8 posts
Well how's it going lads and lasses? I'm a pathetic excuse for a writer and would rather play videogames all day than go to the beach. But I constantly wonder if I could ever play Skyrim on a TV the size of the horizon. Any ways, a little about myself. I'm from New Zealand, I'm 17 and currently attend a very diluted version of a concentration camp called school, as most teens do. Not much to it really. What I'll write about: Well I mentioned that a screen tan is more likely than an actual tan, which isn't true, I love the outdoors. But I'll be writing alot about videogames. Skyrim and Battlefield 3 will be in there, along with any requests and ideas you come up with. Thanks for stopping by to read some fanmade stuff! Cheers, KIVVI.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
The Path. - Skyrim, Part III
I walked along silently, the trees beside the path were gracefully swaying from side to side. I could hear wooshing sounds coming from the forests as the wind swiftly passed through effortlessly. I noticed a few fox cubs and their mother in the forest floor, they didn't take notice of me and went on their way.The cobble path I trudged on was long and treacherous, winding from left to right and siding along dangerous caves, mines and war scarred, forgotten ruins from centuries ago. The sun was high in the sky as I walked along, the snow was trickling down the path as it liquidated. Water dropped from trees in synchronization with the chirping of young, energetic chicks. My axe was gripped tight in my palms. My knuckles were turning white and my mind was clouded with anger and the clouds were lined with certainty, "I will get her back." I said, puffing with fatigue. There was laughter in the distance, well, it wasn't laughter. More of a happy howling. I stared intently into the forest. Attempting to make out the darkened figures in the brush. I noticed a couple of large, brown animals and tall pale creatures with large wooden clubs, dancing ritualistically around a barely lit fire. Fire in the day? Idiots. Why would they need heat now? I moved closer to the encampment, hiding in the bushes. This time I could see more than before. They were putting a thick, whitish, cream in a sack and holding it over the fire. There was a pot on the fire and the sack was suspended on a stick, a clear, yellowy liquid was dripping quickly into the pot. One of the giants took the pot from the fire and rung the remaining liquid in the sack, into the pot. He then proceeded to soaking animal hide in it. "Huh... Is that how they strengthen their armour... Interesting." I took my leave. Moving slowly back towards the path and walking back toward Solitude. The sun was slowly setting, and it was getting slightly darker. I thought it wise to find shelter for the night, in a abandoned old camp once used by bandits. I poked the fire, embers scattering around the stone circle. I had put a flat stone on top and the centre had glowed a soft red meaning it was ready to cook something on. I had looked through the sacks and barrels left by the bandits and managed to scavenge some rock salts and leeks. Yum. Fried salty leeks for dinner. I chewed through the first leek and almost immediately wished it was a sweetroll. After downing a few more leek slices, I decided it was time to sleep. Lying down on a sleeping roll, I could see a constellation depicting a horse. I closed my eyes slowly, trying to plan how I could effectively save Lydia. I closed my eyes. "M'aiq has not been watching you sleep, Nord." I heard through my dispersing unconsciousness.
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
Dogtags - Battlefield 3 Part II
"Bravo Two Foxtrot come in." "Reading you loud and clear baseplate, send trans." "Our UAV's are picking up alotta heat coming from the Radio Station, suggest you take caution and go in silent, over." "Roger that baseplate. Good copy, over and out." The Sarge looked at us, "You heard the man. No floppy shit, you got it? You stick to stealth and silence, hooah?" he said, almost angrily. "Yessir." We all replied. We were positioned two buildings away. Luckily for us these two buildings were abandoned and taller than the Radio Station itself and Sarge had ordered Kanine and Dusk to attempt infiltration through the roof, via rappelling down the side of the two adjacent buildings. Unfortunately, these buildings were abandoned for a reason. Being so shaken up by the earthquake, an evacuation had taken place and the whole area was moved due to the buildings being structurally unsound and unsafe, any floorboard at any time could collapse. "Okay... You have 5 mikes to get into position Dusk." Sarge said through the headset. I was looking at our objective, it was lit up rather well. Beams of light were being shone into the sky, its radio dish was riddled with bullet holes and was rusted. Large windows were scattered along the large concrete walls, and a huge 92.1 Best Hi..z was displayed in neon writing. The building itself was a miracle, it still stood strong, like an oasis in a desert. "We're going to check if there's a backdoor." Sarge said, looking at Wolf and I.  We nodded and followed his lead. We ran around the corner and stuck to the walls for cover, beams of light blocked the way. We didn't want to get seen so we held position for the light to move. There was a rustling in a nearby grouping of garbage bins, quite loud and erratic enough to make the lids fall onto the ground making a large twang sound. The light immediately hustled to observe what made the noise, and we were standing by with weapons drawn and pointed in case it were enemy. But it was a dog, a soaked, mangy looking dog. It was searching for food in the trash. We didn't have any other opportunity, so we moved into the alley of the Radio Station while the light was preoccupied by the dog. We were moving down the alley way when we could hear a banter of laughter coming from the windows, there was a loud bang, to which the Sarge reacted with "Contact!" There was an ear piercing yelp coming from the direction we had just came from followed by loud joy filled remarks and more laughter. "Fucking sick bastards..." I heard Wolf say. "Sarge, this is Dusk, we're in position over." "Roger, hold until further command." We made our way into the back of the building, scanning every sector and being as silent as night itself.  We came across a backdoor, which was locked and a fire escape which we could use. "Here, I'll boost you up." Wolf exclaimed. I climbed up onto his hand and then shoulders, reaching the ladder and lifting myself up. Sarge was covering our entrance. I slid the ladder down quietly and carefully. Wolf tapped Sarge's shoulder, and the two climbed the ladder. I lifted open a window and climbed into it, being silent as possible. "Tango... Next room. Shadow." Sarge whispered as he pointed to the shadow being cast by the lone enemy soldier in the next room. "Knife only. Go." I pulled out my knife and slowly and quietly approached the enemy soldier. His rifle was beside him, a Dragunov sniper rifle. The window was open and a beam of light pointed at the corpse of the dead dog. I smiled at the thought of revenge, then snapped back into reality. I was in reach of him now, I lifted my knife and I thrust it into his throat, wrapping my hand around his mouth tightly. I watched the life slowly drain out of him. His brown eyes slowly fading into death. It went silent. Everything was silent. I wiped my knife off and hid the body in a closet. "Okay, Dusk, Kanine. Move in, top to bottom, each floor cleared I want report in, hooah? We're on the second floor." "Roger, we're on our way." 
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
The Forest - Skyrim, Part II
We had left the corpse of the bandit at the tree trunk. The Imperial man had fled after his Khajiit accomplice. The snow began to fall gently again, as grey clouds cluttered the sky. Lydia and I had began walking through the whitened forest, walking lower down the mountain. Slowly descending one of many giants that dotted Skyrim's map. The sound of ice crunching was clearly heard, Lydia was being awkwardly silent and I didn't mind the quietness that accompanied it. "What was... That? Before? Your voice was..." Lydia frantically tried to collect her thoughts and put them into words. "That was nothing. Think nothing of it." I responded, calmly. Lydia stopped following, she stood still and looked at me very seriously. "THAT, was no simple spell. You're the Dragonborn!" She exclaimed, rather loudly. "You're a hero of the people! A descendant of a God!" I stopped and turned, allowing our stares to meet. There was tension in the air. "Listen closely, Lydia... I am hunted by a group of mer named the -" "Thalmor." Lydia said, cutting me off. "Yes... Those bastards have had me running since they found out I was Dragonborn." I said, my head bowed. Lydia kept respectfully silent. "The more I use the powers bestowed unto me, the more the Thalmor have a chance of finding me, do you understand? Everytime I shout, people become missing, tortured and killed. I do not want that on my conscience." I whispered sadly. My head still bowed. Lydia stepped to me and laid a hand on my shoulder. "I didn't thank you for saving me. Thank you. If not for you, I might be dead right now for returning to the post empty handed." She smiled at me, which cheered my spirits a little. I noticed the snow becoming more and more heavy. "We need to find a place to rest. Wait this storm out." I said whilst scanning the horizon. I noticed a lightened building silhouette in the distance, fire had brightened the windows and smoke was escaping through the chimney. "There, that looks like an inn." We made our way through the snow pelted forest, climbing over broken branches and fallen trees. We came to a road, which was covered by a thin layer of perfectly aligned snow. The inns sign read: Nightgate Inn, on a snow ridden wooden post. Lydia and I climbed the few steps to the door and we could feel the warmth radiating from the door itself. The building felt unbelievably nice and enticing. We turned the handle, pushed the door and entered this paradise among chaos. "Welcome to the Nightgate Inn travelers." The innkeeper said, "We have warm food, mead and best of all beds for the weary and tiresome." We walked closer to the innkeeper, to his bar, where he stood behind drying out a wet mug with a rag. "What can I get you?" The man said. "A bed for the night and some food please." I replied. "Okay, the bed'll cost 10 gold per night. And we have rabbit, deer, venison stew, goat, vegetable stew and fish caught by the lake. We also have something to wash it down with if you require." "I'll take two beds and two venison stews... Oh, and a pitcher of water." "Okay, comes up to 35 septims." "Here. Where's our room?" The man pointed to the vacant room to the right whilst counting his gold. "I'll bring your food in for you when it's cooked and everything." the man said, with cheerful spirits highly noticeable in his tone. "Thanks. Come Lydia..." I said. "What're you lookin' at..?" A Nord man remarked, his voice heavy with alcohol and his stench even more so. Lydia and I walked on, into our rooms and could hear his voice getting fainter, "Fine, I was done talking anywa..." We both sat down on our beds and looked at each other. She pulled down her hood to reveal her full face. Her eyes were a light brown and her hair was a dark brown. Her skin was pale yet her cheeks were flushed. She was bruised on her left cheekbone and her upper lip was split and was reddened. "What do you want with me?" She asked. "You are not my slave. You do what you want at your own desire." I replied, softly. She winced at the word slave, I had a slight feeling that a slave is all she was before I happened along. She had never once had freedom. "I want to travel with you. You saved my life back there, by the Nine, at least offer me the same opportunity to help you." She said, her voice becoming more desperate. "The path I take is no easy journey. You don't understand the dangers that I must fac-" The innkeeper walked in with two steaming bowls upon a wooden platter and a porcelain pitcher with droplets of condensation around the outside. "Your meals and... Did I interrupt something?" He said, cautiously. "Uh. No. Thankyou." I said thankfully, smiling in the process, "Smells good." He handed the one bowl to me and another to Lydia, he then took his leave. I excavated one chunk of deer meat out of the bowl and inserted it into my mouth, chewing down hard on it. It was delicious. The bowl was steaming and the smell had filled the room. It would have been a perfect meal, had Lydia not been staring at me with harsh intent. "You understand nothing." I said, angrily. "I understand enough!" Lydia replied, anger equaled. "I'm taking you to Whiterun, there you'll be safe." I said, ending the conversation. We both laid down in our beds, thinking about the day ahead. The snow continued to fall outside and we fell asleep gently. I woke up, at dawn. Alot earlier than Lydia, she was still asleep. I decided to go down to the lake for some fresh air. I was down there for what seemed like an hour. So, I decided to pack up and march back uphill to the inn and awaken Lydia. I trudged up the snowy pathway, which was adjacent to the large forest we encountered the bandits in. I stopped to see two Imperial Army marked horses hitched to the posts outside of Nightgate. I was hesitant to enter and be noticed as a Stormcloak, I considered leaving and abandoning Lydia there. Instead, I stood outside and waited for them to leave. Using bushes and trees as my cover I waited. After about half an hour they had come out of the inn, they had taken someone into custody, from my angle I could not recognize the face. The soldiers placed the person onto their horse and rode off, over the hill. I stood up and dusted myself off, slowly making my way up to the inns door and entered inside. "Ah, you're back... Friend..." the innkeeper said, nervously. "Yes. What was that about?" I asked. "Oh, that? Nothing. Nothing at all..." He replied, suspiciously. I looked into my room to find no one in it. It was vacant. The only bed that was made was mine and Lydia's was rustled, showing signs of aggression. I heard footsteps getting louder and a howling scream from behind me. I turned to see a knife narrowly miss my chest. The innkeeper swiped again, this time cutting my arm. I let out a scream then moved back swiftly. My sword had been taken from it's resting spot. "Oh, you looking for your weapon? They took THAT TOO!" He yelled, angrily swinging his small dagger from left to right, missing each time. "Where did they take her?!" I yelled, angrily. "HAH, I'm the one with the weapon here. I-" "ZUN HAAL VIK!" I shouted, sending his weapon flying and stabbing into the ceiling. He was left defenseless and disarmed. I walked up and punched him in the chin, I proceeded to grabbing his hair and slamming his head into the wooden wall. "Tell me where she is or you'll be descending higher than your dagger." I coerced. "They... They said Solitude. Solitude... Is where... Ow!" I slammed his head once more, knocking him unconscious. I stormed out of the room and to the bar, taking back the gold I gave him. Also taking his woodcutters axe and some food. I left the inn in a furious rage, marching up the path towards Solitude to save Lydia. "What're you lookin' at..?" The drunken Nord man said as I happened across him on the path. "FUUS!" I shouted in a frustrated anger. He was knocked back onto his ass and didn't get up until I was out of sight.
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
I have burst out in laughting when I've read the pissing part xDDD That is funny. BTW. nice story!
Thanks man! That's real good to hear :D
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
Bravo Two Foxtrot - Battlefield 3
"Tangos, twelve o'clock." The rain pelted down harshly, it rattled the filled garbage bins and mist gathered around the ground where the rain hit and mixed with warmth of the road. We were hiding in the alleyway of a large main road which was split in half by the earthquake which hit the large Iraq city. We were on an intelligence operation. Get to the radio building on the North East end of the city. Keep casualties at a minimum and don't draw too much attention. I looked at Sarge, he was pointing at two soldiers who were standing on the side of the road smoking cigarettes and laughing loudly. "Wolf, translate." Sarge said via head comms. "Roger that." Wolf replied, his husky American accent kicking through. Wolf moved up quietly, using the rains noise to cover his steps and the nights darkness to cover his approach. He positioned himself nearby the PLR operatives, behind a car which had been overturned in the earthquake. "Dusk, Kanine, covering positions in case things turn ugly." Sarge whispered, whilst using the hand movement that signaled to move up. "Moving" Dusk said in a Texan accent. "Gotcha, moving." Kanine said obediently. The two replied and moved up slowly, the rain making a constant static sound which drowned out the movement of the two US soldiers. "Sarge, these two are talking about a large convoy moving South West from the station." Wolf whispered cautiously into his ear piece. "Good work Wolf, fall back on my command." Sarge responded. The rain suddenly stopped, it drizzled slightly but things were a lot more audible. "Hold position Wolf..." The water glistened on the walls of the destroyed buildings, on the trash bins, on the ground. It had washed away the dirt on the ground, leaving a clean road. "Kanine; left. Dusk; right." he commanded. "Roger that." "Hooah." "On my go... Go." The two US soldiers lifted their rifles, the barrels were shook clean of the water that drenched them. There was no flash and no sound coming from the rifles themselves. The enemy men fell hard and fast when the two 5.56mm rounds hit them in the chest. "Fall back Wolf." "Alright, coming back." Sarge looked at me, "Clear the bodies, hide em'. Hooah?" "Hooah..." I responded. The four had made a small perimeter as I hid the bodies in nearby bushes. "You done, mate?" Kanine said, his British accent coming through. "Yeah, all clear." I replied. We moved quickly and quietly through the city, time was of the essence as we didn't want to be caught on the way there or back, in the sunlight. We cut through alleyways and buildings which were abandoned. "Whoa wait." I said through comms. "What is it, Raptor?" Sarge said in a lowered voice. "Sniper, 1 o'clock high on the fire escape, reference blue bin." I replied. We all dropped on the spot, onto our bellies and slowly crawled to the wall to obtain cover and remain hidden. "You reckon you can hit him?" Sarge said to me "Yes sir." I replied. "Good, coz we're fucked if you can't. We don't have time for the long way." "Hooah." I peeked around the corner and waited until the enemy sniper to turn around, I ran quickly and quietly to a bin and set up behind it. I pulled out the bipod of my M40A3 sniper rifle and positioned it on the bin so scope sway was no issue. I took the safety off and slowly breathed out while tensing my muscles in my finger. "Wait! Raptor! Don't take the shot! Get down!" Sarge said harshly through the comms As I pulled my eye away from the scope, I realized the sudden change in mind by the Sarge. Huge beams of light approached from down the road, the convoy had taken this road to link up to the main road. It was heading right this way. I hid behind the trash cans and tightly compacted myself to reduce the risk of getting seen. One truck had stopped right beside the cans, a soldier got out of the cab and stood in front of the cans. There was a faint unzipping sound which could be heard through the roar of the trucks engine and the rainfall. "Is... Is he gettin' pissed on, Sarge?" Dusk said, to all the team. I felt the warm liquid splattering on the trash cans and onto me. Into my face and soaking my clothes. "Radio silence, soldier." Sarge responded professionally. I winced hard and gritted my teeth as the PLR soldier had stopped and zipped his pants up, grunted and climbed into the cab. He drove off and the lights became dimmer and dimmer as the trucks gained distance. "Mother fucker..." I whispered. "Well what are the odds of that, eh?" Kanine said. I lifted my rifle to see if the sniper was still there, he had abandoned post to rendezvous with the convoy. I didn't even get to take the shot. "Alright, let's move out. That was too close." Sarge said, intent strong in his voice. We moved out, moving ever closer to our objective.
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
The Mountains. - Skyrim
I breathed out the cold air entrapped in my lungs. It formed steam and disappeared into the clear, frosty air of the mountainous pine forest. The sunlight beamed through the gaps in the branches, which were riddled with snow. I stepped through the layer of snow, leaving footprints of my iron boots in the process. I was used to this. The cold pressed hard against any other in all of Tamriel, but not I. Not us. Us... Nords. "Hardy folk" is the common name given to us. We have a "natural resistance" to the cold. If you ask me, it's because we're tough and rely only on ourselves for defense of anything. We need no scales. No fur. No pointy ears with magic ancestry. If we swing a weapon hard enough, fast enough and first. We win the battle, simple as that... A sudden chill landed on me as I walked through the forest. "Bandits..." I looked at the shadows which surrounded the forestry, noticing silhouettes moving swiftly around. I stood still. Put one hand on my sword handle, and said "You can come out. You're no longer hidden. You're no longer safe." "HAH. You're the one who isn't safe, traveler." A Redguard revealed himself from the shadows, he walked up arrogantly and cocky. "You are surrounded," he continued "just hand over all your gold and leave. No mess, no... unnecessary outcomes." he walked closer and I observed the armor he was wearing. Fur and iron, it was obviously stolen. It had blood stains and scratches on it. The fur armor was a little too big for this Redguard, as it hung too low. Further reassuring the stolen aspect of observation. I drew my sword and pointed it at the man, "If you want my gold, you're going to have to earn it." "So be it." He gestured toward the silhouettes. Three more shadows revealed themselves, one Khajiit in leather armor, one Imperial dressed in leather armor with iron boots and one Nord woman who was dressed in Mage clothes, her hood covered her face but I noticed the bruises and black eyes on her face. A pity, she was probably beautiful before getting enslaved by these "men". The Redguard approached with speed, a certain red aura had surrounded him as the rage he was funneling was radiating from his body and soul. I steadied myself as the weight of the Redguards body was pressing hard against the sword which clashed with mine. Holding him back I pushed him off and swung at him, he lifted his sword just in time to block an incoming blow. The clash made a sound loud enough to drive the birds out of the trees, the animals fled and hid. The Redguard yelled loudly as he was knocked to one knee, the Khajiit swung his battleaxe, yelling loudly and swinging sloppily. I ducked and the axe knocked the helmet off of my head. The Redguard threw a swift punch to my jaw, knocking me back onto my ass. My sword flew off a couple of meters to the right. I went towards it to see the tip of the male Imperials blade at my neck... "Nord bastard. Where's your Talos now, hmm?" he said. I snarled as the words left the bastards mouth. I was raised to one knee by the tip of the sword, I watched the Khajiit help the Redguard up and he walked up to me slowly, sheathing his blade. "You think," he punched me in the face, the sweat and blood scattered and stained the snow, "you can take me, and my gang on?!" he punched again, pain spreading like fire throughout my body. He grabbed my hair and ripped it upward so I could stare into his eyes... "Do you have a death wish, friend?" He whispered harshly. "I think that's enough, Arduún, he need not be slaugh-" The Nord woman objected. "Shut up, I 'need not' your opinion woman!" The Redguard hissed angrily. The women bowed in obedience and pulled her hood over her head more. "Now back to you." The Redguard returned his attention to me, "Any last words, friend? Maybe you'd like to beg for your life?" "Last words.." I muttered, weakly... "Yes, you miserable Nord. Any last words?" He gripped harder on my hair. I winced in pain, gritting my teeth. "Fuus..." "What..?" He said, his eyes widening. I mustered up the strength to grab his wrist and locked it into place, holding him so hard his hand went purple. "FUUS ROH DAH!" I yelled, with all my might. The Khajiit and Imperial were knocked back into the trees and were hesitant to get up. The Redguard was blown into a large tree, he was bleeding very badly. The female Nord was blocking her face with her forearms. The Redguard got up, yelling in agony and pain... I stood up, walked to the Redguard's sword and stabbed it into the blood stained snow. "Come and get your sword. And your arm, friend..." I dropped the Redguards swollen and mutilated arm onto the snow as it bled out, creating a pool of ice cold blood. The Dragon Shout had been so powerful it had ripped the Redguard's arm out of it's socket. The Khajiit had fled into the shadows and the Imperial staggered backwards on his backside, muttering to himself, "It's the Dragonborn." over and over again. I walked over to my sword and picked it up, I sheathed it and wiped the blood off of my face with a rag. I dropped the rag on the Redguard's cold, stiff body. He had bled out and died. I looked up to the Nord woman, "You can come with me if you wish. You will not be mistreated or hurt. You will be safe. In Talo's name." The women nodded silently. And picked up her things behind a bush. "What is your name, lass?" I asked, softly. "Lydia..." She replied.
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
I guess going on Omegle for a few minutes lets me see I'm not the worst guy in the world.
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kiwiblogger-blog-blog · 13 years ago
Information on what I will be blogging about.
Okay, so it's well known among my circle of friends that I may, or may not, have a terribly slight case of addiction to videogames. I love em'. So much so, I am indeed prepared to write about the events and wondrous happenings which may occur on the game I am playing at that moment. This idea to write about games was conjured up in my mind when I was taunting an online friend about not having a particular videogame, Skyrim. Skyrim is an RPG (Role playing game) set in a medieval country, where enemies roam about, danger lurks and there are problems and quests in which the player must overcome to ensure the success he may feel deserved. Of course, Skyrim is no common game. Bethesda, the creators of Skyrim, like to polish their games to the shiniest of quality before releasing it, this can be shown through their progressive graphics throughout each game they've released, the broadening of possibility and just plain old epicness of a good storyline. Anyway. I thought I'd write a short story on Playstation Network to my dear, online friend, a story which excited him so much he yelled at me when we mic'd together. It was about Skyrim. So, this sparked the flame that lit the dragonfires. (To those of who get the reference.) Plus, school's over so I'm pretty bored. Oh, and everything I write is not considered as my game. I love all my games. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I'm not ready to call them my kids just yet. 
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