Secondly, in the other answers you gave. You said that they're your friends and you're allowed to joke about they're relationship? But didn't you said you hate them so shouldn't that make you frenemies or nemesis? What are you trying to do here exactly? To get attention from them? Or show the people you're better than them? Give me a good reason and I'll give you counter attacks to every answer you give. I could do this all day to be honest. Also nice art you stole from my dad's oc you thief.
So, ur there son?? No wnder ur also cringyyy
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Okay, tell me something: Do you only talk about their public interactions? Like, they could be talking in DM’s or in private. You never know, ask them!
DM's are fr pussies!!1!!11!!!!
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jayyyonaise actually talked to you and said that you’re dsigusting or something, and yet here you claim that you’re his/her friend, you called them the cringiest couple on tumblr, that’s not what friends do. That’s what useless sttention whores do. Go ahead, tag her and see what she says. If she says something bad to you or doesn’t respond in 3 days, she’s not your friend. If you’re his/her friend, he/she would go and say that all of this is wrong. But good luck with that.
Ugh i cnt even go 2 her blg lol so i cnt tg heer
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You didn’t ask for my opinion and no one asked you to be such a shit towards people. Why do you hate Jay and Zero? Do you even have a reason???
I sid dat dey're also mi friends! So I hav de Rite to jok abput dem!!
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So, in conclusion, you’re an asshole, a moron, a retard, and you will never have friends in your life. Good day to you. P.S. Go delete your account for us.
Uggh, you were my only friend an u betrayed mea! Me an Jayyyypnaise were friens you know, so I hav the rite to joke abt her.
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Alright I know i’m going back and forth throuh your posts but let’s go back to the beggining. Let’s skip your first post because you changed your opinion about that. Now, why should z-can and jayyyonaise stop interacting with each other if they don’t frequently interact? They’re still lovers, and i’m pretty sure Jay is just busy and it doesn’t matter if z-can is shy. They love each other. Oh, and that fanfic you insulted? Let’s ser if you can make a fanfic better than that. Oh wait you can’t.
You frusking binch, they Barely interact with ich other so they dont love ich other!! God, ppl are so blend dis days..
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Troll or not, what you're doing is NOT right, please stop harassing jay and z-can before this gets worse. What the heck did they do to you to make you harass them? Are you doing it just for fun? Seriously, you can still change, it's better to be friends with them instead of hating them. So please, stop what you're doing and please apologize to them.
Ugh, theyre just da most cringy couple in tumbler! So stop harassing me! Its what I think so lesve me aloneee
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Even if you are a troll,I don't really consider your posts funny at the slightest. They're just sheer harmfulness. And you're being immature,you just start ranting people for no reason,you sound like a 8 year old. And no,just because you dislike them isn't a reason. Hate me all you want,it doesn't really matter to me. But you're just making people dislike you with that attitude. And you might wanna use spell check.
Why do u think I hate u? I just hate those two freaks..U cpuld be my ffriend and help mwe break them up!!1!!!!!!!11
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Can you be nice? Its really not nice to be honest judging other people you don't know to be honest.
Did u just call me mean? Im not mean, im jus expressing my opinion.
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Yes hello, are you even real?
Yeah!heloo friend!ur awesom!
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U need a hug and a good ol cup of stop hating on people.
I didnt ask for yir opinionn...
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You harass me and my girlfriend and you call yourself a follower of mine? What a shame.
Uh, wht are u talking abt?????
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Ugh,but you have deprssion , why ar you plying it??? >:-(
Tumblr media
Here we go! :)
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Omg you are so cringy
You-yes,You,the reader,are important!I know,I know, I sound cheesy,but it’s true!Everyone of us has a purpose on anyone’s life,whether we like it or not,Whether we know them or not! Maybe we did something and that person appreciates it very much,but you might not notice! So before you pull your own plug,remember,YOU have a purpose. Everybody does.
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Attention Whore much?? :/
Why care?
there is nothing to care about. They don’t mean anything. We only care for certain things But Why? Why not care for the things we avoid? The things we hate? The things we think is useless? Why? Actually… We do care. We care that it’s useless We care that we hate it We care about the things we avoid. Why Is care so important? Is it really necessary? Do careless people care? Hold on Lets reverse back. There are no such thing as careless people. We only call a person careless we they don’t react to surprising events. This may happen often But these aren’t careless people They’re people who can’t be surprised easily. They still care. Because we’re humans. Heck,wven fucking animals care. We don’t see a careless murderer. They care about their victims. By killing them. Still We don’t have e right to call lazy people careless. It just isn’t how it works.
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My name is kitty Sans, I love the color pink and black! Sans,I love sans!!
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