The Fallen Knight
17 posts
Side Rp Blog for Kylo Ren/Ben Solo of Star Wars. Main blog tmvoldemort Content warning for sexual, violence and spoilers for the expanded universe and the sequels. Mun does not own any art work on this blog nor said theme.
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knightxren · 3 days ago
Killing off Ben Solo was such a wasted opportunity to give his always a little vague "I will finish what you started" meaning:
Ben hero-worshipped and emulated first Anakin Skywalker the clone wars general, then the same Anakin in his Darth Vader persona. Finally both turned away from the dark side, leaving their healing unfinished. Had Ben survived, he'd been able to write exactly that missing chapter in Anakin/Vader's history.
Ben could have finished what his grandfather had started noot as in actions shaping the galaxy, but in his own spiritual journey.
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knightxren · 3 months ago
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I recently thought about how great it would be if they felt the physical pain they were causing each other. I wonder how the plot would be built in this case? Maybe not as spectacular, but definitely more interesting in terms of dyad relationships. I think they would prefer to be gentle with each other and try to smooth out the corners.
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knightxren · 2 years ago
It was medieval. Harkin to some old tradition from eon’s ago. Leia would have shun it off had it been her hand that was asked for. Ben was sure of it. But this lost Princess, Duchess or whatever her title was, was asking for Ben. Or at least her dying Household was asking on her behalf.
Ben wasn’t sure what her thoughts were on the matter. He wasn’t even sure of her own name. Just that it was the girl. Her. And felt her more then anything else, looming large.
Luke was giving him side wards glances since their shuttle touched down. Wanting to break the silence since hyperdrive. 
“We should talk to Leia first.” Luke might have said. The other opens his mouth but shuts it. Or, “Do you sense something off?” But that too doesn’t come.
Ben’s hands tighten into fists. He charges down the polish hall in silence. Ben knows why Luke remains quite. Not opening his thoughts to him. Luke doesn’t trust his fears to Ben. After all this training. The years of being his best student, the strongest with the force. After all this time, Luke still doesn’t trust his judgement. Doesn’t trust his own skill. Not even with his own thoughts. They finally get to the double doors. The grand suit, Leia’s office while working off world for the New Republic. Both pause. Their reflection gaze back at them. They have smarten up for the visit.  Ditching their usually neutral uniforms. Ben wears a more somber version of his Jedi robes.  Black always suited Ben.  A heavy cloak on his shoulders, a dust of the light rain from outside. His hair hangs loose and tangs wet which hides his ears. 
Ben takes a deep breath and gathers his thoughts. “Ready?” Luke said, Ben would nod. He would be polite. Listen to what was on offer. He would trust Leia, trust in the grand scheme of things. “There is something off about this proposal but not with this girl.” Leia said.  And Ben trusted his mother.  But he was a Jedi. Surely the Lady- his new wife would learn that. Know they would fall into their new roles. Be apart often. Surely she crave that as well.  Ben nods to himself. Yes. That seems reasonable. Ben left out his held breath. “Ready.” He said, The doors opens and Luke takes now to start talking.  “Ben think of this as a mission. Don’t worry if anything we can get you out of this-” As the doors slide open the world goes silent. The nervous tension he has felt for days now made sense. Rey has been tugging at the other end of him. Calling to him. Like a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Ben narrows his eyes. Like star, a rey of sunshine. And all those in the room, Leia and her guests dress in their best, where her planets in her orbit. “-Are you even listening to me?” Luke said, Ben snap out of his trance. Taking long leg strives towards the young woman. The room’s ambiance had stilled to watch him. Even the story Leia had been telling had halted.  “The girl I heard so much about.” Ben said, his eyes fix on her. Only now with real, true interest. Who are you?
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knightxren · 2 years ago
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- My life through your veins -
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knightxren · 2 years ago
There were, of course, innumerable things wrong with Sheev Palpatine BUT I want to know what specifically made him the only Sith Lord to not be completely obsessed with Obi Wan Kenobi. Literally all of the rest of them were wandering around like
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But not Sheev!
Why was he immune? What was wrong with him specifically in this instance?
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knightxren · 2 years ago
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We be doing memes again
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knightxren · 2 years ago
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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knightxren · 3 years ago
The Pull in The Force~​
“Innocent?” He said,
Unseen, Ren smiled. 
Did the girl really buy into the Resistance propaganda? Easy enough to remedy. With time and education, all things can be unlearn.
Yet her following statement was more cause for concern. One that didn’t need a reply, per say.
Kylo Ren gave away his position by ignited his lightsaber. The red saber unsheathe itself, just ahead of Rey, off center to her upper left. It’s Khyber crystal crackle and snap, as unbalance as its master. Casting a red halo over him.
Like a ghost in the dark. A black clad phantom. Mask and staring down at Rey, weapon in hand. 
“It would be wise to surrender.”
The lightsaber in her hand wasn’t hers it felt foreign in some aspects but it always called to her, the low hum and vibration she felt it. The red halo around his silhouette was intimidating, her big eyes low as she watched the crackling saber in his hand.
”Surrender to the first order?”
There it was, that spark she needed, she ignited the blue saber the hue took over her frame.
“You want to fight me, Ben?”
Rey knows, it didn’t take long for her to figure out being with those, “traders and murders” Ren spoke of.
She wouldn’t make the first move because she doesn’t want to fight him, she’d rather not. Yes she’s scared but she’s been scared this entire time there’s no difference.
Kylo Ren’s hand tights on his lightsaber. He had heard right, Ben. How did she know about that?
“Han Solo,” Ren said, amused.
That damn ship!
The Knight of Ren spun his saber around. Buying time as he ponder his next move. Its blade twists like a fire. Cutting away any loose hanging vines, any reaching branches and melted the very snow falling from the sky. 
“Dangerous company you keep.” Ren said, “They sprout lies. Of course. Not that it matters.”
Ren point the tip of his lightsaber, levelling it at Rey. Its unstable shaft illumined Rey face. Both the girl and the lightsaber would be his. 
“So be it,” Ren charges her.
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knightxren · 3 years ago
The Pull in The Force~​
“My friends? they are off with the droid.” Rey took a few steps back, she wanted to lead the knight of Ren in the opposite direction of the ship. “Where are your troopers? killing the innocent?”
She’s surprised he hasn’t attacked her yet, she sensed something was off, he was lurking in the shadows perhaps too afraid to show his face.
“I’ll be going now.”
Rey knew better than to run or turn her back to him instead she kept her hand on the lightsaber and slowly walked backwards, it was a tactic she used back on Jakku when dealing with creatures who wanted to take advantage of her.
“Innocent?” He said,
Unseen, Ren smiled. 
Did the girl really buy into the Resistance propaganda? Easy enough to remedy. With time and education, all things can be unlearn.
Yet her following statement was more cause for concern. One that didn’t need a reply, per say.
Kylo Ren gave away his position by ignited his lightsaber. The red saber unsheathe itself, just ahead of Rey, off center to her upper left. It’s Khyber crystal crackle and snap, as unbalance as its master. Casting a red halo over him.
Like a ghost in the dark. A black clad phantom. Mask and staring down at Rey, weapon in hand. 
“It would be wise to surrender.”
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knightxren · 3 years ago
The Pull in The Force~
Ren senses the tremor. The girl was close. He slows his progress, careful where he treks so not to give himself away. If she was nearby so was the droid. Just over the ridged, the trees line parts, giving Ren his first view of her.
It was just the girl. Her alone armed with a lightsaber. A lightsaber he knew of! Who was this girl? 
Her shoulders were lightly dusted with snow. Ill dressed in garb more suited for the harsh desert then a forest. The droid was no where in sight. But then again she wasn’t with any of the Resistant nor with that traitor.
Kylo Ren holds his ground, on the high point of incline of the terrain. Doubting she could even turn on the lightsaber.
“The girl I heard so much about.” He said, his unseen gaze swept over her.
There was something odd about her. 
“Where is the droid?”
“The droid is gone,” Rey responded.
She couldn’t deny the coldness she felt hearing his voice, she tilted her head a bit before pushing herself off the tree, she was brave she made her way out towards the middle of the trees where he could see her. “The droid is being sent away,” she continued to speak as she stayed put.
She was traveling alone, no Finn, no Poe just her at the moment.
She didn’t know what he wanted but she knew she wouldn’t make it out of this without a few bruises, hopefully she’ll make it out with her life. It was weird how she just knew the Knight of ren was close maybe an instinct she developed while running away from him.
He has the high ground, the upper hand. The scavenger wasn’t trained at all, just a poor girl abandoned by her parents now she has to fend for herself against Kylo Ren.
Her eyes scanned the forest for him, it was dark she was hoping she could see just a glimpse of his frame before their pending fight.
We shall see, Kylo Ren thought.
He encircles her. Keeping to the edges, the shadows, just out of reach. Testing her limits. If she was lay a trap or stalling for time, it would not work.
“And what of your friends? The Traitors, Murders and scum, have they abandon you?”
Kylo Ren reach out, sensing for others. He did not take his eyes off of Rey. Not with that jumpy look she had. Those wide dark eyes. Yet Ren saw bravery.
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knightxren · 3 years ago
The Pull in The Force~
The droid was going as fast as it could as Rey followed close behind, there was a ship the resistance sent for her, all she had to do was get on it and off this planet. She’d been running for far too long, she’s tired, confused and lonely. The forest was hallow but tall, not too much she could hide behind but her and the droid didn’t stop running.
Rey stopped for a moment to catch her breath, the forest had a calming sensation that she hadn’t felt in a long time, it was so quiet.
“I’ll keep you safe,” she spoke to the droid, the robot let out appreciative beeps which made Rey smile a little. If she was correct the resistance ship isn’t too far from here, she held on to her things and started to walk, but she didn’t get far- that’s when she felt him. He’s here.
“Hide,” she whispered to the droid causing it to roll off deeper into the forest. She hid behind a tree as she tried to pinpoint where he could be, for some reason she couldn’t get her heart to stop beating hard, she’s too nervous. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before placing her hand on the lightsaber at her side.
She took it out of its harness but didn’t ignite it, she heard footsteps heavy footsteps in the low snow, she pressed her lips together and opened her eyes again, snow started falling lightly covering the forest floor, it was now or never right? 
Ren senses the tremor. The girl was close. He slows his progress, careful where he treks so not to give himself away. If she was nearby so was the droid. Just over the ridged, the trees line parts, giving Ren his first view of her.
It was just the girl. Her alone armed with a lightsaber. A lightsaber he knew of! Who was this girl? 
Her shoulders were lightly dusted with snow. Ill dressed in garb more suited for the harsh desert then a forest. The droid was no where in sight. But then again she wasn’t with any of the Resistant nor with that traitor.
Kylo Ren holds his ground, on the high point of incline of the terrain. Doubting she could even turn on the lightsaber.
“The girl I heard so much about.” He said, his unseen gaze swept over her.
There was something odd about her. 
“Where is the droid?”
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knightxren · 3 years ago
The Pull in The Force~
Kylo Ren’s shuttle touches ground by than the castle had already been levelled. The ramp barely unfolds before Ren is off. In a mad rushes across the wreck courtyard. He feels it. Completed to answer the summon.
It’s a pull, a tug from his navel. Driven onward. It’s here! That stir in the Force that Supreme Leader Snoke warn about. Ren’s cowl head scan the scene. Nothing but rumble, blaster smudges left on the ancient stone and little resistance from those still alive.
“Sir?” Ren turns to Stormtrooper addressing him. 
Kylo Ren wasn’t officially in charge here. Still, many would not question an direct order if given.
“The droid was spot heading west,” Ren turn in said direction, “-with a girl.”
Girl, the same girl who help the traitor? 
Kylo Ren follows. He does not call for reinforcements. He will find said girl, himself. Charging through the forest, his senses alight. In tune to the energies around him. Weeding out those of lower beasts for those larger animals with weapons. Ren unhooks his lightsaber, but does not ignite it. As the under brush sweep at his tunic and crush under his boots. 
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knightxren · 3 years ago
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I hope the 4th is still going strong with you today. Here is “The Lightning Fingers” - Timed edition print on sale NOW for 48 hours in (Link in bio) Sale ends Friday @ 10am EDT.
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knightxren · 3 years ago
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THE DYAD: (REY and KYLO REN | BEN SOLO)  in star wars: episode viii — the last jedi (’17), dir. rian johnson.
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knightxren · 3 years ago
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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker 2019, dir. J.J. Abrams
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knightxren · 3 years ago
Basic stuff, don’t try to take over my character. Or I’ll blow up your planet.
I don’t write sexual stuff with characters or writers who are under the age of 18.
I’m here to have a good time giving our characters a bad time so don’t give me a hard time about it and we’ll all have a GREAT time. Okay?
I write with Oc’s, all of the squeal cast and series from the tv Bad batch, clone wars. Etc. (Warning, I have not watch everything. But I will read all of your headcanon’s and go by those alone.)
This is a side blog follow (from main @tmvoldemort)
No art work, gifs, or themes on this blog belongs to me.
Main- Kylo Ren is Snoke’s personal eye among the First Order. A faceless, nameless, past less, warrior in a mask.
Padawan- Luke’s best, but troubled student.
Supreme Leader- Let the past die.
Ben Solo, Jedi- Bringing Order to the universe. AU
Private School Au- Modern prep school au.  A wealthy son of a senator and a war hero. Hobbies include Kendo, cross fit, and racing. Strong points in math and sciences. Member of Calligraphy club and tutors as his punishment for a certain incident last fall.
Harry Potter Au- TBA.
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knightxren · 3 years ago
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Ben Solo Kylo Ren; Heir Apparent, Leader of The Knights of Ren, Supreme Leader
Role-playing blog (side blog from @tmvoldemort​, low activity.)
*OC’s highly sought after and cross universe (both in star wars and out side the fandom)
* Warning adult content ahead. Violence and sexual content. None which include writing with or about minors.
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