kkochan-art · 2 years
flourishing: a flower’s first ✿
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳?
In fields where the air sway its way, the trees howl ever so lightly, and the light from the sun illuminates what’s below, a flower follows the current. “Tell me I look pretty today” said the tiny flower.
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Greetings! this is kkochan, an art student from LPU-Laguna, who is just starting to navigate things that linger inside him through the small nuances he call as ‘art’. Kkochan is not perfect nor tries to be one. He could be considered as a persona created to uncover the concealed feelings and messages that was masked due to fear. It may sound like a sad story, but it definitely is not. Today, I’ll be introducing myself, kkochan rather, more through this short blogpost to which I’ll uncover the history and meaning of the name “kkochan”, the purpose of this art account, and lastly, the future services I might offer.
Back in 2020, I’ve decided to make an art account because I wanted to showcase the things I’ve created in some sort. In the same way, my friends influenced me in doing such action. Unfortunately, I went on making one without thinking about myself or how I vision my own art. I forced it and proceeded with something “quirky”, where it’s based on someone I had a silly crush on. My first art account was named ‘bebenichan’, which as expected, made me feel displaced and disjointed after months of creating the account. I took a dip, a slumber, a turmoil? with my art and art in general, added with the downward situation of the pandemic, which made me feel unmotivated or felt like, I didn’t care as much about art. It was such a critical feeling especially that I’m taking an art course, an art student. It was frightening to feel and even until now, I still haven’t completely regained the same amount of passion I had when I was in my freshman year. Now that I’m in my third year, I’m still worried whether that passionate person would comeback. To be honest, I’ve already accepted the worse and it’s okay, but still I can’t help to think if things would’ve been different if I had the same amount of interest back then. Going back, I spent almost two years of evaluating and rethinking about my relationship with art, deliberating about what is “me” in my art, and of course, thinking of a name for my possible rebrand. Initially, I’ve associated myself with flowers ever since my senior high school days. No specific flower but just a general flower which exceeds beauty. I often hear the phrase “what would it take to be mistaken as a flower?” inside my head, to which formed the name “kkochan”. Kkochan is derived from a Korean word kkoch (꽃) which means flower and ‘chan’ which is my nickname. I combined both words which produced ‘kkochan’ (꽃안). If directly translated it would mean “inside the flower”, which is also my tagline. With that, ‘kkochan’ is born.
Like a tiny flower, ‘kkochan’ is simple, it is beauty, innocence, genuineness, and rawness. It doesn’t necessarily hold a deep meaning or tries to make things abstract but rather, it wants to be understood or converse something that is simple but would make you feel and knowing. I think, if I would to compare what I vision ‘kkochan’ to be, in another mode of art then it would be IU’s lyrics and songs. IU’s songs is known to tackle really simple concepts, especially day-to-day ones, like missing a friend, wishing someone to sleep well, a love letter, and etc., which is lyrically written in such a beautiful and genuine manner that it resonates so deeply which hits a listener’s inner core. In the same way, IU has songs that feel abstract with how sensitive it could be but it’s still simple because it is a fact or it is “life”, if that would make sense. For example, saying your goodbyes and letting go of love, reaching out to your inner child in a vast ocean, and how time moves, and seasons change even if someone is stuck on their own time for eternity. It’s all written so lovely and personal that you would cry with how beautiful it is even with such tragic concept. It feels like you’re being consoled and comforted without directing the words to you but rather making you feel and realize how beautiful it could be, which is what I want to encapsulate in my art through ‘kkochan’.
As you know, I recently created my Facebook page where this blogpost would be featured. At first, I wasn’t really planning to create one or produce one as sooner as this but here we are now. Immediately, I want to apologize if after the next few weeks, I’ll be inactive with posting. To be honest, I’ve been displaying my old artworks or school outputs to make the page moving and I haven’t been making any new ones as of the moment. Moreover, ‘kkochan’ Facebook page, Instagram, and twitter account are utilized to be an archive place for my artworks and a portfolio page, so that I could share my works more public than usual. To be honest, I’ve been so used to just keeping everything I create because I’ve never really been the person who post a lot. It was never an option in my head. Furthermore, the pages and accounts stated would be the official platform for any works I want to create. Other than my digital artworks, I’ll probably include some video outputs like films or small snippets that I find beautiful and “on-brand”. Lastly, I think these pages, especially the Facebook one, would share a part of me that I want to convey more. It could be about my current state or a hop of butterflies inside.
To end, though I haven’t fully decided, ‘kkochan’ would probably offer commissions in the future to which would create personalized or requested artworks in my own art style. Furthermore, I think my art would sell merchandise as well, like photocards, stickers, posters, tote bags, etc. Also, if given opportunity, I think I’ll venture out with some video related commissions or projects as well. I hope you support me with my journey with ‘kkochan’ and please anticipate more things that I could offer or how much more changes would happen from the today me compared to the future. Thank you for reading this blog, I wish you’ve been enlightened who and what ‘kkochan’ is. Thank you and have the nicest day!
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