klavichord · 10 months
With the hbomberguy plagiarism video on fire right now I want to share my favorite example of egregious plagiarism.
I’m a marine biologist. Currently getting my PhD. I’ve done a lot of scholarly writing. Many classes I took as an undergraduate had big writing components. I took limnology at one point as an elective. This course had one such big writing assignment.
The professor told us a story. He said he once got a student paper that absolutely blew him away. It was way beyond what he’d expected from the class. This was before we had online tools to check for plagiarism. The paper impressed him so much that he brought it home to show it to his wife. She began reading it and then set it down, looked at him, and said, “Dan, you wrote this.”
This student was dumb enough to not only copy a published paper verbatim, but to copy a paper published by the professor of the class.
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klavichord · 10 months
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klavichord · 10 months
Sound on
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klavichord · 10 months
I'm so bad at compréhension orale and dictées. I've only gotten 2 out of 8 sentences correct and I've even "cheated" and listened to them more than the allotted 2 times. I hate myself so much
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klavichord · 10 months
I know I'm pushing myself too hard rn but I am desperate to do as much as possible before I can't do as much for so long. I can feel myself burning myself out but Hey, I'll have enough time to rest and more after I get surgery
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klavichord · 10 months
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Making a list and checking it twice 👀👀
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klavichord · 10 months
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A cat listening to a VEF Spidola 10 pocket radio made in Latvia, 1972. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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klavichord · 10 months
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klavichord · 10 months
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klavichord · 10 months
As my surgery date gets closer, I'm simultaneously relieved to have a forced break from everything but also dreading losing my independence and physical ability. Also so sad I can't climb for so long 😭
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klavichord · 11 months
I've been cold for most of the day thanks to the vaccine(s) and I snuggled up with two blankets on the couch after dinner while watching interior design YouTube with Cameron and I just want to stay here forever 😭 it's so warm and cozy. But we gotta pack more stuff for tomorrow.
Also, so glad we had the entire month to move. Never again will I be moving in one or two days. That shit sucked the few times I did it
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klavichord · 11 months
Guy who decided to get two vaccines the day before we were supposed to start moving.
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klavichord · 11 months
Idk how people with long nails do it. I hate the sensation of scratching anything with my nails accidentally
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klavichord · 11 months
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klavichord · 11 months
My brain is mush and I want to go home and watch climbing comps but we can't go back yet because there are viewings happening at our place
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klavichord · 11 months
Cameron got his dream kettle and he's so cute hee hee
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klavichord · 11 months
“No one even told me…”
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