’s so cute about this, Ryu…”
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“he’s the kind of guy who just loosens up once he’s comfy & he’s def like extended family at this point wwww but idk i can kinda see it. guess this is what it means to be gap moe ww”
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koenashi-blog · 7 years ago
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“…. E-Everyone?”
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“ok maybe not everyone-everyone. but everyone aside from you two. tsunashi-san talks about how cute it is sometimes when he visits the shop”
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