killing-harmonyy · 6 years
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First post of the new blog is up!
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Go check it out, everyone!
- The Awakening -
WARNING! New changes are happening to participants in the pod containment branch!
Releasing participants from Pod #02, Pod #05, and Pod #11..
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U-Ugh… What’s going on…? *fully opens eyes* Huh..? Why am I..where-? *slowly sits up, realizing that he is in an open pod in a strange room*
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*sits up from another pod* W-What happened?! Did.. my magic teleport us here-?
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We..ended it all, right? So, why-
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 Everyone, please don’t be alarmed!
The attention of the now awakened survivors was now drawn to a monitor that flickered to life just after the sirens had stopped going off. Shuichi, Himiko, and Maki cautiously exited the pods that they were once in to examine the monitor.
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Who…are you?
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Ah, right, introductions..
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I’m Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer. Video games are my hobby, and I’m a fan of all genres.
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Nice to meet you.
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Nyeh.. Another Ultimate?
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Then, why are you…
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Projected on a monitor, right?
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H-How did you-?
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I predicted that you would ask me that… I think.
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The answer to that question and an explanation to everything will be explained as soon as some of the members of the Future Foundation come in…
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Which should be right now, I think.
Just as Chiaki said that, three females then walked into the pod room: one with blue hair sat in a wheelchair, another with light purple hair that was braided, and one with dark purple hair and an abnormally large tongue. The survivors directed their attention away from the girl being projected on the monitor, being more focused on the newcomers.
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We’re terribly sorry for making you three wait!
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Hello hello! It’s the wondiferous, murdiferous fiend, here to greet you with a razor-sharp smile!
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Excuse her behavior, please.
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We owe you three an explanation, don’t we?
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Moving Blogs
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After doing a lot of thinking about this, I’ve finally made my final decision.
I’m moving blogs and revamping this AU.
I kinda did some reflecting about this blog, and I realized how messy the overall plot is. 
So, doing what I think this AU needs, I’m restarting from the very beginning on a whole new blog. 
I already have the new blog all set up, and the only things I have left to do is to make the starting post and mark this blog as archived. 
The new blog’s URL is @simulated-harmony, but you can simply click here to be sent there!
Thank you so much for staying around and supporting this blog!
- Mod Jade
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Tickle me Himiko!
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Nyeh.. I have to charge up enough MP to do that..
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Maybe later?
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Maki have you ever killed a zombie?
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No, I haven’t.
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Himiko have you ever met Satan?
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Nyeh.. Satan?
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I don’t think so..
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Kiibo do you know how to perfectly master the chicken dance?
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Unfortunately, I do not.
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Whenever I try to dance, it always somehow becomes the robot..
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Shuichi how do you feel about Kaede?
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She’s a..really good friend and nothing more.
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Kaede why are you so hot?
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I don’t know..?
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Kaede what if Monokuma actually executed Shuichi instead of you anyway? He knew that you 'killed' Rantaro, but needed Shuichi out of the way because he was too smart for the killing game. While you have to live with the fact that two people died because of you.
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I don’t think..I could live with myself if that happened..
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
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Gosh, I can’t believe I let this happen again-
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School started for me in August, and it’s kept me busy.
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However, I’m now a bit more on top of things!
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I’m really sorry about the hiatus, and I’ll get back to posting normally soon!
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Shuichi what does emo mean?
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Emo is either another word for an emotional person, a style, or a type of music..
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Kaede what other talent do you see yourself having that's not a pianist?
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I can’t exactly see myself having another talents besides the Ultimate Pianist.
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Besided the piano, I never really had any other hobbies.
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Hug me Seiko!
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Ah, alright! *hugs*
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
I wonder if Aoi will arrive after Tenko wakes up.
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At this rate, that most likely will happen..
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According to what Miss Asahina told Seiko and I, he’s still making travel arrangements…
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What could be taking him so long..?
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
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Hey hey!
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There are currently 60+ asks in the askbox right now!
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It makes me really happy to be able to get this many!
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But..I still have to answer all of them.
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In order to able to answer everything, I’m going to be temporarily closing the askbox.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
Just stay positive!
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You’re completely right!
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In a time like this, we have to stay positive!
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killing-harmonyy · 6 years
So it's just playing the waiting game huh? Well at least when Tenko wakes up she'll be surrounded by her friends.
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Unfortunately, playing the waiting game is all we can do for now.
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We just need to give her time, and hope that she wakes up soon.
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