Kipo The Cat
840 posts
Kipo is just an overgrown housecat who purrs, change my mind. This is the original blog that is now for posting Screencaps, Redraws, and text posts.
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
I'm gonna go anyway, hopefully I don't die
For some reason every inch of my body and mind is screaming "DON'T GO TO YOUR LESSON" Although I'm inclined to listen to my instincts(as they are often correct in predicting future events) I need to go today to talk to my instructor about some things.
Idk, my instincts are often right AND I had a nightmare about a car accident which makes me weary and nervous something bad will happen if I go to my lesson....
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
For some reason every inch of my body and mind is screaming "DON'T GO TO YOUR LESSON" Although I'm inclined to listen to my instincts(as they are often correct in predicting future events) I need to go today to talk to my instructor about some things.
Idk, my instincts are often right AND I had a nightmare about a car accident which makes me weary and nervous something bad will happen if I go to my lesson....
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
I broke a knife....
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
A few of my Christmas presents JUST came in the mail today
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
I decided to ride the crazy youngster western today(I am more used to spooked horses western) and I am glad I did, she spooked(many times) and I had an easier time staying on.
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
I rode an insane 3yo mare today. I like her, she is crazy, young, spunky, loving, and absolutely gorgeous. My type of horse is crazy and loving
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
The train sounds absolutely terrifying tonight....
It's like, the echoing horn of a ghost ship drifting through a foggy night
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
Then you feel better and they launch off your lap...
It's nice how cats can tell when your sad and will do everything in their power to make you smile
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
It's nice how cats can tell when your sad and will do everything in their power to make you smile
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
I really want my own horse. Like yes, I absolutely love the lesson horses but I want a partner. I had an equine partner for 2 years and I hate not having that kind of bond and love with the horses I ride....
I just want a horse that can be my best friend and athletic partner, they don't even have to be a unique color or breed, I just want a horse I have 100% trust in. I trusted my old partner enough to go under him, sit behind his hooves braiding, do rear dismounts, mount bareback from the ground(or fence), come up behind him, lay down in the grass with him, cuddle him on the ground or on his back, and even ground tie him as he never went anywhere. I knew he would never purposely kick, buck, bite, or generally hurt me.
I had complete trust in him and riding horses that I don't have that bond with is just kind of sad....
I really miss him.
Every time I start getting close to another horse I feel like I'm betraying him and I know I'll never have another bond like that with any of these horses.
I just wish we never had to part
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
Bruh I'm internally crying because mom came across a free/cheap horse for sale and I want her so bad!
A stunning 7yo Smokey Dappled Buckskin Morgan Mare
God damn, why cant we have enough money for a single horse(or even a goat)😭
This isn't the horse, but this gives you an idea of what she looks like.
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
It's not really possible for brown to be recessive as it is almost always the dominant one in any case unless there's some genetic tomfoolery going on. It's not unheard of so I don't get why your teachers don't believe you??
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
I can not tell you how many science teachers have told me that my genetics are impossible or that I'm adopted(or some shit).... I look like a mix of my two families, and my mom had a video of my birth(so I know I'm not adopted), it's my moms side eye color that confuses people.
We come from a long line of people with dominant blue eyes, and so far only one person in my immediate family has brown eyes, everyone else has blue. Normally that wouldn't be that odd, but due to my grandmothers side only having brown eyes and my dads side only having brown eyes and my cousins fathers side only having brown eyes, we should have brown eyes with recessive blue genes but we have blue possibly with recessive brown which science teachers(at least all of mine) refuse to accept.
But seriously we have weird blue eyes that dominate all other colors and we get called liars for it....
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
Me coming in from shoveling and chugging half a bottle of water without breathing
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
Do you mean something like this?
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It's actually bowing, not like a cat really...
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I mean, there is also this stretching
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Do any horses do the Elevator Butt thing that cats do?
....what....? Idk I'm tired and confused lol
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
A Banshee or Selkie would be more likely than a Naga in my opinion, as they are Irish folklore.
But that is a funny theory lol
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kipo-is-a-big-cat · 4 years ago
Two(of many) things about me that freak people out:
I can dislocate my jaw on command AND pop it back into place without using my hands. It makes disturbing noises and people usually get absolutely horrified.
You can not only easily feel, but you can WATCH my pulse. Not in the wrist or neck, no, you can watch my pulse through my palm.
I attempted to take a video of my pulse, idk it looks like shit lol
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