Explore the dark side of the moon. Have you ever wondered what the four Turtle Ninja Brothers would be like if they stayed true to the original Mirage comics? Their morals and ethics grey as the fur on Master Splinter? Inspired from 2003, 2012, and 2018 Nickelodeon TMNT shows,This blog mixes originality with qualities of all renditions.
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Ch. 2 Who is she

Trigger Warning: broken bones, violence, minor body dysmorphia
Black, it is extremely vast and heavy yet it is still. An eerie peace is common with black but never once does it give up its ability to enhance fear and solitude. Black is where Leonardo found himself earlier that night.
Silent and methodical. He wears a black face scarf, old, tatter, and stained from blood. The question of whose blood it is, no one really knows. His body, just as his brothers, is muscular and defined with scars. Especially the one over his right eye to his lip and the one going down his right arm that is decorated with blue smoke following the scar. He is clothed with black hakama pants that are wrapped by black linen around his knees to his shoes. Only half his chest and his left arm are clothed in his shinobi shozoku; the right sleeve is missing and sewn together and left to sag at his defined waist. Behind him are two mounted black katanas.
Raphael Stalks the above rooftop in the same attire except he doesn’t care much for the shinobi shozoku. He never liked the way clothes feel against his plastron or the annoying way they get bunched up over his shell. At least that’s what he told Master Splinter in the argument for efficiency. Michaelangelo always teases Raphael for flaunting his muscles and tattoos.
“SHIT!” A foot soldier screams as he is flung next to Leonardo into the graffitied brick alley. Leonardo immediately unsheathes his katanas and lowers his body into a low stance. Raphael jumps down from the rooftop with a heavy thud to his feet and kicks the already unconscious foot soldiers‘ face in.
“Was that necessary?” Leonardo barks at Raphael as a scream fills the air. Both of them sprint to the chaos around the alley. “It was to me” Raphael says as he scales the alley wall and smashes his sais into a foot soldier that rounded the corner. “More the merrier, why not?” Leonardo groans sarcastically as a whole group of the foot runs into them with a shocked look. Both Raphael and Leonardo look at each other before lunging to take down the obviously surprised group of foot soldiers. It was weird. It seems like the foot wasn't suspecting to find the turtles. Like they were preoccupied. Or escaping. Leonardo slices a foot soldier and kicks him away with a growl. That is until he’s knocked to the ground by a foot soldier. He hits the ground hard and grabs the foot soldier off of him to punch his windpipe. He turns to where the foot soldier was thrown at him. His hardened scowl turning into shock
Raphael’s eyes widen. He saw it in slow motion. The foot soldier lifting his arm to stab Leonardo in the neck. “Leo!” Raphael roars as Leonardo is looking off in the distance. Raphael growls as he jumps and lands his large foot on the foot soldier's wrist smashing the bones as the knife drops from the hand. His sias piercing into the sternum with a sick crunch. “Where’s yer head fearless?” Raphael spits out before Leonardo grabs Raphael and sprints back out the alley.
Leonardo couldn’t help but be distracted. He groaned as he saw her. ‘Another fucking mutant?’ It was hard to peel away. She had a shocked expression as she locked eyes with him. She hurriedly got off the foot soldier she straddled. Her hands lifting to her face and glowing a light blue hue as she bent her right leg into a low position. ‘Is she fucking glowing?’ That’s when Raphael suddenly came into view and broke Leonardo from his daze. “Fuck” Leonardo says through grit teeth.
She isn’t following them. Good. Both Raphael and Leonardo scale the alley wall and rush back to China Town where the manhole to the lair is.
I know what I saw that night, it was predatory. Those glowing white eyes.The same eyes that are my own. lean back on my hands with an audible sigh after cleaning my wounds. I look at my window lazily watching the raindrops run down the glass. Lightning strikes and lights up the clouds every so often, allowing me a glimpse at the nighttime scenery. “How will I ever find you again?” I mumble out loud to myself. I get up and quickly glimpse at the mirror in the small but cozy room I have in the underground lab of the TCRI building. I strip out of an oversized t-shirt, the only type of shirts that feel comfortable over my shell. I stare at my green skin, my soft plastron, the way my plastron shapes over my breasts. I look over at the small night stand and tear up. The fashion magazine’s cover is a blonde hair bombshell and I sigh and flex my arms with knit eyebrows. I wasn’t made to look pretty.
I have always known I was different. Growing up the only turtle amongst the foot and Krang scientists, I knew I wasn’t a normal kid. Not human. And TCRI made me really popular for that reason. Since my mutation I was actually raised by the foot faction that circulated in New York. My sensei was Hattori Tatsu, who taught me the basics. Balancing my chi, different hakas, and of course meditation. Until Master Shredder authorized partnership with TCRI for their Krang scientist to experiment on me when I was around thirteen. All in the name of The Foot's glory and a stronger future of deadlier ninjas. That’s how I got my powers and why I fought against the Foot tonight. They wanted to take me back home before my twenty-first birthday.
I growl and smash the mirror as blue encompasses my fist. My teeth grit as I whimper. ”Now they care about me?“
#tmnt#tmnt leonardo#tmnt raphael#tmnt oc#tmnt au#tmnt shredder#tmnt krang#tmnt michelangelo#tmnt Tatsu#morally grey characters#fighting#tmnt mirage#tmnt violence#tmnt female turtle?
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Ch1. Seen Right Through
White is the purest of colors, untouched by anything. It is still, clear, and calm like water. It is inner peace, keeping the riff between us and the quiet beyond. Yet the silence is so loud. That white is all you can focus on. It is at the heart of every groundbreaking, earth-shattering change in lives, perspectives, beliefs, and spirits. White is what I saw in those eyes. Deep endless white, emotionless, yet vengeful white. White is what crept within the darkness. White is what hides in the shadows. And white is what I will find.
“What the fuck was that Raph!” Leonardo barks at Raphael as the two brothers sprint across the rooftops of China Town New York. Both taking their normal route back home, the sewers.
“I didn't know another mutant was gunna be there! I was jus’ tryna save your neck from that foot solder. Who was TOTALLY kicking your ass ya punk.” Raphael spits back at Leonardo as they both dive off the building. Leonardo rolls his eyes as he spins and dives backward into the uncovered manhole. Raphael follows in pursuit of his brother as he front-flips into the manhole.
“Now we’ve been seen, our cover is completely blown!” Leonardo says as he raises his hands in the air in frustration and anxiety. Master Splinter had one rule, and Leonardo was told to follow that one rule at all costs. Do not be seen.
“Whaddya gunna to do about it, Leo? We can't jus’ go and find her n’ erase her memory! She most likely didn't even see us, man.” Raph says as he pushes Leo out of his face and stomps into the entrance of the lair.
“Oh, great tweedle-di and tweedle-dum are back from their patrol.” Donatello nonchalantly says from his laboratory as both Raphael and Leonardo enter the lair's common area. Donatello walks over to the bickering pair, and as the tallest turtle amongst his brothers, in one motion nocks their heads together.
Both skulls make contact with an audible bonk. The two noisy turtles say ‘ow’ in unison. “What was that for Donnie?” Donnie chuckles “You both wouldn't shut up.” He hands them new pieces of equipment as per Master Splinter’s request. “These are the updated cellular devices we all have to enhance communication and location status. Now I don't have to struggle to know where you guys are and can pull updates constantly.” Donnie rambles on.
“Thanks, D.” Leonardo gruffs out and walks off to his room. Raphael also says his thanks by rolling his eyes as he heads to the weightlifting area he ‘collected’ (stole) over the years.
Once in his room, Leonardo falls onto his floor in exhaustion finally able to be vulnerable. What am I going to do? Master Splinter chose him to be leader. Master Splinter chose him to wear the responsibility of his brothers' safety on his shoulders. Master Splinter chose him to lead the Hamato Clan into glory once more. How could he let another mutant see him and Raph? He cups his face and bows. Praying to the mystics above to help him come up with a solution before Master Splinter finds out and punishes Leonardo or worse Raphael. And for this other mutant to not be a pain in the ass like Bebop and Rocksteady.
As much as he hates to admit it even Raphael the violent hothead of the group is one of his most precious possessions. His family means the universe to him and will stop at nothing to make Master Splinter happy and to keep his family safe. To bring the Hamato Clan honor and glory once more is what he yearns for.
But Master Splinter is a sour and vengeful rat. He is hard on all of them Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and especially Michelangelo. Master Splinter cares for the four brothers but only as tools to bring the Hamato Clan into its rightful place and overthrow the Foot Clan. Over his life, he has become cold, and in the end, a strict and unloving father to the turtles. He is a great Sensai and taught them everything they know. From how to perfect their certain skills to sharpening their weaknesses. He made them into the amazingly skilled ninjas they are today.
However, the lack of parental love made the turtles extremely devoid of engaging and dealing with their emotions in healthy ways, especially Raphael and Donatello.
Leonardo needs to calm down. His mind is running too deep into thoughts. Leonardo crosses his legs resting his pinched fingers as he hums into meditation. Thinking of what life may be like if things were different and hopefully things will be different for his and his brother's 21st birthday.
#tmnt#tmnt au#tmnt oc#tmnt leonardo#tmnt donatello#tmnt crossover#tmnt raphael#tmnt splinter#tmnt mirage#morally grey characters#original character
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