... Guys! I thought we were gonna say that together!|Request Open|
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Would you ever consider doing a Hamish x male reader? Or any male reader stories?
Most definitely yes! If you have any specific ideas just let me know :)
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Sleepy Mistakes ~ Reader x Hamish Duke
“You said my name in your sleep”
Walking through the doors of the den, you sigh watching as your friends shuffle in behind you. Dark magic had been used a lot lately, making the five of you quite busy. Standing by the front door you all stand there covered in dirt, tired from your day of hunting evil magic. Jack is the first to speak. His soft voice filling your ears.
“Well... that was exhausting. I think I’m gonna head back to my dorm... maybe sleep for the next three days. Wake me if anything interesting happens.” You watch Lilith role her eyes at Jacks words.
“Ugh. Wait for me... all I want right now is my bed!” Randall murmured following Jack out the front door. Lilith moves up the stairs located in the front foyer.
“I’m going to sleep... wake me you die!” She yells disappearing into a room. You look up at Hamish, blushing slightly. He sends you a soft smile before speaking up.
“You should probably get some rest Y/N. you look just about ready to pass out.”
“Yeah... that’s cause I am.” You make your way to the living room flopping down on the sofa. You close your eyes momentarily, opening them again to see Hamish watching you from the door. “What?” You laugh watching as Hamish smirks at you.
“Don’t worry about it.” You roll your eyes before sitting up.
“Hey Hamish? Try to get some rest too yeah?” He nods softly.
“I’ll try.” With that he heads up the stairs, probably to go to sleep...
You fall into a restless sleep. Ever since you began fighting dark magic you were constantly worried about the wellbeing of your friends. You knew the dangers that came with being a werewolf, you just weren’t ready to lose anyone. Nightmares filled your head. Flashes of Hamish laying in front of you, torn up, bloody. It’s always Hamish. Every night images of the boy getting killed haunted you. You never could figure out why. Every since you first joined the knights you have been drawn to Hamish. You fell in love with his puppy dog eyes, his smartass smirk and his dry humour. You were afraid of losing him the most.
You were awoken by a soft voice. Opening your eyes quickly you sit up. Hamish sat beside you a worried look flashed across his face.
“Nightmare?” He asks. You nod slowly, happy to know you were just dreaming. “Do you want to talk about it?” Hamish asked grabbing a hold of your hand. You shake your head in reply. You both sit there in silence, your hand still clasped tightly in his. “You know... You said my name in your sleep.” Hamish murmurs causing you to blush hard.
“Sorry.” You whisper.
“You don’t have to apologize.”
“You died... in my dream. It just got me thinking... what would I do without you?” You feel Hamish move closer. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
“You’ll never have to know. I promise you Y/N, I’m not going anywhere.” You smile up at him, before leaning up to kiss his cheek.
“Good.” You whisper. Hamish stands up grabbing your hand. “Haaammish? Where are we going?” You whine causing the other boy to laugh.
“Don’t worry, we can sleep more upstairs.” Hamish drags you upstairs. You both climb onto a queen sized bed in a small dark room. You snuggle closer to Hamish’s side breathing in his scent.
“Night Y/N.”
“Night Hamish.” You whisper to each other before falling asleep in Hamish’s arms...
Oof. I’m sorry this sucks sooo bad. I started school again last week and I’ve been catching up on homework. Updates will be slower for the next week or two, but after the will be more frequent. A special thank you to @mcrphys-law for the prompt. If you have any requests please feel free to send them in! Thanks for reading :)
#alyssa duke#hamish duke#imagines#jack morton#lilith bathory#netflix#randall carpio#the knights of saint christopher#the order#theorder#randall carpio imagines#randall carpio imagine#lilith bathory imagines#lilith bathory imagine#hamish duke imagines#hamish duke imagine#jack morton imagine#jack morton imagines#the knights of saint christopher imagine#the knights of saint christopher imagines
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according to hamish duke - the brilliant and cunning knight of saint christopher, 1 fuck-ton is equivalent to 10 shit-tons.
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Can you do another Randall x reader? Maybe one where the reader is a werewolf too? love your writing btw xoxo 💕
Thank you so much darling! I will have it up in the next few days! Xoxo 💕
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Hello, I saw your blog of prompts list and I will be so glad if you write a fanfic of Hamish and a Curvy girl with the numbers 31 and 33. Thanks a lot of
Sure thing! I will have it up as soon as possible :) and btw your English is amazing! 💕
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A Final Goodbye (Part. 2) ~ Reader x Randall
Hey guys! This is part two to a previous imagine called a final goodbye. If you want to read part 1 first I will link it below. Thanks for reading :)
Part 1
Trigger warnings:
Mentions of violence
Major character injury
The sound of rhythmic beeping woke you from you slumber. Your head pounded, the rest of your body feeling just as worse. The memory of last nights events came flooding back to you. You remembered the figure, the feeling of a sharp knife slicing through you abdomen, Randall’s voice, so much blood...
You opened your eyes slowly, taking time to adjust to the white LED lights shining in your face. Squinting softly you looked around the tiny room. The room was beige and sterile. Almost no colour was present. Beside you sat various machines, beeping and ticking, many of which had wires, and IV’S which connected to your arm and abdomen. Relief flooded your body as you came to the realization that you weren’t in fact dead. Sitting up slowly you winced at the pain radiating from your side. So small noise you made alarmed the sleeping boy located beside, in which you now just realized was there. His bloodshot eyes met yours, before gently pulling you into a tight hug.
“I didn’t know if you were gonna wake up. The doctors said there was a chance you wouldn’t.” Randall murmurs tears soaking into the shoulder of your hospital gown.
“Shhh. It’s okay, I’m here. I’m not going to leave you.” You say running your hand through his hair. He pulls away to look at your face, as you reach up to wipe away tears that sit on his cheek. His look of concern soon turns to one of anger.
“Y/N, what were you thinking?! You should have told me what was happening. You should have called for help. Do you realize that if I didn’t come to check on you, you’d be dead right now!” You open your mouth to comfort the boy in front of you, but he continues. “No! I can’t lose you... not like that. I’m supposed to be there to protect you, not just sit around while you’re being murdered!”
“Randall! You can’t blame yourself, okay?!”
“But I should have known something wasn’t right!”
“And you did, that’s why you came to check on me! Look, I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you what was happening. I just... didn’t think I would make it. I wanted your last memory of me to be a good one... Not me dying bloody in your arms.” Randall frowned, refusing to make eye contact. He nodded softly before speaking again.
“I just... I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ll never have to know.” You grimaced, your body throbbing from all the movement. Randall picked up on you pain. Placing a hand on your forehead.
“You should get some rest. Your body is still recovering.” Randall says softly.
“Only if you come cuddle.” You smirk, shuffling over to give Randall some room. Randall climbed into the small hospital bed beside you. You placed your head on his chest and closed your eyes.
“I love you Randall.” You whisper.
“I love you more baby girl” he replies as you both fall in to a light sleep, happy to be safe and warm in each others arms.
Hey guys, sorry this ones kinda short! If you have a prompt or idea for an imagine I take requests for any character or ship you may have!
Thank you so much for reading.
#alyssa duke#hamish duke#imagines#jack morton#lilith bathory#netflix#randall carpio#the knights of saint christopher#the order#theorder#randall carpio imagines#randall carpio imagine#hamish duke imagines#hamish duke imagine#lilith bathory imagines#lilith bathory imagine#jack morton imagines#jack morton imagine
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My Girl ~ Curvy!Reader x Hamish Duke
The world needs more overprotective Hamish! 💕
Trigger warnings:
Sitting on the couch you curled yourself deeper into the side of your boyfriend. You and Hamish had been together for just over six months, and it was safe to say that you were utterly in love with the boy. In a sense he was perfect, intelligent, kind, funny. Some days it made you wonder why he was even with you in the first place. You heard many stories about Cassie, seen many pictures. She was beautiful, brave, and outgoing. Don’t get me wrong, so were you, but you didn’t always see it.you sighed to yourself softly as you felt Hamish run his fingers through your hair.
“Whatcha thinking about love?” Hamish hummed noticing you’ve been rather silent lately.
“Nothing really.” You replied quietly refusing to look Hamish in the eye.
“Nothing huh? You know, I can always tell when something’s bothering you...” you look up to meet his eyes, before smiling softly. You slowly reach up, lightly booping him on the nose.
“I’m fine.”
“And I’m the queen of England.” You roll your eyes at his sarcastic remark.
“Ya, you wish. Now stop worrying!” You say standing up. You felt slightly guilty for not being completely honest with Hamish, but if you told him the truth you’d only worry him further. “I have to go. I’m gonna be late for class, but I’ll see you after, ya? Say 5:30, maybe a movie night?” You suggest moving towards the door, backpack now in hand.
“A movie night sounds perfect. Have fun in class!”
“I won’t!” You yell, chuckling softly to yourself before leaving to go to class. You always enjoyed the walk from your dorm to the main campus. It was always so peaceful. During the first week of classes back in September you had found a narrow path leading into the woods. Out of curiosity you followed it and it brought you straight to the main building in half the time. From there on out the tiny little trail was your official path to class. You followed the trail, looking up in the trees, watching as birds chirped and sang, only stopping when you heard the sound of distant footsteps. It wasn’t too uncommon to find other people on the hidden path, however at this time of day (roughly 2:30) it was rather rare as most students were in classes or at work. Shrugging lightly you continued on your way paying little attention to the sound of footsteps coming closer to you. Watching the trail in front of you you notice several figures standing in front of you, all dressed in long dark blue robes, and wearing masks so haunting it gave you chills. Although the scene in front of you scared you to wits end, you really couldn’t afford to be late to class. Plus it was university, weirder shit has happened. You stopped walking a few feet before the three figures, as they were blocking your path.
“Excuse me. I have to get by.” You muttered impatiently, before trying to barge through the wall of bodies. Just as you were centimetres away from the middle figure when a puff of white powder thrown by the far left figure clouded you senses.
“What the hell!” You yell between coughs. Suddenly you notice your eyes beginning to get heavier, and the world around you began to spin. You tried to take a step back to distance yourself from the figures, but in doing so the world went dark.
You woke up with a jolt, your mind instantly bringing you back to the previous events. Opening your eyes slowly, you came face to face with one of the figures from the woods. Panic began to flood your body. You tried to move, but you were stuck. Your arms and legs bound to the table underneath you.
“Ah, your awake ms. Y/N. how nice of you to join us, and just in time for the incantation.” Although you couldn’t see the figures face, you could tell by the voice that he was a man, most likely middle aged, and judging by the fact that he stood in front of you opposed to the thirty-something other figures in the room, you concluded he was the leader.
“The what?” You squeak. Not really wanting to know what he was talking about.
“The incantation, the ritual, whatever you want to call it. We just needed a sacrifice, and here you are. Don’t worry though, your death won’t be in vain, you’ll be helping every one of us here.” The man says gesturing around the audience watching the exchange. You look around panicking. This psychopath was going to try and sacrifice you. You were gonna die, scared and alone. This thought was something you just couldn’t wrap your head around. Desperation leaked through your voice as you pleaded, trying your best to wiggle free from the restraints holding you down.
“Please! You can’t do this.... I. Let me go!” You cried.
“Hush now darling. Everything will be alright. We should begin now.” The man announced to the later to the surrounding group. Huffing sadly in defeat you stopped fighting. There was no use, escaping was near impossible. You let your thoughts wander trying to think of anything other than the ritual going on around you. You thought of your childhood, your family, Hamish... it must be past 5:30. Maybe he was still waiting for you, maybe he realized something was wrong and went looking for you. This isn’t some fantasy, this was reality, happy endings weren’t to common. You just wished you had a chance to say goodbye, tell him you loved him one last time. The man stood above you, pulling out a long silver knife from the inside of his robe. You closed your eyes not baring to look at his terrifying mask anymore. You heard him say the incantation loud and powerfully. There was a short pause before the man raised the knife over his head with every intention of driving said knife through your stomach, but he could do so, the sound of a door slamming open echoed throughout the room.
“Let her go now!” A familiar voice boomed. You looked to see Hamish standing in the door way, eyes glowing a sliver blue. His teeth grew long and sharp, and his fingernails morphed into claws. Three wolfs appeared behind, daring someone to make a move.
“Well. If it isn’t the knights of Saint Christopher, here to screw up yet another incantation. I take it she’s yours?” The man said to Hamish motioning to you. Your eyes met Hamish and for a moment you could see relief flood his features. “If you think I’m just going to give up my sacrifice then you are sorrily mistaken.”
“That’s funny... you think you have a choice. Hand her over or I swear to god I’ll rip every single one of you apart.” Hamish’s voice was filled with rage, so much so it even caused you to flinch. The Grand Master only laughter at Hamish’s attempt at intimidation. This definitely wasn’t a laughing matter for your boyfriend. He smirk to himself before whisper softly to Timber who stood beside him. You watched as Lilith’s wolf lunged towards the nearest figure. You shut your eyes quickly as you knew what was coming. Screams filled the room as Lilith ripped the member apart. The smile on the Grand Masters face dropped instantly. He motioned quickly to the other members to do something, most of which just backed away, the image of their dead friend still fresh in their minds. Greyback and Silver-beard lunged shortly after causing the hooded figures to all scatter, the Grand Master giving up not too long after. As the room cleared out, Hamish ran towards you. He quickly ripped the restraints off, before pulling you into a tight hug. You sobbed lightly into the crook of his neck, still terrified.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N. I got you... God I’m never letting you walk alone ever again.” You pulled away from the hug, and watched as Hamish reached up to wipe the tears from your eyes. You chuckled softly knowing that he really probably wouldn’t let you walk alone ever again.
“Can we go home now?” You ask looking up at the boy in front of you. He nods quickly, before pulling up up off the table steadying you as you wobbled ever so slightly.
“Yeah. Let’s go home... you promised me a movie night. I’ll be damned if we don’t follow through.” He kissed the top of your head lightly, Before continuing to walk you out the door.
“Hey Hamish!?” You both turn around as Randall called out, standing over a body. “What do you want us to do with all these dead people?” Hamish rolled his eyes and you laughed softly at Randall’s lack of filter.
“Just leave them. Now if you’ll all excuse me I have a movie night to attend.” He announced grabbing your hand. The rest of night went by in a blur, filled with cuddles, laughter, cheesy movies, junk food, and kisses. Laying on the couch, your head resting on Hamish’s chest, for the first time in a long time you felt loved unconditionally. You knew deep down that you found your Prince Charming, your superhero, someone who would go to hell and back... just for you.
I am so in love with Hamish Duke... like holy crap! Thank you guys sooo much for reading, and a special thank you to @crazyonesarethebest for the request.
If you have an idea for an imagine or fic (both character and ship) let me know! I will be happy to write for you.
Thanks again loves! 💕
#hamish duke imagines#hamish duke imagine#hamish duke#randall carpio imagines#randall carpio imagine#randall carpio#jack morton imagines#jack morton imagine#jack morton#lilith bathory imagines#lilith bathory imagine#lilith bathory#alyssa duke#the knights of saint christopher imagines#the knights of saint christopher imagine#the knights of saint christopher#the order#theorder#netflix#imagines
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Saved Your Life! ~ Reader X Randall Carpio
2. “Are you kidding me right now?!”
14. “Just leave me alone!”
66. "You should be nice to me, I just saved your life!”
Today had sucked! You failed an exam, lost your dorm key, and were thirty minutes late to a job interview. Pretty sure it was safe to say you didn’t get the job. To top it all off you failed your final test, meaning you no longer had a chance of getting into The Order. The order had meant a great deal to you. Your mother and father were both apart of the order during their time at Belgrave. You grew up hearing stories of magic and adventure, and made a promise to yourself that your life would be filled with the same... to bad you had a habit of breaking promises to your self.
Flopping on to a bar stool at the campus pub, you quickly ordered a drink before looking around. The place was dead. Granted it was a Tuesday night. Only a few people lingered, most of which were studying or working. As you sat there sipping on your drink, you couldn’t help but relive the events of the day... and god did in suck. This day truly couldn’t get any worse. You were snapped out of your train of thought by the bartender calling the attention of the pub.
“Hey, listen up!” The large man Hollered. “I just got off the phone with Belgrave admin. There’s supposed to be a huge storm bound to hit this area in a few hours. We don’t want any of you kids roaming around in high wind speeds, so you have been advised to go back to your dorms for the remainder of the evening.”
“Great!” You whisper softly to yourself. Sighing you stood up, slapping a five on the counter before making your way towards the door alongside the other students all hoping to get back before the storm picks up. It was along walk back to your dorm, it’s was dark and cold, and at this moment you would at her be literally anywhere else. You reached in your pocket in hopes of grabbing your phone to check the time, but it was empty, panicking slightly you checked your other pocket before concluding that you must have left it at the pub.
“Are you kidding me right now!” You growl before turning around. At this point you just wanted to cry, absolutely nothing was going alright. When you got to the pub, you notice a boy a little older than you standing close to the wall of the pub building, holding your phone in his right hand. As you got closer you recognized the boy. He was your R.A Randall. Sheepishly you made you way towards the boy, catching his attention as you stopped in front of him.
“First your dorm key, now your phone.” Randall smirked tossing you your phone. Your cheeks began to heat up slightly in embarrassment.
“Yeah. It’s been a long day. Sorry for bothering you.” You say quickly before turning to walk away.
“Hey. I never said you were bothering me. How about I walk you back to the dorm. I’m heading there anyway.” You thought about it for a second before shaking your head.
“Thanks, but I kind of just wanna be alone tonight.”
“Huh. But what kind of R.A would I be if I let you walk home... all alone... in the dark?”
“Maybe a normal one?” You reply, starting to get annoyed at the boys stubbornness.
“Normal is boring. Now come on... we should get back before the storm picks up.” Randall says, before walking in the direction of your dorms. Rolling your eyes you follow him, knowing that at this point you didn’t really have a choice. If it was any other day you would probably have been thrilled to have Randall offer to walk you home, he was funny, charming, and cute, but as you have known from previous meetings Randall is quite chatty, and in the moment you just weren’t in the mood. You trailed slowly behind Randall as he rambled on about whatever he was talking about, trying to toon out as much noise as you possibly could. You watched your feet as you walked along only stopping when you heard Randall suddenly become silent.
“Did you hear that?” Randall whispered turning towards you. Lifting your head up your eyes meet his.
“Hear what?” You whisper back, concerned by Randall’s sudden change in character. A large snap coming from inside the bushes caused both you and Randall to jump.
“That.” Randall said positioning himself slightly in front of you. Another snap echoed throughout the empty streets. Grabbing Randall’s arm you began to try and pull him way from the source of the noise.
“Come on Randall. Let’s just go...” The bushes raddled in front of you and Randall. Before you could blink a fuigure lunged out of the bushes and straight towards you. You flinched back expecting to be attacked, but the attack never came. Opening your eyes you see a member of The Order laying on the ground, what looked to be a wolf standing over them. The sight of blood pouring out of the cloaked fuigure made you feel sick. Slowly backing way from the terrifying scene in front of you, you accidentally step on a stick. As a loud crack sounded out under the weight of your body, the creatures head snapped towards you. Your life flashed before your eyes. You knew there was no pint in running. The creature was twice your size, and could easily catch up. Tears poured from your eyes as the creature slowly approached you. Only stopping about an inch from your face. You starred into its soft brown eyes suddenly feeling a sense of familiarity. Almost within the blink of an eye the creature shrunk down, and transformed into a boy... blinking in disbelief, as the beast The was in front of you mere seconds ago was replaced with your dorky R.A.
“Y/N. Listen, I know that was a lot to take in but I need you to tell me why your being hunted by The Order.” Randall says grabbing a hold of your shoulders. Shock and fear continue to flow through your body, your eyes still focused on the dead body that laid a few feet from you.
“You... But... I, He’s dead! You killed him.He-”
“Tried to kill you?!” Randall interrupted trying his best to calm you down.
“Still, he was a human being. With a family and a life and you don’t even care! You transform in to a... I don’t even know? A fucking bear, kill a guy and then act as if nothing matters?” Randall opened his mouth to say something but it was your turn to cut him off. “No! You know what, just leave me alone!” You yell before turning to walk way.
“First of all a bear? Really? I’m a werewolf. Second, you should be nice to me, I just saved your life! Third I’m not letting you go until you tell me why the order is on your ass!” Sighing you turned around to face Randall.
“I had an opportunity to become a part in of the order, but I fail the final test. I don’t know anything else okay?!” Randall nodded in response “look I’m sorry for yelling. I just, guess I’m confused, in shock maybe?”
“That’s understandable. I’m sorry for killing that guy, didn’t really mean to... kinda just happened.” You chuckle awkwardly looking between Randall and the body.
“Soooo. You’re a werewolf then?”
“Yup!” Randall replies.
“That’s... well I guess that’s pretty cool.” Randall smiled wide at your unexpected response. He nuged your shoulder softly before talking.
“You know what else would be pretty cool?”
“What?” You asked curiously.
“If you’d go out with me... maybe Friday?”
“Hmmm... I’d love to.”
“Haha. Perfect it’s a date then. We should probably get back though, the storms starting to pick up.” You nod, and both you and Randall begin your walk back.
“Wait!” You say stopping suddenly. “Is anyone gonna acknowledges the fact that you’re naked.” You say cheeks beginning to heat up.
“Don’t worry, it’s a wolf thing. You’ll get used to it soon enough.” Randall says winking at you, before continuing the walk. You chuckled softly to your self. Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all.
Heyy guys! Hope you liked it. Thank you so much for reading, and a huge thank you to @dopetacofirepanda for the request. If you have a request, for any character or ship from the order, just let me know and I’ll be happy to write it for you.
Thanks Loves!
#randall carpio imagines#randall carpio imagine#randall carpio#the knights of saint christopher imagines#the knights of saint christopher imagine#the knights of saint christopher#theorder#the order#lilith bathory imagines#lilith bathory imagine#lilith bathory#hamish duke imagines#hamish duke imagine#hamish duke#jack morton imagines#jack morton imagine#jack morton#alyssa duke#netflix#imagines
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2 14 and 66 with randall please?
Sure! I’m just working on it right now, so it should be up sometime today 😊
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A Final Goodbye ~ Reader X Randall Carpio
Trigger warnings: Character Death, Violence.
You flopped down on you twin sized bed, sighing as you looked around your tiny dorm room. Starting Pre-med at Belgrave nine months ago was far more challenging than you could have ever imagined. Although, you struggled with the endless piles or homework, and countless exams you found many wonderful (yet strange) people to help you along the way. Including your boyfriend Randall.
Randall was truly the best, he was soft, and goofy, yet tough and scary at the same time. You knew he was a werewolf and quite frankly that scared you half to death... not because of the whole wolf thing. No, you were worried about his safety. He was always throwing himself into dangerous situations, even more so as the war between The Knights and The Order raged on. Between Werewolfing, school and various other events you both were often busy. However, today you both put aside your stresses and spent the day together. It was a beautiful day, he took you to a private lake, you even had a picnic. Unfortunately, you were back at your dorm, and taking a day off didn’t come without consequence. Turning to the pile of text books that sat on your bed, you picked up your books and started on what seemed like an endless pile of homework. After a stressful 2 hours you were finally finished all work. You pulled out your phone to see if you missed anything over the last two hours. Seeing a text from Randall you smiled softly to yourself.
From~ Randall 🐺❤️
Hey beautiful, I know your probably busy with your school work so how about tomorrow I treat my girl to dinner and a movie <3
To~ Randall 🐺❤️
That sounds amazing <3
From~ Randall 🐺❤️
It's a date then! I'll pick you up around 4:00
To~ Randall 🐺❤️
Sounds great!
From~ Randall 🐺❤️
Alright see you tomorrow baby, have a wonderful night! Love you - R 💕
To~ Randall 🐺❤️
See you tomorrow. Love you more 💕
You throw your phone on the bed and turn on the TV and flick through some channels before deciding to watch Harry Potter. Thirty minutes into the movie your eyes start to get heavy, apparently two hours of homework can be exhausting. Within minutes you were fast asleep.
You jolt awake suddenly to the sound of the door slamming. Paranoid that someone might be breaking in to your dorm you slowly got up and made your way to your phone. Clicking the home button, your tiny dorm lit up revealing a hooded figure, standing in front of the door, a white mask covering the persons face. You instantly knew they were apart of The Order. Randall had warned you about them when you first found out about werewolves and magic. He told you they could be dangerous. The hooded fuigure slowly started to walk towards taking a step forward with every step you took back. You attempted to run past the figure hoping to get to the door, but before you could go anywhere you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You slowly look down to see a knife embedded in your lower stomach. The hooded figure pulled the knife out slowly causing you to stumble back, you watched in pain at the figure turned slowly leaving you there for dead. Hand over wound you slid down the wall, tears beginning to form in your eyes.. Deep down you knew there was no point in calling for help, with the amount of blood you were losing you’d be dead in minutes (Pre-med knowledge). Shakily you pulled your phone out of you pocket, dialing the only numbe you could remember.
"Hey Y/N, I thought you would have been in bed already. Is everything alright?" Randall’s voice sounded through the other end of the phone, concern evident in his voice.
"Yeah I'm fine...” You lied. You knew you were good as dead. You really didnt want Randall’s last memory of you to be a sad one. Telling him at this moment would only make things so much worse. “I just missed your voice." More tears slowly make there way down your face.
"I was just with you today silly, but I'm glad you called. I was actually just thinking about you." Randall chuckled.
" I hope that's a good thing?”
"Of course! I was watching that movie, you know the one we were watching when you kissed me." You smiled softly at the memory, before laughing as you remembered what followed.
"Yeah you were so shocked you fell off the couch." You mumbled feeling light headed from blood loss.
"Yeah and you couldn't stop laughing at me. I think that was one of the best days of my life." You could hear Randall smile through the phone. That’s may be the thing you miss most about Randall. His smile.
"Yeah same here. What about that time we went to the butterfly museum and we got attacked by butterflies." You mentioned trying to keep your self distracted from the numbness that was slowly crawling up your body.
"You wouldn't stop screaming."
"What, butterflies are scary. Plus your afraid of bunnies so I think we're even." You huff, causing Randall to laugh.
"Alright, you've got a fair point. So we still on for tomorrow?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." You lie.
"God Y/N what would I do with out you."
“I'm not sure? Listen Randall, I want you to know that you are the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, and I will always love you know matter what." You slur ever so slightly, barley noticeable through the phone. You knew you didn’t have much longer. You lost all feeling in the bottom half of your body and it was slowly getting harder to breath.
" I love you too Y/N Are you sure everything's alright?" Randall asked slight concern in his voice.
"Yeah everything's perfect now.” You hesitate not wanting to say goodbye. “Listen Randall. I've got to go, but I'll see you soon."
"Alright beautiful see you soon. Love you!"
"Love your more.” You whisper hanging up. The phone slips out of your hand, crashing to the floor. Tears continue stream down your face, but at this point nothing matters, You feel your eyes start to become heavy. Slowly you close your eyes and let your mind slip in to darkness.
Heyyy, Thank you sooo much for reading! Please feel free to make requests anytime.
I’m also in need of any Fics for the order, so if you write or have a favourite fic please let me know.
#theorder#the order#randall carpio#jack morton#lilith bathory#hamish duke#netflix#the knights of saint christopher#alyssa duke#imagines#randall carpio imagine#randall carpio imagines#hamish duke imagine#hamish duke imagines#jack morton imagine#jack morton imagines#lilith bathory imagine#lilith bathory imagines#the knights of saint christopher imagine#the knights of saint christopher imagines
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Prompts List
I’ve made a prompts list! (Some are not mine and I give credit to those who made them.) Send an ask with the number(s) and the character/ship you want! (For short drabbles/blurbs) x
1. “Please don’t leave me.” 2. “Are you kidding me right now?!” 3. “I’m going to kill you!” 4. “You did all of this for me?” 5. “I made my baby cry!” 6. “I’m in love with you.” 7. “Can I kiss you?” 8. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” 9. “Will you be quiet?!” 10. “You are a bloody idiot, you know that?” 11. “You love me.” 12. “He’s dead.” 13. “I hate you so much I love you.” 14. “Just leave me alone!” 15. “I can’t believe you just did that.” 16. "Give me a reason not to turn around and walk away now.” 17. "Please.” 18. "Cuddle me.” 19. "Give me that back!” 20. "I’m pregnant.” 21. "Are you scared?” 22. "What are you doing?” 23. "If we get caught I’m blaming you.” 24. "Are you drunk?” 25. "Shut up and kiss me.” 26. "Help me I’m stuck.” 27. "What am I going to do with you?” 28. "Stop distracting me!” 29. "You said my name in your sleep.” 30. "Yes.” 31. "Are you jealous?” 32. "Trust me.” 33. "Bite me.” “If you insist.” 34. "I made a mistake.” 35. "It’s been a while.” “Too long.” 36. "I don’t love you anymore!” 37. "You’re lying.” 38. "I’m going to regret this.” 39. "Do that again.” 40. "I’m running away.” 41. "I need your help.” 42. "If I die I’m going to come back and haunt you.” 43. "Well this is a surprise.” 44. "Am I dreaming?” 45. "Make me.” 46. "If they find out, I’ll kill myself and then you.” 47. "Why? Just… why?” 48. "Stop it.” 49. "We’re just friends.” 50. "Did you just flick me?” 51. "Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?” 52. "I got you a present.” 53. "Sit in my lap.” 54. "I think I forgot how to breathe.” 55. "Woah.” 56. "What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since I was eleven?” 57. "You don’t understand, you never do!” 58. "You look cute with a baby bump!” 59. "It’s all your fault!” 60. "Well that’s just great.” 61. "Are you even listening?” 62. "I’m going to walk away and pretend I didn’t see anything.” 63. "I thought you loved her.” 64. "Time changes people.” 65. "You, my friend, are a complete and utter tosser.” 66. "You should be nice to me, I just saved your life!” 67. "Don’t you just love it!” 68. "It bit me!” 69. "You have approximately 5 seconds to get out of my face before I kill you.” 70. "Did you buy me… lingerie?” 71. "Oh yeah, because you’d be so good at this!” 72. "I’m sorry.” 73. "That night never happened!” 74. "You should marry me.” 75. "Aren’t you just a cutie pie!” 76. "Don’t you dare!” 77. "Um.. somebody broke that.” 78. "Stop biting that fucking lip!” 79. "You’re hot, shame about the personality.” 80. "You’re going to get us expelled!” 81. "I need you to fake date me.” 82. "My back’s a bit sore from when you stabbed me with your knife.” 83. “You’re just leaving me here? At least have to decency to finish me off with a stick.” 84. "No, I didn’t murder them. I accidentally knocked them unconscious forever, that’s all.” 85. "Wow thanks a lot.” 86. "Why are you walking around naked?” 87. "You owe me big time!” 88. "Awe it’s so cute!” 89. "Are you hitting on me?” 90. "If I die you’ll be sorry!” 91. "Help me hide!” 92. "Sometimes I really don’t like you.” 93. "You’re crazy! You’re out of your mind!” 94. "Ow! Ow! Stop hitting me!” 95. "I don’t know how you convinced me to do this.” 96. "Is that… is that my bra?” 97. "Really? Right now?” 98. "Where are your pants?” 99. "I can’t believe you’re carrying my child.” 100. ”You’re my soulmate?!”
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I’m taking prompts and requests, for any ship and or character from The Order. Please feel free to send them in!
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