kitty-kat-crevan · 3 months
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Lucky Clover Cat
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kitty-kat-crevan · 3 months
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kitty-kat-crevan · 3 months
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me and ethan pt 2 <;33
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kitty-kat-crevan · 3 months
I could fix him but I kinda like him a little murderous and psychotic tho
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kitty-kat-crevan · 4 months
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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kitty-kat-crevan · 5 months
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kitty-kat-crevan · 9 months
"Are you ok?" I'm actually tired bro. From the bottom of my heart I'm tired
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kitty-kat-crevan · 1 year
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Stitch just checking on you, making sure you’re okay 💖
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kitty-kat-crevan · 1 year
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kitty-kat-crevan · 1 year
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Not just another Bloody Mary
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kitty-kat-crevan · 1 year
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kitty-kat-crevan · 2 years
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kitty-kat-crevan · 2 years
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I feel so attacked right now...
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kitty-kat-crevan · 2 years
Flowers & Coffins (Undertaker, Black Butler) His Butler and Maid, Able Pt.3
I helped to arrange the stuff for the tea onto a tray, before following Sebastian upstairs. He set the tray onto a cart and we headed down the hall towards the drawing room.
Just as Sebastian got to the door of the drawing room, it opened and Mr. Damiano came out. He had a sour look on his face as he looked at us.
Sebastian smiled. "We've brought some tea for you and our lord."
"I'll be right back," Mr. Damiano said, walking around us and heading down the hallway.
I glanced back as I followed Sebastian into the room, shutting the door behind us.
I stood back as Sebastian handed the Young Master his tea. He took a sip, making a disgusted face.
"What is this? It smells terribly weak."
"It's Italian, sir," I said.
"Out of consideration for our guest I brought some Italian tea," Sebastian explained.
The Young Master looked up. "Italian?"
"Italians drank more coffee than tea, sir. So finding high-quality Italian tea can be difficult. This particular selection is not to your liking, sir?"
The Young Master stared down at the tea. "No, it is not. I don't like it at all." Sebastian and I both narrowed our eyes.
Sebastian set the tea pot back down on the tray. "I'll see to the dessert preparations," he said.
"Good. We must show him every available hospitality. The Phantomhive family is known for its courtesy," Young Master said, smirking at us.
"Yes, my young lord," Sebastian and I said, bowing.
Sebastian's eyes started glowing pink while my right eye shined a bright green.
As we left the room, Sebastian gave me a look before heading down the hall.
I headed down to the telephone room. I stayed hidden in the dark as I listened to Mr. Damiano talk.
"-Now all that's left is to pocket the extra cash. I'm trying to squeeze more out of the brat right now." I narrowed my eyes. "The employees? Who cares about them?"
I stepped closer to the doorway, the chains on my boots making a slight noise.
"Ah!" He gasped, quickly looking at the door. "Never mind. The rest of the formalities are for you to deal with. No, it'll be easy." I started backing away, turning and leaving.
"Please, he's only a child." I heard as I left.
'So he's sold the masters factory and now plans to try and get more money.' I hummed as I headed to inform the master, while Sebastian took care of the rest.
'He may be only a child, but it's his butler and I you need to watch out for, Mr. Damiano.' I smirked.
I found Mey downstairs, she was holding a mop and bucket. I walked down the stairs and heard her talking to herself as she held the mop and bucket to her face.
"Oh how embarrassing! I really messed up this time!" She started staring off into the distance. "Oh, but at least I was able to get close to Sebastian!" She started waving her arms around. "Oh, what a shameful day it all! What kind of lecherous maid am I?!" The bucket went flying up in the air as the handle broke from her waving it around violently.
I caught it as I stepped off the stairs. I giggled. "Mey, what're you doing now?" She blushed.
I heard Mr. Damiano scream just then from behind me. I turned just in time to see him fall down the stairs, landing in the middle of them. His leg was twisted.
Mey gasped, dropping the mop and bucket handle before running over to the stairs.
"Ah! Sir, 're you all right?" She asked. She gasped, stepping back. "His right leg...it's twisted 'round. What happened to it?"
I picked up the broken handle, putting it into the bucket before grabbing the mop from the floor.
"It would appear our guest has had an accident," I said, stepping closer.
Bald and Finny came walking by then, carrying the painting of Rachel and Vincent Phantomhive.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Bald asked.
Mey started freaking out, waving her arms around wildly. "Our guest! Something's 'appened," she yelled.
Mr. Damiano groaned, opening his eyes. He looked up at the painting and his eyes widened. He rolled over and started crawling down the rest of the stairs.
We all watched as he crawled away. Mey reached out towards him. "Sir? Uh, sir? Come back," she said weakly.
I handed Mey the mop and broken bucket and headed after our guest. I quickly found him crawling down the hallway near the kitchen.
Sebastian stepped out of the shadows, leaning down over him with a smirk. "Surely you aren't leaving the manor yet, sir?"
Mr. Damiano gasped and fell backwards, landing on his back as he stared up at Sebastian, shaking.
"We haven't given the full Phantomhive treatment yet." I smirked as Sebastian said this. "We still have to serve dessert." Mr. Damiano groaned as he turned and started crawling back my way. Sebastian stood straight, smirking still.
"You've lost a leg, remember?" Sebastian said, following him as he desperately crawled away from him.
"Now you can only move half the number of spaces. So why not just relax a bit and make yourself at home?" Sebastian smirked, his eyes closed.
Mr. Damiano grunted as he got to the kitchen door, grasping the handle and crawling in as fast as he could manage before slamming the door behind him.
I walked down the hall, stopping at the kitchen door as Sebastian walked in. I watched as he turned the oven on with Mr. Damiano inside it.
"What an impatient guess we have. You couldn't even restrain yourself until dessert was out of the oven," Sebastian said, looking at Mr. Damiano through the little slot on the front of the oven.
"T-the oven?!" I heard him yell.
"Open up! Please, open the door!!" He started banging on the oven door.
Sebastian stood up straight, turning and looking at me as I stood in the doorway. "Perhaps the Italians aren't familiar with our customs." He held a thoughtful look as he spoke. "There's plum pudding, mincemeat pie. There are many traditional desserts here in England that make use of meat. I find them all quite tasty."
Mr. Damiano was screaming in panic as Sebastian slowly shut the small slot.
He started screaming even louder as I turned and left, Sebastian following.
I went and tidied up some things, checking on the Young Master before going to see if Sebastian had let Mr. Damiano out of the oven. After confirming he was finally gone, I made some lemon meringue pie that the Young Master and the others loved (using the other oven of course). Sebastian made some tea while I waited for the pie to be done.
Once the pie the was ready, I sliced it, putting three slices on plates for Finny, Mey and Bald. Sebastian set the tea on the tray along with the plates with the pie slices before following me outside and up the stairs.
Bald was stoking the fire while Finny stood next to him and Mey was sitting on a wooden box behind them.
"Oh, hi Kat, Sebastian!" Finny smiled.
"We wanted to bring you guys some tea and the lemon meringue pie I made," I said, smiling.
"Thank you for your hard work today. As a reward, how would you like some lemon meringue pie?" Sebastian smiled. "The sugar will give you energy."
"Huh?" They stared in wonder for a moment, before running over and hugging my legs. "For us? You're wonderful, Kat! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Finny cried.
"Oh, Kat, thank ya!" Mey said as she bowed over and over again.
"Thank you so much! Thank you!" Bald said.
I chuckled, patting their heads. "It's no problem. You've all earned it." I waved my hand.
Sebastian sighed, shaking his head. "Finny, Bald, please let go of Kat's legs."
They both jumped up and away from me, blushing. Sebastian walked over and set the tray on a wooden box. Finny and Bald went over and quickly grabbed a plate each with a slice of pie. I giggled as they started stuffing the pie into their mouths as fast as they could chew.
"I'm glad you like it," I said, giving them a closed eye smile.
Finny swallowed what he had in his mouth, grinning. "Oh yes! It's wonderful, Kat!"
"Yeah, it really is." Bald smiled while Mey nodded as she took a bite of her own.
"Thank you!" I smiled.
I turned and headed back to the stairs leading down to the kitchen door. I glanced back to see Sebastian stop at the top of the stairs, looking back.
"Oh, yes, and Bald, a workman will be coming by in the morning. When he arrives kindly let him know we'll be needing our other oven thoroughly cleaned."
I shook my head, smirking.
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kitty-kat-crevan · 3 years
Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!
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kitty-kat-crevan · 3 years
Flowers & Coffins (Undertaker, Black Butler) His Butler and Maid, Able Pt.2
(Prologue), (Chapter 1)
Sebastian explained that we were going to turn the ruined garden into a stone garden. A traditional feature in Japan.
We all headed outside and cleaned up all the dead plants and flowers.
I sighed as I picked up a dead rose from the ground. "My favorite and they're all gone." I frowned, throwing it over into the clean up pile.
Before long we had all the dead flowers and plants all cleaned up. While Sebastian, Finny and Bald worked on the garden, Mey and I headed back inside to go and clean up the turned over cabinet and broken dishes that still lay in the floor.
It didn't take too long before we had that cleaned up. Just as I had finished throwing away the last of the broken glass, Sebastian came walking in.
"Our guest is about to arrive. Let us go and welcome him." Mey and I followed him outside.
I looked around as I fixed my sleeves back right, straightening my vest as well. They had finished up the garden and had done a wonderful job with making the stone garden. It was very impressive.
I stopped and stood at the top of the steps while Bald, Mey, Finny and Tanaka all stood over on the newly built wooden walkway. I looked up to see a carriage coming down the drive. I straightened up, holding my hands behind my back as Sebastian went and stopped at the bottom of the steps, waiting for the carriage to stop. Once it was, he walked over and opened the carriage door for Mr. Damiano.
He stepped out and walked forward some. He gasped as he looked up. "How Impressive," he said.
"Welcome!" I said, bowing.
"Ello! Welcome sir!!" The others all said as they bowed.
Sebastian stepped forward some. "This is called a stone garden. It is a traditional feature in Japan," he explained, smiling.
Mr. Damiano spread his arms out on both sides. "Ahh prodigiso! Wonderful! Truly an elegant garden." He grinned.
"We thought it appropriate to serve dinner outside this evening. Allow me to escort you inside until the meal is ready." Sebastian offered to take his coat and hat before leading him up the steps and by me. Tanaka came over and took over leading him then.
He started laughing. " I should have expected this from a Phantomhive. I cannot wait to see what else is in store," he said as he followed Tanaka inside. Tanaka closed the door behind them.
Finny, Mey and Bald came over to Sebastian and I then. They all let out a breath of air.
"We actually did it," Bald said, wiping his arm across his forehead.
"Who'd have thought a dozen bags of gravel could turn into an amazing garden?" Finny said, grinning as they all stood looking out at the new garden.
I started walking towards the door with Sebastian following me. "It looks beautiful. You all did really well," I said, grinning as they all blushed.
Sebastian stopped and looked at them over his shoulder, grinning. "Naturally we were able to handle this. We serve the Phantomhive family after all. There's still work to be done. Let's take care of it while the master is talking business with his guest. Look sharp now."
"Right!" They all replied, grinning.
We all headed back inside. Sebastian told Bald how he wanted the meat cut and then left to go and see what else needed to be done.
I went and helped setup the dining room table and chairs out in the garden for dinner tonight. I then went and helped Mey get the boxes that Sebastian wanted. As we were headed back towards the kitchen, I looked up to see Sebastian step out into the hallway. Mey then decided it would be a good idea to take off running towards him with boxes stacked up in her arms that all had fragile written on them.
"Mey, no!" I yelled.
"Sebastian! We found 'em!" She yelled, giggling as she ran, but then as always, she tripped.
The boxes went flying up in the air. Sebastian quickly caught them all and Mey ran in to his chest, gasping. He looked down at her. "Oh honestly. How many times have we told you not to run in the manor, Mey-Rin." She gasped again, quickly scattering backwards towards the wall as she held her bright red face. I sidestepped so she wouldn't knock the boxes I held in the floor.
"I'm so sorry, sir! My glasses cracked and I can't see a thing!" She yelled out. I noticed the crack on the left lens of her glasses then.
I walked over, gently taking the box Sebastian was balancing on his shoe. "Mey, please be more careful. We'll have to see about you a new pair of glasses, sweetheart, hm?" I said, smiling at her. She turned red again, nodding.
"Y-yes, Miss Kat!"
"These are all the last items we needed for dinner," Sebastian said as Finny and Bald stepped out into the hall then. "Splendid work everyone and now I believe you can leave the rest of it to Kat and I and relax for a bit, but we need you to do well. Very well during dinner tonight," he  said with a closed eye smile.
"He said it twice," Bald said.
"Ohhh, that's serious," Finny said as Mey stood over against the wall with a red face still.
Once dinner was ready, Sebastian went up to the drawing room to inform the Young Master and Mr. Damiano.
I helped Bald finish up in the kitchen and set the food on a cart. I headed out to the garden with Mey to wait for the Young Master and Mr. Damiano. A moment later Sebastian came outside, leading them over to the table.
Once they were both seated, Sebastian stepped back and stood next to Mey and I.
"On tonight's menu is a dish of finely-sliced raw beef donburi, courtesy of our chef Baldroy," he said.
Young Master and Mr. Damiano both held shocked faces.
I headed inside with Sebastian and grabbed the cart with the food on it, bringing it out to the garden.
Sebastian and I took the silverware and napkins, him going to the Young Master and I over to Mr. Damiano. Next we set the tea cups out, then the wine glasses and finally the food. I stepped back and stood next to the Young Master, holding my hands behind my back.
"A pile of raw beef...and this is dinner?" Mr. Damiano asked, staring at his bowl in shock.
"Yes, but surely you have heard of it," Sebastian said, smirking down at him.
Mr. Damiano stuttered, not knowing what to say.
"This, good sir, is a traditional Japanese delicacy. A dish offered as a sign of gratitude to someone who has accomplished important work. That is the wonder of donburi!!" Sebastian explained, being quite dramatic. I sweat-dropped as everyone else looked amazed.
Sebastian stood straight again as Mr. Damiano slowly slide down in his chair in shock. "This is a token from our master to show his thanks for all of your hard work on the companies behalf. He wanted you to know that it's much appreciated," Sebastian said.
I glanced over to see Finny, Bald and Tanaka all hiding out in the grass with headbands on with pieces of grass stuck in them.
"Now that's our Sebastian for you!" Finny whispered, grinning.
"He and Kat saved the day!" Bald said, grinning as well.
"Ho ho ho," Tanaka laughed as he held a cup of tea.
Mr. Damiano perked up then, throwing his arms out. "Excellent! What an inspired idea! The legendary Phantomhive hospitality in action!" He grinned.
Sebastian and I both walked back over to where Mey was. I stayed next to Mey while Sebastian took the cart and went back inside to get the wine. He came back out a moment later. He stopped the cart in front of us and held his arm out towards it. "The vintage we are pouring tonight was specially selected to compliment the flavor of soy sauce, Mey-Rin.'' He looked at her.
After a moment of standing there still, I glanced at her. "Mey!" I whispered, trying to get her attention.
"Now, Mey-Rin," Sebastian said, his eyes closed as he held his arm out towards the cart still, his other arm behind his back.
She jumped slightly. "Y-yes, sir!" She tensed up as Sebastian leaned down next to her ear.
I hummed, smiling. 'It seems Mey has a crush.'
"Why are you just standing there? Pour the man a glass of wine," he whispered.
She started turning red and shaking. "O' course, yes, sir!" She grabbed the wine and walked over to the table. Sebastian grabbed the other wine and went over to the Young Master to pour him some. I looked over to see Mey swaying back and forth as she walked. She was muttering to herself as she held out the wine, shaking violently.
I gasped as she started pouring the wine on the tablecloth. A big red stain quickly started spreading, running down towards Mr. Damiano. I quickly went over and grabbed the wine from her just as Sebastian luckily acted fast and yanked the tablecloth from the table without disturbing anything on the table.
Mr. Damiano stopped eating, looking down at the table in confusion. "Huh? Where did the tablecloth-a go?" He asked.
I glanced over as Bald and Finny came rushing over and grabbed Mey, dragging her away.
"A speck of dirt, most unsightly. I had the cloth removed so it wouldn't distract us. Think nothing of it," Young Master replied, before going back to eating.
I stepped forward, pouring Mr. Damiano some wine, bowing as I stepped back from the table. He looked up at me. "My, what a beautiful one you are!" He grinned.
I smiled, bowing again. "Thank you, sir."
Sebastian bowed. "Please accept my apologies, sir. Do continue. Enjoy the meal at your leisure."
Mr. Damiano laughed. "Oh, oh my. Lord Phantomhive, once again you have truly impressed me. What an able butler and maid you've acquired."
"Pay them no mind. They merely acted as befits my servants."
Sebastian looked at the Young Master. "My master is quite correct about that. Naturally, you see, I am simply one hell of a butler." He smirked.
Young Master looked up at him then looked away. "Humph."
After dinner, the Young Master and Mr. Damiano headed back up to the drawing room to finish their game.
"Our guest doesn't seem too excited about finishing their game," I remarked as I dried the dishes and silverware while Sebastian washed them. I shared a look with Sebastian while the others looked at us with confusion.
Once everything was cleaned up from dinner, Sebastian started making some Italian tea to bring up to the drawing room.
"You should know he's not going to like that weak stuff," I said as I walked past him.
He simply gave me a look, but didn't reply.
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kitty-kat-crevan · 3 years
Flowers & Coffins (Undertaker, Black Butler) His Butler and Maid, Able Pt. 1
(Prologue), (Chapter 2)
I opened my eyes to see light starting to shine through the curtains of my room. I sighed, stretching before getting up and grabbing my small black glasses before making my bed.
After I had made the bed I headed into my washroom that was connected to my room. I looked up at the mirror, staring back was my mixed matched eyes. My left eye was it's natural brownish golden color, where as my right was a bright green.
I sighed and took my glasses off, quickly washing my face then brushed my layered brunette waist length hair with natural bright red tips. I grabbed my glasses, sliding them back on before I put my hair up into a high ponytail, some layers falling down to frame my face. I put on some black eyeshadow along with eyeliner and some dark red lipstick.
I headed back out to the bedroom to get dressed into my uniform which was a white off the shoulder top with a black button up vest over it along with a planted black skirt and some black tights with cross' on them. I grabbed my black ankle high heel boots with chains draped down on each side, sliding them on before going over and grabbing my black velvet choker with a small skull charm and my silver and black rosary with a black rose on the cross. After putting on my jewelry, I walked over to my mirror and checked my uniform and hair, adjusting my rings before turning and leaving my room.
I headed downstairs to start helping Sebastian with the morning chores and making breakfast for the Young Master. Today Mr. Hugues, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire would be arriving after breakfast and then Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company would be arriving for dinner.
As I stepped off the stairs I noticed that Mey-Rin, the other maid (who is very clumsy might I add) was standing on a chair, attempting to clean the tall windows. I looked down to see the chair wobbling back and forth as she stood on her tip toes.
'Why would Sebastian trust Mey to clean these? She can barely reach the middle of the window even with the chair.' I thought, shaking my head.
The chair started to tip over to the left as it swayed too far over. Mey started flailing her arms then.
I quickly rushed over and caught her before she hit the floor. The chair made a loud sound as it hit the floor. I let out a breath of air as I slumped down on the floor while still holding Mey in my arms.
"Ahhhh, thank ya, Miss Kat!!!"
I slowly stood up and let Mey stand up on her own. I fixed my glasses, smiling.
"Mey, please be more careful."
"Ohhhh yes! Yes, I will, Miss Kat!" She said, bowing over and over again.
I shook my head before turning and heading to the kitchen to find Sebastian. He was fixing the Young Master's tea when I walked in.
"Ah, Kat, there you are. Can you make a salad for the Young Master's breakfast, please." He smiled as he checked what he was cooking in a pan on the stove before getting a plate and putting the food on it.
"Yes, of course. By the way, Mey fell while cleaning the windows. It's a good thing I came down when I did." I gave him a pointed look as I passed by him to get what I needed out for the salad.
He smirked with his eyes closed as he went over and grabbed a tray, setting it on the table in the middle of the kitchen. "I suppose it's a good thing you did then." He set everything for the Young Master's tea on the tray and picked it up, before leaving me alone in the kitchen.
I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Insufferable demon."
I finished making the salad and quickly made some more Earl Grey tea to go with the Young Master's breakfast before setting everything on another tray together.
Sebastian walked back in then from waking the Young Master. "I need you to clean the banisters and dust all the rooms. Mey-Rin is to wash all the bedding while Finny is weeding the courtyard and Baldroy should be preparing tonight's dinner." I nodded as he took the tray and left.
I cleaned up the kitchen before going and quickly cleaning the banisters then heading into the dining room just in time to see the Young Master throw a dart at the back of Finnian (the gardeners) head, piercing through his gardener hat and into the back of his head.
"OWOWOWOoowww." Finny started jumping around, yelling as he held the back of his head. Baldroy (the chef) and Mey stood on each side of him, watching with concern.
Finny rushed back and forth while holding his head still before going over to the Young Master. "What was that for, Master? What did I do?"
The Young Master set his tea cup down while keeping his eyes closed. "Nothing, I don't need to justify my actions." He stated.
"Huh?" Finny looked confused as he held his head still.
Sebastian pushed open the double doors of the dining room then. "There you are." Finny started moving back and forth. "Have you finished weeding the courtyard, Finny?"
Finny stopped and stood still. "Uhhh."
"Mey-Rin," she was smiling, holding her face as she blushed, "have you washed all the bedding?" She gasped. "Um, weelll." She looked down shyly.
"Baldroy, shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner?" Sebastian asked.
"Ha." He grinned as he looked away, rubbing the back of his head.
'They probably haven't even started on the tasks they've been given.' I shook my head.
"Tanaka." Sebastian looked behind him at Tanaka (the house steward) who was holding a cup of tea. "Well, I suppose you're all right as you are."
Sebastian looked up then, narrowing his eyes. "Now, all of you, we have no time for thumb twiddling this morning. So get to work!" He yelled, glaring.
Bald, Mey and Finny all gasped, scared as they all took off running out of the room.
"Yes sir!" Mey yelled as she ran out of the room last.
Sebastian looked back over his shoulder at them. "Simply hopeless."
The Young Master didn't say anything as he reached over and grabbed a scone, biting into it.
"The kitchen is clean and the banisters are done. I'm off to go dust the rooms now." I informed before leaving the room.
After dusting all the rooms downstairs and upstairs, I went and helped Mey finish washing the bedding and getting the rooms made up again.
I headed back downstairs to find Sebastian. He was fixing a new tablecloth on the dining room table when I walked in.
"What else needs to be done?" I asked, crossing my arms.
He stood up straight and fixed his coat. "The Master's white roses need to be trimmed and weeded." I nodded, following him outside.
Once we had trimmed and weeded all of the white rose bushes, Sebastian headed back inside to start preparing dinner. I stayed outside and went around, gathering different flowers to arrange into a beautiful bouquet for the dining room.
After setting the bouquet in the center of the table, I headed into the kitchen. As I walked in the bell was ringing for the study.
Sebastian looked up from the food he was preparing. He sighed, dusting his hands off. "Still so much to do and he calls me now."
"You go and see what the Young Master wants. I'll stay here and finish this up for you."
He nodded and went over, grabbing his butler coat before leaving the kitchen.
I started cutting up the vegetables that Sebastian had laid out on the kitchen table.
As I was cutting an onion I suddenly heard a loud bang and what sounded like dishes falling and shattering. I quickly put down the knife and onion before rushing out of the kitchen, failing to notice Bald slipping into the kitchen.
I rushed down the hall to try and find who and what had caused the noise.
I went into the dining room and went over into the little connected room that was where we keep the special dishes and silverware. Mey was standing next to the turned over cabinet, looking at me with panic.
The cabinet was turned over face down on the floor with the expensive dishes and silverware laying all around, broken and shattered.
Mey looked up at me, scared.
"Mey, what happened?" I asked as I slowly stepped around the mess, avoiding stepping on any of the glass.
"I was trying to reach the tea set we use for guests, but I tripped and the cabinet fell," she rushed out, looking even more panicked now.
I face palmed, shaking my head. I put my hands on my hips, trying to think of what to do.
"I still have to help him with dinner and now I'm going to have to help her clean this up." I thought, brushing a piece of hair back from my face.
Just then I heard loud noises coming from what sounded like the kitchen. I quickly left Mey and headed back down the hall towards the kitchen.
'I swear if Bald has his flamethrower out again.'
Just as I was headed into the kitchen, I saw Sebastian coming down the hall with Finny and Tanaka following him. Finny was looking down and walking with his shoulders slumped forward while Tanaka was holding another cup of tea.
I stopped quickly as I stepped into the kitchen. Bald stood next to the kitchen table. Everything on the table was burnt. Bald's hair was all puffed up and he had a limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
Sebastian came walking in then followed by Tanaka, Mey and Finny.
"Now how exactly did this happen?" Sebastian asked as Finny, Bald and Mey stood in front of us both.
Finny was the first to speak. "I thought things would go faster if I used extra strength weed killer on the garden." I sweat-dropped.
Mey then spoke up, telling him what had happened with the cabinet and me finding her.
"There was a lot of meat to be cooked for dinner and it was gonna take a long time. So I used me flamethrower." Bald explained, looking down.
They all stared at Sebastian and I as we both just stared them down.
Finny and Mey both started crying. Both yelling out, "Ahhh, we're so sorry!!! We didn't mean to!!"
Sebastian and I looked at each other, both trying to think of how to fix everything before the guest arrived.
He pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time. We had nearly two hours left.
Mey and Finny were both still crying and carrying on. "Calm down you two," I said, shaking my head.
"Perhaps you should try taking a page out of Tanaka's book and start behaving like-." I held my hand up, causing Sebastian to stop suddenly.
I looked over at Tanaka, who was holding a cup of tea still. I looked back at Sebastian to see him looking at me with a look that said he understand what I was getting at.
"Everyone, listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We must be quick about this," he said as he walked over to Tanaka and grabbed his cup of tea, holding it up.
"We might save this night yet."
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