kiryuchaan · 3 days
To all Palestine supporters 🫂
We still need less than €300 to reach our short term goal of €22,750 which is 65% ‼️
Your donations are important for our survival
Please help me reach our goal as soon as possible 🙏
We appreciate your help ❤️🙏
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kiryuchaan · 3 days
Hello my friends 👋
I hope that you will stand by me and support my campaign and help me reach my goal. I am now in dire need of help to save my family from the danger of death in Gaza, provide the necessities of life and livelihood, and reach safety. Your financial support and sharing our story is our only hope for the family’s survival and to save our lives. Your kindness and generosity can make a difference🙏🍉
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kiryuchaan · 2 months
I want more people to know that while the Palestine Olympic team consists of only 8 athletes, at least 69 Palestinian Olympic athletes have been killed since October 2023. This includes athletes who were going to compete in these games and retired athletes such as Majed Abu Maraheel, the first Palestinian Olympian, who died of kidney failure in a refugee camp product of lack of medical treatment.
Remember them during these games.
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kiryuchaan · 2 months
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Dear God. This is one of the most horrifying things I think I’ve ever read.
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kiryuchaan · 2 months
I kind of miss how pre-2000s JRPGs would just do the cutscenes with whatever characters happened to be in your party at the time – I mean the active lineup, no back-benchers teleporting in for the cutscenes bullshit – and they'd adjust the dialogue's diction and vocabulary to match whichever character landed in whichever speaking position, but not its substance. I'm not saying the result was high literature, but it never got old being able to arrange your party to produce a sensitive heart-to-heart between two characters who had literally never interacted prior to that point, or for a nuanced discussion of the nature of evil to be carried out by a cave-man and a dog.
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kiryuchaan · 2 months
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guess what game i've been playing
(script under cut)
I just- I thought- hoped- that he'd come around by now.
Remind me again, lad. How old are you right now?
…? 14. Going on 15.
See, that's the problem.
When you live as long as gods and dwarves do, your sense of time goes fuzzy. You could let a dozen winters pass and not notice. It doesn't really matter when you are hundreds of years old.
What are you trying to say, Mimir?
I'm saying, that this is going to take time. Time on a scale that you can't comprehend at your age.
Cheer up, lad. You're a god, after all. You'll probably even live to see it.
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kiryuchaan · 2 months
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“There's already American contractors here, bidding to rebuild this joint. You're gonna tell me. You know, that's all the defense department is. We're bodyguards for American contractors. [...] The U.N.? They don't... We own the U.N. The U.S government owns the U.N. We foot the bill for the U.N. The U.N. does what we want it to. Except for who? Libya and Cuba. So what. We wanted to go in there in a week, we'd take those over if we wanted to anyways. But we foot the bill for the U.N, they'll vote how we want them to vote. That's just our, that's, that's the U.S puppet. You guys should know that you're, you've been in college, I haven't!”
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kiryuchaan · 2 months
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A couple of selfies from the Shinra photo book today!
Ways to get copies of the book will be posted closer to release date. In the meantime, please consider joining us on Patreon where there are more WIPs and insights, and all the finished 'photos' are available as prints on the higher tier.
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kiryuchaan · 3 months
you disagreed w me in an intellectually honest way. we're friends now.
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kiryuchaan · 3 months
fucking incredible how different life feels when you have clear nasal passages
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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goodbye spring
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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hold my hand
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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This is for the support of Gaza's Municipality Services - which help ensure clean drinking water, waste collection, debri removal and sanitation services - life saving services to run a state - reader I imagine wherever you are or how lacking the municipality services in your city is, it's not worse than Ghazza.
Currently it's only at 11% - please donate -
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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"Shoot him on the count of three"
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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Quick Nero4
I need my other comfort fandom rn cus st makes me sad
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kiryuchaan · 4 months
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do u ever think about them
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