this app is literally my public private place to talk to myself
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Co-napping is a beautiful thing. Knock out with me so I know it’s real
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life is weird because one minute you're 13 wondering if you'll ever see the age of 18 and the next you're 28 and excited to go shopping for lamps
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sing with me in the car and I swear you’ll have my heart
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tumblr is like a group therapy with no therapist.
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how to express emotions infront of people without feeling terribly ashamed of yourself tutorial
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literally feels like a myth that there are people who don't struggle with basic tasks like getting out of bed or going to the shops or seeing a friend for coffee. how does everything not feel like a painstaking chore for them. how do they have the physical and emotional energy every single day
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*still uses pinky promises as a legit form of trust*
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