yahuna's flow of life
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kiminhawaii · 7 years ago
Lightness of people
De dans van het leven, het be-staan..dat we met ons allen delen..
Ieder van ons is op pad..we dansen allemaal op een eigen uniek ritme..en net dat maakt ons als eenheid..
In essentie voelen we medeleven.. een diepe, zachte, liefdevolle innerlijke verbinding met een onuitputtelijke bron van levensenergie, liefde.. voor ons allemaal beschikbaar.. onvoorwaardelijk..
En dan is er de dans met angst, frustratie, boosheid, leegte, schuld, schaamte en leugens..
Het is door voor de dans te buigen en hem aan te gaan ..dat we dit alles kunnen gaan zien, herkennen en erkennen..laten zijn en openen voor het onstaan van een nieuwe harmonie..
In de stilte..die diepe plek in onszelf..ons hart.. liggen onze eigen antwoorden..
Ieder van ons kan tot deze plek verbinden en voeling krijgen met een onuitputtelijke bron van levensenergie.. universele liefde..
De wereld heet elk lichtje welgekomen om het andere lichtje te inspireren en te laten ontwaken..ieder op zijn eigen het perfecte moment..
Hier en nu is BelgiĂ«, Pellenberg, Meistraat..’Het gulden gehucht’.. de licht-plaats waar ik ben, geĂŻnspireerd word .. inspireer..
Je bent welkom als het zo zou voelen voor hier te zijn..te verbinden..te voeden..te inspireren..te leren ontwaken in jezelf..
..vrij te leren voelen van angst, pijn.. fysiek.. emotioneel.. mentaal..vrij van angst..vrij van sluiers van illusie.. vrij zijn te leren leven met andere en de wereld waar we in leven..
Voedende verbindings-momenten zijn mogelijk individueel of in groep..
De talenten in het huidige moment ter beschikking zijn mede ontwaakt dankzij het gezin waarin ik ben opgegroeid, familie, vrienden.. coachen en begeleiden in de sportwereld.. kinesitherapie..fasciatherapie.. craniosacraal-en aquacraniaal werk.. reizen in mezelf en in de wereld.. voornamelijk Hawaii, waar ik in puurheid van moeder natuur leefde in eenheid met wilde dolfijnen en de lokale bevolking..
Ook zijn zang, yoga, dans en meditatie vaardigheden die aanwezig zijn die kunnen ondersteunen in het ontwaken van onze innerlijke liefdevolle kracht..
Lightness of people zet ik vrij in de wereld..vrij van bijdrage..
De liefde in ons hart is het mooiste geschenk wat we mogen ontvangen..
Dankbaar ben ik aan de HawaĂŻaanse ohana om het delen van het heilige land in Hawaii en de openhartige ontmoetingen..
..hier in België aan de familie waar ik ben in opgegroeid..
..hier en nu.. Patrick en Christine, ontwakers van de licht-plaats waar ik nu ben..mede dankzij hen is er een ruimte in mezelf gecreëerd waardoor ik mezelf in een meer pure vorm mag ontvangen..
..het gulden gehucht leeft in verbinding met lopende liefdevolle projecten.. goed-aardig, de tuin van verwondering.. aangelegd in de vorm van een hart, eoster.. de zelfoogsttuin..pareltje onder de hoede van Peter..
In liefde en licht..Aloha,
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kiminhawaii · 7 years ago
Lightness of people..
Lightness of people ..we all are..
By creating the space in the present make it able to connect in this profound peaceful place inside ourselves to feel our inner strength..our light..our love.. nurturing this amazingly perfect place be that strength and loving light that we are..
..together through the connection we nurture our beautiful selves, so our self confidence in who we truly our can find a way out to the surface..
..the pureness, the light of our essence absorbed by the strength of our human body..every vessel..every cell becomes what we all are..through love and from fear.. illusion..shame..filled with joy
We create a space one to one..or in group..where we open up for the magic of the present moment.. and now I am in in 'gulden gehucht’ at Pellenberg. Meistraat, across number 80.
We can meet here, or wherever the flow brings is all possible..
The talents available in the moment are awakened by..
.. my parents education..being with friends and family..
..educational background of physiotherapy..fascia therapy.. craniosacral and aquacranial therapy..
..traveling inside and outside.. in nature.. guiding groups by coaching hockey teams of children..sports events with adults and children.. swimming with wild dolphins and whales.. path experiences..
It is time to help each of us in our unique way to nurture the light and love of the people..let us all be together..connect..and help to find our unique selves to share all these wondrous of miracles that we all are with the world we live in..
Lightness of people is a project flying freely in this from contribution..the love is the most profound gift one may receive in life..
In love and light.. aloha,
To connect..
Yahuna..spiritual name
Kim De of birth
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kiminhawaii · 7 years ago
Loving light soul..Strong loved heart.. Beautiful physical body
..and then here and now this deep feeling of joy.. Recognition.. mother and father making love..The birth of a miracle baby being, soul and body reunited ..Parents being there within there best version of them selves in each moment.. perfect as it is.. Parents..People on our pathway..To love..To learn..To grow.. One moment in time it is up to ourselves to journey inside and feel, nurture and love our own soul and heart and physical body..The truth we carry all inside and can only be revealed by ourselves.. Grateful for the life our parents gave us, grateful for the growing, protecting and nurturing..The love..The lessons..The mirrors.. grateful for the space we create to journey into ourselves..The pure love we all are.. To all ..Love..On the pathway of life..As we grow to become in oneness with our on shadow..We are light and darkness..We are our shadow..The strength the shadow carries embraces the light we are so our loving heart shines.. To be in oneness..To be in pure love..To live our life from within a space of the heart.. To see the world through the eyes of the heart..I am you and you are me..We all one day live as the person we see within the other one.. as we are all mirrors for eachother.. Grateful for the other one to mirror that part of Oneself that is still blind within us.. thank you sweet other to mirror the addict within me..The lover within me..The manipulater within me..The leader..the writer..The singer..The cook..The mother..The child..The dancer..The artist..The sportswoman.. the shaman.. The eagle..The ant..The horse..The rat..The flower.. Thank you to all..To mirror..To love..To be..To flow together in love and light.. Let's be eachother's inspiration..To become more and more in oneness with who we are.. Let's connect our souls to dance in love and enlighten eachother's being.. ..In Belgium I flow here and now..Pellenberg, het 'gulden gehucht'..A loving place of purity..Embraced by Forrest..Life.. Living a simple life.. Grateful for the gifts of universe.. A house on wheels standing on the border of the forrest, branches embracing the tree house..Together with Patrick and Christine we live on the land..They live in there house on wheels..They arrived 4years ago, already loving and dancing with that piece of land about 10 years now..Peter a biological farmer working the land.. Vegetables and fruits all where the eye can find its way, Embraced by Peter's care and love..With the help of Elias and many others.. Nele, frank and there 2 children living across the street..Loving the bees and Nurturing people in need.. Inspiring little ones to open there inner doors to magic..The forrest..Trees..Ferries.. Dwarfs..Energies in all dimensions and forms.. .. lots of other people being there..Loving that sacred place..The land..The energy of pure love..One big family.. Forever grateful.. Forever grateful for the love that has always been there.. Surrounded by family all my life..Birth family that will flow allthrough the entire life..Which is an amazing something.. families there for us allover the earth..Places we flow to..People we meet..Yet I have felt a feeling of deep solitude my entire life too.. a loneliness always present..My true self uniqueness ...accepting myself for who I am.. That part will be blind untill the moment I will be able to reveal it..The search for one true self.. Can my shadow be the strength to stand for the light shining allthrough my pure heart.. Can my male yang energy support and embrace my female truth yin energy.. All the families, all over the world, in all worlds..helping by being who they are...Human beings..Animals..Mother earth..father search to find that secret true self deep within myself.. Allthrough who you are..Thank you all of you..I love you.. In love and light, Yahuna
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
when blinky shoes are of no more use

when blinky shoes are of no more use

 ..there is a glimpse of the heart shining through..
24th of may 2017, todays ‘date’..2 weeks ago I arrived in Belgium and today I shared pictures of the isolated beach i was 3 weeks ago to my grandmother..
the clarity i allIowed myself to see came to me on Hawaii, kalahiki sacred land..where soul and heart showed itself so purely..embracing myself in pure love..step by step into existence. Grateful the river was still low tie and I was able to cross again to the other side ..
 as the mind is great in making plans and the west-coast of america would have been an amazing adventure for sure that would have been the’next’ step..then again it is Belgium where I felt being at one point..still on Hawaii the news came that my grandfather had been through a cerebral stroke..the point where plans can turn very fast and the feeling of true love brings you back where you want to be..
 Circles way of living life..the place determined to be  is Belgium..interesting adventure  in its own way..
My soulfamily in pellenberg was ok with me coming back to join them living on the sacred land surrounded by nature and I was forever grateful to walk on the pathway of the little trailer about 2 weeks ago..that piece of land is so special..soul and heart fully flourishing feeling home..the smell of the roses, the moisturized feeling of the young leaved life all over the oneness
new life and new beginnings..
 In the meantime my 2 grandfathers  are resting and getting nurtured in the same hospital..same floor..and about a week ago I flowed intuitively at my grandmothers place where I am living in this be with her in this time of heavy waves flow..
 Rewriting roots..letting go of stories of drama created by fear and rewriting my own life stories from within a space of all is illusion, all our stories ..our life experiences can be based on love or on fear and frustration..if that is the way, our mind will lable them as in a place where roots have been grown from childhood It makes it possible to observe this roots in a profound I ok with this way of living life, of seeing the world I live in through these eyes or do I decide consciously for myself to rewrite my story and live my life from within a pure honest way of life and  love.. letting go of image to be someone, anger, frustration, deceit, control..all ingredients of my birthroots..ingredients, identities I consciously choose to let go
letting go creates space for new..for me..I prefer love to flow into that open space ..and the love that always has lived in my roots of birth, the true love I have experienced throughout my childhood gets attention,  oxygen to water these existing roots so they can go deeper and grow become more balanced in who we truly are..
To our journey of life I am grateful for the people, the steps, the places flown together when the time was there..fully open to receive the beauty of life’s  gifts..perfect in each moment..
To my grandfathers...i am grateful there is time to spend with share from within this new state of being..
 The state of..when blinky shoes are of no more use..

where the essence of being can shine through the heart..
 In love and light,
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
Love..The language of the heart..
Ever since the existence of life love has been one universal language.. Language of the heart..In many different ways we can all awaken this language ..This way of life..
How? Following lights..Signs..Soul nurturing.. Allowing ourselves to open up for the journey inside..The journey of life.. trust that what is..Is perfect in the moment.. these are all words we have all written and read many times..And we will read and write them in many more moments while walking our paths..
I would love to share a few steps of my pathway as of lately..
It has been awhile when I last shared some life story..Lots moved and found peace in the mean time.. last year I have spent two months at a farm on the the big island of Hawaii..Kona side.. Living life in a beautiful piece of nature..Shared that part of life with a wonderful man.. Being in oneness with the land.. Animals.. People ..a place to rest..Nurture and grow.. Weeding and cleaning the land as we did in those moments we were clearing out parts of ourselves..New soil to prepare for new life.. Picking the fruits for the people.. and for ourselves..To enjoy purity of nature and Nurture our body and soul with.. as new life is nurtured by what we decide to nurture ourselves with..
A journey in love..Growth and opening for new things to happen..Veils of illusion appearing and letting go..
In December I flew with the big bird to Europe..Paris..Walking in the park at the Louvre on flip flops..Yes..I loved that moment in time..I laughed a lot.. Last money to buy a train ticket to Mechelen.. Sleeping in my sleeping bag on the bench at the station when the snoring of the man beside me woke me up..Mahalo universe..It was about real time to get on that train..
Few hours and rest later I arrived at Mechelen station..Where I left about 4 months earlier that same year..With the perspective of traveling ‘the world’..
I had seen a very small bit of that 'world’ and only a very very tiny bit what was still unknown for me..Very early that 4 months ago my soul was called to Hawaii again..So after 3 weeks of going here and there..kind of Lost..I arrived where I did feel connected and home..hawaii
Any ways.. December Mechelen station..My brother is picking me up..So grateful to see him back after that amount of time..A little car sharing moment and happy to be home..Home with the people you love..A place you 'know’..
I spent 2 weeks at my brother’s place with Sofie and the children..An amazing gift what brought a lot of life..And joy.. Thankful to grow towards each other in one more profound way..These two little girls sneaking in your room in the morning to snooze a little longer together..Mmmmm..I enjoyed it with all my heart..
Week 3 and 4 I was able to live at my cousin’s place..That was nice to be by myself for a little while and after that I got embraced by my brother’s family for the 2 weeks coming up..By that time it was Christmas and New years..Happy to celebrate that within my close family and enjoying every moment..Love.. Intensely being together..An adventure at itself..
Visa time.. I decided to apply for a tourist visa for 6 months..All approved..Good to go..Or maybe not quite yet.. The day before I was supposed to leave Belgium all my Phone..Got taken away.. Anyway it wasn’t time to leave yet..
I allowed myself to found peace within and asked myself the question why..Why am I not yet supposed to leave Belgium.. I see now very clearly why.. a place to live..To be in oneness with nature.. a place where I was able to allow myself to be the most of me..That place popped up..That was such an amazing gift..To feel home within myself..heart is home and I was able to feel that in my land of birth..
It all was flowing as smoothly as it could be
Paperwork .. Relation to friends and family..More from within that pure space of the heart..More smoothly and easy..flow.. For me one of the biggest gifts to be able and allowing myself to be the most of me in oneness and relation to my family of birth..
My heart is home..
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
The web of life..Love and light..
Ho'okena ..A piece of paradise..A place on Hawaii, big island, where I have felt in peace ever since my body, heart and soul connected to the island..
Jay and I pathways had gone different direction and the farm life would be that 2 months episode in my life looking back at
 Grateful for it all.. Wondrous of gift..
Little tiny shuttle tent and open door kitchen..Me, friends and Hawaiian family .. gattered once more at hookena beach..A pure place of nature where there is also the drug and alcohol part present.. That part has always have been an interesting relation with myself..I see that is the place of growth and joy..Love the light and the shadow.. Dolphins and sharks..To see both parts inside myself and allowing myself to embrace them..Live in harmony with them..With myself..As complete being..
I would run away from the shadow..The drugs and alcohol at the point where I couldn’t hold myself together anymore..I would go in meditative state of being to ‘survive’ the shadow and then when I wasn’t able to keep myself together anymore I would run away.. Letting go on people and places I had dearly loved before..
now I see..Know.. this state of being in meditation is a state of being in connection...In oneness with all there is...
I am here now at the point of embracing love in light and shadow..How..To live and see from within the heart..In a more profound state of being..
The journey towards that new state of being has been so blissful..I would love to share..
5 years ago during a meditation I saw myself on a white sandy on stelts..One beautiful vision.. That vision kept popping up throughout the years..That’s what they do:)..4 years ago I was swimming with 2 bottle nose Dolphins at hookena bay while they guided me out of the bay. I found myself in the deep blue ocean and looked up..There was that beach..The white sand beach from the vision.. my soul knew and I cried purely from my heart that was touched so profoundly..
3 years ago I shared this story with a dear fisherman friend, tony. He told me he was going to guide me over to that place..He knew about the existence of it.. I saw him walking the cliffs towards that place one night..Going together has never become a reality since he died 2 years ago..With love and aloha I see and feel him..His soul still present..
This year..The vision still alive..Keeps popping up..I decide to swim out to that place..Arriving there I realize I cannot go to shore..Way to heavy waves and stream.. Swimming back I feel so alive..I danced in the water..Filled with joy and energy..Yes yes yes..My soul was fully alive.. A few days later I felt the moment had come to hike out there..The cliffs..I saw Tony walking those cliffs..I knew it was possible.. I climbed up and found a trail..I hiked all the way down.. Emotional release..So much sadness..Tears.. Release from deep within the heart..I felt empty when reaching the white sand beach..Ready to let my heart fill itself with love..I have reached that place of vision..I was there.. Joy..Pure joy..Love.. Strength..New life..
I sat down in silence for hours..Swam..Sat down..Walked around a little bit.. so many visions coming through of passed lives..Memories which I have carried all my life and now they found there way back inside and out.. Such a profound experience.. For me..This point I life was so huge..So high..So big..
After a few hours I hiked back up..There was a house on the property and a way that leaded up to the main road down to hookena..
Back at the black sand beach of hookena I shared my story with Alan, my Hawaiian grandfather, fisherman. Allowing myself to let it all settle..
Next days where very much filled with motion..And emotion.. I was aware I found myself on a turning point in life..Lost..Home.. Couldn’t handle the low energy anymore that was also present at hookena..In oneness with the high energy also present.. Everything and all.. I tried to sit in silence in the rocks, swam out in the ocean.. Dolphins dancing.. 
and after a few days of dancing..I decided to go to kalahiki again..And stay there..How long I didn’t know.. it would be clear at one point..
As soon as I arrived down at kalahiki the question pops up..'Why have I ever come to Hawaii?’ why am I so drawn to Hawaii, to this place?..I figured out the answer would appear when I was ready and open to it to receive..
I felt so at peace down there..No one else within the next 3-4 miles..Silence..Pure nature.. 2 nights and 2 days..I am home..My heart is home..I realized Hawaii, the journey back and forth to Hawaii..All these years..these beautiful people along the road..Letting go of Veils of illusion..Letting go of untruthful thought..Food.. Behavior.. to come home..Within the heart..It is.. Wherever you are..
What do I want? Where do I feel living my life? It got cleared up all of a sudden..Mist disappearing..Clear blue sky.. I want to live closer to my family of birth..One day have a family of myself and share that with the family of birth I love so truly..It might be a warmer climate then Belgium though:)..Yet not the other side of the world..We can be together and share time..
For now I would love to explore 'the world’ 
I feel ready..The turning point I am aware of.. to live truthful by heart.. Explore more of other people.. Oneself..All and everything..sharing..Being who I am..
I will fly to the mainland within a month or so..Taking my time to prepare..To leave from within a peaceful space of self.. Exciting for the flow of life.. grateful for every step of this amazing journey..Called life..
With love and aloha..I love you.. Yahuna
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
Love..The language of the heart..
Ever since the existence of life love has been one universal language.. Language of the heart..In many different ways we can all awaken this language ..This way of life.. How? Following lights..Signs..Soul nurturing.. Allowing ourselves to open up for the journey inside..The journey of life.. trust that what is..Is perfect in the moment.. these are all words we have all written and read many times..And we will read and write them in many more moments while walking our paths.. I would love to share a few steps of my pathway as of lately.. It has been awhile when I last shared some life story..Lots moved and found peace in the mean time.. last year I have spent two months at a farm on the the big island of Hawaii..Kona side.. Living life in a beautiful piece of nature..Shared that part of life with a wonderful man.. Being in oneness with the land.. Animals.. People ..a place to rest..Nurture and grow.. Weeding and cleaning the land as we did in those moments we were clearing out parts of ourselves..New soil to prepare for new life.. Picking the fruits for the people.. and for ourselves..To enjoy purity of nature and Nurture our body and soul with.. as new life is nurtured by what we decide to nurture ourselves with.. A journey in love..Growth and opening for new things to happen..Veils of illusion appearing and letting go.. In December I flew with the big bird to Europe..Paris..Walking in the park at the Louvre on flip flops..Yes..I loved that moment in time..I laughed a lot.. Last money to buy a train ticket to Mechelen.. Sleeping in my sleeping bag on the bench at the station when the snoring of the man beside me woke me up..Mahalo universe..It was about real time to get on that train.. Few hours and rest later I arrived at Mechelen station..Where I left about 4 months earlier that same year..With the perspective of traveling 'the world'.. I had seen a very small bit of that 'world' and only a very very tiny bit what was still unknown for me..Very early that 4 months ago my soul was called to Hawaii again..So after 3 weeks of going here and there..kind of Lost..I arrived where I did feel connected and home..hawaii Any ways.. December Mechelen station..My brother is picking me up..So grateful to see him back after that amount of time..A little car sharing moment and happy to be home..Home with the people you love..A place you 'know'.. I spent 2 weeks at my brother's place with Sofie and the children..An amazing gift what brought a lot of life..And joy.. Thankful to grow towards each other in one more profound way..These two little girls sneaking in your room in the morning to snooze a little longer together..Mmmmm..I enjoyed it with all my heart.. Week 3 and 4 I was able to live at my cousin's place..That was nice to be by myself for a little while and after that I got embraced by my brother's family for the 2 weeks coming up..By that time it was Christmas and New years..Happy to celebrate that within my close family and enjoying every moment..Love.. Intensely being together..An adventure at itself.. Visa time.. I decided to apply for a tourist visa for 6 months..All approved..Good to go..Or maybe not quite yet.. The day before I was supposed to leave Belgium all my Phone..Got taken away.. Anyway it wasn't time to leave yet.. I allowed myself to found peace within and asked myself the question why..Why am I not yet supposed to leave Belgium.. I see now very clearly why.. a place to live..To be in oneness with nature.. a place where I was able to allow myself to be the most of me..That place popped up..That was such an amazing gift..To feel home within myself..heart is home and I was able to feel that in my land of birth.. It all was flowing as smoothly as it could be...Paperwork .. Relation to friends and family..More from within that pure space of the heart..More smoothly and easy..flow.. For me one of the biggest gifts to be able and allowing myself to be the most of me in oneness and relation to my family of birth.. My heart is home..
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
Text oneness..
What an adventure this life more and more me..ain't always easy.. Love and fear..walking hand in hand.. Being with myself is an easy natural way for me to live with someone together and share life more out of my comfort zone.. Funny how pure I am, live this life and how nature itself lives within pairs, this for the opposite of natural feels as struggle.. So yes..what now. I can keep running away forever when it comes to a point where it comes to the deepest of love shared or I can break this circle now and forever.. My old patterns behaviour, my fear wants to run so fast and far away in this own moment. Deepest of fear is pushed, deepest of wounds are touched.. This scenario already happened once in my life. By then I wasn't able to deal with it. I still love that man from the deepest of my soul. I always will. Well..I am here again.. I am more me in this moment and I see more clear from within my heart that this purest of love is one to treasure. What I see is that I am pretty messed up in how to live my life together with someone next to me. To live in patterns you are not have woven yourself..this feeling of struggle, fear, and love in the same moment.. Behaviour of men and women.. I can see I have always seen behind the scenes, deep inside I have always believed there is a way pure from the heart. Free from woven patterns, far away from your own truth.. For me.. I wanted to let my man shine in his full potential, it is kind of a help him speak his own truth..use his own voice.. actually I wanted that man to turn in someone I wanted him to become, instead of letting him Also..I wanted to be seen by my man, how? to do what they do and I hoped by doing that they would see me.. So..briefly..I would become a man and wanted my man to become a or why? Because it is all turned up within me..and it is time to unwind this all and find my own natural way of man/woman truth and way of life.. So today I married myself and I will be truthful to me for the rest of my be more and more me..a woman..yin-yang energy in oneness within shine my love and light and to feel my self inner power to speak and stand for my own truth.. Grateful to live together with an amazing man who is who he is..supports me.. sees me and let me be more and more give me the freedom to shine from within my heart..being me gives him the love and light to become more and more him.. is our light that needs the world to shine..and men will always have our backs..they are there..they see us..they feel us.. It is our own responsibility to see our selves and become more and more of who we truly men can become more and more in their power.. We can unite and lift each other up..higher and higher..eagles flying together..that is who we all are and can be.. I have always believed in this truth and I always will.. Life is one beautiful dance..we can all live it to the fullest.. I love and see you..shine my love and light into this miraculous world.. Thank you for being you
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
Yahuna's love fairytale
This is the story I am living within this own moment..a few weeks ago I felt the union of the divine male and female inside myself..the pathway of enlightenment as I am living it..I was floating in the ocean, eyes closed, in oneness with the water ..during this meditation I saw my own divine male and female energy become in oneness.. As a goddess I moved in the ocean and I felt the god inside myself dancing along..flowing as one.. Shakti and shiva.. So blissful, so much joy..amusing myself and all there is.. When I felt the moment had come to swim to shore and warming up at the warm black sand I raised my head, opened my eyes and saw this particular man walking at the beach.. A friend I knew already a few years from now.. I had my own moment of laughter and joy..why:)? If you ask me how my divine man would look like, inside and out..well..that particular man appears pretty close to that:).. So..I looked to father sky and winked..hihi.. I love these moments of inside joking..self amusement I call them.. Anyway i laid down at the hot sand and after a while we shared a moment of Aloha..I prepared dinner at my pick nick table as we sat in silent for a moment. The beach and sunset have the magic and we both resonated pretty well with that magic too, many years we have crossed pathways and today our lips found their way..melting to become one.. In an eye wink days flew by, flattering as butterflies, playing in joy and bliss as dolphins, raw wolf energy in a passionate dance of union..the flow of life.. Discovering the land he is living in that moment, I fell in love again.. It all felt, appeared as a perfect fairytale.. Back at Hookena I realised the transition energy inside myself. This kind of state I become aware of when things are shifting..movement.. Either you flow with it or not.. The flow feels in harmony within my heart.. So that is where I decide to pull out my anchors from the beach..grateful for the time I have lived here and knowing it will always be there.. On top of the hill, we drive north.. we arrive at a farm filled with coffee and fruit trees.. living at such place only my dreams knew existence of..and an amazing man to share all this beauty and magic with.. Living outdoor life, an open space in front of us overlooking a little valley..trees of all kind ..sleeping underneath the high bamboo in a luxury tent.. Taking outdoor shower, embraced by an old beautiful tree.. A zen garden to meditate and practise yoga.. Eating fruit fresh from the tree in the mornings.. My hands and feet playing with the Earth, dancing with the flowers in the garden.. Napping in the arms of a tree.. Ocean time whenever I feel like..Pretty amazing life I am living..realising that it has always been perfect in each moment.. Every second every moment shared in my life..has been perfect in that own moment.. Grateful to experience once more the love between two wonderful people become more then one that where people talk about two become three? Kundalini rising in divinity.. Eagles bringing each other higher and higher by simply being who they are.. Allowing the other to be who he truly is by being your own true self.. Mahalo enjoying this fairytale life I send Aloha to all of you..
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
A forest nymph falling in love with the valley of the kings..
A few days ago an old local friend showed up at ho'okena beach..nice to see eachother, catching up, sharing I feel myself being amused by listening to Hawaiian history and these legendary stories passing trough from generation to generation .. 'What about checking out waipi'o valley?' Joe asked me while calling it a day.. Yes yes..I would love to go and discover this miraculous place. 'Good, come and pick you up next ready, all packed for the day at 7 am.' Yes then.. Tuesday October 4th, 7am..all dressed up..swim suit..toe shoes..water and bananas.. Pick up stops and I jump in. 2,5hours drive to the other side of the island, cruising on saddle road down to Waimea, cowboy town. Cattle ranches, western atmosphere..mmmmmm. So nice to have this change of energy, of environment.. Waipi'o lookout ahead of us..where most of the cars park and people continue walking down this steep hill we are blessed to have a 4 wheel drive and joe has a property down at waipi'o..we are allowed to drive this hill into the valley of the kings.. The most fertile place of the island, most wanted area by the Kings for generations on.. anything would grow down there. While we drive down joe is eager to share stories about one clan conquered the other one. 'Imagine Yahuna, you are a warrior..all dressed up having a carnival party. Marching down this hill, there is only one way you can go in and out the everybody in the valley will see you coming. Now you imaging one army of warriors marching down..ready to conquer the valley. Those living down the valley believing this is a joke, everybody all dressed up for carnival the time the habitants of the valley realised it was more about a battle and a weapon dance rather then a party with beers and laughter the army had entered the valley and claimed the valley as their new land..' Completely in oneness with the story I witnessed myself marching down the hill, overlooking this amazingly beautiful valley..eagles dancing lush forest..high hills..rivers..trees of all kind, bearing fruits in one unconditional way..providing people and animals down the valley. We parked the car ones we arrived and entered the gate. I was guided along the property and after a moment of relaxing we took our bagpack and walked into the forest to the naenaevi fall.. Crossing rivers, getting in touch with all wild life and living species.. Wauw, incredible this place. So fertile, so fresh and so I was aware of a feeling of being fully alive and awake..surrounded by this beauty of nature.. We arrived at a pond, at the foot of nae nae' vi fall. We greet the local boy that's sitting there..smoking, taking in the precious moment.. Joe knew this young man, they were cousins. The valley have been their home for many years from now.. Talking in pigeon(the local dialect) and looking up above, checking up on me for a second and then joe their 'plan' with me. ''It has been a while we were both up there, wanna join us?'' Before I realised what I was up too..we were already climbing this steep wall formed by plants and rocks up to the next pond and ..the next pond...Oohhh wauww, what a flow of energy rushing through my body. 3 monkeys in oneness with this pure raw picture of nature..awakening this forest human being I once must have been.. Yes..I loved all of it. Jumping in the ice cold water of the waterfall, climbing the rocks I felt as I was born life running through my veins. A moment of pure perfection. Fully awake and revitalised we were now hanging on this wall of plants, making a new pathway..every step was a new one. Making our own pathway in this jungle high above the ground. One moment I realised how high and how new and familiar this complete scenario was..a pure laugh from deep within found expression and the three of us smiled from the inside out..fully alive.. Half an hour of monkey swinning and dancing later we arrived at a property of one of joe's friends and few miles after that we were walking the 'existing' trail of waipi'o valley. It gave me the time to settle in all what just happened to me the last 2 hours. As we arrived at the beach..the ocean right in front of us, waves saluting us and the wind blowing the salt water in our faces..mmmmm..refreshing and satisfied I lied down on the sand, rooting myself into this sacred land.. I had to stand up and continue our walk into the valley for another few miles to get back at the place where our adventure had started, that same this own moment it seemed as one lifetime ago. Crossing the rivers once more, admiring all this fruit..the wild horses..locals being there. Joyful to meet tourists to give them a ride up and down the hill. Mmmm..boy..what an adventure, Aloha waipi'o valley..mahalo for your wondrous of one most pure forms ever experienced..for the growth inside oneself..the awakening of a forest goddess bathing in pure humbleness
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
Hello inner peace..Stilness after 34 years of running..
Hello inner peace.. ..i embrace you..i see you..feel has been one ride of a journey already.. Stilness after 34 years of running..moving in all directions possible..bottomless enthousiasms..inexhaustible willpower..a dog chasing his tail going in all directions at the same time..diving from one project into the other.. A few years ago I kind of woke up of an illusionary dream that there was someone..something that could make me took me a while to finally let go of all the illusionary veils that I had put on myself, making myself believe my own illusionary story..pealing them away has been a real journey, still is and will be.. As the reality I live in the here and now is as real as the tears flowing on my cheeks at this own moment..grateful to share this with all of you and let these words find their way into the world.. Being aware of this pure peaceful feeling inside..the stillness is an amazing gift I wish to all of us as a space to live in.. A journey of tears..of laughter..of ups and downs..a struggle at of the mind and heart, sometimes in oneness other times both dancing the tango at their own body literally being pulled in opposite directions.. And then oohhhh what a blessing these moments I feel them both in the same flow, the most sensual salsa dance much life energy flowing through my body, radiating this love and light into existence.. knowing by heart the truth is what I am living and feeling, it is awake inside me..I am able to live that truth, I believed so strongly it had been there inside my only had to wake see the know the unknown.. ..letting go of the old patterns, habits and security..the seen and known by the mind..which makes us humans keeping ourselves in a golden cage of 'security'.. Oohh yess, it is tuff at has been a struggle with, light and darkness in the same one moment.. To peal away the veils of illusion, you have to feel..see them first. The cure for pain is within the pain..Having the strength, inner power to go to that space of fear and self created become the observer of oneself, without identifying oneself with the illusion our mind created..with emotions or whatever it is that keeps us away from seeing the own truth..emotions are there, grateful to feel them..and see them.. We can live and see them without making them become remain peaceful, when angriness runs through once veins..breath into the heart, it will flow away..the same way it popped up out of nowhere.. Putting a fist in someone's face will make it only staying alive just longer..we do that to is a never ending illusionary mind trick, because then you feel identify with that emotion and you will force yourself to put on the mask of the good guy, buying presents or is only actually turning in circles.. We are able to observe, to let go of the circle and to become our true selves..I believe we all are able to live within that space of true self love, true self be.. grateful to be able to journey into have faith in my own truth and to live that in honesty with myself.. Thank you all of you to be a part of this journey.. Love and gratitude, Kim/yahuna
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
Text Aloha
A few hours of airplane mode, after cruising from Hollywood Blvd towards LAX body felt like a cocktail mixture of deep peace combined with a drop of excitement arriving at kona airport.. So grateful to feel the warm air entering every pore of my body and feeling the sweet smell of the island covering me up as a blanket gently finding his way down on my shoulders..mmmmm..I remembered, every little bit of it.. I had one of most beautiful souls picking me up from the airport, after embracing and feeling Aloha in all dimensions we were on our way to..a beach off course:)..we are on hawaii..Hihi.. Only about a ten minutes later I was drifting in the arms of the ocean with a Aloha necklace around amazing feeling of heart opening and surrendering to the moment..which was only one of perfection in all ways possible.. Enjoying the most sweetest mango afterwards and then cruising 'home'.. Nathan, this beautiful soul mentioning before, is watching the house of a friend and was grateful I got invited to stay there too.. So very blessed, this place is a real gift. Especially to blend in after being a way for a while. Near the ocean, surrounded by green lush forrest..a garden so soft to walk on, your feet falling immediately in love with the earth underneath it.. The lava rocks created these natural baths to lower the body temperature in such sweet loving way.. Refreshing our inner body with fresh coconut water..wauwwww what a real bliss..sleeping under the full moon, the wide open sky..stars..magic.. After a few days I started moving around:)..and get in touch with friends of nathan, which was really nice and brought some amazing gifts with it..such as a great hike into the craters.. We were 6 loving souls embodied having a real nice day of sharing one of most amazing hikes in pure nature, sharing these beautiful stories and having some superb Mexican meal afterwards..njammmmmmmm. A jump in ocean's blue water cooled down our temperature and the little twinkle raindrops were perfect in the and gratitude falling out of the sky upon us to embrace us fully.. Driving home..eyes gently was a perfect day, mahalo to all.. The day after I felt it was time to flow further on this wave of life and I stranded at Hookena beach..where it all started:)..complete circle completed.. Ooohh wauww so grateful to feel this deep peaceful Bathing in this big blue pond..ocean be embraced and carried by it..these big arms of infinite love and be able to fully open oneself and surrender to the moment.. Birds tsilping you up..opening sweet eyes, little stretch..legs ready to make these steps just ready to reach the ocean..mmmmm..into this warm bath, starting to move this body in such gentle way..mmmm..embraced by the warm ocean water. Laying down..singing..swimming with dolphins when they are there. Which makes it epic in all ways possible.. To feel the love shared with these amazing animals is in such profound and pure way. I use to call it my family of love and light..I still see it in that way..I am able to see us all in that way now..which I am grateful for. The expansion is beautiful and feels more complete. Resting on the warm black sand, relaxing completely..finding the lava rocks and climbing them..feeling them..their power..their softness..all of it.. Having a rest and enjoying the perfect view overlooking this bay of pureness..power in such deep profound way.. The bay embracing everything and their own is a state of being.. I am in the hitchhike adventure mode in this moment..It brings beautiful gifts popping up out of nowhere.. Such as a snooker game and a nice salad:)..and on a different moment without having any idea before putting your thumb up, you are writing at kona joe's coffee mill, having this amazing overlook..before this present moment I entered a little store, where I met this beautiful goddess I knew already from last year.. Mmmmm..yessss, thank you. I felt really like sharing this female energy in the moment..such a blessing.. So after this little adventure sharing I will hitchhike back to Hookena, probably jump in the ocean and enjoy an amazing has been open blue sky all day.. I will share some insights in the next writing..awakening lately inside oneself..which I am grateful for..growth and evolving in a loving all dimensions.. In divinity I see you and love you.. Yahuna
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
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kiminhawaii · 8 years ago
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