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IBM InterConnect: David Mathison and excitement...
#IBMInterConnect: David Mathison @BeTheMedia and excitement abounds... @IBM @IBMCognitive @IBMAnalytics @IBMBIGData
IBM InterConnect: David Mathison and excitement...
See what has David Mathison so excited about IBM Interconnect.
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Extend existing systems with cloud innovation...
How do I leverage the power of an #API and #dataexchange for #Finserv? #Fintech #Wealthtech #OpenBanking @IBM @IBMBanking
Extend existing systems with cloud innovation...
Leverage the power of an API and data exchange for financial services.
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How To Switch To a Data-Focused Career (You...
How to double my salary? Switch to a #Data oriented... find out by @dschoettle #analytics @IBMBigData @DataScience
How To Switch To a Data-Focused Career (You...
Data doesn't sound very sexy, but it's driving job growth in record numbers and is quickly finding its way into every aspect of business. It can also pay big bucks, if you know what you're doing.
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Turn Up The Power For Software-Defined Data...
How to turn up power 4 software-defined #DW? #dashDB #spark @hadoop @IBM
Turn Up The Power For Software-Defined Data...
As big data analytics technologies such as Spark and Hadoop continue their move into the mainstream, you might think that the traditional data warehouse is becoming less important. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.
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Performance Bicycle using IBM Watson cognitive...
Performance Bicycle using @IBMWatson 3cognitive tech to personalize marketing #IBMWatson #IBMAmplify
Performance Bicycle using IBM Watson cognitive...
Performance Bicycle is making increased use of IBM's Watson Customer Engagement services, which allows the retail chain to use consumer data, including browsing history on the Performance website, to tailor its sales and marketing approaches, online and offline.IBM says the system is ideal for omni-channel operations like Performance, the ASE-owned business that operates e-commerce sites and over 100 brick-and-mortar stores.
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Extend existing systems with cloud innovation...
Extend existing systems with cloud innovation quickly #FinTech #Wealthtech #OpenBanking #API
Extend existing systems with cloud innovation...
Leverage the power of an API and data exchange for financial services.
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Cognitive technology and the future of...
#cognitive #fintech & the future of #finserv by @susvis @IBMCognitive #cognitivecomputing
Cognitive technology and the future of...
The financial industry faces a wide range of priorities including customer experience, instant fulfillment, cyber security, risk management and compliance, and expenses. A modern financial services platform is needed to strengthen financial businesses as they progress into the future. And this platform needs to be digital and enhanced with blockchain and cognitive layers. See why IBM believes that the future is cognitive technologies, and how the advantage will go to those who derive the deepest insights from their data.
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Finance your Analytics initiatives for...
#financing #analytics initiatives 4 competitive advantage #IBMAnalytics @IBM_Financing #fintech
Finance your Analytics initiatives for...
Learn about financing your analytics initiatives for competitive advantage with this infographic from IBM Global Financing.
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Capturing IoT data from network's edge to the...
#IoT data from network's edge 2 the cloud to improve customer service @IBMIoT @Rethink_IoT @ibmiotf
Capturing IoT data from network's edge to the...
IoT is the next goldmine of data. Today, it’s still largely untapped information that is primarily used for operational monitoring. By combining that data with traditional “corporate” data, you can improve customer service through faster problem recognition and response, react more quickly to a medical emergency through monitoring devices, provide better insurance rates to your clients by knowing their driving habits, provide better quality control throughout a manufacturing process.
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IBM expands cloud-based Watson talent analytics...
@IBM expands #cloud -based @IBMWatson talent #analytics offerings for #HR @IBMcloud @DanRing3
IBM expands cloud-based Watson talent analytics...
IBM will make cloud-based Watson products available for HR for recruitment and career coaching, after release of Watson talent analytics tools.
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IBM Machine Learning Launch Event
Reminder- Data geeks unite! IBM Machine Learning Launch Event #IBMML effectively leverage #ML
IBM Machine Learning Launch Event
Calling all IT executives, data scientists, Chief Data Officers, data architects and other data geeks. Join us to hear how you can effectively leverage IBM Machine Learning to drive better business results. Discover best practices across data, analytics and open source projects. Hear about key new technologies and our latest offerings and solutions. This is your opportunity to gain insights on how to define the infrastructure needed to drive your current and future business requirements.
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Executives Report Measurable Results From Big...
Actual results from #bigdata? Executives say 'yes', but challenges real #bigdata @Forbes @RandyBeanNVP @IBMBigData
Executives Report Measurable Results From Big...
After a half decade of investment, and periods of trial and error, a near majority of business executives now report successful results from their Big Data investments.
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5 key General Data Protection Regulation...
5 key general #DataProtection regulation obligations @IBMBigData
5 key General Data Protection Regulation...
The GDPR enhances the data protection rights of EU data subjects’ data worldwide. It codifies and clarifies data subjects’ ability to request access to and erasure of their information (right to erase/to be forgotten). In addition, organizations need to provide easier access to personal data, with clear and easily understandable information on processing.
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Improving financial performance with predictive...
#FinServ #ebook Improving Fin. Performance w/ #predictive #analytics @ventanaresearch #datascience @IBMDataScience
Improving financial performance with predictive...
Check out the ebook, Improving Financial Performance with Predictive Analytics, from Ventana Research that explores the many ways businesses can apply predictive analytics and data science techniques to grow revenue, shrink costs and improve margins.
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IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook
#cybersecurity war games IBM i2 arms analysts w/ multidim viz analysis > quickly uncover... @IBMRisk @IBM_i2Support
IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook
IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook arms analysts with multidimensional visual analysis capabilities so they can quickly uncover hidden connections and patterns in data.
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In the age of data: Data not Dada, part 2
New Killer Apps in the age of data: Data not Dada, part 2 by @ChunkaMui @IBMBigData
In the age of data: Data not Dada, part 2
This podcast discusses how embracing the concept of the new killer apps involves people and roles in an organization that need to coalesce around a rational set of business goals in working with data. New teams of people are forming that are data hungry.
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Think big, start small and learn fast
Think big, start small & learn fast @ChunkaMui in his book, The New Killer Apps > conventional wisdom not correct...
Think big, start small and learn fast
In his book, The New Killer Apps, Chunka Mui, innovation and business strategy consultant, asserts that the conventional wisdom about start-ups being destined to out-innovate big, established businesses isn't true. Read this excerpt to learn how large companies can disrupt too by thinking big, starting small and learning fast.
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