killerqueenbi · 10 months
thinking about star wars again and remembered back in 2016 when they announced they were revising the TLJ script to “reflect fan response” and we really believed that mean they were going to make stormpilot canon 💀💀 the levels of delusion… truly astounding
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killerqueenbi · 11 months
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killerqueenbi · 11 months
So many idiots have masters degrees maybe I could be the next
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killerqueenbi · 11 months
You should never forget literally the best line in all of video games
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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I haven’t seen this article posted anywhere outside of my immediate library-sphere so I wanted to shout about it - remember that supporting your local libraries is super duper punk rock 📚❤️
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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Thanks Cumming, GA
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
So I was scrolling and saw this image in an article about the European heat wave,
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And was like, uh, are you missing something there, buddy? Like all that red in northern Africa? Because that's a lot of red.
And I was going to give them the benefit of doubt, since I don't know much about the climate in Northern Africa, aside from Morroco and Egypt, which seem like really hot places, so you know, maybe it's normal there?
But nope, that's not the case:
Some selections from the article:
"The region has been experiencing some of the most intense heat waves in recent years, but in many cases they’ve been under-reported due to misconceptions about Africans’ ability to withstand them.
“Africa is seen as a sunny and hot continent,” said Amadou Thierno Gaye, a research scientist and professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. “People think we are used to heat, but we are having high temperatures for a longer duration. Nobody is used to this.”
"The Sahel, for instance, has been heating at a faster pace than the global average despite being hot already. Burkina Faso and Mali, both in West Africa’s Sahel, are among countries that are set to become almost uninhabitable by 2080, if the world continues on its current trajectory, a UK university study found. Its people are especially vulnerable due to shrinking resources, such as water, and poor amenities, and a dearth of trees and parks means there are few options for places to cool off."
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
girls with no car on grocery day
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
Luke was an invasive species in the tatooine ecosystem if you think about it, like he grew up in a space deathworld full of bounty hunters and slavers and this pansy boy was like ugh.... this place is so boring.. nothing to do... what do you MEAN you moisture boy sandstorms come in once a month there's the constant danger of tusken raiders jabba tries to raise the water tax every other week there's a fight in the marketplace every single day, what do you MEAN its boring
He shot womprats in his spare time and he was like oh.. so boring.. so bland :((( meanwhile the womprats are feral creatures the size of a wolf that can bite your head off, he threaded the needle with his skyhopper in breakneck speed and he was like :] fun and wacky activities to do with your friends,, seriously it's no wonder that he took all the wacky jedi stuff in stride because that's literally what's normal for him. Insane stuff happening all around him is just another Taungsday, he did shit like this every day after his chores were done on Tatooine. As a jedi he's like oh golly gee! Another beautiful day of smashing stuff and raising hell! His head is full of flowers. But those flowers are carnivorous and also insane
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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Song of the Anti-Sisyphus, Chen Chen
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
anyways controversial onion here but no sorry i dont give a shit if i see homeless people using drugs right infront of me as i walk down the street, if you want to complain about it you can go sit in your house and be grateful that you have one to feel better
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
sheep are so cute and i love that the villagers give me a new one whenever i fly overhead and do a little fire show for them. they always scream in delight
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killerqueenbi · 1 year
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