indie & selective prince Adam from the live action movie read rules before interacting mun & muse are 21+
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It was good weather for a conversation like this, thought Amelia. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof felt as though no tempers could flare when the very environment around them was so calm. She had seen her patients in all manner of moods, fits and delusions but this…aura of moroseness was decidedly the worst. At least when one was going through unseen illusions, they could forget where and why they were here. To heal the body was in some respects far easier to heal than the mind itself. “Yes. Whether this lasts or doesn’t, I think you should rejoice in those victories. In some sense you let him win if you don’t.” Her words were not threatening, rather she hoped he would find them encouraging. Amelia might have asked Adam to look her way, at least so she could see his eyes - they were a lovely shade of blue she recalled, but the nurse felt as though the view outside gave him some kind of comfort. Or at the very least, made it easier for him to speak. “The time will come. The human mind is a complex thing Adam…it takes time. I know it’s not the most comforting answer but it’s true. In the meantime what we are good at is adjusting. Why not make a new self - a new normal for yourself? None of us can go back to who we were but the future can still be changed.”
Her words caused him to smile and frown at the same time. How many times someone had told him that. How many times he heard that he was able to change his way of seeing things. He tried to, but failed. “Please, go on and tell me it’s all up to me to change my way of thinking.” it seemed like he was making fun of her, and maybe he did a little. But he was sick of hearing those words, those things. There was no cure for him, no cure for his state. He then huffed. He was well aware that he couldn’t go back to his old life. Nothing was the same anymore and he had lost everything.
“I know that nothing will ever be the same again.” he said, his voice serious now as he felt anger coming up in him. And it made him turn around. His eyes staring directly at her as he went on. “My girlfriend brought me here because she couldn’t take it anymore, the way I was acting, the way I was feeling. She called things off, telling me it was better that way. I’m stuck here, with nothing and no one to hope for. So, save everything else you want to tell me. There is no light in my life anymore.” he had talked himself into rage a little. Never had he brought up his girlfriend before. Belle had been the most lovliest woman he had ever met. And she had seen good in him. But no person was strong enough to deal with something like him.
He quickly calmed down, turning away from her again and facing the window again. “Only darkness.” were his final words as he went back to what he had been doing before.
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { the outside world has no place for a cretaure like me; asylum verse }#miaxbennett
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The war was over, not only for the soldiers and citizens but for Lady Amelia Bennett as well. Had someone told her at the beginning of the war that she would eventually train as a war nurse and that she would have the very lives of their country’s finest in her hands, she never would have believed it. The catalyst had started with the departure of her brother James. Although he would be safer in his higher status position as much of the peerage were, it still unnerved Amelia. The straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak, was the news that Prince Adam had been sent to the front. Had Mother not forced Amelia to find a practical way to contribute to the war effort, the young lady was certain she would have walked holes through her grand, ancestral home.
It had taken a day for Amelia to gain the courage to make a visit to the young prince. When news reached her of his disfigurement, it had taken at the very least two of their servants almost carrying her upstairs to her private rooms to relieve her emotions in peace. They might not have been incredibly close but she recalled all too well how he was and the kind manner in which he treated her. All the more reason why the annoyed voice startled her. “It’s Lady Bennett. I came to extend my well-wishes for returning from the front. I apologize if it is a bad time.” She soothed as she walked through the door. That day, she had forgone wearing her nurse’s uniform with the knowledge that the prince was most likely worn from seeing so many medical staff. The sight of him lain in his bed, injured and looking very different from the man she remembered made her swallow heavily. It was not pity that filled her heart but sympathy. Slowly she placed down her purse and removed her hat attached by discreet hat pins before inching closer to him. “You have done the highest good Your Highness. You have served King and country - and all of us who relied on your victory.” If there was anyone who would make a wonderful king, it would be him. His subjects would not soon forget that he had been in the trenches with them. “Please do not speak so. Are you still in pain? Is there anything I could do?” Her gloved hands hovered over his form as if waiting for his approval. He might have been a patient but he was still the prince after all.
He avoided her eyes, even after he heard who was entering the room. And it broke his heart. He remembered Amelia. How they had the chance to interact every now and then on occasions. The few dances the two shared on balls, yes, it sometimes seemed like there was a connection forming between the two. And one thing he really appreciated was that he had no trouble being himself around her. There hadn’t been any need to be rude or arrogant, the way his fatehr had raised him. No, she really saw the good sides in him, despite the anger he felt for his father that sometimes came through. Compared to now, he had been living a good life. It may wasn’t perfect and he may not considered it good back then but now his life was a mess. And that was even the nicest way to put it in.
“Thank you.” he simply said. Only because it was the most polite thing to say. He couldn’t help but sound annoyed, though. The amount of well-wishes he had received over the last twenty-four hours since he woke up was insane. Not to mention all the looks people fave him. He kept his face to the ceiling, not daring to even look at the other, not even when they walked closer. “I survived. That’s all.” he gave his short answer in return. He never wanted to fight, he never would’ve given his life for the others. He simply kept himself alive. Even if his father tried everything to kill him. Anger rose in him at the bare thought of his father, the one who hadn’t even showed up yet. And it was her next question that made him even more angry. Emotions were coming up at him and his head snapped around.
“How could you be in pain when you feel nothing at all?” he asked in return. His blue eyes meeting her for the first time. With a closer look it was visible that Adam had lost the shimmer in his eyes, one he carried despite everything he went through. It was gone. The shade seemed darker, not as light anymore as it used to. It was clear he had lost all hope. If he had believed in god, he knew there wasn’t one. Not after everything he went through. He wished he could feel pain, he would’ve been fine with losing a leg or any other limb, as long as he could feel something.
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { not a great soldier but a good man; war verse }#miaxbennett#// this is so dramatic i love it
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Although the news should have been received as no surprise at all, Isabelle still couldn’t fully grasp why the king would want to send his son off to one of the most brutal, senseless wars France had ever seen. For Adam, this truly was a death sentence. Didn’t the king see that he was no soldier? He just wasn’t built for battle, not like others were. But then again, the king had always been and would probably always be painfully stubborn.
Tears pricked her eyes while her bottom lip began to quiver. He couldn’t go. He couldn’t! Isabelle forced away all thoughts of what could happen to him, in favor of being fully present in the moment with Adam – while he was still here with her – even if the reality of his departure loomed over them like darkened clouds signaling the arrival of a great storm from a distance. She hesitantly reached out for his hand, holding onto gently. “One breath at a time. There, you’re alright.” Her soft voice took on a soothing lilt as her other hand lifted to his ghostly white cheek. “See? And…Y-You will be fine. It will all work itself out.” No, she couldn’t be sure of it but she had to believe it, lest her heart be irreparably broken.
He was having a panic attack. Adam had many before, all caused by his own father and his lack of caring for him. This one seemed different, though. It felt like the world around him was slowly shattering down, the bare thought of getting killed the very first day was already present on his mind. And why wait so long then? He could just end it, right here, right now.
Of course, it was a dramatic thought, and Adam was stronger than he knew. The constant pain he went through, day by day was making him stronger and nothing could really take him down so easily. War was a different thing. Shooting people only to not be the one shot seemed horrible enough. He wasn’t going to fight for his country. He knew all he wanted was to keep himself alive. His mind was drowning in thoughts, the world around him turning dark and it seemed impossible to focus on anything but the upcoming future of him.Until he heard her voice. Isabelle was there, trying his best to give him comfort.
His eyes perked up, focusing on what she said. Slowly, he was breathing in and out. His eyes locked with hers as he was slowly calming down from the panic attack he just had. His heart not feeling as heavy anymore, his lungs finally able to breathe normally. He gave a weak nod, a sign he understood. Her simple presence was helping him enough, for now. “What if it doesn’t?” is voice sounded after a moment of complete silence. “What if I die, the first day I’m out there. I’m not made to fight. I will die sooner or later.”
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { not a great soldier but a good man; war verse }#laviexenrose
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Wednesday hesitated as she heard him ask if she thought Xavier was the Hyde. “I am… unsure,” she said after several long moments. “He’s been conveniently missing during all of the sightings, only to appear after the Hyde has disappeared. He knows exactly what it looks like despite claiming to have never seen it. The only other real suspect I had was the sheriff’s son, Tyler. But the night Weems caught me breaking curfew, he was helping me, and I heard both his voice and the Hyde’s vocalizations at virtually the same time. Unless he can shift fast enough to beat that time, I can’t see how it can be him.” Unless, of course, someone was using the same tricks that seances use to use… in which case, she would be so upset for not seeing that sooner.
“I suppose Xavier could know of them from visions. My brother claims Thorpe Sr is quite the prolific psychic, and those abilities tend to be hereditary. It’s possible that living graphite drawings isn’t his only ability. But that doesn’t stop the fact that I currently don’t have another suspect.”
Adam listened and thought it through. He himself had runt hrough some options, possible suspects that had been acting differently. But in the end he had been not sure if this monster was a Hyde, if it could tranform or not. But it would explain why no one was able to catch it when it was so big and monstrous. “Tyler?” he asked. He barely knew the boy. Only saw and talked to him whenever he stopped by for a coffee. And he seemed rather calm and clueless to become such creature. But it was exactly that. If he was in the beginning, he would not know what was happening.
“I doubt Xavier is our man.” he spoke. “It would ineed be a way too obvious and I’m sure we would’ve noticed more than that if a Hyde is among us.” he pointed out. “I guess, we have to dig deeper than that to find out who we’re talking about. Who’s behind this.” he spoke. “What do you think.. How could we expose it? If you think it’s Xavier, what’s your plan to discover the truth?” he asked. “And by all means, doesn’t he like you? Why would he try to kill you and bring you in such situation?” he asked her.
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { sometimes i act like i don’t care if people like me; wednesday verse }#inkdreamt
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Adam had been back for only a day. Yes, he survived the war or whatever you want to call it. He was back at the castle, a place that was much safer than the world outside it. On the one hand, Adam should consider himself happy. Happy he was still alive, that he still had the chance of living his life. But to which price? He looked like a mess. Bruises covering his face, some of them surely staying forever. His entire body hurt, at least the part he still felt. He got checked the second he got there, doctors immediately knowing that something was wrong with his lower part of his body. His legs, he wasn’t able to move them anymore. And if he had thought his life couldn’t be any more horrible before, he got proven wrong by higher powers.
“If you came here to give me your pity, save it!” he said, annoyance clear in his voice as he shortly spoke. While a few staff members had been happy to see him again, to see he was alive, it was something he couldn’t say about his father. For him, there was just another reason now to hate his son. And there would be no way he was making him king someday in this state. “I have made my destiny of being total disappointment before but this, well, I didn’t think I could hate my life even more.” he was short in words and he wasn’t going to take it easy on anyone. Everyone should feel his anger, his pain, the emptiness he felt inside. It was true, war changed people.
@miaxbennet gets a starter in Adam’s war verse
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { not a great soldier but a good man; war verse }#miaxbennett
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“Oh Adam, no…That’s terrible news.” Isabelle frowned, unsure what else to say. She cast about in her mind for the right words – anything that might provide a spot of comfort, but she came up quite short and could only shake her head, looking downcast and overwrought. “But w-why on Earth would he do such an awful thing? I don’t understand.” She sighed softly, eyes concentrated on him. “How are you feeling?”
Adam still seemed in loss for words, hell even for thoughts. After the torture his fatehr had sent him through all his life, the young prince had never imagined it could get any worse. He was proven wrong. War had never been an easy topic and surely with a king like his father, it was only a matter of time when he would participate. But sending his own son off to fight for their country, to show how strong and reckless he was, that was just cruelty. And for the very last time he did realize how cold hearted he was. And that he never cared for him.
“I-I don’t know... He-he wants me to fight for our country. Wants to make the people follow me... I don’t understand how he could do that?” he said. He felt like the air got stuck on his lungs, that he would fade any moment. “I don’t think I can breathe...” he said, resting against the wall behind him.
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { not a great soldier but a good man; war verse }#laviexenrose
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It was not always the easiest to work at the facility. It was not so much the patients themselves, though occasionally there was one or two who rattled her usually steady nerves, but rather what seemed to be the isolation. Amelia understood the thinking behind it but as someone who suffered enough loneliness in life, seeing the solitude that all but surrounded her could be a little depressing. It was why she made an effort to get to know those in her care whenever she did her rounds. Adam Delacour was one of the more interesting patients and men she had ever met. His condition, or affliction one might even say, was unique in a way that fascinated her. More than that, when he was ‘himself’, she found conversation with Adam to be thought provoking. Today, the blonde had been on her rounds, Adam being her last by design rather than priority. She followed his gaze out the window and noted that it looked like rain. The grey sky seemed to fit the current mood almost too well. “How does that make you feel? You don’t sound as happy as I expected you to be.” Amelia replied, her voice soft but not probing. She was just a nurse not a psychiatrist after all. Taking a seat across from Adam, she considered his statement for a few long moments that might as well have seemed indefinite. “I’d say the goal is to bring you to a state where you are able to live your life in peace. If it means that…” Her training had taught her to stay firmly in reality but even she could not deny him the name he gave to his condition. “…the beast needs to be done away with, then yes that would be the point of your stay.”
The rain outside seemed to have a relaxing effect on him. The grey weather giving him some sort of comfort he should be seeking in the bright sunlight. A colourful world was something he once enjoyed. And now he had no idea how a world like that even looked like. He seemed calm. Either that or he was drowning in his own self pity again. Taking in her words as she spoke, he waited a long moment before replying to them. “Why should I be happy? Enjoying the calm before the storm?” he questioned, not even thinking of taking his eyes away from the window, and the dark world outside. He had given up hope a long time ago. He was here, he would remain here. There was no cure for him or his mind. He would be haunted by it, forever.
“Many people tried, I’m here for over two years now.. If there would be any chance to return to my past self, I would’ve already grabbed it. But there’s nothing. And there won’t be.”
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { the outside world has no place for a cretaure like me; asylum verse }#miaxbennett
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Wednesday pulled out the journal she found in the Nightshade meeting room’s vault, opening to the entry about Hydes. “I’ve known for several weeks now that it was a shapeshifter. I found its tracks and followed them. It eventually became human prints. But nothing in the library could accurately depict what I kept seeing. So I did some research in some of Poe’s private journals. I don’t think this one ever made it to the official record.”
She set down the journal, open to the image of the Hyde, and turned it to face the teacher. She then pulled out the drawing that Thing snatched from Xavier’s hideout. “Imagine my surprise when I learned that Xavier was drawing the very thing that, according to everyone, only I have seen.” With that, she set it down beside the drawing. “Look the same to you?”
Adam looked at her, listening to her words before looking at the journal she placed in front of him. His hand reached out, pulling it over and having a closer look at it. He wasn’t surprised she came to seek for advice from him. If anyone was the expert of shapeshifitng, it was probably him. And yes, some people would've considered him a monster as well, not to mention those who believed he lost control about his alter ego and went on a killing spree. But he was fine. Better than ever.
The bearded man took another look at the pictures. they looked identical. Glancing up at Wednesday, he wondered if she thought the same thing. She probably did. “You think Xavier is the Hyde?” he asked. “Wouldn’t that be too obvious?” he asked then. Why would he draw himself and left it for everyone to see?
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { sometimes i act like i don’t care if people like me; wednesday verse }#inkdreamt
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it’s the time of the year where i’m craving to do a titanic au with adam. any volunteers?
(it’s the 25th anniversay and they are showing the movie in our local cinema. guess what I’ve already seen and going to see again tomorrow?)
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littlemix: So baby read my lips 💋
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Wednesday didn’t normally enjoy going for help with anything. She enjoyed being the smartest person in the room. But, with this… she might need an expert in the matters of transformation. She closed the door behind her. “I’ve heard you’re the expert on human to creature transformations. What do you know about Hydes?”
Not less surprised about her words, Adam found himself straightening a little in his seat. “I am, yes.” he simply remarked, leaving her last question unresponded. He got warned by Weems that Wednesday was trying to figure out what was happening, and who was causing all these deaths. “Well, there’s not a lot we know about them but enough to understand them.” he spoke. “You’re thinking this creature out there, it’s a Hyde?” he asked. The thought had crossed his mind before, he would lie if he would deny it.
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { sometimes i act like i don’t care if people like me; wednesday verse }#inkdreamt
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“We nothing about this creature in the woods. Who says it’s a shapeshifter?” Adam asked, looking at the other. “I’m not saying it isn’t possible but the student’s safety is more important now. So, stay on school grounds.” he said.
@sleepycoco liked for a starter
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { sometimes i act like i don’t care if people like me; wednesday verse }#sleepycoco
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“It’s about what my father just told me.” Adam spoke, still finding it troubeling to bring his thoughts into order. It was the most crucial thing he could’ve ever done. “My father.. he is...” Adam found it even hard to say it out loud. It was ridiculous. His father made it seem so easy. “He sends me into death.”
@laviexenrose liked for a starter
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { not a great soldier but a good man; war verse }#laviexenrose
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“I’ve been doing good. Haven’t seen the beast in two days now.” Adam slowly spoke as he let his gaze wander from the window over to the other. “I mean, that’s what I’m here for, right? To get rid of it.” he said, eyes wandering back out of the window. He knew, there was no cure for this and he would be doomed to remain in these walls.
@miaxbennett liked for a starter
#🥀 { i was the master of my fate; interactions adam delacour }#🥀 { the outside world has no place for a cretaure like me; asylum verse }#miaxbennett#// bc she's a nurse i decided to take his asylum verse it's a mdoern verse where he imagines the beast#// hope this works
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Dan Stevens as David Collins in The Guest (2014) dir. Adam Wingard
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