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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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Don’t kill me but I actually really like Kim’s look? Not sure how it’s camp but damn I like this concept/silhouette. Her organs must be SCREAMING right now.
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
how the fuxk
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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Don’t kill me but I actually really like Kim’s look? Not sure how it’s camp but damn I like this concept/silhouette. Her organs must be SCREAMING right now.
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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KIMYE. | (via TKD)
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
Moons Over Montana
Episode 12
On Sunday Night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the A-plot was the family’s yearly vacation; the B-plot was Khloe and Kylie bonding; and the C-plot was Kim’s stinginess. Follow me, and let’s go! 
Scene 2: 
Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie all head out for a casual dinner. After Kylie explains a nightmare she had where she kept waking up saying “Kourtney,” Kourtney urges the table to all seriously think about going to therapy. She finds it helpful because in their family they’re all so busy that they “can’t think about what’s happening sometimes.” Kendall doesn’t have an issue with therapy, but Kylie does. Kylie feels that you shouldn’t go to therapy “unless you’re the one asking for it,” so she won’t be going. When speaking to the camera in a confessional during this scene, Kourtney says that her mention of therapy is due in part to Bruce’s transition being public. Very curious, since this was filmed on November 17, 2014; 5 months before Bruce officially went public with his transition on 4/24/15, and about 2 months before all the girls even learned Bruce was going to transition on 1/19/15.
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Scene 3: 
At Khloe’s house, Khloe and Kim play with a pair of binoculars that belonged to their father, Robert Kardashian Sr. Once the two are done looking at close range things with with a far range optical device, Kim sighs that she “just wants to go skiing.” Khloe doesn’t think it’s “aligned in the cards” for them to do a big family trip this year because there’s been too much craziness going on. After a quick search on her phone, Kim decides that they should all go skiing in Big Sky, Montana. Like a race of words, both Khloe and Kim boldly state that they’ve never been to Montana. Wow, short-term memory really isn’t what it used to be. This scene was filmed on February 23, 2015; two days after Kim and Khloe returned from their trip to Montana on 02/21/15.
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Scene 5:
Khloe, Kourtney, Kim, Scott, Kids and Staff all board their private jet to Montana. Kourtney debuts baby Reign on KUWTK, and Kim debuts the back of North’s neck. Of course, Everybody’s Favorite Best Friend, Malika is there; and Kim’s friend Jonathan, along with Kylie, will meet them in Montana. Khloe asks Kim what the sleeping arrangements are looking like for Malika and Jonathan. Kim tells Khloe that she booked her boy Jonathan a hotel room nearby, and that Malika can either share a bed with Khloe or sleep on the couch. Khloe’s upset that Kim booked her company in a lavish hotel, but regulated Malika to a pull-out. At the end of Khloe’s day, Malika is not going on the couch, and Kim needs to figure something out quickly. This was filmed on February 18, 2015. 
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Scene 7:
After de-planing and caravanning to their rental, the Montana Crew pulls up to the house – pardon us, estate – that couldn’t accommodate Everybody’s Favorite Best Friend, Malika. Kimberly Noel Kardashian West, you mean to tell us that Malika couldn’t sleep in one of the five bedrooms, the “lounge by day, bunk room by night,” or the theater room? Or perhaps you could have not invited more people than you could comfortably house? Just some thoughts!
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Two people who have a place to lay their heads that night, Kylie and Jonathan, arrive to the estate. Kylie immediately finds her bed and retires to it with her brown paper bag. Like Scene 5, this was filmed on February 18, 2015.
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Scene 10:
The Montana Crew kicks back at the estate, laughing about familial spin the bottle, black and white double sided dildos, and one of their friends still not knowing where they will sleep later that evening. Though she wasn’t promised it, Everybody’s Favorite Best Friend, Malika, speaks her blessing and says she is going to be staying in the hotel room that night. Kim brings her back down to earth, saying that the hotel is fully booked and the only room available is the penthouse suite. But get this, even though Kim promised the room to Jonathan, the group decides that Jonathan and Malika can compete for the room with a game of charades. This episode of Always the Bridesmaid and Never the Bride, Even Though Our Best Friends Are Multi-Millionaires With A Lot of Influence was filmed on February 18, 2015.
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Scene 11:
Jonathan comes to see Kim in her room, and asks her if the rumors about Bruce are true. When Kim confirms that what he’s heard is correct, Jonathan asks a lot of follow up questions to last week’s episodes. In short: the family is adjusting, Bruce is very happy, the family has each other, and everyone will be alright. This very informative and not at all contrived conversation was filmed on February 20, 2015.
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Scene 12:
The Montana Crew plays charades to see if Everybody’s Favorite Best Friend, Malika or Jonathan gets a bed. With Khloe on Jonathan’s team and Kim on Malika’s, this seems like a very fair, diplomatic game. After a few rounds, Jonathan wins the room and asks Malika to get his bags for him. Malika, good sis: Dash Dolls got picked up! You don’t have to do this anymore! RUN!!! Malika’s loss was filmed on February 18, 2015.
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Scene 14:
Kylie and Khloe get ready to hit the slopes, and Kylie mentions a tram she wants to go on that takes you to the highest peak of the mountain. Khloe is terrified, but goes because it’s going to make Kylie happy. They have to take multiple trams to get to the top of the mountain, which isn’t even visible from lower peaks. Luckily for Khloe, the conditions are too bad for them to go all the way up, so they have to ditch this plan. Khloe and Kylie (try to) Take the Highest Peak was filmed on February 20, 2015.
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Scene 17:
After their failed attempt at skiing on the highest peak, Kylie calls Khloe into her room to talk about heli-skiing/boarding. In her confessional, Kylie says she’s determined to go to the highest peak since the tram ride didn’t work out in Scene 14. Oddly enough, Kylie asks Khloe to go heli-skiing before they even rode the trams, because this was filmed on February 18, 2015, the same day the Montana Crew arrived, and before they did any skiing at all.
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Scene 21:
Kylie and Khloe go heli-skiing. Khloe is panicking, and Kylie is chilling like she does this everyday. After hopping off the helicopter, Kylie and Khloe engage in some winter sports on the mountain. Khloe has some difficulties staying upright, but eventually gathers herself for a nice time with Kylie. Khloe and Kylie (actually) Take the Highest Peak was filmed on February 19, 2015, the day before they couldn’t make it to the top of the mountain via trams in Scene 14. Their intuition must be out of this world!
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Scene 23:
Khloe plays pool with Jonathan and asks him to apologize to Everybody’s Favorite Best Friend, Malika for being rude to her. Apparently, Jonathan told Malika she was jealous of him because he snagged the more famous friend. Jonathan clarifies his comments, and claims he said that he got the hotel room because Kim was more famous than Khloe. Ahhh, much better. Kim adds on to Jonathan’s comment, saying she took care of her friend and expected Khloe to do the same for Malika. Khloe’s now pissed, because Kim booked the estate without telling her there wouldn’t be room for Malika. Kim isn’t having it and accuses Malika and Khloe of having an inferiority complex and insinuates that Khloe keeps Malika around to showboat and entertain her. Kim, don’t be fucking rude! This scene where Kimberly Noel Kardashian West, mother of a biracial child, accused a black woman of putting on a show for a white woman and calling it friendship, was filmed on February 20, 2015; the same night the Montana Crew celebrated Jonathan’s birthday.
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Scene 25:
Scott is driving Jonathan, Malika, Kourtney and Khloe when he gets caught behind an SUV that keeps hitting the brakes. Scott, caught between this SUV and a 16-wheeler, almost has a major accident when the SUV stops abruptly, nearly causing the 16-wheeler to rear-end his car. Scott is PISSED so he pulls up next to the SUV, yells, and spits. Due to proximity and what we believe to be physics, the spit does not land on the driver of the other SUV, but on Jonathan. Oh well. This was filmed on February 20, 2015.
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That’s it for today, dolls! See you next week for our mid-season finale KUWTSnow Bunnies re-cap on KUWTKE. #DontBeFuckingRude
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
Mother Armenia
Episode 14
Hello again, dolls! The break has been fab, but I’ve got a new outfit, new notebook, and new errors, and I’m ready for the first day of school. There’s no time like the present to get to work, so let’s dive in and uncover all we missed over the summer. We can kiss when it’s done. #LetsHitIt
On Sunday night’s episode, our A-plot was Kim and Khloe’s trip to Armenia, our B-Plot was Kylie’s teenage ways, and our C-plot was Kris Jenner’s sadness. Like most things, only the Ace matters, so we’re picking the A-plot for this recap.
Scene 2:
Kim Kardashian West, of, visits her youngest Kardashian sister Khloe Kardashian (née Odom, née Kardashain), of in Khloe’s closet. Armed with day old fro-yo, Kim asks Khloe about their upcoming trip to Armenia. Khloe is packing, and Kim reminds her to pack for colder weather and conservatively because they will be bringing a lot of attention to the country. Khloe predicts that she, Kim, North and Kanye will “rule that town.” Khloe’s prediction and Kim’s eating of sprinkled fro-yo were filmed on May 10, 2015.
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Scene 3:
At her own home, Khloe gets a visit from Kris Jenner. Kris Jenner, arrives frenzied and pressed to force Rob into going to Armenia with his sisters who leave that night. Khloe reminds her mom that she told her he was not going. Khloe tells Kris that it would be great if Rob could join them, but they don’t want to force the issue. We’re super proud of Khloe because forcing the issue seven weeks after the trip had taken place would have been a travesty. This scene was filmed on June 30, 2015, nearly two months after Khloe began packing for, and presumably went to, Armenia.
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Scene 4:
The most famous Armenian girls in the world finally touch down in Yerevan, Armenia. They are joined by notable musician and fashion designer, Kanye West, along with his child kin, North West. Immediately upon arrival, Kim, Khloe, Kanye, and North are greeted with song, bread, and what appears to be every single person who was free in Armenia that night. What’s even more impressive is the spectacular manipulation of time both Kim and Khloe were able to create. Instead of going to Armenia straight from Calabasas, California, Kim and Khloe visited the future, considering that they touched down in Armenia over a month before Khloe had packed a single item of clothing for the trip. This scene was filmed on April 8, 2015.
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Scene 5:
All dolled up with various places to go, Kim chats with Khloe in their Armenian hotel room before they paint the town Kardashian. Kim’s face doesn’t move, but her eyes dance and her mouth tells Khloe that she’s expecting baby number two. Kim’s pregnancy news is only the secondary piece of information she has for Khloe. Kim literally sits Khloe down, and tells her now that she’s pregnant Khloe has got to step up her game and be the Sexy Kardashian. According to Kim, Kourtney is just flat out unsexy now, and what with her being pregnant, Khloe’s all they got. Gotta love family! This scene was filmed on April 9, 2015.
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Scene 9:
One of Kim and Khloe’s stops in Armenia finds them at a carpet factory where they are served a private dinner, receive a private fashion show, try on traditional Armenian garments, compare themselves to storybook monkeys, and dance. Kim even took a necklace right off the body of an entertainer. Just great, simple fun. This scene was filmed on April 12, 2015.
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Scene 12:
By the grace of Nori and Kim’s unborn son, Kanye West allowed the E! crew to film the pilot of his new show Keeping Up With Kanye as he visited young Armenian musicians. Per Kanye’s request, this scene was shot like Stanley Kubrick, and we got deep insight into his fears of 3D printers and the internet. What Kanye isn’t afraid of is the word, “dope,” which he said approximately 50 times, and for which we are grateful. This scene was filmed on April 9, 2015.
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Scene 21:
In the final scene, Kim and Khloe visit the Armenian Genocide Memorial with Kanye and their kousins, Kourtni and Kara. It’s always comforting to see our entertainers bring attention and context to historical events, but it’s even greater to see this documented via Instagram via a full screen graphic on a cable television reality show. Thank you E! and thank you Kim Kardashian West. We remember, we Instagram. This scene was filmed on April 10, 2015.
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Well, Dolls, I’ve got to Dash because that’s my time. Come see about your girl next week for another re-cap of KUWTArmenianPrincessAndKhloe on KUWTKE. #PrintedShoes
As promised, below is a little special surprise from me to you. Enjoy! See you in a few day! 
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kim-kardashian · 6 years ago
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kim-kardashian · 7 years ago
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(via Kim Kardashian Bikini Photoshoot Candids in Miami Beach)
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kim-kardashian · 8 years ago
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kim kardashian
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kim-kardashian · 8 years ago
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Kim out in Los Angeles, CA - May 11, 2017
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kim-kardashian · 8 years ago
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kim-kardashian · 8 years ago
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kim kardashian
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kim-kardashian · 8 years ago
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kim-kardashian · 8 years ago
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