Im A Huge Weirdo Hope You Like Me :)
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Hey I’m the love witch! I’m pansexual, I reblog witchy stuff I like, feel free to ask anything you wanna know about me :) I’m 22, i am Nonbinary, they/them is fine but she/they also works I’m cool with being called dude or bro! I love learning and teaching
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kittywitch62 · 4 months ago
Praying to Aphrodite for seeing the beauty in the world despite my sadness, as well as loving myself, even when others judge me
Praying to Ares for the strength to keep going, and as the loving hand of a father that I never had
Praying to Hestia in hope that I'll feel at home for the first time in forever, that I'll be comforted with thoughts of my favorite bread in the warm oven
Praying to Demeter in hope that my hunger will be sated while there's no food for me to eat, and again for the caring embrace from a mother when mine turns her back
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kittywitch62 · 5 months ago
Fruit Correspondences
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Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Apricot: love, self love
Avocado: beauty, love, lust, fertility, spell work
Banana: wealth, luck, spirituality, religion, masculinity
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Blackberry: protection, fertility, femininity, funerals, afterlife, moving on
Cantaloupe: spell work, protection, grounding, energy work
Cherry: lust, love, fertility
Clementine: childhood, dreams
Coconut: protection, cleansing, femininity
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Date: fertility, luck, money
Dragon fruit: lust, passion, spell work
Durian: curses, cleansing, protection
Fig: happiness, divination, love
Grapefruit: cleansing
Grape: money, spell work, fertility, offerings
Guava: love, self love, lust
Honeydew: cleansing, energy, love
Jackfruit: divination, spell work, happiness
Kiwifruit: health, love, lust, happiness
Kumquat: luck, health, money
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mango: love, lust, fertility
Nectarine: love, self love, spell work
Orange: cleansing, protection, divination
Papaya: curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, love
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Pear: offerings, happiness, luck, money, confidence
Persimmon: healing, love, luck, protection
Pineapple: protection, health, offerings, money, luck
Plantain: fertility, masculinity, lust, passion
Plum: love, healing, offerings
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Prune: cleansing, protection
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Strawberry: love, wishes, dreams, happiness
Starfruit: lunar/solar magic, spell work, cleansing
Tangerine: solar magic, strength, energy work
Tomato: protection, cleansing, love, passion
Watermelon: healing, femininity, lust, love, spirit work, cleansing
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kittywitch62 · 6 months ago
Can't be poly cause I always end up dating both of them after they break up with eachother lol
whenever people say shit like “i couldn’t be polyamorous, i’m so jealous and possessive. if my partner even LOOKS at another girl/guy i’m gonna kick them out of a window” i’m like well you should probably be working on that. like even if you don’t end up doing polyamory it’s probably good to not be like that
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kittywitch62 · 6 months ago
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Veiling is a practice with both ancient and modern roots. While veiling was not universally practiced by all ancient Greeks, it held symbolic and practical significance in certain contexts, particularly in relation to specific Gods, rituals, and social customs.
As someone who practices veiling more often than not, I wanted to discuss the history behind it as pertaining to the religion, and show you some examples of different veils you can use.
Historical Veiling in Ancient Greece
In ancient Greece, veiling was not just religious but was linked to societal norms regarding gender, respect, and propriety. It was common for women to veil their heads when outside the home, though men could veil as well.
Veiling also had a ritual function in religious ceremonies. Priestesses often veiled during rituals or temple service as a sign of reverence and purity when approaching the Gods. In some festivals, such as those dedicated to Demeter or Hestia, veiling was particularly significant, reflecting the Goddesses’ connection to the home, modesty, and fertility.
In modern times, we can veil during rituals or daily life as a way to express reverence for the Gods, especially when in prayer.
The reasons for veiling vary among practitioners and may include:
1. Honoring Tradition: Veiling can be used as a way of honoring ancient customs, particularly when engaging in things regarding Hestia, Demeter, or Persephone.
2. Ritual Purity: Veiling can be used as a means of maintaining ritual purity, particularly when one wishes to separate the mundane from the sacred.
3. Modesty and Respect: Veiling can also reflect a personal choice to express modesty or respect, particularly in the presence of deities or during rituals dedicated to chthonic Gods.
Different Forms of Veiling in Modern Practice
Full Veil (Himation-style): The veil covers the head and sometimes drapes over the shoulders.
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Partial Veiling: This veil covers just the top of the head or wearing a scarf. This can be a less formal or everyday expression of devotion, often used in daily prayers or minor rituals.
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Face Veiling: In some instances, particularly in rituals involving the chthonic deities, one may veil their faces in addition to their heads. Sometimes known as Tegidion, This is done to show humility or to protect oneself spiritually when interacting with Gods associated with death or the afterlife, like Hades or Persephone.
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God-Specific Veiling
Veiling can be done as a specific act of devotion to certain Gods. For example:
- Hestia (Goddess of the hearth)
- Demeter and Persephone (Goddesses of agriculture and the underworld)
- Hekate (Goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, and the underworld)
As always, I can discuss this more in depth if anyone would like :)
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kittywitch62 · 6 months ago
This is how I am, usually it's as simple as a good morning or good night because I'm so busy.
Hey. I saw on one of your posts that while you worship Nyx, she isn't the center of your craft? Can you explain that a little bit?
Hi! So, Nyx is the reason I got into witchcraft, but worshipping her and my other deities is not the main practice of my path.
It's part of it, but also my deities, and I have an understanding of sorts, I don't have the energy for major worship, let alone altar space, so just a casual "hey I've been thinking about you" offering usually suffices.
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kittywitch62 · 6 months ago
Losing a friend
I thought I lost you yesterday, but as I replay everything. I realized I never had you. I confided in you things my best friend only also knew. You wounded my trust. But that's the thing. My path in life is to come in and help people where they needed it. You obviously only needed me for a short time.
That's okay
That's just fine. But I thought I was gaining a friend who I could teach to, learn from, and walk through life with. I hope you feel what I feel.
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kittywitch62 · 9 months ago
easy ways to honor Aphrodite
tell someone how you feel! talk to a loved one and let them know they are important to you 🩷
take care of yourself! this can be as mundane as brushing your teeth or as complex as a full ritual bath 🛁
do something artistic. art, music, and poetry are the food of love! 🎻
stand up for yourself and know your self worth! set boundaries and protect your energy 🫧
share love in any form! text your partner, hug your mom, pet your dog, etc. 🫶🏻
experience pleasure; by eating a rich dessert, having an orgasm, going shopping, taking a nap… the possibilities are literally endless 🌹
also you can honor Aphrodite by literally just existing because you are beautiful and full of love :D
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kittywitch62 · 9 months ago
Another drawing I did of Lady Selene<3
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I wasn't too happy with the last one I drew anymore since I keep on playing kickball with my Artstyle. I want nothing less than the best for Lady Selene, so here you go ! Hopefully she likes it as well !
( the divider was made by me, feel free to use it <3 though credit would be appreciated)
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
In case anyone is wondering....
"When does the full moon next coincide with...."
Candlemas / Imbolc - February 2026
Leap Day - February 2048
Vernal Equinox - March 2038
Beltane / Mayday - May 2025
Summer Solstice - June 2062
Lughnasadh / Lammas - August 2042
Autumnal Equinox - September 2029
Halloween / Samhain - October 2039
Winter Solstice - December 2094
"When is the next blue moon?"
August 19, 2024 (seasonal)
May 31, 2026 (calendar)
May 20, 2027 (seasonal)
December 31, 2028 (calendar) - plus total lunar eclipse
August 24, 2029 (seasonal)
August 21, 2032 (seasonal)
May 22, 2035 (seasonal)
January 31, 2037 (calendar) - plus total lunar eclipse
(Phases calculated for Northern Hemisphere and are subject to slight changes by time zone. Southern Hemisphere dates may vary.)
[Sources: The Old Farmer's Almanac, Everyday Calculation, Wikipedia, Forbes.]
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
🌠 Subtle Nyx Worship 🌌
Go star-gazing, especially out in nature where you can see the stars more clearly
Learn about the different constellations as well as any Greek myths associated with them
Pay attention to the phases of the moon; learn what their meanings are
Try veiling
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Wear silver jewelry
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal horse or owl; have a stuffed animal of any nocturnal animal
Have imagery of the night sky, stars, space, horses (especially in a chariot), owls, nocturnal animals, or foggy nights around
Meditate at night; try to relax at night; sit in darkness silently for a bit
Get a telescope; use it to observe the stars
Leave a glass of water/salt water on your windowsill at night
Take a bath/shower with only the light of candles/dim lighting (SAFELY!!!!)
Support space-related organizations such as NASA
Learn more about space, stars, planets, etc.
Engage in relaxing activities or ones that you're passionate about
Have a bedtime/nighttime routine
Keep a dream journal; write down your dreams; try to interpret them
Drink black tea or coffee (or anything that relaxes you); add honey if you want
Drink red wine or red sparkling grape juice; raise a glass to her
Pick and save flowers still wet with evening dew; dry or press them; great if the colors are ones you personally associate with her
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc., especially at night (please make sure it's safe to leave food out in your area; do not attract predators!!!!)
Burn a relaxing incense at night; lavender, jasmine, patchouli, etc.
Write poetry about the night, stars, space, etc.; it doesn't have to explicitly name her
Try to practice meditation; practice mindfulness
Ground yourself regularly, especially at night
Make your space comfortable and relaxing for yourself; sleep with cozy blankets, decorate with dim fairy lights for nighttime, sleep with stuffed animals, etc.
Learn getting comfortable with change; go outside your comfort zone, do something spontaneous, cope with stress during an unpredictable situation, etc.
Let go of things that no longer serve you
Dance or sing at night; enjoy yourself at the end of your day
Play with pets before bed to tire them out so that they can sleep better c:
Watch movies or shows at night with loved ones; something you'd all enjoy
Light a bonfire or small fire at night; enjoy the peace of the night around you
Go camping; sleep under the stars
Keep a personal diary; write down positives and negatives; make it your own
Make a list of things you enjoyed and disliked about your day at the end of your day
Feel your feelings; cry if you need to, etc.
Practice listening and observing your surroundings/people around you; don't make yourself paranoid, just passively observe
Practice patience and compassion, especially towards yourself
Spend your evenings decompressing, whatever you need to do to unwind; drink a warm drink, eat something comforting for dinner, read a book, etc.
Try to cut down your screentime before bed
I'll likely add more later, but for now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Nyx. I hope it's helpful, and take care! 💜
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
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- Locate your Sun's house
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If your Sun is in the top part of your chart you have a DAY CHART, Day Charts are ruled by the Sun and have Jupiter as a benefic (good planet) and Saturn as a malefic (bad planet) I'm crying cus Saturn is my ruler as someone with a Day Chart while with Jupiter as my dominant planet 😭😭😭
If your Sun is at the bottom part of your chart, you have a NIGHT CHART, Night Charts are ruled by the Moon and have Venus as benefic (good planet) and Mars as malefic (bad planet)
- Simplified method:
Sun from the 1st house to 6th house will indicate a night chart (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on)
Sun from the 7th house to the 12th house will indicate a day chart (8th, 9th, 10th, and so on)
What having a day chart says about your personality:
People born with a day chart are more extrovert and outgoing, they may focus more on the activities and on the adventures. They can be a good company and a social butterfly in their communities. The sun was shining when you were born. (SUN KIDS) ☀️
What having a night chart says about your personality:
People born with a night chart are more introvert, more internally focused, more celver, they can understand things more deeply than others. They can focus more on the things they find comfort in and they bring a specific calm and peace in their communities. The moon was glowing when you were born. (MOON KIDS) 🌙
Enjoy discovering your chart 🦋😊👋
H a r m o o n I x 🦋🦋🦋
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
Day of the Week Magickal Correspondences:
Planet: Moon
Tarot: High Priestess, Moon
Color: white, light blue, gray
Stones: moonstone, pearl, fluorite, amethyst, quartz, sapphire
Herbs: moonflower, jasmine, gardenia, white rose
Influences : astral realm, clairvoyance, creativity, dream work, emotions, family, fertility, healing the home, illumination, inspiration, intuition, love, prophecy, protection, psychic ability, travel, truth
Planet: Mars
Tarot: Strength, Wands (5, 6)
Color: red, orange
Stones: carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red jasper
Herbs: basil, ginger, blak pepper, patchouli, holly, dragon’s blood, nettle, thistle, thorns, wormwood, hawthorn,
Influences : power, war, courage, agression, revenge, hexes and curses, distruction, ambition, sexual identity, sex magick, self confidence
Planet: mercury
Tarot: The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, Pentacles (8)
Color: blue
Stones: Agate, citrine, aventurine, sodalite, lapis, hematite, emerald
Herbs: lavender, rosemary, fern, cherry, licorice, poppy, mugwort, plantain, apple, fennel
Influences : communication, arts, change, mental power, education, divination, psychic power, divination, wisdom, knowledge, traveling, spiritual enlightenment, mischief
Planet: jupiter
Tarot: Pentacles (ace, 9, 10)
Color: royal blue, green and purple
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, turquoise, lepidolite, sugilite
Herbs: cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, melissa, clove, honeysuckle
Influences : money, business, manifestion, justice, healing, abundance, luck, fidelity, honor, justice (legal matters), leadership, loyalty, prosperity, relationships, well-being, success
Planet: Venus
Tarot: Empress, Lovers, Cups (2)
Color: pink
Stones: rose quartz, pink tourmaline, moonstone, jade, peridot, emerald, ruby
Herbs: red hibiscus, rose, lavender, rosemary, jasmine, blue lotus, violet, birch, sage, ivy
Influences : beauty, emotions, fertility, friendship, happiness, love, passion, pleasure, sexuality, wisdom
Planet: Saturn
Tarot: Temperance, Swords (knight, 2)
Color: Black, Gray (dark), Indigo, Purple (dark)
Stones: onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, jet, pumice
Herbs: myrrh, moss, thyme, basil, hemlock, nettle, peppermint, pomegranate, hyacinth, mallow, juniper
Influences : banish, binding magick, death, protection, freedom, justice, karma, banishing, uncrossing magick, hexes and curses
Planet: Sun
Color: yellow, gold
Tarot: Chariot, Sun, Wands (ace)
Stones: citrine, sunstone, pyrite, gold, goldstone, carnelian, orange calcite, tiger’s eye, amber
Herbs: sunflower, chamomile, calendula, marigold, bergamot, oak, rosemary, oregano
Influences : accomplishment, action, ambition, attraction, authority, beauty, confidence, creativity, energy (solar), fame, freedom, friendship, goals, personal growth, healing, hope, illumination, justice, leadership, light, protection, spirituality
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
By the gods
10 years is all it takes for me to realize I need to eat warm foods to avoid my body going into shock over my period
Thank gods I learned it though
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
I was singing big iron and I started sobbing
Because I heard my mother and the thought of one day I'll be the only remembrance of her in this world hurt.
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
So I was going to a dojo, loved it and loved some of the other classmates better, I wanted to learn self defense. But here's where I had my problem.
They can think of me as a snow flake if they want but still
The instructor talked about how the Dojo is like a church. I was raised in a church where you don't talk about anything other than church related or the religion related things in the church.
So it makes me extremely uncomfortable they talked about politics and made sexist jokes. (I was the only woman) I loved it for the exercise and the learning but them bringing things that don't need to be in there is what ruined it for me
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kittywitch62 · 10 months ago
From my side blog
Me: My tummy hurt...
Ares: yes because you are learning to fight like your inner warrior!
Me: My inner warrior says it's tummy hurts.
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