kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
You're free to show all the concern you want, but keep me out of it. And yeah, I tend to overreact when I'm accused of hurting people that have hurt me. And I'm not even going to get into that bullshit claim that he loves me, because I'm sure even you hear how fuckin' insane that sounds given what didn't happen between us versus what did happen. 
No. You want to be on everyone's side, and the honest truth is that the only way to do that is to not be on anyone's side, and you've already chosen your brother's. Which is fine and understandable, but don't think I'm going to sit here and listen to what a kind person your brother is and how I'm potentially going to hurt him with this whole situation. Because he may be a kind person to you and I don't know, maybe that psycho is a kind person to you to, but they're not. They're cruel and narrowminded and I'm not dealing with that, not even for you. 
Whatever's going on between me and Hal is between just me and Hal, ok? No one else needs to know the details, no one else needs to get involved, especially not your brother and his psycho friend who's done nothing but attack me for trying to befriend him. I'm not dragging Hal into that bullshit, it's already died so let's just keep it dead. Fred and his crazy can have their life, and I'll have my life. Later, Roxie. 
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I didn’t forget any of that and I’m not saying that you did anything wrong, but he is my precious brother and so forgive me if I show a little concern for him. I don’t expect you to. He’s an arse and an idiot, but he’s my brother and I’m pretty sure he still is convinced he loved you and the way things ended only made that idea stronger. I’m not stirring up anything. Merlin, I wouldn’t have brought it up if I knew you were going to overreact.
Sit back down. Please. I’m on your side, if there are sides. I’m just…caught in the middle here, and I need to be on Fred’s side too.
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
I'm not a grumpy butt, I'm being bullied there's a difference. *She whined, leaning against him as they walked.* It doesn't even matter. Just the same old bullshit making normal people turn into psychos. 
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*In the choir room*
Come on the grumpy-butt. *he pulled out his wand and gave the room a once-over tidy up* And on the way you can tell me if there’s anyone I can go intimidate to make it better
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
*She didn't bother responding, simply flipped him off without looking back. Fucking asshole. She was glad they'd never gotten anywhere too. Boy needed to sort his shit out.*
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
So you'll believe bullshit lies and throw those at people, but you'd draw the line at truths? Fucking awesome for you dude, at least you draw the line somewhere. *She clapped a few sarcastic times.* Good to hear you'd only fault people for lies about them.
Oh my GOD, he did?! *She was going to regret this, but she was too upset and her old instincts from her superficial New York friends were too strong and too quick, and she didn't get a cance to think through what she was saying.* Wow, I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to ever go for it. You sure know how to pick your friends, Freddie. *She laughed casustically and turned on her heel.* Good luck with your life choices, hope they get better before you end up with little Lorcan nephews. Hopefully I WON'T be seeing you around. *She tossed her hair and started walking off.*
Maybe because not all of us have happy peppy childhoods. And given the fact that Lorcan’s used every chance he’s gotten to thrown anything hurtful back on me, and the fact that you sided with him makes me especially glad I didn’t trust anything important to you,...
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Maybe because not all of us have happy peppy childhoods. And given the fact that Lorcan's used every chance he's gotten to thrown anything hurtful back on me, and the fact that you sided with him makes me especially glad I didn't trust anything important to you, considering how easily you believed that I'd go afteryour family because you didn't like me! Who knows what you'd have dont with actual hurtful information about me.
Know about what? *She asked, her interest piqued at his sudden irritation.* Is he sleeping with your sister or something? *She asked, throwing out the craziest scenario she could think of just to annoy him. She knew Roxie was smarter than that, and could do way better.*
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Wow. *She bit out a laugh.* Good to know you didn't feel the need to pay any attention to me until Lorcan the Magnificent started talking. Real nice there Fred. You really know how to make someone feel special, thanks. I'm not gonna sit here and argue about what I did and did not do during whatever was going on between us before you went fuckin' crazy. You want to rehash all the terrible things about me, talk to Lorcan. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to regale you and Roxie with tales of what a shitty person I am. *She mentioned Roxie without thinking, thinking back to their argument earlier, not knowing what had gone on between the three of them at Fred's apartment. Although to be honest, HAD she known, she'd have still said it.*
The Viaduct
  You’re right, it’s not your business. It’s mine and Hal’s. No one’s feelings are getting ‘played’, that’s not my style. I’m pretty upfront about shit. You should know that better than most. 
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
You're right, it's not your business. It's mine and Hal's. No one's feelings are getting 'played', that's not my style. I'm pretty upfront about shit. You should know that better than most. 
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The Viaduct
So you’re just playing with his feelings, all that kissing and- *stops himself* I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from.
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Nope. Is that it?
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The Viaduct
Are you dating Hal Longbottom? Not that it’s any of my business, but I was at his show- you know what, never mind, it’s really not my business.
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Ahhh! Uncle! Uncle! *She shrieked laughingly until Roxie rolled off her.* There's a bet registry, that's fun. *She laughed, nodding in agreement to Roxie's agreement with her.* 
*Though at the rest of her spiel, Kins finally sat up, looking affronted.* Ok, first of all, slow your roll with the judgmental tone. Because while I get he's your brother, let's not forget that he treated me like shit, sided with that fucking lunatic Lorcan, only didn't kick me out of his apartment because I walked out first, and had the nerve to accuse me of both attacking Rose and threatened me against coming after you, as though I'm some sort of fucking sociopath who goes around trying to kill people because he wouldn't sleep with me. So forgive me for not jumping to the conclusion that my having a life where people aren't being asses and accusing me of attempted murder would upset your precious brother. 
*She got up and looked around for her bag.* I'm fuckin' out of here. I don't need this shit stirring up all over again. 
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I can be weird and smart, and my weird, smart self is going to squish you for elbowing me. Squiiiiish. *rolls her weight onto Kinsley.* Squiiiish. . *stops squishing* He was still a virgin? Huh. I think someone in the family owes me money. I’ll have to check by bet register to see who. *listens seriously after that* Knowing him the sixteen years I know I know I can’t say who he’d want a long-term thing with, but I agree with pretty much all you said. *though now she’s also thinking both of them deserve better but that’s not for her to decide if they want something light and fun without feelings*
*Kinsley complete lack of awareness stirs a flare of irritation n Roxanne’s chest, enough that she doesn’t care about skirting around what she feels is the Hippogriff in the room anymore* Fred. I need to make sure Fred doesn’t hear about you and Hal through the rumor mill, because he’s going to be crushed enough as it is—whether you think he should be allowed to be or not—and I want to try and lessen some of that, because seeing him upset…I can’t handle that and, well, if it wasn’t you and Hal I’d set you both on fire. Get it now?
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Yup. *she goes to go the other direction, but pauses and looks back.*
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The Viaduct
Erm, ha ha, it was an accident, sorry. Thanks. Erm, have a good day.
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*pauses* Wait. I’ve got to ask you something.
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
*Fucking seriously?* Hey. *She reached to grab the paper on the ground and held it out, not taking any steps to get closer to him. If he wanted the paper, he'd have to come to her.* If you wanted my attention you could've just called my name. *She attempted a joke, but there wasn't really a laughing tone to it, more a forced one.* 
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The Viaduct
Oh, sorry, could you grab- oh. Kinsley. Hi.
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
*She laughed and elbowed Roxie playfully.* You weird, is what you are. But yes, very smart. In my defense I didn't even know he was a virgin or I'd have laid off the 'let's jump him at the show' bit. And by the time he actually told me, we were kind of already in progression and he didn't want to stop. But for the record, I'd have tried to make it a lot better, woo'ing wise, if I'd have know ahead of time. Just to set your mind at ease about how I'm treating him. 
I'm not planning to. I mean, I can't swear neither of us will get hurt, but on the surface it looks pretty promising. He gets experience with someone who's not going to go all stalker psycho on him, and someone that knowing him the average amount I know, he won't really want a long-term thing with. And I get to sleep with a hot rockstar. *She peers up at Roxie curiously.* Quiet? I mean sure, *she shrugged* I doubt he wants the whole school knowing his business, but any reason you felt the need to specify it?
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I’m never stupid, Impossible. I’m too smart to be stupid. i know better than you and you should trust me when I say there is no way better. Playing it by ear is good. I’d tell you to take it slow if it wasn’t far too late.  
…Don’t hurt him, yeah? I know it goes without saying, but I have to say it. Don’t let him hurt you either. If you say you’re not taking it seriously then make sure neither of you take it too seriously. Blah blah, responsible speech over, except…*she tries to think of how to mention Fred—she doesn’t want to even address the Lily aspect right now—without directly talking about him, but she’s not good at indirect*…keep it quiet for awhile if it does become a repeat thing?
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
What's got you down, Charlie Brown? Talk to the Kinsley. We'll make all your troubles disappear. 
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By the lake, in her usual spot
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Oh please, don't be stupid. He deserves way better, but for now I'm happy to fill in until 'way better' comes along. *She shrugged against Roxie, stretching her legs and toes lazily.* I dunno, we're playing it by ear. If it happens once or twice or a few more times neither of us is going to complain. But we're not taking it too seriously. 
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*laughs* I’m not sure whether to aww or ewww . Can I say you two deserve each other and have it sound like a compliment? Sooo, are you two a thing now or was it just heat of the moment one time deal? *tries to play the question off as more friendly curiosity, though, whatever the answer, she feels she’s going to be placed in the middle of a complicated and hard to handle web of emotions attached to at least four and probably more people she cares about in the aftermath—though for now she keeps smiling*
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
Damn, girl, that's some intense appreciation for an ex-school. *She laughed.* How long's it gonna stay that way? 
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Why the hair?
Well it’s the anniversary of the foundation of Beaubxtons and I thought I would show my school spirit for the day by painting my hair blue, and even though I no longer study there it was my first magical school.
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
*A piece of parchment flies past her head, clipping her.* Ow! What the fuck!? *She shrieked, looking around for whoever had thrown something at her.* 
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The Viaduct
No no no! accio essay! C’mon, accio essay! Dammit…
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kinsleysebastian-blog · 10 years
*Plops down next to her.* Hey there sulky mcsulker pants. 
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By the lake, in her usual spot
*Decidedly not sulking. She is thinking…so intently she is melting snow*
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