klso-blog · 9 years
I'm finally hitting up da US of A
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Yo, so I know I don’t use this anymore, but whatever... a friend and I are driving this over 7-8 days in july (getting to philly day before TIHC) and wanna know if anyone would wanna hang, let us sleep on your couch/floor, know of any cool spots to visit on way through, or any dope vegan places? Also, no aus friends are going to TIHC this year (even though It’s the best year and heaps have gone other years?) so let me sheep you the whole weekend please :) haha. 
Add me on facebook (kelso elliott) or instagram (kelsoxvx) if you know what’s good.
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klso-blog · 10 years
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Apu’s having none of your shit today.
No apologies. No compromise. No more excuses.
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klso-blog · 10 years
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klso-blog · 10 years
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Went to this amazing little hot spring near the river. 
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klso-blog · 10 years
This is my therapy You breathe life into me My only sanity Within these walls is where I'm free
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klso-blog · 10 years
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Rina Takeda [x]
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klso-blog · 10 years
AOTY definitely. Check it out.
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REVIEW: Outright – Avalanche
By Ryan Sim
From the outset, Outright make their aims clear. ‘Troubled’ opens with a threat – raw, naked guitar that seems to say, “Here we are, this is what we look like, get on board or get out of the way.”
       The song is pummeling, and every aspect is so strong in its delivery, there really isn’t any need to dig deeper. But Outright’s aggression and their energy is compelling in a way that reminds me of listening to Converge’s Axe To Fall for the first time. Avalanche is similar, if only in the fact that it is entirely unrelenting. There’s pain and catharsis here, often simultaneous, that made me want to dig deeper.
       There seems to be a fatal disconnect between public discussions about social justice issues, and the actual problems – the occurrences of violation and violence (physical, verbal or political). The issues in question tend to be simplified, reduced, or distorted under a shroud called “political correctness.” Transpose this onto bands and any hope for resonant music, more often than not, is lost.
       Often, it comes off as a play to garner support, with the band leaning on slogans, and seeming more concerned with appearing to be doing and saying, the “right” things. Outright, a self-proclaimed and outspokenly political band, manage to avoid all of this, and Avalanche destroys that disconnect.
       ’A City Silent’ reduced me to tears upon first listen, due to my own family’s experience dealing with domestic violence and drug abuse. But the reason it hit me so heavy is probably because it wasn’t written for me. All of the songs on Avalanche come from such a specific and personal place, that when they do strike a nerve in the listener, they strike hard – the chance that someone else experienced that very same feeling you did is as brutal as that fucking bass tone. Even the more anthemic songs with wider reaching themes (‘Iron String’, ‘Rapture’) work, simply because they’re delivered with this idiosyncratic rage that belongs to Outright alone.
<a href=”http://outright-hc.bandcamp.com/album/avalanche-lp” data-mce-href=”http://outright-hc.bandcamp.com/album/avalanche-lp”>AVALANCHE LP by OUTRIGHT</a>
       In particular, ‘The Collapse’ stands out due to its subject matter. In the current century, living in a city in a fully developed, Western country, you need to be specifically looking to come into contact with death itself, or else be very unlucky. The song recounts events that Goluza witnessed in March of in 2013, when an inner-city wall collapsed and three people died. The song takes stock of the fleeting nature of life while simultaneously working through the internal stress and horror that came after being a part of the tragedy.
       The way all the elements on this song work together to create this representation that is honestly fearful yet defiant, completely heartbreaking but also full of fury, is a good placeholder for what the album does as a whole.
       Avalanche has a sound that is immediately recognizable. Throughout the record, I can intermittently hear the influence of early Terror, Mindsnare, and Most Precious Blood, amongst others. But, just like Jelena Goluza’s words, these influences have clearly been informed and shaped through experience, and at the same time no attempt has been made to hide them.
       They’ve taken this sound from anyone else who might try to label it differently, and there is no doubt who owns it now. This is hardcore, but it’s hardcore the way Outright want it to sound.
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Avalanche is out now through Reason and Rage Records. You can stream and download at the band’s Bandcamp and purchase the vinyl here. Keep up with Outright at their Facebook page and catch them on their LP release tour. Ryan Sim currently plays guitar in Marathon and plays guitar and sings in Low Season.
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klso-blog · 10 years
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EpicDash: 32 Surreal Places On Earth That Belong In A Dream, Part 2. 
Part 1 here
1: Turquoise Ice, Lake Baikal, Russia. Lake Baikal is the largest and oldest freshwater lake in the world. In the winter, the lake freezes, but the water is so clear that you can see 130 feet below the ice. In March, frost and sun cause cracks in the ice crust, which results in the turquoise ice shards we see at the surface.
2: Pamukkale Hot Springs, Turkey. Over millions of years, the hotsprings in Pamukkale have transformed the landscape. Although it may look like these terraces are made of ice and snow, Turkey has bikini weather all year round. The ground is just coated in white limestone.
3: Sentinels of the Arctic, Finland. These sentinels are actually giant trees covered in snow and ice. This strange sight occurs in winter, when temperatures range from -40 to -15 degrees centigrade.
4: Yuanyang County, China. The farming techniques in Yuanyang County have created a landscape which is truly amazing from the air. These rice fields are located on the slopes of Ailao Mountain, where the terraced levels help create flat surfaces along an uneven landscape.
5: Fly Geyser, Nevada, USA. Fly Geyser was accidentally created when a well was drilled and left uncapped. Minerals and algae started to rise from the geyser and accumulated to form an alien-like mound.
6: Grand Prismatic Hot Spring, Wyoming, USA. Grand Prismatic Hot Spring is the largest hot spring in the United States. The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria, which grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water.
7: Underwater Waterfall, Mauritius Island. Strong ocean currents continually drive sand from the shores of Mauritius into the abyss below, creating this one-of-a-kind underwater waterfall.
8 & 9: Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives. It may look normal during daylight, but at night, this beach comes to life. The sparkle in the water comes from marine microbes called phytoplankton. The galaxy they paint across the shore is nothing short of breathtaking.
10: Glowworm Caves, Waitomo, New Zealand. Thousands of tiny glowworms hang to the ceiling of this grotto and radiate a luminescent light, creating a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie.
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klso-blog · 10 years
This friday is my birthday and It's gonna be so sick. Hitting up da beach/city during the day, probably have some real tasty unhealthy fried shit for dinner to treat myself, then get to see some sick bands that I will definitely be doing my most intense/awkward finger pointing sing-a-long to (especially the sneaky covers they'll be doing ;) ). and best of all I'll be surrounded by most of my fave people ^_^
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klso-blog · 10 years
Archie gon' pretend he don't wanna hook up
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But wait
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Yea, you know It's too hard to resist my vegan straight edge charm dawg
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( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡
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klso-blog · 10 years
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Been following the #peoplesclimatemarch in all diff locations today. These people are so amazing! #govegan #spreadtheword #vegan
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klso-blog · 10 years
Sky grows black Blood runs red End of life No more compromise
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klso-blog · 10 years
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Saint Kitts Island, Saint Kitts and Nevis | Alexandre Synnett
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klso-blog · 10 years
I had some mad looney tunes shit happen to me today.
I was riding along this trail and there was a lyrebird chilling in the middle of it, as I got closer it started running/prancing away from me with it’s long tail flapping about along the trail (like Road Runner styles). When I got about 2 metres away from it, it went off the track into shrubbery. Because I was concentrating on the bird so much (not trying to scare it or anything, was trying to avoid hitting it) I didn’t realise there was a waterway bypass track I was supposed to get so nek minute this deep puddle (didn’t look that deep though) was coming up and I decided to ride through it instead of skid out before. I get about a quarter way through and realise it’s so deep I couldn’t keep pedalling, I tried to push away from my bike into shrubs/dirt but I ended up 3/4 up my shin deep in this muddy as fuck water and wrecking my bike hahah fuck my life.
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klso-blog · 10 years
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klso-blog · 10 years
When I was in like year 5-6 (11-12 years old) everyone wore thin black plastic bands around their arms and called them 'fuck bands' and even the person who was wearing them was convinced that if someone broke it off their arm they "had to" fuck them? (they obviously didn't (maybe some did :/), but like everyone would go around being like "you have to fuck them now because they broke your band lololol" until like a month later when they got over it etc). Was this an australian or universal thing or just at my primary school? hahah. It was seriously so fucking weird.
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klso-blog · 10 years
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RAWSON - mikeseehagel.com
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