kingremulus · 3 years
lil ooc blog update: since hellbox is sorta permanently down rn, i’m gonna be significantly less active on this blog, if you want to rp then lmk but you can get ahold of me better on my main @crimsonravens . dsmp and magnus archives and general stuff over there. thanks y’all
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kingremulus · 3 years
okay now here's a question: what are things about your own music taste that you think are red flags
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kingremulus · 3 years
now for the ultimate test. go to this website. set it to randomly generate ONE pokemon. all generations. all types. whatever it generates? thats you as a pokemon forever. what you get is what you get. NO RE ROLLING. now. who are you? i got goomy :^)
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kingremulus · 3 years
maybe it’s bc my favorite character was dead for 6 months and I already learned to cope, but I’m just not that upset about the idea of the dsmp ending? the ccs could make one giant reddit post detailing the intended ends for their characters and I would be satisfied, if a little disappointed we didn’t get to see it. basically: if I can’t have the dsmp back in full swing and full of life like it used to be soon, I’d rather have the ccs wrap it up and call it finished, rather than stringing it out beyond belief.
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kingremulus · 3 years
sorry theres not a single person on this website id pay to follow idc if we’ve been mutuals for six years, if you put up a paywall we’re done
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kingremulus · 3 years
Smoke appeared and so did a being, An. His aura filled the room, the lights dimming from its force.
“Remulus, dear I have something of upmost importance to speak with you about. I’m sure you’ll find it… very interesting”
Remulus, sitting in his throne gazing at the shimmering moon, felt the smoke and the breeze kiss his face as An materialized in front of him. His heart lept to his throat; he had been reflecting on the days’ events, how everything had gone smoothly, yet he knew he would have to be extra cautious now that his enemies were living in his own home. An only seemed to appear when the matter was crucial, he thought, and so his mind began to spin.
He stood up abruptly and turned his chin upwards to meet the gaze of the galactic figure, who appeared to have been created by the constellations themselves.
“Your Worship, yes, goodness me,” he breathed, in aw of An. “It’s so good to see you again. Please, pray tell, what has happened?”
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kingremulus · 3 years
Remulus sharply inhaled, his chest puffing up. He was silent for a moment, keenly listening for the sounds of his cabinet discussing amongst themselves. He did, indeed, hear faint chatter, and the sour taste of betrayal stung the back of his mouth.
“My storage room. Yes, that is a storage room,” he remarked, “For the record, I did not mean to hide anything from you. Everything in that room is mostly for my own organization, well… they must have seen the painting…. Mother of God—“
King Remulus began to pace. His cape trailed on the floor.
“I should have expected this, but they acted so fast. Ungrateful little devils. They went into my bedroom! That place is so deeply private! How rude, how absolutely appalling….”
He huffed.
“Search the carpets. I will be in my bedroom. We’ll need much greater security…” he began to think, and a sudden idea struck him like a lightning bolt.
“I have a meeting with somebody tomorrow. I think I know exactly how I’ll handle it.” He smiled, smugly. “Thank you, An. Is there anything else?”
Smoke appeared and so did a being, An. His aura filled the room, the lights dimming from its force.
“Remulus, dear I have something of upmost importance to speak with you about. I’m sure you’ll find it… very interesting”
Remulus, sitting in his throne gazing at the shimmering moon, felt the smoke and the breeze kiss his face as An materialized in front of him. His heart lept to his throat; he had been reflecting on the days’ events, how everything had gone smoothly, yet he knew he would have to be extra cautious now that his enemies were living in his own home. An only seemed to appear when the matter was crucial, he thought, and so his mind began to spin.
He stood up abruptly and turned his chin upwards to meet the gaze of the galactic figure, who appeared to have been created by the constellations themselves.
“Your Worship, yes, goodness me,” he breathed, in aw of An. “It’s so good to see you again. Please, pray tell, what has happened?”
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kingremulus · 3 years
Smoke appeared and so did a being, An. His aura filled the room, the lights dimming from its force.
“Remulus, dear I have something of upmost importance to speak with you about. I’m sure you’ll find it… very interesting”
Remulus, sitting in his throne gazing at the shimmering moon, felt the smoke and the breeze kiss his face as An materialized in front of him. His heart lept to his throat; he had been reflecting on the days’ events, how everything had gone smoothly, yet he knew he would have to be extra cautious now that his enemies were living in his own home. An only seemed to appear when the matter was crucial, he thought, and so his mind began to spin.
He stood up abruptly and turned his chin upwards to meet the gaze of the galactic figure, who appeared to have been created by the constellations themselves.
“Your Worship, yes, goodness me,” he breathed, in aw of An. “It’s so good to see you again. Please, pray tell, what has happened?”
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kingremulus · 3 years
Really, can you call yourself a theater kid if you don’t completely resent at least a couple of the shows you used to be fixated on
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kingremulus · 3 years
Your Holiness, God An of Elysium.
Error. That, that thing.
They keep talking to me, I was merely working in my office in the Castle and I heard them! I searched high and low for them, Fin, whoever they are, but my Cabinet is set to move in next week and so they have not arrived yet and it was only me, alone, as I initially thought.
They are getting closer. I fear not being able to fight nor hide.
An let out a low growl, cupping the penguins face
“Don’t worry. I’ve got eyes on them at all times, but for now we may need some reinforcements. You’re the king here. You need to stand your ground and be the leader you want to be”
He pulled his hands away, wiping them off on his body. The clouds swayed with the movement.
“If this Error ever troubles you again, tell me immediately. I’m always here Remulus. I’m everywhere”
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kingremulus · 3 years
When you read “y/n,” do you
a. mentally substitute it for your actual name
b. read it as “why-enn”
c. mentally pronounce it like a word (“yinn”/“yenn” etc)
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kingremulus · 3 years
nds and nts tell me abt your experiences with holding eye contact i’m trying to see something
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kingremulus · 3 years
weatherboy (derogatory)
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kingremulus · 3 years
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The Silt Verses Chapter II // Bernini, Saint Sebastian // Caroline Walker Bynum, The Holy Feast and the Holy Fast // Louise Glück, Saint Joan // René Girard, Violence and the Sacred // Anne Sexton // St. Denis Picking Up His Head // Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov // Caroline Walker Bynum, Gendered Voices: Medieval Saints and Their Interpreters // St Epipodius prayer meditation // Unknown Artist, St Catherine and the Demons // The Silt Verses Chapter VI
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kingremulus · 3 years
Gather around, children, it is time for me to tell you a story.
About what?
It is a cautionary tale, about a man who chose materialism over wisdom and patience, greed over modesty, who became so overcome by his desire for grandiosity that it led him to his death.
Oh, I’ll like this one.
Yes, I know you will.
So please start telling the story! Tell it, tell it!
Okay, okay.
Hundreds of years ago, in a city that is located today in Turkey, known as Phyrgia, there was a king.
His name was King Midas.
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kingremulus · 3 years
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Meghan Howland
~ untitled - 2011 ~ Ennui - 2012
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kingremulus · 3 years
*through gritting teeth* Don’t make me regret this. Any of this. You have a job to do - don’t forget it.
*fin backs away until hitting a wall, eyes screwed shut*
y-yes sir
*they can't meet his eyes*
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