kiligrover-blog · 7 years
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
To the punch? Super understanding, like too understanding ya know? Being punched isn’t ok, but he’s too zen or something I dunno. It’s not natural.  I hit him, I mean it was an accident but he forgave it way too quick. 
Just want him to know he’s appreciated, I guess. 
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He sounds like a really great guy, and of course he should be understanding. It wasn’t your fault, it happens. Waking people from nightmares can be dangerous, my uncle was in the military and he nearly broke my dad’s arm once. He forgave him instantly despite how awful my uncle felt. It’s a reflex, and out of your control. But I’m sure he’ll be more than grateful for the special treatment. 
Honestly if you’d be interested, I work at a bakery, and I could give you a few special desserts? I make awesome cake, and I have epic decoration skills.
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
I don’t work at a gym, haha. I train at a gym, I’m a fighter and I gotta train. I couldn’t work at a bakery, nothing would be cooked I’d just be sat eating batters and dough to be honest. 
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Oh, sorry that’s my bad. Being a fighter is pretty badass. That makes more sense, but you don’t look like you’d need that much extra training, just looking at you. It’s not as exciting as being a fighter, but it’s fun. Oh trust me, that’s exactly what I do. It is a miracle I’m not the size of an elephant or something.
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
I’m an assistant music producer right now, but I’m working on finishing up my first producer credit- so if it does well my career is gonna explode. Can’t think of a single person who hasn’t hated at least three of their bosses, so you’re probably not alone there babe. What did you do? Yeah, she’s two, turning three in October, and she’s the love of my life but also sometimes when she screams I just want to scream back. Her name’s Julia Blake. 
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That sounds like it would be pretty awesome. Mine was a lot more boring -- I was an assistant for this big company that my dad’s works with sometimes. They were considering a merger back then and he’s a family friend I’ve known since I was a kid.. But I learned why his previous assistants quit. He is a horrible man to work for. He was always nice to me growing up, but he’s a very bad boss.  Julia -- that’s a great name, I’m sure she’s a total cutie. I love kids, you know, if you ever need a babysitter for work or just to take a break, I’d be happy to help out. 
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Kind of an ooc ask .. would you want a romantic connection?/do you have a romantic WC?
Hi babe, I don’t have an official WC posted (I’m usually too nervous to send any in) but I would srsly l o v e a boyfriend for Kili tbh. So yup! If you or anyone is interested just PM me (: xx
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
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Kili Grover Moodboard; 1/?
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Text ✉️OPEN
Blake: look
Blake: it's Friday, Killian has plans, Evie's got a sitter
Blake: and I've been itching to get in a little bit of trouble. So, we're going out whether you like it or not.
Kili: Apparently I don't have a choice, but I think I should know before I get arrested for it, what is it you're planning?
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Work actually. I have to put in a ton of work at the gym this weekend since I failed to do it during the week.
Working at a gym doesn’t sound like it’d be too bad. But spending the entire weekend at work does sound like pretty miserable. I do like my job enough though -- I work at a bakery, it’s awesome because free cookies and stuff.. How long have you been there?
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Oh no, I actually really love my job. I had to bust some major ass to get it. But between it and my toddler I’m gonna explode from stress.
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What is it you do? I admit I understand that feeling, my dad is probably the reason I got my first job -- I didn’t stay more than six months though, my boss was a cliche rich and powerful man who was a total dick. You have a toddler? That’s exhausting even without a job -- I love kids though, what’s their name?
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Doubt I’d be pissed for a little while, could just dip into my ICE bank account. In about a month I’d be annoyed. Sounds worth it.
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It could be, especially if you hate your job that much. And hey, you could use the month to hunt down a different job that won’t drive you as crazy.
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Actually, that’s exactly the same. It’s completely what happened to be honest. 
Spoiling is the plan, I just needed inspro. Massages sound fun, awesome. 
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I haven’t gotten a real massage since last year, my aunt visited and said I was too stressed. She does that a lot but usually just shoves cookies and care packages filled with stuff like that. How did he react? His reaction also will measure how much you have to work.
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
That sounds like a pretty great weekend -- what’s stopping you?
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I am so not looking forward to this weekend. I just wanna sleep and eat and sleep.
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
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TASK 3: A Letter
Dear Mother,
Maybe I shouldn’t even put that, maybe I should’ve just put your name there. Because, May, you were never really a mother to me. You were barely one to Johnny even before I was born. You were a good doctor and a good friend, or so I’m told. Dad even says at one point you were a great wife, he says you guys were happy in the beginning. But you were no mother, and you didn’t even try. 
You treated me horribly, you ruined my self esteem, you made me feel worthless, for a while you convinced me I was a terrible mistake. Johnny and dad did their best to protect me from your hate, and let’s face it you weren’t around a lot anyway.
I didn’t hate you until you died, I did know how powerful of a feeling hate is before that day. You were always drinking too much. you were always selfish, but you ruined more than one person’s life that day. You hurt dad beyond belief, you abandoned me and Johnny.. But worst of all you almost killed an innocent person, instead you left a teenager with the inability to walk for almost five years. 
And I hate you for everything you did. I hate you for living and I hate you for dying. But you changed my life, for better or worse, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t be who I am today if you hadn’t broken me down and then left me alone in the ruins of years of disgust and cruel words from my own mother. 
But now I’m twenty, and I’m not great, but I’m alive and I don’t know if I would be if you were around when I was growing up. 
I have Johnny and dad and Uncle Steve and the rest of the family, and I can finally say these words; I forgive you. I forgive you for everything, and I won’t hold onto that hate, I won’t allow you to do that to me. So I forgive you, but I don’t love you, and I don’t miss you. 
Rest in peace, 
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
You’ve come to the right place, well maybe. I once hit my older brother when he tried waking me up from a nightmare -- but I don’t think that’s exactly the same. I wouldn’t know but, you should probably just spoil the hell out of him, right? Get him his favorite food, ice the spot you hit, massages? Shit like that.
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Suggestions for a romantic way to spoil a significant other and say ‘sorry I punched you in my sleep’ wanted please and thank you.
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kiligrover-blog · 7 years
Well -- there’s always that, but I think when you wake up you might be a little pissed about your lack of income.
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I’m quitting my job and taking a four day nap, I swear to God. 
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