kinshiking · 5 years
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INDEPENDENT MULTI-FANDOM MULTIMUSE, written & loved by yours truly; Ryan! 
Fandoms you can finds represented here are: Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Powerpuff Girls, Kingdom Hearts & Persona. As well as various OC’s either that are a part of fandoms or are fandomless! 
This blog is split between request only muses & muses that are active & open to threading whenever! 
Current featured muses: Calem from Pokemon, Byleth & Edelgard & Sylvain from Fire Emblem: Three Houses! 
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kinshiking · 5 years
when i finish FE3H is when I’ll be making my return... dundundun... i’m only at chapter 10 tho so lol. Been taking my sweet as time kasjhfd But uh, I do plan to add Byleth/Ferdinand/Sylvain to my multimuse since that is basically... done lol. so expect to see those 3 + hinoki & marc to make their returns ;o; 
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kinshiking · 5 years
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“… I found it in a hole that I fell in awhile ago… doesn’t he look cute? I named him Kuma…”
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            “ Kuma? I suppose he is... rather adorable. Very well, Kuma can certainly stay! “
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kinshiking · 5 years
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               “...Setsuna.... What’s with the bear?”
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kinshiking · 5 years
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         ‘ Oh, I’m fighting to believe…                        That this is not the end of our story. ‘
               indie conquest route male! hinoka blog, written by ryan
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kinshiking · 5 years
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          quiet cricket chirps im probably not gonna come back to hinoki / marc until classes start. I’m working as much as I can to keep afloat with bills rn until semester starts & i can get my overage check to get through the school year lol. but because of this I’m honestly just... too drained to socialize & I just play video games to pass the remainder of my day. When school starts, I can’t really put down time to play games as it’s my final year and I’ve got a lot of 400 level classes to focus on. So free time will go back into RPing just to keep myself from combusting. I mean, I’m always on permanent hiatus anyway because of my adhd and how bad I can get with random spurts of inspiration to RP, but I just... figured instead of coming back on and being like IM GONNA COME BACk, it’d be better to uh just, make the statement that yeah until september I won’t be back on. with FE3H coming next week I’ll be pouring my time into that to beat it & after that, I’ll be gone at a wedding & visiting my fiance’s family & then classes start. It’s just a lot going on, and I’d rather spend what free time I have rn just focusing on beating games & the like... I hope everyone else’s summer has been going well and I apologize for the absence but I love all y’all and soon enough THE SAD KING BOI WILL RETURN because I s2g I have not abandoned Hinoki nor Marc, they are my babies and I’ll never let them go ;oo; 
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kinshiking · 5 years
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                      Retainers are much loved and welcome to always be around!!! Hinoki is 10000% happy to see them and he’s gonna just give them both big hugs!!!! 
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kinshiking · 5 years
@kinshiking said: just glomps her!!! it is… a sad day… today… a sad hinoki…
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         “H-hey! What the hell!?” No matter how often he did it, Meia would never be used to his brand of affection. He was by far one of the most touchy people she’s ever met in her life. Not even Merrick was this touchy with her. And these were two people who would literally sleep in the same cot for comfort. So when he surprises her, and practically knocks her to the floor if not for her exceptional strength and recovery, all she can do is just blurt out her surprise.
          Turning around with the Hoshidan king on her back, Meia just stares at him. Trying to figure out what the hell was his end game…when she noticed something. He actually looked…not himself. It made all the flustered feelings shrink, if just for a little bit.
          She’s not good at the comfort thing. Never has been, probably never will be. All she does is instead hug on to his arms that were around her. A sense of comfort she can offer, while he’s behind her and with her a little too still startled and flustered to turn around.
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               “ Sorry... did I frighten you, Meia? “ Where there was normally confidence in his voice, today there could be none found. Perhaps he thought he’d managed to muster that same bravado that he normally showed, but for all the year’s he’s lived, Hinoki really was not all that swell at hiding his emotions when they got this extreme. The pang in his chest was unbearable; the reminder that his time as King only came to be due to unfortunate circumstance. 
                 The touch of her arms wrapping around his own was comforting; her fingers were warm against his skin. How had he come to feel so attached to a woman that had helped in the conquering of his country...? Surely, this was a good sign between Nohr and Hoshido now; that even the King of Hoshido was able to forgive a Nohrian to such an extent that he’d... fall for one. Him, a man with burning hatred for the Country that severed him from his father, both of his mothers, and three of his siblings, who now felt only fluttering feelings around this woman. Rather, he now felt at ease enough to lower his own built up walls in her presence... She was still so timid, it would probably never be a good time to let her in on his growing love for her.
                   A deep breath brushed against her neck as Hinoki collected himself. Releasing his arms from her waist, the redhead pulled back and donned the usual bright cheery-eyed smile that he’d always worn upon his face now. “ I know you aren’t one to really... appreciate my sudden hugs, but sometimes I can’t seem to help myself... You’re too huggable, y’know Meia? “ He teased a bit, chuckling with a hint of solemnness still hidden beneath it. 
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kinshiking · 5 years
// Hi just here to tell you that male Hinoka is the hottest man alive and deserves more love, also glad you're back :)
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             i think my heart just stopped a little reading this? oh my god??? this makes me so happy? HOLY SHIT? thank you?? THANK YOU SO MUCH??? ;_______; i wish i was more active rn honestly lmao its not like i have any reason not to be inactive since its summer time but its also.. summer time. so i have more freetime to try and do shit to keep my life more together / in tact versus during the semester im just tryna stay sane so rping always makes me happy and keeps me sane!!!! BUT REALLY. THANK YOU?? THIS WARMS MY HEART AND YOU ARE A BLESSING AND I LOVE YOU AND ALSO DONNEL IS MY FAVORITE BOY SO PLS. YOU ARE PERFECT FOR RPING HIM. YOU ARE VALID AND JUST 10/10 ;ooo; 
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kinshiking · 5 years
museinmultitudes replied to your post:             whose missed me? 
Welcome back!!
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            thank you!!! 
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kinshiking · 5 years
drylicu replied to your post:             whose missed me? 
Morgan /slightly/ did
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kinshiking · 5 years
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            whose missed me? 
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kinshiking · 5 years
Enemies and Rivals Sentence Starters
“Oh great it’s /you/.” 
“You don’t know how to stay dead, do you?” 
“Like /hell/ I’d let you win this time.” 
“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.” 
“You’ve been in a thorn in my side for far too long.” 
“We need to stop meeting up like this.” 
“It sickens me to admit that I need your help.” 
“You may have beaten me last time, but this time you will /pay/.” 
“Admit it- your life would be boring without me.” 
“I’d kill you without a second thought if given the opportunity.” 
“Don’t get used to this- I still very much hate you.”
“Still have that stick up your ass, I see.” 
“/Someone/ has to pull you off your high horse and watch you break your neck.” 
“Trust me, the feeling’s mutual.” 
“I hope you came prepared this time.” 
“I’d be disappointed if you weren’t expecting me.” 
“Aw, did you miss me?” 
“I’d say I’d see you in hell, but I’d rather not see you in all of eternity.” 
“Did you get uglier since the last time I saw you?”
“Aren’t you looking positively trollish today.” 
“Aw, don’t be like that, it’s just a little healthy competition.” 
“Win, lose, doesn’t matter as long as you come on top, doesn’t it?” 
“I did warn you that the next time we’d meet I’d put you through a window.” 
“You’d hate to see me die by anyone else’s hands.” 
“I’m winning this time. Not you.” 
“I’m starting to think you’re stalking me.” 
“Yes, it’s /me/ again.” 
“Why don’t you do us all a favor and walk off a cliff?” 
😈+ add your own!
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kinshiking · 5 years
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kinshiking · 5 years
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okay carry on with your day
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kinshiking · 5 years
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“Ah! Lord Hinoki!” Tsubaki bowed to the other, hands behind his back. “How can I assist you today?”
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                  “ Tsubaki? Well... “ Hinoki paused, glancing at his former instructor briefly. “ Could you deliver this note for me? It’s to a member of the High Council, regarding my ideas for future trade route plans. I’m much too tired to deal with them today... “ The redheaded King idly yawned, stretching his arms over his head to keep himself relaxed. “ I apologize that you’ve become stuck with this duty now, Tsubaki... Once ‘pon a time it was Saizo’s... and it should technically fall to Setsuna or Azama but, I fear you are much more reliable with making sure this note gets there on time. “ 
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kinshiking · 5 years
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“Big brother… I’m dying.” she’s not really just it’s too hot.
          “ Sakura?! What do you mean you’re dying?! Are you alright, are you unharmed?! “ Like the over-doting big brother he was, Hinoki rushed to his sister’s side and began to check along her limbs to make sure she hadn’t been harmed in any way. 
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