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klvnld-blog · 7 years ago
5th Enotes
Demonstrative Pronouns - tells/directs to things that are near and/or far. Singular - that, this Plural - those, these Interrogative Pronouns - who, whom, what, why, which, whose *where nd when are adverbs Relative Pronouns - who/whom, whoever/whomever, that, which e.g. It the doctor who saved his life That (constricts) - I bought the shoes that are expensive. Which (defines) - I bought the rubies, which are expensive.
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klvnld-blog · 7 years ago
Pronoun - replacement or substitute for a noun, nouns or phrase. PERSONAL PRONOUNS a. Subjective Pronouns 1st Person 2nd 3rd Singular - I You He/She/It Plural - We You They b. Objective Pronouns 1st Person 2nd 3rd Singular - me you him/her/it Plural - us you them c. Possessive Pronouns - my, your, his, her, its, our Possessive Pronoun - mine, yours, his, hero, its, ours Singular Pronouns - everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, anything, another, one, each, either, neither, somebody, someone, something, nobody, no one, nothing. Plural Nouns - both, many, few, several, others Singular/Plural Pronouns - all, any, most, more, none, some, such
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klvnld-blog · 7 years ago
4th E-notes
Cases of Nouns Subjective Nouns - e.g. ANDY is the owner of Buzz and Woody Objective Nouns - included are the Direcr Objects, Indirect Objects, Object if the Preposition. Possessive - e.g. Kevin's trousers are always new. Appositive - " Collective Nouns - e.g. staff, crew, a flock of birds, a school of fish etc. Compound Nouns - Close compound nouns e.g. Butterfly - Hyphenated compound nouns e.g. cul-de-sac - Open or Space compound nouns e.g. Ice cream
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klvnld-blog · 7 years ago
3rd Enotes
Noun Proper nouns - specific names - always capitalised e.g. Jerome, Japan Common nouns - general names for something e.g. man, city, country - Capitalised when the first word of the sentence Count Nouns - can be counted e.g. chair, oranges, Uncountable Nouns - cannot be counted e.g. rice, water, money Qualifiers for Count Nouns- many, few, how many. Qualifiers for Uncountable- less, little Concrete Nouns - can be perceived with 5 senses. Abstract Nouns - a feeling it an idea. Material Nouns - names that are made of alloy e.g. Gold, cotton, silk Gender-specific nouns - masculine gender, feminine gender, neutral gender Regular Nouns - adding s or -es on singular nouns to be pluralized. Irregular Nouns - changing the whole or some part of a word to pluralize it.
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klvnld-blog · 7 years ago
2nd Enotes
Language - a system of arbitrary sounds and symbols used for human communication. In grammar we have: Linguistic Competence- unconscious knowledge of language and, Linguistic Performance- observable use of language Approaches in Grammar Descriptive- describes grammar (descriptivist) Prescriptive- prescribes grammar (prescriptivist) Universal Grammar by Noam Chomsky - all languages are the same Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis -language determines our thoughts Functional Grammar - tells the fusion of words in a sentence Ferdinand de Saussure - father of modern linguistic Langue parole Pedagogical Grammar - teaching of grammar Grammaticality - the correctness of a particular sentence Acceptability - to be semantically accepted
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klvnld-blog · 8 years ago
ENGL 2053 6-3-17 Notes
I thought i was learning it all but then many has to be learned. - Stationary and Stationery. There's a difference... In meaning. Stationary - not moving; changing. Stationery - materials (such as paper, pens, and ink) that are used for writing or typing - "alright" is informal but "all right" is. - I prefer Company A "to" Company B. This is my first time to hear it. - I just saw on Fb that there's "irregardless" but regardless, i was still wrong because it is informal. - "full-time" moves as one unit so with hyphen. - "pastime!" Never knew that. - "to the delivery," got it. "Equipment" no forgot that. - "in," "on," and "at." Remember it all. From not-so specfic time to very specific time. - "appreciate" has to have a DO. - "could" is more polite. - "routine" is also an adjective. Never thought of that too. - "a staff member/staffer" oooh. - biennial is every 2 years. - biannual is twice in 2 years. - cope "with" never cope "up." - fewer for countable nouns - lesser for uncountable nouns - No parking on "either" sides. - Jewelry, luggage, furniture, equipment, mail. - one of the (plural noun). As always. - apprise means to inform - appraise means to estimate worth etc. - "unawares" is ADVERB. Cool! - The reason we visit you is "THAT" - Subordinate Conjunctions always are in the position of ".Otherwise," - lay low; lie low - farther for countable nouns - further for uncountable count nouns - with regards to - in regards with - withhold - input - inasmuch as, insofar asz insomuch as... - trainer not trainor HAHA - Review Tenses! English is complicated but FUN.
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