kimwritesss · 2 years
I will always go back to my comfort read, The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer hahaha 🫣🫣🫣
she's a 10, but she rereads the same books over and over again
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kimwritesss · 2 years
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My Answered Prayer
Hello hoomans! I’ve been praying to God this whole year to send me where He wants me to be and He finally answered me.
I left my previous church (since I was 5 years old) because of my personal reasons that I cannot share with anyone even my pastor who took care of me for years, who taught me a lot of things, who showed me how great is our God. I cannot tell him that I’m not growing in that church anymore, I don’t feel welcome and I’m not happy. How can you tell that to someone who did nothing but loved and even welcomed me to his own family with open arms?
I remember when my dad and I had an argument, he saved me. He asked me to stay in our church for a while, gave me some advices. I felt like at that moment, he’s the only one who could understand me. I did a lot of stupid things in my teenage years and that includes hurting and disappointing him over and over again.
He asked me before when I failed him, “Kim, san ako nag kulang?” (Where did I go wrong?). I kept on shaking my head and telling him that it’s not his fault, I made a decision and it was all me. I saw how hurt he was and it rarely happens because he’s the strongest person you could ever meet.
Saying how thankful I am to him is not enough. When I finally meet God, I will tell Him how faithful is His servant, how dedicated he was in serving the Lord, how pure is his heart in loving his members. Thank you Pastor A for everything, I will forever be grateful to God for making you part of my life.
I’ve been praying to God for years to give me a new home church where I will grow and will be happy in serving Him. I went to different churches and felt disappointed again and again because I don’t feel that God is putting me there.
Then one night, I was trying to look for a church, again. Out of nowhere, I thought of my lola’s previous church which was Journey Church Philippines. I asked my boyfriend if he could come with me and he said yes.
The moment I step inside the church, I felt God’s movement in my life. It was Pastora Marlyn Arcilla who preached that day.
The topic was God of Many Chances: Getting God’s New Direction.
Could you believe that? The first time I attended that church, the topic was about new direction. During the preaching I was listening carefully and crying at the same time. Amazed of how good is our God.
If you dwell in the past, you will not see the new things He in store for you. - Ptra. Marlyn Arcilla
I mean that was exactly what I needed to hear that time. God spoke to me in many different ways that day.
Today is my third Sunday attending worship service at JCP. I approached Ptra. Marlyn to give her some gifts since I felt really blessed because of her. God used her in my life. We talked for a while then she prayed for me.
When I heard her prayer, I just want to kneel and cry before God. I was so thirsty, so dry and so lonely. I missed serving Him, I missed everything about Him.
During worship, I was singing this song (Sukdulang Biyaya) at the top of my lungs, shouting how grateful I am to God for giving me many chances. Right now, I’m praying to God to use me again, not now but soon. I’m not in hurry, I just want to soak in His presence.
Sometimes God is telling us to let go so we could grow but it’s hard for us to obey. Our hard headed/human logic is not agreeing in what God is telling us. I believe that all we have to do is just silence the word of the world and listen to the word of the Lord.
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