kirbeetm · 6 years
My Hero Academia Rp Server!
Hello all!!
This is a mha/bnha chatroom based rp server. All characters are canon and you can choose from a wide variety if it isn’t taken yet!
If you’re interested in joining, go on ahead!
I look forward to any new people who want to come and join us!!
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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today is the only day you can reblog this ever
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kirbeetm · 6 years
I can’t stop laughing at this.  Riku’s been through so much shit and yet THIS is the most outraged he’s ever sounded.
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kirbeetm · 6 years
‪When a scary game tells you to adjust the brightness scale so the logo is barely visible‬
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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here’s some shit
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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Anyway, my week was garbage so I drew some important stuff. :)
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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the group chat is so fucking funny
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kirbeetm · 6 years
I feel like the reason certain dog-lovers insist cats are evil is because they read their body language as if they were dogs. So here’s a very basic guide to common “mean” things cats do that actually aren’t mean at all if you know what they’re thinking.
Rolling and exposing belly- attacks you when touched Does not mean: Give belly rubs! - haha I tricked you!  Actually means: I’m playful! If you reach for my belly I’ll grab your arm and bite it because I think we’re playfighting! 
Lazily exposing belly - still attacks when touched Does not mean: tricked you again! Actually means: I’m showing you my belly because I trust you. Please don’t break that trust by invading my personal space. I might accept a belly rub if I’m not ticklish and I know you well. Snapping at you while being pet Does not mean: I suddenly decided I dislike you! Actually means: You’re petting me in a way that gives me too much restless energy. Please focus on petting my head and shoulders instead of stroking the full length of my back next time.
Is in the same room but makes no attempt to interact Does not mean:  I’m ignoring you Actually means: We’re hanging out! I’m being respectful by giving you space while still enjoying your company. Slapping/scratching your hand when you try to pet them Does not mean: I hate you! Actually means: You’ve failed to establish that we’re not playing, or the way you’re approaching me scares me. Be calmer, speak more gently, make eye-contact and blink slowly at me before you try again.
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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free him he do nothin wrong
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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kirbeetm · 6 years
a quick grass tutorial
I’ve never really wrote a tutorial before so apologies if this is bad
1. okay first thing I do is pick three colors, a mid, dark, and light. I like to check the colors in greyscale to make sure there’s enough contrast between each one.
I then plop down a blob of whatever my middle tone color is.
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2. next, I take my dark color and just sort of randomly place it around. I try to make sure there’s a good amount of both the mid and dark tones spread throughout. I personally like to keep it kinda messy. I also have pen pressure on for both brush size and opacity, so I can have some blending action going on.
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3. for the next step I do the exact same thing as before, except with the light color.
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4. aight this is where we start adding details. see how you just have a bunch of colors and edges where two colors meet? use the eyedropper and go to an area where two colors meet, eyedrop a color, and then use that color to draw in your grass blades. I do this at every point where colors meet. should note I personally like to use a square brush, but you can really just use anything.
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5. you can technically stop at the last step if you’re going for a more simple look, but to add more details I go to the “empty” areas of solid color and just draw in random strokes using a color nearby. it’s just a way to fill up the empty space.
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6. basically more of the same idea of eyedropping and drawing. for more variety so things look interesting, I like to add random plant shapes.
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7. and so the grass doesn’t look too plain, I add random dots of color and pretend it’s flowers and stuff.
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and there you have it, this is how I approach drawing grass.
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kirbeetm · 6 years
Hi just let me say your art is amazing and I simply love your human kwami designs!! Tikki's hair is especially pretty :D In your latest aqua kwami art your signature is black but white when other colours are the bg. How did you do that? (Sorry if it seems like a stupid question)
Thank you so much! In Firealpaca you can select the layer your signature is on and then check off “Protect Alpha”. After you do that you can use a brush to colour over your signature in white. In this case I coloured it white where it overlapped the art :)
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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by red nectar
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kirbeetm · 6 years
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kirbeetm · 6 years
The internet could change next week, and not in a good way
You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 
We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 
The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 
If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu. 
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kirbeetm · 6 years
The dudes from mythbusters are the ultimate unstoppable force vs immovable object,, every time they interact its just
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