kingsandqueens4658 · 5 years
Fake Yours - Coming Soon
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Summary: Your brother is getting married to one of your best friends, and you’re the maid of honour. Your horrible mother is on your case about showing up with a date, as you ex, the best man, has moved on. Your only option is to beg the stranger who took you home, to pretend to be your boyfriend until the wedding is over. How much pretending did you really have to do to convince them all it was real?
Dean x Reader ; AU
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Cheating, Minor Violence, Fluff, Smut. Warnings for individual chapters will be noted at the top.
Parts will be updated every Tuesday and Sunday.
Part 1 (5/14)
Part 2 (5/19)
Part 3 (5/21)
Part 4 (5/26)
Part 5 (5/28)
Part 6 (6/2)
Part 7 (6/4)
Part 8 (6/9)
Part 9 (6/11)
Dean Babes will be tagged. If you would like to be tagged in this series. Please send me an ASK!
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kingsandqueens4658 · 5 years
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Imagine: Queen picking you out in a police lineup
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
I’m having an “emotional over Freddie” day so here, have some of my favorite photos of our guardian angel 👑
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
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#sassy deaky
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
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…Excuse me!? Rude
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
Roger Imagine-Catching Feelings
Pairing: RogerxReader 
Prompt: Roger getting jealous when someone else is hitting on you, even tho you and Roger are just friends.
Warnings: Fluff
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The concert was about to finish, you were holding four towels and water bottles trying not to drop them as you headed to each dressing room to leave one for each of the boys. They barely ever drunk water after a concert but you still liked to leave them some just in case. You had just dropped off Rogers towel and turned to leave when you bumped into a very sweaty muscular frame. Obviously, you had to bump into Roger. He kept flirting with you but you weren't in a place you could mess around with anyone. This was the only way you'd be able to pay for college, this job was your only shot at starting your life.
“Sorry.” You said not looking at him in the eye.
“You want to hang out after?” He asked but this time it sounded different.
You looked at him, his face had a genuine smile, not that smirk he usually gave you. He grabbed the towel from the coffee table to wipe his face with then he took a sip from the water bottle. Why was he acting so strange?
“Hang out?” You repeated unsure what he meant.
“Yeah you made it obvious you weren't into me and I'm not in the mood tonight so do you wanna hang low with me? Maybe watch a movie?” He said before shugging the rest of his water bottle.
You thought about it a bit before answering “ Sure, why not.” you shrugged hoping you didn't regret it the next day.
4 months later.
You were running down the hallway looking for a place to hide. You turned a corner and pressed you back against the wall. You heard footsteps coming towards you. Turning the corner again quickly you waved the water bottle so that the water would splash out, hitting Rogers right in the face. You giggled backing away but he lunged towards you, grabbing you by the waist he held you on his shoulder as he walked back to his dressing room.
“Roger put me down.” You laughed you face going red from laughing so hard.
“If you say so.” He said before dropping you on the couch.
He started tickling your sides, you wiggled trying to get out of his grip.
“Rog...hahahah…..stop…..hhahhaha….i cant….” You couldn't finish your sentence you wiggled more falling off the couch taking him with you.
There's was a loud knock on the door, the manager calling Roger to the stage in five minutes. He got up first, helping you up next.
“Now I have to go on stage with my hair all wet.” He complained,  looking at himself in the mirror.
“Well, you deserved it.” You said crossing your arms.
“What the hell did I do?” He said turning towards you.
“You told Samuel that I had a boyfriend at the party when I clearly didn't.” You said looking at him accusingly.
You had gone to the after party last night, a cute boy had hit on you. You had left him to go to the bathroom and when you came back he told you it wasn't fair to flirt with someone when you had a boyfriend. He hadn't told you who had told him that but you had a slight suspicion it was Roger. The face he was making now confirmed your suspicions.
“Why would you do that Roger.” You asked a bit annoyed.
“That guy was a prick.” He said shrugging “ I have to go on stage.” He left before you could ask him any more questions.
You furrowed your brows still confused but there's nothing you could do about it now anyway.
Roger went on stage to start the show, he was still fuming at the mention of the guy you had flirted with last night. That guy had flirted with other girls before he caught your attention. As soon as you left, he had gone to have a little chat with him. It wasn't the first time he claimed to be your boyfriend so guys would back off. He didn't know what it was but he hated the thought of any guy putting his hands on you.
He looked towards the side of the stage to see if you were watching. You were standing there as usual but there was a guy talking to you. You laughed at whatever he said. All of a sudden, Freddie stopped singing and they were all staring at him. He realized he had stopped playing the drums. This was one of the first times he had ever messed up on stage.
“You ok over there darling?” Freddie asked through the mic, the crowd laughed
Roger nodded his cheeks going red for the first time in a long time. He looked towards the side again you were looking at him confused. He looked at his drums then at Brian and nodded again ready to start the song over. They finished the show without any more interruptions. Roger made it a point not to look towards you again so he wouldn't get the distracted.
“What happened mate?’ Brian asked as they walked down the hallway.
“Yeah, you looked like a wet dog before we even started, darling.” Freddie added.
“I don't know guys.” He said rolling his eyes not wanting to discuss this with them.
He opened his dressing room door ready to bury his sorrows in a bottle of whatever he could find. But he found you sitting on the couch, a worried look spread on your face. He looked around the guy you were talking to nowhere in sight.
“What's going on Roger?” You said inviting him to sit next to you.
He sat down looking at the floor, not sure where to start. How could you explain something when you didn't even know to understand it yourself. He sighed loudly then looked at you.
“I told him I was your boyfriend.” He said looking guilty but there was no regret in his blue eyes.
“Why?” You asked no longer angry just curious as to what was going through his head.
“Because i hate the thought of any other guy touching you” He answered honestly.
You looked at him confused before speaking again “ So what I'm not allowed to have some fun of my own Roger? I don’t understand why its ok for you but when it comes to me I cant?” You said getting angry again.
No...I just…” He started but couldn't finish his sentence.
“You just what?” You said getting up looking down at him.
He got up to look at you in the eyes “I love you” He said defeated, “I know you made it clear from the start that you weren't interested in me and a first I will admit my intentions weren't good ones. But my feelings have grown for you and I can't stand to see another guy with you. I'm really sorry I messed thing up.” He finished his rant, tears were forming in your eyes as you looked at him.
“Why didn't you just tell me sooner?” You whispered tears running down your face from frustration but also feeling bad that you hadn't noticed you were hurting him.
“I didn't want to push you away, you’re my best friend y/n.” He said
You put a hand on his cheek wiping a tear that had fallen. He wasn't looking at you anymore scared of what you would say next. You lifted his chin so he would look at you. Looking into his eyes you couldn't help it, you stood closer and brought your lips together. He quickly put his arms around your waist holding you close. All of a sudden, you felt a cold liquid run through your hair down your scalp. He had somehow managed to grab the water bottle without you noticing. You gasped and backed away.
“Taylor, how dare you.” You say shocked touching your now soaked hair.
“That's for making me go on stage looking like a wet dog.” He said laughing the tense atmosphere broken.
You started tickling his side where you knew he was ticklish. He hunched back in laughter falling on the couch. Now it was your turn to attack him. You kept tickling him sitting down on his lap. You were so sure you had him but he grabbed your waist and flipped you around so you were now lying underneath him. He looked at you before kissing you once more. This time, you could feel the emotions he was feeling through the kiss.
“Awww.” You heard from across the room.
Freddie, Brian, and John all stood in the doorway grinning like children.
“We were going to ask you if you wanted to go get food but you're obviously busy, carry on darlings,” Freddie said before shutting the door. You both giggle before kissing again.
“I am quite hungry.” You said before pulling away.
He nodded getting up then taking your hands to help you up. The boys didn't mention anything as you ordered pizza and talked before heading to your separate hotel rooms. Roger pulled you into his. You fell asleep in his arms feeling more loved than you ever had before.
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
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Made one for my OG precious baby.
Light of my life 🌟✨🌞⚡️☀️💛
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
@momentofmercury Freddie singing ‘I wanna be loved by you and by you only’ while in bath with Jim next to him is what I needed today
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
HONESTLY, fan or not, after you watch Bohemian Rhapsody you will never look at Queen the same way.
Just saying.
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
It’s a good thing I wasn’t born 50 years earlier
Because I would’ve been an absolute slut for every single member of Queen… I mean I still am but like it would’ve been worse
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
 I just love Queen so much man.
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
Mercury, the Killer Queen- Part II
Freddie Mercury story: You decide to move into your best friends from Canada to Britain. While out in the nightlife you meet a man who will change your soul forever (super bad bio I’m so sorry lol).
WARNINGS: Open bisexuality…. is that a warning? Smut eventually, use of drugs, alcohol… Basically, the whole thing is 18+ guys. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. ;)
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The interview had gone well. In fact, Kira, the manager, had put you to work right away. Since it was your first day, all you had to do was fold clothes and restock. You were currently refolding a t-shirt a bunch of people had messed up when you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you.
“Excuse me, darling, do you have this in my size?”
You turned around to find yourself looking into the same brown eyes from last night. He was holding a shirt that seemed to be coming from the women’s section.
“You found me,” You said smiling.
Smiling, he said “I guess so,”.
You looked down at the shirt he was holding.
“This is the women’s section.” You said, wondering if he had noticed.
He turned around, pink coating his cheeks, looking everywhere but towards you.
“It’s just, there wasn’t a sign or anything.” He said looking down, “Do you have the shirt in other sizes?”
“I don’t think it should really matter, do you?” You said, taking the shirt from his hands. “I think we have other sizes, let me go check.”
You walked to the back quickly, looking through different boxes until you found one that would fit. You walked back towards him to find that he had already picked out a couple of other items.
“Do you want to try these on?” You asked, amused that he was a better shopper than you ever would be.
He nods and lets you lead him to the dressing rooms. Opening the curtains, you made way for him to enter and closed them back when he went in. While you were waiting for his feedback, you saw a lady walking by with a scarf that would go perfectly with the outfit he was wearing. You walked to the front of the store and grabbed one. When you got back to his dressing room, you walked in, knowing he had probably put everything on already. Even though his back was facing you, you could see him in the mirror looking at himself.
“Are you allowed to be in here?” He asked looking at you through the mirror, kind of hiding himself.
“No” You smiled, walking up to him “ But I found something you might like.”
You showed him the scarf and put it around his neck.
“Wait, there’s one thing missing,” You said grabbing a box with eyeliner in it. “May I?”
He didn't say anything but closed his eyes. You stood close to him, putting black lines at the top of his eyes. He was unlike any guy... or even anyone you had ever met in your life. You could tell he wasn’t originally from Britain because of his accent, and now that you were standing so close to him, you knew it for sure.
“You have such an exotic look,” You told him when you were done and turned him round to look at himself in the mirror. Keeping your hand on his shoulder, you waited for his reaction.
“I like it,” He said smiling wide and turning to you. “Do you want to go for some tea?”
“I’ll be done in five minutes, and then I would love some coffee.” You said.
He laughed and you left him to get changed. At the front of the store, you could see that it had started to snow outside. You made sure to put all the stuff away and to clean everything before leaving. He walked up to the cash where Mary was standing, buying only the scarf you had picked for him. As soon as she saw him, she looked towards you and you gave her a wink.
You turned, brought the boxes into the storage room, and grabbed your coat. Before you could walk out to the front, Mary came bursting in.
“He’s so into you!” She said excitedly.
“You think so?” You asked nervously.
She rolled her eyes before looking down at her watch. She made you clock out and pushed you out before shouting a good luck. You tried to control your wide grin before getting to him.
He was standing outside looking at the snow with a paper and pencil in hand. When he noticed you coming, he quickly stuffed them in his pocket. You decided not to mention it.
“Where to?” You asked looking around.
It was getting dark, the snow was falling slowly everywhere.
“This way,” He said interlocking your arms together and leading you down the street.
He took you to a small cafe one street away. Inside there was a fireplace with little cozy tables all around. Everyone had little teacups in front of them, except for you who had a mug full of coffee, your Canadian side showing. You had lived in England for a short time as a child because your mom was from here. But later on, they moved to your fathers native land: Canada. That's why your parents didn't mind you moving so far away.
“I feel a little out of place,” You said looking at your mug.
“I like people who are different, makes things more interesting.” He said, smiling at you.
“I agree,” You said smiling back. “ So, what do you do in your free time, Freddie?”
“I write music,” He said, his eyes sparkling all of a sudden.
You made him talk about his songwriting and he made you talk about your book writing. You found out both of you were really creative people. People were coming in and out of the cafe as you kept talking. Soon enough, there was no sunlight left outside, the only light coming from the classic black streetlights. By that time, you were both on your third cups of coffee and tea. You were starting to get tired, and even though you never wanted to leave, you knew the cafe was closing soon. He walked you home, this time holding your hand. There was snow getting into his crazy black hair as he kept talking to you about music.
“That band that played the other night, their lead singer quit and they've offered me the spot.” He said seeming excited.
“That sounds fun.” You said with a smile as you got to the front of your apartment building. “I’d invite you in but Mary is probably fast asleep,” You told him, not letting go of his hand.
“That’s alright, Darling.” He said looking into your eyes. “Will you come to the pub on Friday? The band is playing.” He asked looking hopeful.
“Of course I will.” You replied before kissing his cheek, “Goodnight Freddie.” You said before letting go of his hand and walking towards the door.
“Y/N” He called out before pausing “Goodnight” He then said.
It was obvious he wanted to say something else, but he chose not to. You didn't push it, just smiled before going inside. When you got inside, all the lights were off, so you made sure to be as quiet as you possibly could. You didn’t want Mary asking too many questions just yet. You put your PJs on and slipped into bed with Mary. You needed to buy your own bed soon, you just had to wait until you had enough money. You snuggled into the soft blankets thinking about your night one last time before falling into dreamland.
@rosemary-and-saage @coffeeismylife28 @wolverinerose
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
Roger forgot the lyric of “I’m in love with my car” and Freddie sang to help him (Glasgow 1979)
RT:The machine of a dream, such a clean machine When I’m holding your wheel (realized he messed up the lyric and got lost)
20 seconds of silence and Freddie come to the rescue!
FM: With my hand on your grease gun Mmm, it’s like a disease, son RT: I’m in love with my car~~ (gets back on track)
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
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kingsandqueens4658 · 6 years
Being human is a condition that requires a little anesthesia.
Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
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